
HUD-L-003516-22 10/23/2022 10:09:51 PM Pglof9 Trans ID: LCV20223732269James R. Lisa, Esq.NJ Attorney Bar ID No.: 035211983910 Bergen Avenue, 2"¢ FloorJersey City, New J ersey 07306Telephone: (201) 653-2888Email: [ameslisalaw@ gmail.comAttorneys for Plaintiff(s) SUPERIOR COURT OF NEW JERSEYLucy Ayoub LAW DIVISION: HUDSON COUNTY Plaintiff, Docket No.: L 003516-22vs. CIVIL ACTIONJustin Ashley Balkin, Vanguard Solutions,LLC Jane Does 1-10, J ohn Does 1-10, ABC AMENDED COMPLAINT, DEMAND FORCorporation 1-10 TRIAL BY JURY, DESIGNATION OF TRIAL ATTORNEY, DEMAND FOR Defendants. DISCOVERY Plaintiff, Lucy Ayoub , residing at 5 Laura Drive, Cedar Grove 07009, County of Bergenand State of New Jersey, complaining of the Defendants Justin Ashley Balkin, residing at 741Franklin Avenue, Nutley, New Jersey 07110, Vanguard Solutions, LLC with a mailing addressat UPS Store 1029, 623 Eagle Rock Avenue, West Orange 07052 PO Box 196 Jane Does 1-10,John Does 1-10, ABC Corporation 1-10, deposes and says: FIRST COUNT1 On or around August 2021, Defendant Justin A. Balkin (“Defendant”) induced Plaintiff,Lucy Ayoub (“Plaintiff”), into loaning funds in the amount of $10,000 by promising to start aFidelity Investment Joint Account in both of their names.2 On or around August 23 and August 30, 2021, Plaintiff complied with Defendant’s offerby wiring two transfers to the account Defendant had started, both in the amount of $5,000 (SeePlaintiff’s Bank Statement for August 2021, “Exhibit A”).HUD-L-003516-22 10/23/2022 10:09:51 PM Pg2of9 Trans ID: LCV202237322693 On or around February 2022, Plaintiff received a text message dated February 25, 2022,that reiterated his promise to repay the debts incurred by Plaintiff at his behest, in relation to thisclaim and the others enumerated below. stating “There is no need to stay together. I will retumany fidelity account/ material item or gift, and wholly divest from you with no hesitation. I wantnothing that I came to possess since July 24th, 2021 [start of the relationship] that you havegiven me. Furthermore, you can take this as written record that I relinquish any and all claims to5 Laura Drive Cedar Grove NJ. I am saying this of my own free will as an adult on February25", 2022. We can stop this unfortunate situation before we do any further harm to each other orbecome more financially entrenched.” (See Text Message from Justin Balkin Dated February 25,2022, “Exhibit B”).4 Additionally, on or around July 25, 2022, Defendant communication to plaintiff; “I willprovide you with everything you have given me and what you’re owed”, in regards to this claimand the others enumerated below. (See Text Message from Justin Balkin Dated July 25, 2022.“Exhibit C”).5. To Plaintiff's knowledge, Defendant maintains and continues to be unjustly enrichedfrom this account that he fraudulently induced Plaintiff into paying to set up. No money has beenrepaid to Plaintiff, nor has her name ever been added to the account. WHEREFORE, Plaintiff, Lucy Ayoub, prays and demands that this Court now enter aJudgment against the Defendants Justin A. Balkin, Vanguard Solutions, LLC and ABCCorporation 1-10, , Jane Does 1-10, John Does 1-10 individually, jointly and/or severally forthe damages of $10,000 alleged via unjust enrichment, promissory estoppel, and breach of anoral contract, together with costs of suit, interest, attorney fees, interest accumulated in theFidelity Investments Joint Account and such further and other relief as this Court may deem toHUD-L-003516-22 10/23/2022 10:09:51 PM Pg3of9 Trans ID: LCV20223732269be just and equitable. SECOUND COUNT6 Plaintiff repeats, reasserts, and re-alleges all of the allegations of the First Countincorporating them herein at length and further states as follows.7 On or around December 2021, Defendant induced Plaintiff into loaning funds in theamount of $15,000 by promising to pay her back in order to, as Defendant claimed, takeadvantage of a cash discount at a flight school operating in Essex County Airport in Fairfield, NJ07004.8 On or around December 10, 2021 Plaintiff complied with Defendant’s request by signinga check in the amount of $15,000 to Plaintiff; over the 10", 11", and 13" of December, 2021three transfers were made to the Defendant each in the amount of $5,000 (See Plaintiff’s Checkand Bank Statement for December 2021, “Exhibit D”). WHEREFORE, Plaintiff, Lucy Ayoub, prays and demands that this Court now enter aJudgment against the Defendant Justin A. Balkin, Vanguard Solutions, LLC and ABCCorporation 1-10, , Jane Does 1-10, John Does 1-10 individually, jointly and/or severally forthe damages of $15,000 alleged via unjust enrichment, promissory estoppel, and breach of anoral contract, together with costs of suit, interest, attorney fees, interest and such further andother relief as this Court may deem to be just and equitable. THIRD COUNT9 Plaintiff repeats, reasserts and re-alleges all of the allegations of the First & SecondCounts incorporating them herein at length and further states as follows.10. Over the course of the relationship, on or around 2021-2022, Plaintiff and Defendantmaintained a business account for Defendant Vanguard Solutions, LLC (“Vanguard”), a businessHUD-L-003516-22 10/23/2022 10:09:51 PM Pg4of9 Trans ID: LCV20223732269under Defendant’s name. (See Vanguard Solutions Filing Documents, “Exhibit E”.)11. Plaintiff assisted Defendant with the business, did much of the procurement work, helpedgenerate clientele, and instructed Defendant how to operate a business with the understanding theincome would be shared among the two, with 70% going to Plaintiff and 30% to Defendant. (SeeEmails and Supporting Documents Concerning Vanguard Solutions, “Exhibit F”’.)12. To date, Plaintiff has reason to believe Vanguard has accumulated at least $75,000 as aresult of Plaintiff's labor supplied in reliance on promises made by the Defendant; no paymentfor services rendered has been made to Plaintiff heretofore. WHEREFORE, Plaintiff, Lucy Ayoub, prays and demands that this Court now enter aJudgment against the Defendants Justin A. Balkin, Vanguard Solutions, LLC and ABCCorporation 1-10, , Jane Does 1-10, John Does 1-10 individually, jointly and/or severally forthe damages of $52,500 alleged via unjust enrichment, promissory estoppel, and breach ofcontract, together with costs of suit, interest, attorney fees, interest and such further and otherrelief as this Court may deem to be just and equitable. FOURTH COUNT13. Plaintiff repeats, reasserts and re-alleges all of the allegations of the First, Second, andThird Counts incorporating them herein at length and further states as follows.14, On or around February 12, 2022, Plaintiff closed on the purchase of a new home at 5Laura Drive, Cedar Grove, NJ 07009 (“the residence”) in reliance of Defendant’s promise to payhalf of the down payment, closing costs, and fees (approximately $140,000) when he sold hishouse; she then placed both names on the deed. (See Deed for Residence at 5 Laura Drive, CedarGrove, NJ 07009, “Exhibit G”). (See also Down Payment and Costs for Residence at 5 LauraDrive, Cedar Grove, NJ 07009, “Exhibit H”) (See also Email Sent from Justin Balkin JanuaryHUD-L-003516-22 10/23/2022 10:09:51 PM Pg5of9 Trans ID: LCV2022373226911, 2022, “Exhibit I”).15. On or around March 2022, Defendant moved into the residence conditional to a priorpromise to pay half of the mortgage on a monthly basis (approximately $2,800); to date nopayment has been contributed and Defendant’s only attempt has been to use funds fromVanguard Solutions without Plaintiff's approval. (See Monthly Mortgage Payments forResidence at 5 Laura Drive, Cedar Grove, NJ 07009, “Exhibit J”).16. On or around May 18, 2022, Defendant indeed sold his house for a profit of roughly$300,000 over what he owed on his mortgage but has yet to satisfy his part of the bargain to thePlaintiff.17. Defendant was permitted to live at the residence for several months, along with his dog,while orally and constructively reaffirming to promise to contribute to the costs of the propertyas well his intention stated in Exhibit B; he has failed to do so. WHEREFORE, Plaintiff, Lucy Ayoub, prays and demands that this Court now enter aJudgment against the Defendants Justin A. Balkin, Vanguard Solutions, LLC and ABCCorporation 1-10, , Jane Does 1-10, John Does 1-10 individually, jointly and/or severally forthe damages of $154,000 alleged via unjust enrichment, promissory estoppel, constructivetrespass to real property, and breach of contract, together with costs of suit, interest, attomeyfees, interest and such further and other relief as this Court may deem to be just and equitable. FIFTH COUNT18. Plaintiff repeats, reasserts and re-alleges all of the allegations of the First, Second, Third,and Fourth Counts incorporating them herein at length and further states as follows.19. On or around March 26, 2022, Defendant used Plaintiff’s credit card to purchase a gymmembership in the amount of $1,434.37 without plaintiff’s knowledge or consent. (See CreditHUD-L-003516-22 10/23/2022 10:09:51 PM Pg6of9 Trans ID: LCV20223732269Card Statement for March 22 to May 19, 2022 “Exhibit K”). (See also Gym MembershipContract Signed by Justin Balkin, “Exhibit L”).WHEREFORE, Plaintiff, Lucy Ayoub, prays and demands that this Court now enter aJudgment against the Defendants Justin A. Balkin, and ABC Corporation 1-10, , Jane Does 1-10, John Does 1-10 individually, jointly and/or severally for the damages in the amount of$1,434.47 alleged via unjust enrichment, promissory estoppel, conversion of property, andbreach of contract, together with costs of suit, interest, attomey fees, interest and such furtherand other relief as this Court may deem to be just and equitable. SIXTH COUNT20. Plaintiff repeats, reasserts and re-alleges all of the allegations of the First, Second, Third,Fourth, and Fifth Counts incorporating them herein at length and further states as follows.21. On or around June 4, 2022, Plaintiff purchased a new Honda for her parents forapproximately $46,810; since neither Plaintiff nor her parents were New Jersey residents at thetime, Defendant offered to register the car and place it under his insurance temporarily until herparents could obtain the title from the defendant and register it in New York under theirinsurance. (See Personal Check for Route 23 Honda Car Purchase- Paid in Full, “Exhibit M”).22. On or around July 15, 2022, the vehicle was stolen from the parents’ home, this wasreported to Defendant’s car insurance; on or around August 23, 2022, Plaintiff attempted toascertain the status of any insurance claim on the vehicle and leamed from Travelers Insurancethat Defendant received $47,971.73 for the claim from Traveler’s Insurance Company,Defendant has not returned any of that amount to Plaintiff. (See Stolen Vehicle Report July 15,2022, “Exhibit N”).HUD-L-003516-22 10/23/2022 10:09:51 PM Pg7of9 Trans ID: LCV20223732269 WHEREFORE, Plaintiff, Lucy Ayoub, prays and demands that this Court now enter aJudgment against the Defendants Justin A. Balkin, and ABC Corporation 1-10, , Jane Does 1-10, John Does 1-10 individually, jointly and/or severally for the damages in the amount of$46,810 alleged via unjust enrichment, promissory estoppel, conversion of property, and breachof contract, together with costs of suit, interest, attorney fees, interest and such further and otherrelief as this Court may deem to be just and equitable. SEVENTH COUNT.23. Plaintiff repeats, reasserts and re-alleges all of the allegations of the First, Second, Third,Fourth, Fifth, and Sixth Counts incorporating them herein at length and further states as follows.24. On or around July 30, 2022, among other dates in July 2022, Defendant entered theresidence and removed several belongings that were not his personal property, including twowatches worth approximately a combined $19,863.05, 12 decorative pillows worthapproximately $100 each, and 2 Dyson humidifiers worth $1,175.19. (See Receipts for PersonalProperty Converted, “Exhibit O”.)25. In addition to the all the personal and real property interests Defendant damaged andstole, the worst was the humiliation, pain, suffering, gaslighting, intimidating, and generalphysical, mental, and emotional abuse as explained in painful detail by Plaintiff.26. As a direct and proximate result of the negligence and carelessness of the Defendant,Plaintiff was caused to sustain substantial and severe temporary and permanent injuries, whichhas caused her great pain, suffering, mental anguish, and loss of reputation, employmentprospects, and licensing opportunities preventing her from pursuing her usual daily activities aswell as her professional aspirations. Plaintiff has begun therapy and psychiatry for the abuse andlikely will require it for a very long time. The said injuries were of a temporary and permanentHUD-L-003516-22 10/23/2022 10:09:51 PM Pg 8of9 Trans ID: LCV20223732269nature.WHEREFORE, Plaintiff, Lucy Ayoub, prays and demands that this Court now enter aJudgment against the Defendants Justin A. Balkin, Vanguard Solutions, LLC, and ABCCorporation 1-10, , Jane Does 1-10, John Does 1-10 individually, jointly and/or severally forthe damages in the amount of $22,238.24 alleged via unjust enrichment, promissory estoppel,conversion of property, and breach of contract, as well as damages in the amount of$1,000,000.00 intentional infliction of emotional distress together with costs of suit, interest,attorney fees, interest and such further and other relief as this Court may deem to be just andequitable.Date: October 23, 2022 /s/ James R. Lisa James R. Lisa Attorney for Plaintiff DEMAND FOR TRIAL BY JURY Plaintiff hereby demands a Trial by jury as to all issues. NOTICE OF TRIAL COUNSEL Please take notice that James R. Lisa, Esq., is hereby designated as Trial Counsel in theabove-captioned matter, pursuant to R.4:25 et. seq.HUD-L-003516-22 10/23/2022 10:09:51 PM Pg9of9 Trans ID: LCV20223732269Date: October 23, 2022 /s/ James R. Lisa James R. Lisa Attorney for Plaintiff CERTIFICATION PURSUANT TO R.1:38-7I certify that confidential personal identifiers have been redacted from documents now submittedto the court and will be redacted from all documents submitted in the future in accordance withR.1:38-7(a).Date:_October 23, 2022 /s/ James R. Lisa James R. Lisa Attorney for Plaintiff CERTIFICATION Pursuant to the requirements of Rule 4:5-1 (NOTICE OF OTHER ACTIONS), I, theundersigned, do hereby certify to the best of my knowledge, information and belief, that exceptas hereinafter indicated, the subject matter of the controversy referred to in the within pleading isnot the subject of any other Cause of Action, pending in any other Court, or of a pendingArbitration Proceeding, nor is any other Cause of Action or Arbitration Proceedingcontemplated;In the event that during the pendency of the within Cause of Action, I shall become aware of anychange as to any facts stated herein, I shall file an amended certification and serve a copy thereofon all other parties (or their attorneys) who have appeared in said Cause of Action.Date: October 23, 2022 /s/ James R. Lisa James R. Lisa Attorney for PlaintiffHUD-L-003516-22 10/23/2022 10:09:51 PM Pglof1 Trans ID: LCV20223732269 Fidelity Account Loan to Justin Ashley Balkin€ ¢ 4 online citi com/US/ag/accountactivity/d8b7bSbf519 1053885828 1cde6cc9c0ea55b748a196a6d0d5806 102abae088d07adt52b782378dd4116ci67b797792, ee 00: rs Sep 23, 2021 \Transfer to Bankcard 03:04p #3689 ONLINE $5,000.00 Reference # 003264 Sep 23, 2021 \ Zelle Credit PAY ID:CTIdojsp)3zj ORG ID:CTI $5,000.00 NAME:LUCY AYOUB 560000 Aug 24, 2021 \ Zelle Credit PAY ID:CTIGyxllOpcO ORG ID:CTI $5,000.00 NAME:LUCY AYOUB Aug 23, 2021 \Zelle Credit PAY ID:CTISkZojrxt) ORG ID:CTI $5,000.00 NAME:LUCY AYOUBHUD-L-003516-22 10/23/2022 10:09:51 PM Pglof1 Trans ID: LCV2022373226910/21/22, 4:44 PM peacetully leave my home and my lite and do not look to cause me any further hurt or harm. | will give you that peace and respect and tell you here in writing that | will never bother you, and will be completely out of your life. | ask that we please break up immediately and remember that whatever way we conduct ourselves towards each other should be in a way that we would not be embarrassed to act as if our parents were watching. | see your violent tendencies and have heard av oa * of physical your threats fal aA - Wolenceanc Cc Copy Select all Share Dictionary Outlook Wawwiiity. VV Call annvaviy OSparare anu oul salvage our lives separate and apart. There is @ro need to stay together. | will return any fidelity account/ material item or gift, and wholly divest from you with no hesitation. | want nothing that | came to possess since July 24th, 2021 that you have given me. Furthermore, you can take this as written record that | relinquish any and all claims to 5 Laura Drive Cedar Grove NJ. | am saying this of my own free will as an adult on February 25th 2022. We can stop this unfortunate situation before we any further harm to each other or become more financially entrenched. It can be a simple break up if you let it be. | also will take full blame and responsibility to both sets of our parents and let them know this is my fault and choosing. | only ask that we break up respectfully and with no physical violence or any future revenge you make seek to inflict on me or Ralf. | believe you have it in you to make thin nA nimnlan nannannfiil henanl noand I haliauan pR5p4uGJiVc47ekQrDbKSE6ScY O5DYP4 11HUD-L-003516-22 10/23/2022 10:09:51 PM Pglof1 Trans ID: LCV2022373226910/23/22, 4:00 PM Screenshot_20220925_193013_7.25.22_Text.jpg | will provide you with everything you have given me and what your owed 6:33 PM Sule SY 6:33 PM Yes exactly. No Problems. So stop calling and texting me excessively Your not getting this information through text message or through the phone 4°24 PN pR5p4uGJiVc47ekQrDbKSE6ScY O5DYP4 11HUD-L-003516-22 10/23/2022 10:09:51 PM Pglof1 Trans ID: LCV2022373226910/23/22, 9:31 PM 15k Payments for Helicopter School.jpg Friday, December 10, 2021 { afK Citi: Hi, LUCY AYOUB sent you $5,000.00 using Zelle(R). View at 1:27 PM “Teh F of Saturday, December 11, 2021 ot Citi: Hi, LUCY AYOUB sent you $5,000.00 using Zelle(R). View at 9:16 PM Monday, December 13, 2021 Citi: Hi, LUCY AYOUB sent you $5,000.00 using Zelle(R). View at 3:36 PM a pR5p4uGJiVc47ekQrDbKSE6ScY O5DYP4 11HUD-L-003516-22 10/23/2022 10:09:51 PM Pglof12 Trans ID: LCV20223732269 (/DOR/BusinessFormation/) SS a 7 Help (/DOR/BusinessF ormation/Home/Faq) ~—. te Confirmation Congratulations! The transaction was successful. Transaction Information Businees Name: VANGUARD SOLUTIONS INT Entity ID: 0450736386b Transaction Date: 12/03/2021 Confirmation Number: 21337778789 Download Documents: orma on Do men Do onm on/Do nen orm. on ert ° Carlified Copy ((DOR/BusinessF ormation/Document/GetCertifiedCortificate) Please note this information for your records. You will receive an email with similar information. Please make sure to download all of your documents because these Formation documents will not be mailed to you. Documents will be available for download until 01/02/2022 from the Rocument Retrieval Center (DOR/BusinessFormation/Document) . Use access code: cb02b765-6c21-4069-ba24-114adb7bcce9 Get Annual Rerort Filing Reminders() Get CorWatch Alerts () Next Steps You will need to register VANGUARD SOLUTIONS INT for tax and employer purposes. Register now online or within 60 Jays of today’s date. We will send you an email reminder of the deadline for registering for tax/employer purposes. Continue Realetering( Rasa _num=0450736386) corp Tell us what you think. Take our quick 1-2 minute survey (https /! Did you know New Jersey offers many business services online? + Changes to your business? File online, (hite/www.n).gov/treasury/revenue/amendcerts.shtm/) + Need copies of business records? Use the BusRecords ine Service ss (BRS) (hites./ to obtain copies instantly. + Monitor your business filings with CorpWatch, (httes:/Awww.njportal. com/DOR/CoreWatc h)HUD-L-003516-22 10/23/2022 10:09:51 PM Pg2of12 Trans ID: LCV20223732269 wo pavawaree Crace au ize see need} For more online business services, visit the Division of R F (,govitreasury/revenue/) division of Revenue & Enterprise Services | tence 2Q. {Post OMe) Box 45 “renton, NJ.(New Jersey) 08646-0303 Support 2ORES (Division of Revenue and Enterprise Services) Website (http / uryievenue/) 2ollcles & Procedures “tvacy Policy (hitps:/Aww, \ceessibility Policy (hites.//mww.ninortal comvErrorPages/Accessibility,aspx) iec*nty Policy(hites/ww com/E w,i rrorPag pores/Secutal rity,aepx) -29al Statements & Disclaimers (hites./Mvww.niortal. com/errorpages/disclaimerashx)HUD-L-003516-22 10/23/2022 10:09:51 PM Pg3o0f12 Trans ID: LCV20223732269 saver bs task a TRS bc) but sesesae seerea ee ru br nresessrese (/DOR/BusinessRegistration/) ee, oo Help (tpi ppengine.egov.comlappsinj/dor/regiatration help) Business Information Ownership Information Business Classification Employment & Tax Information Contact Information Review Business Identification Required Fields [*) Business Identification Please be aware that if Entity ID is changed, the Registration information entered $0 far will be lost. Entity 10° Need Entity 1D? (htips://ninorta com/DO orm: on/Hom MW come) EIN® (Employer identificatton. Number) (EIN ts « nine-dight tong Employer ID Number assigned by IRB. cannot be ausigned of provided by the Btatn) a a Need EIN Number? (bites:/ Qumber-ein-oniine)t Continue — = Back (DOR/BusinessReaistration/) Cancel ((DOR/BusineesRegistration/Home/Cancal) ee enna -—~ division of Revenue and Enterprise Services 'Q (Past Office) Box 252 ‘Trenton, NJ 08625-0252 support JORES (Division of Revenue and Enterprise Services) Website (hitev/www.state.ojus/treasuryievenue/) ‘olicies & Procedures ‘dvacy Policy (bitea:/ivww.niportal com/ErrorPages/Privacy.aspx) ccasaibliity Policy (hitrs:/wnw. com/F rrorPages njpo /Accessib rtal ility.asp . x)HUD-L-003516-22 10/23/2022 10:09:51 PM Pg4of12 Trans ID: LCV20223732269 ve senesereeee erences cesas Sha bao WELEEr ids Sree das reeees4 Privacy Act Statement: Your information will be used to authorize the delivery of your mail to the designated addressee as your agent. Collection is authorized by 39 USC 401, 403, and 404. Providing the information is voluntary, but if not provided, we cannot provide this service to you. We do not disclose your information without your consent to third parties, except for the following limited circ*mstances: to a congressional office on your behalf, to financial entities regarding financial transaction issues; to a USPS® auditor; to entities, including law enforcement, as required by law or in legal proceedings; to contractors and other entities aiding us to fulfill the service; and for the purpose of identifying an address as an address of an agent who receives mail on behalf of other persons. Information concerning an individual who has filed an appropriate protective court order with the postmaster will not be disclosed except pursuant to court order. For more information on our privacy policies, see our privacy link on®. PS Forrn 15823, December 2004 (Page 2 of 2) (7530-01-000-9365)HUD-L-003516-22 10/23/2022 10:09:51 PM Pg5of12 Trans ID: LCV20223732269 a en re ne ee Fanaa Leiber ae Sree PME EA LEM MBS EAM ESLER EEE Renae Weenie rae ne wees wee aGIR DEPARTMENT OF THE TREASURY INTERNAL REVENUE SERVICE CINCINNATI OH 45999-0023 Date of this notice: 12-03-2021 a Identification Number: Form: Ss-4 Number of this notice: CP 5715 G VANGUARD SOLUTIONS LLC VANGUARD SOLUTIONS % JUSTIN BALKIN SOLE MBR For assistance you may call us at: 52 CIRCLE DRIVE 1-800-829-4933 ROCKAWAY, NJ 07866 IF YOU WRITE, ATTACH THE STUB AT THE END OF THIS NOTICE. WE ASSIGNED YOU AN EMPLOYER IDENTIFICATION NUMBER Thank you for applying for an Employer Identification Number (EIN). We assigned you ch This EIN will identify you, your business accounts, tax returns, and documents, even if you have no employees. Please keep this notice in your permanent records. When filing tax documents, payments, and related correspondence, it is very important that you use your EIN and complete name and address exactly as shown above. Any variation may cause a delay in processing, result in incorrect information in your account, or even cause you to be assigned more than one EIN. If the information is not correct as showr above, please make the correction using the attached tear off stub and return it to us. liability company (LLC) may file Form 8832, Entity Classification ct. 7 Ele ction, A limited and elect to be classified as an association taxable as a corporation. If the LLC is be treated as a corporation that meets certain tests and it will be elect s eligible to corporation status, it must timely file Form 2553, Election by a Small Business Corporation. The LLC will be treated as a corporation as of the effective date of thi e ss corporation election and does not need to file Form 8832. To obtain tax forms and publications, including those referenced in this notice, visit our Web site at If you do not have access to the Internet, call 1-800-829-3676 (TTY/TDD 1-800-829-4059) or visit your local IRS office. IMPORTANT REMINDERS: * Keep a copy of this notice in your permanent records. This notice is issued only one time and the IRS will not be able to generate a duplicate copy for you. You may give a copy of this document to anyone asking for proof of your BIN, 1 Use this EIN and your name exactly as they appear at the top of this notice on a your federal tax forms. * Refer to this EIN on your tax-related correspondence and documents If you have questions about your EIN, you can call us at the phone number or write to us at the address shown at the top of this notice If you write, please tear oft the tub at the bottom of this notice and send it along with your letter. Tf you do net need t write us, do not complete and return the stub. Your name control associated with this EIN is VANG. You will need to provide this information, along with your EIN, if you file your returns electronically. Thank you for your cooperation.HUD-L-003516-22 10/23/2022 10:09:51 PM Pg6of12 Trans ID: LCV20223732269 he reasrese Wo ee RS Re EET LEE ES AS a REA re eden Roe os eS kee cece oe (IRS USE ONLY) S75G 12-03-2021 Keep this part for your records. CP S75 G (Rev. 7-2007) peek oe Sac acacia en eenatesseneeeaasesaasaa= Return this part with any correspondence so we may identify your account. Please cP 575 G correct any errors in your name or address. 9999999999 Your Telephone Number Best Time to Call DATE OF THIS NOTICE: 12=03 021 ( > EMPLOYER IDENTIFICATION NUM FORM: ss-4 NCBOD a NAL REVENUE SERVICE VANGUARD SOLUTIONS LLC ic CINNATI OH 45999-0023 VANGUARD SOLUTIONS Vibstaldatlastee Wbattaettecnsateletatatal % JU! N 52 CIRCLE BALKIN SOLE MBR DRIVE4 ROCKAWAY, NI 07866HUD-L-003516-22 10/23/2022 10:09:51 PM Pg7of12 Trans ID: LCV20223732269 re4 _—— = : oars ed I ve Hosxe Ht5 te SN soo4 EIN Assistant — ee a vs enty 2 hutn Neat 6 ben 5. EIN Confirmation ‘Summary of your Information1 Plaase review the information you are abou! fo submit. I anyof the Information below is incorrnct, you wal feed to slarla cum ooklisaan Click the "Submit™ button at the bottom of the page lo receive your EIN. Organization Type: LLC LLC Information Legal name: VANGUARD SOLUTIONS LLC ‘Trade name/Doing business 05. VANGUARD SOLUTIONS. County: MoRIS StalarTemtory Nd Stan date: JANUARY 2021 StatesTerritory where icles of organization Nw are (or willbe) fled: Addresses Physical Location: 52 CIRCLE DRIVE ROCKAWAY NJ 078 Phone Number: 201-913-7061te Responsible Party Name: JUSTIN BALKIN SOLE MBR SSNATIN:*f Principal Business Activityra What your business/organization does: SERVICE Principal producta/services: SALES Additional LLC Information ‘Owns a 55,000 pounds or greater highway motor vehicle: Norf Involves gamblingwagering: No3¢ Involves alcohol, tobacco or firearms: No Files Form 720 (Quarterly Federal Excise Tax Retum): No Has employees who receive Forms W-2: No Reason for Applying: STARTED A NEW BUSINESS3 We strongly recommend you print this summary page for your records as this will be your only copy of the application. You will not be able to return to this page atter you click the “Submit” button.uesal Click "Submit to a 1d your: qu and receive your EIN, Subs ) Once you submit, please walt while your applica Is being ce can take up to minutes for your application to be proce: yi, ohiy aHUD-L-003516-22 10/23/2022 10:09:51 PM Pg 8of12 Trans ID: LCV20223732269 : = i We EIN Assistant ——— 5. EIN Confirmation +4 ety 2. Authenticat 4 Details Congratulations! Your EIN has been successfully assigned. Help Topics is Legal Name: VANGUARD SOLUTIONS LLC © Weak wra it ge nut rave aces © cant access ths tater : ¢ ata Inter date? IMPORTANT: Save andlor print this page and the confirmation letter below for your permanent records. The confirmation letter below Is your official IRS notice and contains important Information regarding your EIN, Letter Hele t CLICK HERE for Your EIN Confirmation gaptingwithyoutsavinglllatand ‘Once you have saved or printed your letter, dick “Continue” to gel additionat information about using your new EIN.HUD-L-003516-22 10/23/2022 10:09:51 PM Pg9of12 Trans ID: LCV20223732269 Bia diditiiiede wreeee eee cect ee eeseees crete ee ere ee cee oe reese ee ee Mailbox Service Agreement The UPS Store Os Canter Number 1029= Customer Information fa a Name Justin Ashley Balkin Company Vanguard Solutions LLC Adaress 52 Circle Dnve City Rockaway State NJ ZIP OF BRB Business Telephone. (973) 433-6770 Home Telephone (973) 699-8619 Fax Mobile Telephone (973) 699-7802

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Aug 27, 2024 |Anthony V Delia |Personal Injury |HUDL003207-24


Chicas William Vs Mccall Collin

Aug 27, 2024 |Anthony V Delia |Auto Negligence-Personal Injury (Non-Verbal Threshold) |HUDL003200-24


Mahmood Sheikh Vs Martinez Rey Narda

Aug 28, 2024 |Anthony V Delia |Auto Negligence-Personal Injury (Verbal Threshold) |HUDL003214-24


Trujillo-Parra Carlos Vs Iraheta Kimberly

Aug 28, 2024 |Jane L Weiner |Auto Negligence-Personal Injury (Non-Verbal Threshold) |HUDL003227-24


Gonzalez Angi Vs Inamagua-Lazo Luis

Aug 29, 2024 |Peter Baker |Auto Negligence-Personal Injury (Non-Verbal Threshold) |HUDL003241-24


Rivera Brittney Vs Lisby Wesley

Aug 27, 2024 |Kalimah H Ahmad |Auto Negligence-Personal Injury (Non-Verbal Threshold) |HUDL003193-24


Fray Jennifer Vs Geico Indemnity Comp Any

Aug 27, 2024 |Kalimah H Ahmad |Auto Negligence-Personal Injury (Verbal Threshold) |HUDL003196-24


Robert Bradford vs. KEITH STONE

Aug 23, 2024 |C23-03214

C23-03214CASE NAME: ROBERT BRADFORD VS. KEITH STONE*HEARING ON MOTION IN RE: APPLICATION FOR DGFS BTWN MUNDY AND BRADFORDFILED BY: MUNDY, PETER K.*TENTATIVE RULING:*Defendant and Cross-Defendant Peter K. Mundy, individually and dba Peters & Ross [Mundy] bringsthis Motion for Determination of Good Faith Settlement [Motion] pursuant to Code of Civil Proceduresection 877.6 [CCP 877.6]. The Motion is opposed by Defendant and Cross-Complainant K.B. StoneDiamond Corporation dba Diamond Construction [K.B.].For the following reasons, the Motion is granted.Background SUPERIOR COURT OF CALIFORNIA, CONTRA COSTA COUNTY MARTINEZ, CA DEPARTMENT 18 JUDICIAL OFFICER: GINA DASHMAN HEARING DATE: 08/23/2024This matter arises from construction defect allegations, including cracking in the walls, foundationdefects, and soils movement, and other defects throughout Plaintiffs’ single family residence.(Complaint, ¶¶ 1, 23-24.) Mundy was the geotechnical engineer that performed investigation andprovided recommendations as to the soil conditions at the residence. (Complaint, ¶ 6; Declaration ofPeter Mundy.) K.B. is the general contractor for the work at issue. (Complaint, ¶ 21.)Mundy and Plaintiffs reached a settlement for the remaining policy limits on Mundy’s burning limitspolicy, but not less than $975,000. (Declaration of Trevor McCann, ¶ 9.) Mundy presents declarationsof party, expert and counsel in support of the Motion with respect to the status of the claim and theTech-Bilt factors. Mundy’s expert, Alan Kropp declares that based on his investigation it is his opinionthat Mundy met with his standard of care, implying that Mundy does not have exposure for Plaintiffs’claims. (Declaration of Alan Kropp, ¶¶ 4-6.) The declarations submitted by Mundy do not address theestimated amount of Plaintiffs’ damages or further address the ballpark of Mundy’s exposure for suchclaims.K.B. opposes the Motion arguing that the proposed settlement is outside the ballpark of Mundy’spotential liability. The declaration of counsel for K.B. calculates that the proposed settlementaccounts for 14 percent of Plaintiffs’ estimated $7,000,000 in damages. (Declaration of ToddSchaeffer, ¶ 7.) K.B.’s counsel declares plainly that Mundy “could be” responsible for up to 100percent of Plaintiff’s damages. (Ibid.) K.B. does not present evidence to support the contention thatMundy’s scope of work is solely responsible for all of the alleged defects or discuss the basis for thecontention that this settlement is outside the ballpark of Mundy’s realistic share of liability.StandardIn an action alleging claims against multiple joint tortfeasors, a party may seek a good faithsettlement determination under CCP 877.6(a) which, if granted, generally bars any claims forcontribution and indemnity by other joint tortfeasors against the settling party. (Code Civ. Proc. §877.6(a)(1) and (c).) The criteria for a determination of good faith settlement is set forth in Tech-Bilt,Inc. v. Woodward-Clyde & Assoc. (1985) 38 Cal.3d 488 [Tech-Bilt], and includes six nonexclusivefactors: (1) a rough approximation of plaintiffs’ total recovery and the settlor’s proportionate liability;(2) the amount paid in settlement; (3) the allocation of settlement proceeds among plaintiffs; (4) therecognition that a settlor should pay less in settlement than he would if he were found liable after atrial; (5) the financial conditions and insurance limits of settling defendants; and, (6) the existence offraud, collusion, or tortious conduct aimed to injure the interests of non-settling defendants. (38Cal.3d at 499.)A party asserting that a settlement was reached in bad faith bears the burden of proof ofdemonstrating bad faith. (Code of Civ. Proc. § 877.6 (d); Schultz v. Super. Ct. (1980) 104 Cal.App.3d250, 252.) The party seeking a determination of a good faith settlement is only required to present a"barebones" motion, which sets forth the ground of good faith, accompanied by a declaration which SUPERIOR COURT OF CALIFORNIA, CONTRA COSTA COUNTY MARTINEZ, CA DEPARTMENT 18 JUDICIAL OFFICER: GINA DASHMAN HEARING DATE: 08/23/2024sets forth a brief background of the case. (City of Grand Terrace v. Superior Court (1987) 192Cal.App.3d 1251, 1261.) “[CCP] Section 877, then, requires that the settling codefendant … makesome attempt to place the price of his settlement within a reasonable range of his relative share ofthe liability.” (Torres v. Union Pac. R.R. Co. (1984) 157 Cal.App.3d 499, 507.) In response, a partyasserting that a settlement was in bad faith bears the burden of proof of demonstrating that thesettlement is “so far out of the ballpark in relation to [the Tech-Bilt] factors as to be inconsistent withthe equitable objectives of the statute.” (Code Civ. Proc. § 877.6 (d); Tech-Bilt, supra, 38 Cal.3d at499-500; North County Contractor's Assn. v. Touchstone Ins. Services (1994) 27 Cal. App. 4th 1085,1091; Schultz v. Super. Ct. (1980) 104 Cal.App.3d 250, 252.)Trial courts have “broad discretion in determining whether a settlement was entered in good faithand within the Tech-Bilt ballpark.” (Norco Delivery Service, Inc. v. Owens-Corning Fiberglass, Inc.(1998) 64 Cal.App.4th 955, 962.) Ultimately, for the Court to grant the Motion, the “settlement figuremust not be grossly disproportionate to what a reasonable person, at the time of the settlement,would estimate the settling defendant’s liability to be.” (Tech-Bilt, supra, at p. 499) “[B]ad faith is notestablished by a showing that a settling defendant paid less than his theoretical proportionate or fairshare.” (Id. at 491.) “Even where the claimant's damages are obviously great, and the liability thereforcertain, a disproportionally low settlement figure is often reasonable in the case of a relativelyinsolvent, and uninsured, or underinsured, joint tortfeasor.” (Ibid.)The court is entitled to rely on its judicial experience in assessing the good faith of the settlementamount. (Cahill v. San Diego Gas & Electric Co. (2011) 194 Cal.App.4th 939, 968.) The court shouldreasonably consider whether the evidence before it shows that the settlement accounts for allavailable coverage. (See North County Contractor's Assn., supra, 27 Cal.App.4th at 1094, citing Countyof Los Angeles v. Guerrero (1989) 209 Cal.App.3d 1149, 1157-1158 [settlor's modest financialcondition and insurance policy limits overrode the other factors]; Schmid v. Superior Court (1988) 205Cal.App.3d 1244, 1246 [finding settlement for policy limits in good faith].)AnalysisIn support of the Tech-Bilt factors, Mundy submits declarations, which present evidence that (1) theconstruction defect claims center on cracks in the walls, (2) Mundy was the geotechnical consultantfor the project and is implicated in such claims, (2) Mundy has a $1,000,000 policy that applies to thisclaim and the policy limits are diminished by defense fees and costs incurred, (3) Plaintiffs will receiveMundy’s remaining policy limits, in no event less than $975,000, and (4) Mundy worked to resolve thedefects prior to litigation and reached settlement shortly after the case was filed.In response, the declaration of K.B.’s counsel states that Plaintiffs seek $7,000,000 in damages andMundy’s settlement is approximately 14 percent of such amount. K.B. presents no expert declarationor other evidence of allocation to argue that Mundy’s settlement is outside the Tech-Bilt ballpark. SUPERIOR COURT OF CALIFORNIA, CONTRA COSTA COUNTY MARTINEZ, CA DEPARTMENT 18 JUDICIAL OFFICER: GINA DASHMAN HEARING DATE: 08/23/2024This court notes from the Complaint that there are no allegations of punitive damages against Mundy,and Plaintiffs allege damages “in no event less than $6,500,000 plus interest.”This court recognizes that Mundy presented evidence of the extent of his solvency and the limitationon available his liability insurance proceeds. Clearly, Mundy has made efforts to maximize amountsavailable for settlement. The Complaint and the declaration of counsel establish that Mundy’ssettlement is 14 percent of the $7,000,000 Plaintiffs seek in damages. The Complaint and declarationssubmitted in support and opposition of this Motion establish Plaintiffs’ claims implicate Mundy’swork. Mundy’s expert declaration states that he met with his standard of care and is not liable forPlaintiffs’ damages.K.B. argues that Mundy has liability based on the report Mundy prepared for Plaintiffs. (Declaration ofTodd Schaeffer, ¶¶ 5-7.) K.B. presents no evidence that Mundy did not meet his standard of care withrespect to his scope of work for the project. K.B.’s declaration of counsel does not present evidenceto support the allocation of 100 percent liability to Mundy or discuss defendants’ actual exposure forPlaintiffs’ damages. K.B. does not present an expert declaration to support its opposition. As such,K.B. presents no credible evidentiary basis to support its argument that this policy limits settlementon a wasting limits policy is outside the ballpark of Mundy’s exposure or otherwise in bad faith.Accordingly, K.B. has not met its burden to demonstrate that Mundy’s policy limits settlement is inbad faith.The amounts offered by Mundy for settlement are almost $1,000,000, undeniably a significantamount for repair or even for construction of a single family home. Disapproval of the good faith ofthe settlement would require defendant to continue his defense, at the expense of policy limitsotherwise available for settlement, opening himself to further personal exposure and evenbankruptcy. We see no virtue in this. (See Schmid, supra, 205 Cal.App.3d at 1249.)After considering the potential exposure to defendants for this claim, Mundy’s scope of work,insurance limits available for Mundy’s liability, the financial declaration by Mundy, and the settlementamount to be paid, this court determines that Mundy’s settlement is in good faith pursuant to CCP877.6 (a) and Tech-Bilt, supra, 38 Cal. 3d at 499.CCP 877.6, subpart (c) provides: “A determination by the court that the settlement was made in goodfaith shall bar any other joint tortfeasor or co-obligor from any further claims against the settlingtortfeasor or co-obligor for equitable comparative contribution, or partial or comparative indemnity,based on comparative negligence or comparative fault.” This bar includes disguised claims forindemnity or contribution, including direct claims that seek only to recover derivative damages.(Norco Delivery Service, Inc., supra, 64 Cal.App.4th at 964, citing Cal-Jones Properties v. Evans PacificCorp. (1989) 216 Cal. App. 3d 324, 327-328.) CCP 877.6 does not bar direct claims by Plaintiffs. SUPERIOR COURT OF CALIFORNIA, CONTRA COSTA COUNTY MARTINEZ, CA DEPARTMENT 18 JUDICIAL OFFICER: GINA DASHMAN HEARING DATE: 08/23/2024Accordingly, pursuant to this court’s good faith settlement determination and CCP 877.6 (c), any andall actual or potential claims in this action against Mundy for equitable comparative contribution orpartial or comparative indemnity, based on comparative negligence or comparative fault by otherjoint tortfeasor or co-obligor are barred.



Aug 29, 2024 |21STCV20276

Case Number: 21STCV20276 Hearing Date: August 29, 2024 Dept: 40 Superior Court of California County of Los Angeles Department 40 MARISELA VASQUEZ; ANTHONY IXTA, a minor, by Marisela Vasquez as his guardian ad litem; ANABELLE IXTA, a minor, by Marisela Vasquez as her guardian ad litem; LUNA VASQUEZ, a minor, by Marisela Vasquez as her guardian ad litem; MANUEL VASQUEZ, a minor, by Marisela Vasquez as his guardian ad litem, Plaintiffs, v. HAVEN WARNER CENTER; FPI MANAGEMENT, INC.; LISA NGUYEN; DENNIS TREADAWAY; REGINA JASINKSI; and DOES 1 through 20, inclusive, Defendants. Case No.: 21STCV20276 Hearing Date: 8/29/24 Trial Date: 8/26/25 [TENTATIVE] RULING RE: Defendants Motion to Compel Further Discovery Responses from Manuel Vasquez, by and through his Guardian ad litem Marisela Vasquez, and Request for Sanctions [CRS # 2254] Defendants Motion to Compel Further Discovery Responses from Luna Vasquez, by and through her Guardian ad litem Marisela Vasquez, and Request for Sanctions [CRS # 3297] Defendants Motion to Compel Further Discovery Responses from Anthony Ixta, by and through his Guardian ad litem Marisela Vasquez, and Request for Sanctions [CRS # 0861] Defendants Motion to Compel Further Discovery Responses from Anabelle Ixta, by and through her Guardian ad litem Marisela Vasquez, and Request for Sanctions [CRS # 8996] Background This is a personal injury action in which Plaintiff Marisela Vasquez and her four children, Anthony Ixta, Anabelle Ixta, Luna Vasquez, and Manuel Vasquez, (Plaintiffs) allege they were injured because of bedbug bites they sustained while living in the apartment complex owned by Defendant FPI Management. (Compl. at p.1, 27-28.) On September 12, 2023, Defendant FPI Management, Inc. (FPI) delivered Form Interrogatories, Special Interrogatories, Requests for Admission, and Requests for Production of Documents to Plaintiffs. (Karim Decl., Exh. A.) On November 28, 2023, Plaintiffs served responses to the same. (Karim Decl., Exh. B.) In January 2024, FPIs counsel attempted to meet and confer with Plaintiffs counsel regarding deficiencies in the provided responses. (Karim Decl., ¶ 4-10.) On January 17, 2024, FPI filed a Motion to Compel Further Responses to Written Discovery. (Karim Decl., ¶ 10.) At the Case Management Conference on January 19, 2024, the Court ordered the parties to proceed with an Informal Discovery Conference. (Karim Decl., ¶ 11.) In February, Plaintiffs served further discovery responses, which FPI alleges still contained deficiencies. (Karim Decl., Exh. C.) During the March Informal Discovery Conference, the Court ordered the parties to continue to meet and confer. (Karim Decl., ¶ 13.) Subsequently, FPI made several attempts to meet and confer with Plaintiffs counsel. (Karim Decl., ¶ 14-17.) Plaintiffs provided further amended responses in May (Karim Decl., ¶ 18.) FPI alleges these responses contained the same deficiencies. (Karim Decl., ¶ 19.) FPI has made several attempts to meet and confer since but has received no response. (Karim Decl., ¶ 19-22.) FPI moved to compel Plaintiffs Manuel Vasquez (Manuel), Luna Vasquez (Luna), Anthony Ixta (Anthony) and Anabelle Ixta (Anabelle) to provide further responses to FPIs Special Interrogatories, Requests for Admission, Set One, and Requests for Production of Documents. FPI also requests sanctions against Plaintiffs for $5,900.00. Plaintiffs have not filed any response, despite facially valid proofs of service attached to each motion and supporting papers. Because the motions are essentially identical, they are each subject to the same analysis, below. Motion to Compel Further Discovery Responses Legal Standard Code of Civil Procedure § 2030.300, § 2031.310, and § 2033.290 provide for a party to bring a motion to compel further responses to Interrogatories, Requests for Production, or Requests for Admission where the responding party provides inadequate, incomplete, or evasive responses, or the objections are too general or without merit. The propounding party must submit a declaration under Code of Civil Procedure § 2016.040 stating facts demonstrating a good faith and reasonable effort to informally resolve all issues raised by the motion. Code of Civil Procedure § 2030.300(b); § 2031.310(b)(2); § 2033.290(b). The motion must be brought within 45 days of service of the responses or supplemental responses. Code of Civil Procedure § 2030.300(c); § 2031.310(c); § 2033.290(c). Sanctions are mandatory against the party or attorney who unsuccessfully makes or opposes a motion to compel further unless the party acted with substantial justification or the circ*mstances make imposition of sanctions unjust. Code of Civil Procedure § 2030.300(d); § 2031.310(h); § 2033.290(d). Analysis Procedural Defects The Court notes that the single motion submitted should have been submitted as separate motions, one for the interrogatories, one for the requests for admission, and one for the further production of documents. While there is no specific provision of law that, in so many words, requires separate motions for each, motions under Code of Civil Procedure § 2030.300, § 2031.310, and § 2033.290 each require separate statements under California Rules of Court, Rule 3.1345. Code of Civil Procedure § 1003 provides: Every direction of a court or judge, made or entered in writing, and not included in a judgment, is denominated an order. An application for an order is a motion. Since the granting of the current motion would necessarily require three orders (one for each discovery device), it is seeking to combine three motions into one. Nonetheless, because of the four plaintiffs, this would result in some 12 motions, which likely would all have been heard over the course of several weeks if not months. Accordingly, except to the extent there is any prejudice to the plaintiffs, the Court will overlook this procedural defect. However, the notice of motion is inadequate to provide any relief related to the request to compel further responses to FPIs request for production of documents. Specifically, the notice of motion does not provide any statement placing responding party on notice of the nature of the request, as FPIs request for different document formats is not described in the notice, and only appears in the separate statement. This not only violates the requirement in California Rules of Court, Rules 3.1110 and 3.1112 to provide the nature of the order being sought and the grounds for issuance of the order and the basis for the motion and the relief sought, respectively, but basic due process. The party against whom an order may be issued is entitled to adequate notice. Meet and Confer A motion to compel further discovery responses must be accompanied by a meet and confer declaration stating facts showing a reasonable and good faith attempt at an informal resolution of each issue presented by the motion. (Code Civ. Proc. §§ 2030.300, subd. (b)(1); 2016.040.) FPI contends that since the second Informal Discovery Conference, FPI has made several efforts to meet and confer with Plaintiffs counsel, but has received no response (Karim Decl., ¶ 19-22.). Boilerplate Objections It is sanctionable conduct to assert boilerplate objections which lack merit. (Code Civ. Proc. § 2023.010, subd. (e); Korea Data Systems Co., Ltd. v. Superior Court, (1997) 51 Cal.App.4th 1513, 1516.) If an interrogatory is objectionable only in part, the unobjectionable portion should be answered. (Code Civ. Proc. § 2030.220.) Moreover, it is not grounds for objection that the request is ambiguous, unless the request is so ambiguous that responding party cannot in good faith frame an intelligent reply. (Cembrook v. Superior Court, (1961) 56 Cal.2d 423, 430.) The burden is on the responding party to justify its objections in response to a motion to compel. (Fairmont Ins. Co. v. Superior Court, (2000) 22 Cal.4th 245, 355.) FPI argues that a majority, if not all, of Plaintiffs responses contain a set of meritless boilerplate objections. Such objections are improper in that they lack any specificity. Under California law, objections must be specific (Korea Data Systems Co., Ltd. v. Superior Court, (1997) 51 Cal.App.4th 1513, 1516.). Plaintiffs have failed to provide any justification for the objections. Interrogatories Each answer in a response to interrogatories shall be as complete and straightforward as the information reasonably available to the responding party permits. & If an interrogatory cannot be answered completely, it shall be answered to the extent possible. & If the responding party does not have personal knowledge sufficient to respond fully to an interrogatory, that party shall so state, but shall make a reasonable and good faith effort to obtain the information by inquiry to other natural persons or organizations, except where the information is equally available to the propounding party. (Code Civ Proc. § 2030.220.) A propounding party may move for an order compelling further responses to interrogatories if any of the following apply: (1) An answer to a particular interrogatory is evasive or incomplete; (2) An exercise of the option to produce documents under Section 2030.230 is unwarranted or the required specification of those documents is inadequate; or (3) An objection to an interrogatory is without merit or too general. (Code Civ. Proc. § 2030.300, subd. (a).) When responding to interrogatories, the answering party owes a duty to respond in good faith as best it can. (Deyo v. Kilbourne, (1978) 84 Cal.App.3d 771, 783.) A party has a duty to answer the interrogatories as completely and straightforwardly as possible given the information available to it. (Code Civ. Proc. § 2030.220.) The duty to truthfully and fully respond has been described as follows: Parties must state the trust, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth in answering written interrogatories. (Guzman v. General Motors Corp., (1984) 154 Cal.App.3d 438, 442 (internal quotations and citations omitted).) Special Interrogatories Nos. 5, 24, 36, 39, 43, 46, 52, 55, 58, 61, 64, 67, 70, 73, 76, 79, 82, and 85 Interrogatory 5 requests the identities of anyone else living with Plaintiffs while they lived at the property. Interrogatory 24 requests information about Plaintiffs contention that members of the household suffered from the chemical sprays used to treat the unit for bedbugs. Interrogatories 36, 39, 43, 52, 55, 79, and 82 request information about Plaintiffs contention that FPI did not adequately operate the building to protect its tenants from bedbug exposure. Interrogatory 46 requests information about Plaintiffs contention that FPI has a pattern and culture of extreme indifference and reckless disregard for human life Interrogatories 58, 61, 64, and 67 request information about Plaintiffs contention that FPI and its agents acted with intent to harm them. Interrogatories 70, 73, and 76 request information about Plaintiffs contention that FPIs agents owed them a duty of reasonable care. Interrogatory 85 requests information about Plaintiffs contention that they suffered emotional distress. FPI argues that all of Plaintiffs responses to the above include boilerplate objections, including attorney-client privilege, expert opinion, and a right to privacy. FPI also argues that Plaintiffs do not directly address the interrogatories in their responses. Plaintiffs have not filed any Opposition to the motion. Upon review, the Court agrees that the responses do not recite facts, but rather cut and paste the same general conclusions as to liability for various failures. Accordingly, the Court will grant the motion to compel further responses to the Special Interrogatories. Requests for Admission With regard to requests for admissions, the only proper responses are to 1) admit, 2) deny, or 3) state that a reasonable inquiry concerning the matter in the particular request has been made, and that the information known or readily obtainable is insufficient to enable that party to admit the matter. (Code Civ. Proc. § 2033.220.) Where any portion of the request is true the party to whom it is directed must admit that portion: Each answer shall & [a]dmit so much of the matter involved in the request as is true, either as expressed in the request itself or as reasonably and clearly qualified by the responding party. (Code Civ. Proc. § 2033.220, subd. (b)(1).) Whether an admission is admitted to or denied, the admission or denial must be as complete and straightforward as the information available reasonably permits. (CCP. § 2033.220, subds. (a), (b)(1).) Requests for Admission Nos. 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, and 30 Requests for Admission 21, 22, 23, 24, and 25 ask Plaintiffs to admit that in December 2020 they were served with various notices to enter the unit for pest control treatment and refused to allow access. Request for Admission 26 asks Plaintiffs to admit they did not request any pest control treatment between December 31, 3020 and February 22, 2021. Requests for Admission 27, 28, 29, and 30 ask Plaintiffs to admit that in February 2021 he was served with notice to enter the unit for pest control treatment and refused to allow access. Plaintiffs responds that the requests are unintelligible and that they do not recall. FPI argues that Plaintiffs response includes boilerplate objections, including attorney-client privilege and expert opinion. FPI also argues that Plaintiff does not state that a reasonable inquiry was made as required by Code of Civil Procedure section 2033.220. Plaintiffs have not filed any Opposition to the motion. Upon review, the Court agrees that the responses to requests for admission do not comply with the requirements of the Code. If Plaintiffs cannot recall, that does not render the request unintelligible. Accordingly, the Court will grant the motion to compel further responses to the Requests for Admission. Requests for Production of Documents Parties must provide electronically stored information (ESI) in usable form. (CCP. § 2031.280, subd. (e).) If necessary, the responding party at the reasonable expense of the demanding part shall, through detection devices, translate any date compilations included in the demand into reasonable usable form. (CCP. § 2031.280, subd. (e).) In FPIs Memorandum of Points and Authorities and the Separate Statement, it contends that Plaintiffs produced documents in improper format. (See e.g., Memo. Points and Auths., Manuel Vasquez pp. 6-7.) However, FPI does not mention the request for different document formats in the notice of motion. Thus, FPI has not provided proper notice of the request. Accordingly, the Court will deny the motion to compel further responses to the Document Requests. Sanctions FPI seeks sanctions against Plaintiffs for the work done on all these motions, as well as the previous motion as to the mother, Mariela Vasquez, in the amount of $5,900. (Karim Dec., ¶¶ 23, 24.) While it is a little unclear whether this is requested per motion, or for all five motions combined, the Court construes this request as being combined for the work on all five motions. Under California Code of Civil Procedure Chapter 7 (commencing with Section 2023.010), the court must impose a monetary sanction against any party, person, or attorney who unsuccessfully makes or opposes a motion to compel a further response to a demand [or interrogatories], unless it finds that the one subject to the sanction acted with substantial justification or that other circ*mstances make the imposition of the sanction unjust. (Code Civ. Proc., § 2030.300, subd. (d).) The court may award sanctions under the Discovery Act in favor of a party who files a motion to compel discovery, even though no opposition to the motion was filed, or opposition to the motion was withdrawn, or the requested discovery was provided to the moving party after the motion was filed. (Cal. Rules of Court, rule 3.1348, subd. (a).) As these motions was not opposed by Plaintiffs, and the Court grants each motion as to two of the three discovery devices raised by the motion, the Court finds that sanctions are appropriate. FPI seeks sanctions in the amount of $5,900 for the work done on this and the other four motions involving the other plaintiffs. This Court previously awarded $1,770 in sanctions for the motion to compel further discovery responses from Marisela Vasquez. (Min. Order, Aug. 19, 2024.) Thus, the Court will grant sanctions in the amount of $4,130 total for the remaining four motions. Conclusion The Motion to Compel Further Discovery Responses from Manuel Vasquez, by and through his Guardian ad litem Marisela Vasquez, and Request for Sanctions is GRANTED as it relates to special interrogatories and requests for admission. The motion is DENIED as to the request for production of documents. The Motion to Compel Further Discovery Responses from Luna Vasquez, by and through her Guardian ad litem Marisela Vasquez, and Request for Sanctions is GRANTED as it relates to special interrogatories and requests for admission. The motion is DENIED as to the request for production of documents. The Motion to Compel Further Discovery Responses from Anthony Ixta, by and through his Guardian ad litem Marisela Vasquez, and Request for Sanctions is GRANTED as it relates to special interrogatories and requests for admission. The motion is DENIED as to the request for production of documents. The Motion to Compel Further Discovery Responses from Anabelle Ixta, by and through her Guardian ad litem Marisela Vasquez, and Request for Sanctions is GRANTED as it relates to special interrogatories and requests for admission. The motion is DENIED as to the request for production of documents. Further responses shall be due within 30 days. The request for sanctions is GRANTED in the amount of $4,130 as against Plaintiffs and their counsel, which are also payable within 30 days.


Remedy Renae Howard vs. Carmen Williams et al

Aug 29, 2024 |CU23-04463

CU23-044631. Plaintiff’s motion compelling carmen williams to appear for deposition and forsanctionsTENTATIVE RULINGPlaintiff’s motion is granted. Plaintiff has adequately demonstrated that notices ofdeposition were properly served on two occasions; that no objections to the notice wereserved; that no motion to quash the deposition notice was filed and served; and that norequest to continue the deposition was made in a timely fashion other than two separateemails as follows: For the deposition notice served January 8, 2024 (deposition dateFebruary 13, 2024), no response was received from defendants’ counsel until February8, 2024, only five days before the noticed deposition, and that was an email fromdefendants’ counsel indicating he was unavailable on February 13, 2024. (Plaintiff’sMotion, Exhibit B.) For the deposition notice served April 18, 2024 (deposition dateJune 14, 2024), no response was received from defendants’ counsel until June 11,2024, only three days before the noticed deposition, and that was an email fromdefendants’ counsel stating: “I have not been able to arrange this. you need toreschedule, with options. I need to depose your client at the same time. Await proposedtimes.” [sic].Defendants failed to file an opposition to the motion; instead, filing a document entitled“Defendants Carmen Williams, and Just Like Home Childcare Inc. Respond to Plaintiff’sMotion for Sanctions.” However, this document actually opposed both plaintiff’s motionsto compel the deposition of defendant Williams and the motion to compel the depositionof the person most qualified of defendant Just Like Home Childcare Inc. as well as therequests for sanctions in each motion. This document was filed August 26, 2024 andserved apparently via facsimile on the same date. To be considered a timely oppositionto either motion, defendants’ opposition should have been filed and served nine courtdays before the hearing, or August 16, 2024. [Code Civ. Proc. §1005(b).] Defendants’“opposition” was filed 10 days late. No request for leave of court to file a late oppositionwas made or granted; and no explanation was provided for the late filing. Therefore,the Court declines to consider this filing. [CRC 3.1300(d).]Carmen Williams is hereby ordered to attend her deposition on a date selected byplaintiff’s counsel within the next ten days. Carmen Williams is ordered to produce,without objection, all documents requested in the deposition notice, at the deposition.Sanctions are addressed at the end of the Tentative Ruling.2. Plaintiff’s motion to compel responses to form interrogatories and forsanctionsTENTATIVE RULING Page 2 of 3Plaintiff’s motion is granted. Full and complete verified responses without objectionsshall be served within twenty days of the date of service of the order.Sanctions are addressed at the end of the Tentative Ruling.3. Plaintiff’s motion to compel deposition of person most knowledgeable re justlike home childcare, inc. And for sanctionsTENTATIVE RULINGPlaintiff’s motion is granted. It is unclear to the Court if defendant Carmen Williams isthe Person Most Knowledgeable regarding the Matters for Examination set forth inplaintiff’s deposition notice. Whether Williams is the proper person for the PMKdeposition, or someone else, the deponent is hereby ordered to attend her depositionon a date selected by plaintiff’s counsel within the next ten days. The persondesignated most knowledgeable is ordered to produce, without objection, all documentsrequested in the deposition notice, at the deposition. If it is determined that Williams isthe PMK, she shall only sit for one deposition, limited to seven hours in length. [CodeCiv. Proc. §2025.290(a).]SANCTIONSSanctions are imposed against defendants and their attorney of record, Timothy J.Walsh, in the amount of $4,500.00, and are due and payable to plaintiff’s counsel withintwenty days of the date of service of the order.______________________________________________________________________ Page 3 of 3



Aug 29, 2024 |23PSCV02608

Case Number: 23PSCV02608 Hearing Date: August 29, 2024 Dept: 6 CASE NAME: Jianna Elizabeth Fuentes, et al. v. Nicolas Elias Valle, et al. 1 - Claimant Eden Lomas Petition for Approval of Compromise of Claim or Action or Disposition of Proceeds of Judgment for Minor or Person with a Disability; 2 - Claimant Emerie Lomas Petition for Approval of Compromise of Claim or Action or Disposition of Proceeds of Judgment for Minor or Person with a Disability; and 3 - Claimant Emma Fuentes Petition for Approval of Compromise of Claim or Action or Disposition of Proceeds of Judgment for Minor or Person with a Disability TENTATIVE RULING The Court DENIES Claimant Eden Lomas petition for approval of compromise of claim or action or disposition of proceeds of judgment for minor or person with a disability without prejudice. The Court DENIES Claimant Emerie Lomas petition for approval of compromise of claim or action or disposition of proceeds of judgment for minor or person with a disability without prejudice. The Court DENIES Claimant Emma Fuentes petition for approval of compromise of claim or action or disposition of proceeds of judgment for minor or person with a disability without prejudice. Petitioner is ordered to provide notice of the Courts ruling and file proof of service of same within five days of the Courts order. BACKGROUND This is an auto accident case. On August 24, 2023, plaintiffs Jianna Elizabeth Fuentes (Petitioner), minor Eden Lomas (Eden), minor Emerie Lomas (Emerie), and minor Emma Fuentes (Emma) (collectively, Plaintiffs) filed this action against defendants Nicolas Elias Valle (Defendant), Joseph Adam Pedroza,[1] and Does 1 through 50, alleging causes of action for motor vehicle and general negligence. On May 21, 2024, the Court approved Petitioners applications and orders for appointment as guardian ad litem for Eden, Emerie, and Emma (collectively, Claimants). On June 6, 2024, Plaintiffs filed a notice of settlement. On August 15, 2024, Petitioner filed petitions for approval of compromise of claim or action or disposition of proceeds of judgment for minor or person with disability on behalf of Claimants. The petitions are unopposed. LEGAL STANDARD Court approval is required for all settlements of a minor's claim or that of a person lacking the capacity to make decisions. (Prob. Code, §§ 2504, 3500, 3600 et seq.; Code Civ. Proc., § 372; see Pearson v. Superior Court (2012) 202 Cal.App.4th 1333, 1337.) "[T]he protective role the court generally assumes in cases involving minors, [is] a role to assure that whatever is done is in the minor's best interests . . . . [I]ts primary concern is whether the compromise is sufficient to provide for the minor's injuries, care and treatment." (Goldberg v. Superior Court (1994) 23 Cal.App.4th 1378, 1382.) A petition for court approval of a compromise under Code of Civil Procedure section 372 must comply with California Rules of Court Rules 7.950, 7.951, and 7.952. The petition must be verified by the petitioner and contain a full disclosure of all information that has "any bearing upon the reasonableness" of the compromise or the covenant. (Cal. Rules of Court, rule 7.950.) The person compromising the claim on behalf of minor, and the represented person, must attend the hearing on compromise of the claim unless the court for good cause dispenses with their personal appearance. (Cal. Rules of Court, rule 7.952(a).) An order for deposit of funds of a minor or person lacking decision-making capacity and a petition for the withdrawal of such funds must comply with California Rules of Court Rules 7.953 and 7.954. (Cal. Rules of Court, rule 3.1384; see also Super. Ct. L.A. County, Local Rules, rules 4.115-4.118.) DISCUSSION Form MC-350 (Rev. January 1, 2021) The petitions have been verified by Petitioner and presented on a fully completed mandatory Judicial Council Form MC-350, using the current January 1, 2021 revision. (Cal. Rule of Court Rule 7.950.) Settlement Claimants agree to settle their respective claims with Defendant in exchange for $8,000.00 each, $3,250.00 of which will go to each Claimant. If approved, $2,000.00 will be paid in attorneys fees, and $2,750.00 will paid to Wellness Involved Chiropractic, leaving a balance of $3,250.00 for each Claimant, to be transferred to a custodian for the benefit of Claimants under the California Uniform Transfers to Minors Act. Court approval is required for all settlements of a minor. (Probate Code, §§ 3600, et seq.; Code Civ. Proc., § 372.) The Court has reviewed the proposed settlement and finds the Petitions do not contain a full disclosure of all information that has any bearing upon the reasonableness of the settlement amount to Claimants, as paragraph 10 of the Petitions is incomplete, and only indicates that Defendant will pay $8,000.00. (See Petitions, ¶ 10.) $8,000.00 seems reasonable given Claimants injuries, but Petitioner needs to properly complete the Petitions. The Court also notes that paragraph 11.b.(5) is incomplete as the names and amounts listed total only $56,000, not the $64,000 total amount offered by Defendant. (See Petitions, ¶11.) Attorney Fees The retained attorney's information has been disclosed as required by Rule of Court 7.951. (Petitions, ¶ 17, subd. (b).) There is an agreement for services provided in connection with the underlying claim. (Petition, ¶ 17, subd. (a)(2).) Copies of the agreements were submitted with the Petitions as required by Rule 7.951, subdivision (6), of the California Rules of Court. (Teroganesyan Decls., Ex. A; Cal. Rules of Court, rule 7.951, subd. (6).) Claimants counsel is seeking to recover $2,000.00 in attorney fees from each Claimant, i.e., 25% of $8,000.00. (Petitions, ¶ 13, subd. (a); Teroganesyan Decls., ¶ 4, Ex. A.) Counsel has provided a declaration addressing the reasonableness of the fee request, as required by Rule 7.955, subdivision (c), of the California Rules of Court, accounting for the factors specified in Rule 7.955, subdivision (b). (Cal. Rules of Court, rule 7.955, subd. (c).) Rule 7.955, subdivision (b), provides: (b) Factors the court may consider in determining a reasonable attorney's fee. In determining a reasonable attorney's fee, the court may consider the following nonexclusive factors: (1) The fact that a minor or person with a disability is involved and the circ*mstances of that minor or person with a disability. (2) The amount of the fee in proportion to the value of the services performed. (3) The novelty and difficulty of the questions involved and the skill required to perform the legal services properly. (4) The amount involved and the results obtained. (5) The time limitations or constraints imposed by the representative of the minor or person with a disability or by the circ*mstances. (6) The nature and length of the professional relationship between the attorney and the representative of the minor or person with a disability. (7) The experience, reputation, and ability of the attorney or attorneys performing the legal services. (8) The time and labor required. (9) The informed consent of the representative of the minor or person with a disability to the fee. (10) The relative sophistication of the attorney and the representative of the minor or person with a disability. (11) The likelihood, if apparent to the representative of the minor or person with a disability when the representation agreement was made, that the attorney's acceptance of the particular employment would preclude other employment. (12) Whether the fee is fixed, hourly, or contingent. (13) If the fee is contingent: (A) The risk of loss borne by the attorney; (B) The amount of costs advanced by the attorney; and (C) The delay in payment of fees and reimbursem*nt of costs paid by the attorney. (14) Statutory requirements for representation agreements applicable to particular cases or claims. (Cal. Rules of Court, rule 7.955, subd. (b).) The Court addresses these factors below. Amount of Fee in Proportion to Value of Services Performed Claimants counsel indicates that the contingency rate for each of the Claimants in this matter is 25%, and claims to have represented Claimants zealously in the prelitigation and litigation phases of this action. (Teroganesyan Decls., ¶¶ 4, 9.) Novelty and Difficulty Claimants counsel provides no information about the novelty or difficulty of this case. The Court infers from the Petitions and attached medical bills that this case was neither novel nor particularly difficult. (See Petitions, Attachment.) Amount Involved and Results Obtained Claimants counsel only mentions a 25% contingency and does not mention the actual dollar amount involved or the results obtained. (See Teroganesyan Decls., ¶ 4.) Nature and Length of Professional Relationship Claimants counsel has been representing Claimants in this action since November of 2021. (Teroganesyan Decls., ¶ 2, Ex. A.) Experience, Reputation, and Ability of Counsel Claimants counsel states that she has extensive experience representing Plaintiffs in personal injury cases. (Teroganesyan Decls., ¶ 8.) Time and Labor Required Claimants counsel provides no information about the amount of work undertaken for this case. Acceptance of Case Precluding Other Employment Claimants counsel does not address whether acceptance of this case precluded other employment. Contingent Fee Claimants counsel accepted Claimants case for a 25% contingency fee. (Teroganesyan Decls., ¶ 4, Ex. A.) Claimants counsel offered to advance the costs associated with this action, and otherwise does not request reimbursem*nt for any costs. (Teroganesyan Decls., ¶ 5; Petitions, ¶ 13, subd. (b).) The Court finds that Claimants counsel has adequately demonstrated the reasonableness of the fee award in light of the factors and circ*mstances in this case. Medical Bills Claimants have each incurred $4,091.50 in medical expenses, but Wellness Evolved Chiropractic has agreed to reduce its liens to $2,750.00 each. (Petitions, ¶ 12, subd. (b)(5); Id., Attachment, p. 23 of pdf.) Costs Claimants counsel is not seeking to recover costs. (Petitions, ¶ 13, subd. (b).) Amount to Be Paid to Claimant The net amount to be paid to each of the Claimants is $3,250.00. (Petitions, ¶ 15.) Disposition of Balance of Proceeds Petitioner requests that the net proceeds, $3,250.00 for each Claimant, be transferred to a custodian for the benefit of the minor under the California Uniform Transfers to Minors Act. (Petitions, ¶ 18, subd. (b)(6).) Petitioner did not provide the name and address of the proposed custodian and the money or other property to be transferred on Attachment 18b(6), as directed in the Petitions. (Id.) The Court needs more information on this, considering that it appears Petitioner is seeking to have the money made payable to her. (Proposed Orders, ¶ 8, subd. (b)(2).) Court Appearance Rule 7.952, subdivision (a), of the California Rules of Court requires attendance by the petitioner and claimant unless the court for good cause dispenses with their personal appearance. (Cal. Rules of Court, rule 7.952, subd. (a).) The Court finds that the appearances of the Claimants are not required due to their minor status. However, the petitioners attendance is required. Prognosis Claimants have recovered completely from the effects of their injuries. (Petitions, ¶ 8, subd. (a).) Proposed Order MC-351 Petitioner has filed a Proposed Order Form MC-351 for each of the Claimants. Incomplete Forms The Court also notes that although the Court approved Petitioners applications and orders for appointment as guardian ad litem for Claimants, Petitioner did not mark the box for guardian ad litem on the Petitions. (See Petitions, ¶ 1.) Petitioner also did not mark the same box on the proposed orders. (See Proposed Orders, ¶ 2.) The Court further notes that Petitioner did not provide the judicial officers name on paragraph 1, subdivision (c), of the proposed orders. (See Proposed Orders, ¶ 1, subd. (c).) Based on the foregoing, the Court DENIES the Claimants petitions for approval of compromise of claim or action or disposition of proceeds of judgment for minor or person with a disability without prejudice. CONCLUSION The Court DENIES Claimant Eden Lomas petition for approval of compromise of claim or action or disposition of proceeds of judgment for minor or person with a disability without prejudice. The Court DENIES Claimant Emerie Lomas petition for approval of compromise of claim or action or disposition of proceeds of judgment for minor or person with a disability without prejudice. The Court DENIES Claimant Emma Fuentes petition for approval of compromise of claim or action or disposition of proceeds of judgment for minor or person with a disability without prejudice. Petitioner is ordered to provide notice of the Courts ruling and file proof of service of same within five days of the Courts order. [1] Defendant Pedroza appears to be named only and not served.



Aug 29, 2024 |24PSCV01099

Case Number: 24PSCV01099 Hearing Date: August 29, 2024 Dept: O Tentative Ruling DEFENDANTS, LDI MECHANICAL INC. AND CARLOS HUERTAS NOTICE OF MOTION AND MOTION FOR COMPLETE CONSOLIDATION OF CASES 22PSCV01733, 24PSCV01045 AND 24PSCV01099 HEARD ON JULY 1, 2024 is GRANTED.[1] Background This case arises from a motor vehicle accident that happened on 4/25/2022. On November 8, 2022, Plaintiff Natasha Khoj Shikari filed her action against Defendants LDI Mechanical Inc.; Carlos Huerta for (1) motor vehicle. On December 7, 2022, Defendants each filed their respective answers. On April 15, 2024, the court issued its ruling re: Notice of Related case and found that that the following cases, 22PSCV01733 and 24PSCV01045, are related within the meaning of California Rules of Court, rule 3.300(a). 22PSCV01733 is the lead case. On May 29, 2024, Defendants filed the instant motion. On June 21, 2024, Plaintiff filed a notice of non-opposition to the motion. According to the motion, Plaintiff requests that the Motion to Consolidate be granted in its entirety. (Motion p. 2:1-2.) On July 1, 2024, the court held its hearing in the 22PSCV01733 case wherein Defendants, LDI Mechanical Inc. and Carlos Huerta's Notice of Motion and Motion for Complete Consolidation of Cases 22PSCV01733, 24PSCV01045, and 24PSCV01099 is GRANTED; effective upon filing the motion in case number 24PSCV01099. On August 7, 2024, the instant motion was filed in case 24PSCV01099. Discussion As indicated in the courts ruling issued in the 22PSCV01733 case, the three actions are based on the same car accident that happened on April 5, 2022, past the intersection of Fairplex Drive and Avalon Avenue in Pomona, California wherein Defendant Huertas vehicle impacted Plaintiff Shikaris vehicle. Plaintiff Shikaris vehicle then impacted Plaintiff Angel Gonzalezs vehicle, and Plaintiff Angel Gonzalezs vehicle struck Plaintiff Aguilars vehicle. With the same or overlapping issues (based in negligence), the actions should be consolidated and disposed of as a single proceeding. (Motion p. 7, citing Spector v. Superior Court of San Mateo County (1961) 55 Cal. 2d 839, 844.) The only defect was that the motion was not filed in case No. 24PSCV01099 such that the court ruled that the motion to consolidate would be granted effective upon filing the motion in case 24PSCV01099. Now that the motion was also filed in case 24PSCV01099, the motion is granted. Conclusion Based on the foregoing, the court enters an order consolidating for all purposes, including trial, Case No. 22PSCV01733, Case No. 24PSCV01045 and Case No. 24PSCV01099, with Case No. 22PSCV01733 as the designated lead case in this action. [1] A proposed order has been filed.


Sep 09, 2024 |S-CV-0052078

S-CV-0052078 Myers, Roger et al vs. Fielder, Fielder & Fielder et al** NOTE: telephonic appearances are strongly encouragedAppearance required.



Aug 26, 2024 |CV-20-002850

CV-20-002850 - YOUNG, BRANDON vs KESSLER, BRAD – a) Defendant/ Cross-Defendant Fit for Life, LLC’s Motion to Bifurcate Trial - DENIED; b) Defendant/ Cross-Defendant Fit for Life's Motion to Continue Trial, Continue all Discovery, Motion Expert Designation Dates, and all Other Related Dates, Pursuant to the New Trial Date – DENIED.a) The Court finds that bifurcation is unlikely to be conducive to expedition and economy in this instance, due to the likelihood of duplication of evidence on the issue of damages.b) The Court finds that Defendant has failed to demonstrate good cause for a continuance under the circ*mstances.



Aug 27, 2024 |24PSCV01179

Case Number: 24PSCV01179 Hearing Date: August 27, 2024 Dept: O Tentative Ruling (1) Plaintiffs Demurrer to the Cross-Complaint is SUSTAINED with leave to amend. (2) PLAINTIFFS NOTICE OF MOTION AND MOTION TO STRIKE PORTIONS OF CROSS-COMPLAINANTS COMPLAINT is MOOT in part (i.e., punitive damages) and DENIED in part (untimeliness). Background This is a negligence case. Plaintiffs TENG JIAO ZHOU (Zhou) and Yung Wu (Wu) allege the following against Defendants NORTH EL MONTE AUTOMOTIVE, business form unknown, and HANK JANN, an individual and JENNIFER JANN, as an individual and as TRUSTEE OF THE ELDAN JANN AND JENNIFER JANN REVOCABLE LIVING TRUST, and ELDAN JANN, as an individual and as TRUSTEE OF THE ELDAN JANN AND JENNIFER JANN REVOCABLE LIVING TRUST: Defendants hired Zhou to do repairs on the roof of a premises owned by Defendants; Zhou was not licensed nor is he a licensed contractor. On the second day of the job, Zhou fell off the latter. Zhou alleges that because he was unlicensed, he is deemed an employee of the Defendants for civil tort purposes. On April 12, 2024, Plaintiffs filed suit for: 1. Negligence 2. Premises Liability 3. Loss of Consortium (Wu is Zhous wife)


Geico Vs Allstate Insurance C Ompany

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Lararomo Jesus Vs Estime Ralph

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Aug 27, 2024 |Anthony V Delia |Tort-Other |HUDL003205-24



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