AUGUST / AGOSTO 2020 Provider Directory Cover - Primary ... · • Tenga preguntas sobre los exmenes de Pasos Sanos de Tejas. Farmacia Superior proporciona medicinas de receta por - [PDF Document] (2024)

AUGUST / AGOSTO 2020 Provider Directory Cover - Primary ...· • Tenga preguntas sobre los exmenes de Pasos Sanos de Tejas. Farmacia Superior proporciona medicinas de receta por - [PDF Document] (1)

Cover - Primary Care Providers

Provider DirectoryDirectorio de ProveedoresSTAR

5900 E. Ben White Blvd.Austin, TX 78741

316159 - Superior STAR 8.5x11.indd 16 7/17/18 10:21 AM

Cover - Primary Care Providers

Provider DirectoryDirectorio de ProveedoresSTAR

5900 E. Ben White Blvd.Austin, TX 78741

316159 - Superior STAR 8.5x11.indd 16 7/17/18 10:21 AM

Cover - Primary Care Providers

Provider DirectoryDirectorio de ProveedoresSTAR

We are ready to help!

¡Estamos listos para ayudar!

Call / Llame al 1-800-783-5386

Travis service area / Área de servicio TravisBastrop, Burnet, Caldwell, Fayette, Hays, Lee, Travis, Williamson counties / condados


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AUGUST / AGOSTO 2020 Provider Directory Cover - Primary ...· • Tenga preguntas sobre los exmenes de Pasos Sanos de Tejas. Farmacia Superior proporciona medicinas de receta por - [PDF Document] (2)

For more information, visit / para más

información, visite

¡Bienvenido a Superior HealthPlan! Los miembros de Superior reciben importantes beneficios tales como:

Acceso a la línea de consejos de enfermeras de Superior. Pueden contestar sus preguntas de salud las 24 horas al día, 7 días a la semana.

Un boletín informativo para miembros con consejos para mantenerlo saludable a usted y su familia.

Acceso a una lista de proveedores y lainformación del plan de salud en

Servicios de valor agregado para usted/su hijo, como por ejemplo: una provisión de 150 dólares para anteojos recetados y 25 dólares por trimestre para artículos de venta libre (OTC) comúnmente-utilizados.

Personal bilingüe de Servicios para el miembro para contestar sus preguntas y ayudarle a encontrar a un médico.

Welcome to Superior HealthPlan! Superior members receive important benefits such as:

Access to Superior’s nurse advice line. They can answer your health questions 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

A member newsletter with tips on keeping you and your family healthy.

Access to a list of providers and health plan information at

Value-added Services for you/your child such as a $150 allowance for prescription eyewear and $25 per quarter for commonly-used over the counter (OTC) items.

A bilingual Member Services team to answer your questions and help you find a doctor.


Inside Cover

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AUGUST / AGOSTO 2020 Provider Directory Cover - Primary ...· • Tenga preguntas sobre los exmenes de Pasos Sanos de Tejas. Farmacia Superior proporciona medicinas de receta por - [PDF Document] (3)

Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2

Choosing your Primary Care

Provider (doctor) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2

When you need a Specialist . . . . . . . . . . . 2

Where to Call . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2

Primary Care Providers (doctor) . . . . . . . . . . 9

Clinics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10

Family Practice . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16

General Practice . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30

Geriatrics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31

Internal Medicine . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32

Obstetrics/Gynecology . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37

Pediatrics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46

Specialists - OB/GYN . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55

Participating Providers Index . . . . . . . . 56

Introduccion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4

Cómo escoger a su Proveedor

de Cuidado Primario (doctor) . . . . . 4

Cuándo debe ir a un especialista . . . . . . . 4

A dónde debe llamar . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4

Proveedores de Cuidado Primario (doctor) . . 9

Clínicas . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10

Medicina familiar . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16

Práctica general . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30

Geriatria . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31

Medicina interna . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32

Obstetricia/Ginecologia . . . . . . . . . . . . 37

Pediatría . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46

Especialistas - OB/GYN . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55

Índice de Proveedores Participantes . . . 56


Superior HealthPlan, August 2020 Member Services / Servicios para Miembros 1-800-783-5386

1 TR10-0820

AUGUST / AGOSTO 2020 Provider Directory Cover - Primary ...· • Tenga preguntas sobre los exmenes de Pasos Sanos de Tejas. Farmacia Superior proporciona medicinas de receta por - [PDF Document] (4)

Member Services / Servicios para Miembros 1-800-783-5386

Welcome to Superior HealthPlanSuperior HealthPlan provides health care for Medicaid and CHIP members across Texas. Superior workswith many doctors, clinics, and hospitals in your community to give you the medical care you need. Thisdirectory lists the Primary Care Providers (PCPs) that are on Superior’s list of primary care doctors andclinics. Superior wants you to pick the doctor or clinic that is best to take care of all of your basic healthcare needs.

Superior Service for You and Your FamilyIf you have any questions about Superior HealthPlan or about this directory, call Member Services at1-800-783-5386.

Choosing Your Primary Care Provider (Doctor)Choosing your own Primary Care Provider is easy with Superior. Just pick one for you and one for eacheligible family member from the list in this book. Each member can pick his or her own Primary CareProvider. If you are a woman, you may be able to choose an obstetrician (OB) or gynecologist (GYN) asyour doctor. Once you have picked a doctor, call Member Services at 1-800-783-5386. If you need help or don’t see your doctor on this list, call Superior’s Member Services at 1-800-783-5386.

Choosing an OB/GYNYou may choose any OB/GYN doctor from the Superior Provider Network to take care of your femalehealth care needs without a referral from your doctor. An OB/GYN can help you with your pregnancycare, yearly checkups and any female problems you may have. Call Superior’s Member Services at1-800-783-5386 if you need help choosing an OB/GYN.

Family PlanningYou can get your family planning services from your doctor or go to any family planning clinic that takesMedicaid. Superior members can receive family planning services without a referral from their primarycare doctor. Call Superior’s Member Services at 1-800-783-5386 if you need help finding a familyplanning doctor or clinic.

Behavioral HealthBehavioral health refers to mental health and substance use disorder (alcohol and drug) treatment.Superior has a group of specialists that can help you. Call Superior at 1-800-783-5386, 24 hours a day,7 days a week. You do not need a referral from your doctor for behavioral health services.

Texas Health StepsTexas Health Steps gives free regular medical and dental checkups to children with Medicaid. It alsooffers other services like vaccines and vision and hearing tests. You can call us toll-free, Monday toFriday, 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. at1-800-783-5386 if you:

• Need help finding a doctor for your child’s Texas Health Steps checkups.• Need help setting up a checkup.• Have questions about Texas Health Steps checkups.


Superior HealthPlan, August 2020

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AUGUST / AGOSTO 2020 Provider Directory Cover - Primary ...· • Tenga preguntas sobre los exmenes de Pasos Sanos de Tejas. Farmacia Superior proporciona medicinas de receta por - [PDF Document] (5)

Member Services / Servicios para Miembros 1-800-783-5386

PharmacySuperior provides prescriptions for all its members through Envolve Pharmacy Solutions (formerlyknown as US Script), Superior’s partner who provides your Superior pharmacy services for you. You canget your prescriptions filled at most drug stores in Texas, such as CVS (which includes locations inside ofTarget), HEB, Randall’s, Walmart, as well as many other pharmacies. To find out which pharmacies arein Superior's network, you can call us at 1-800-783-5386 or look on our website Remember - always take your Superior I.D. card and your TexasMedicaid card with you to the drug store.


Superior HealthPlan, August 2020

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AUGUST / AGOSTO 2020 Provider Directory Cover - Primary ...· • Tenga preguntas sobre los exmenes de Pasos Sanos de Tejas. Farmacia Superior proporciona medicinas de receta por - [PDF Document] (6)

Bienvenidos al Superior HealthPlanSuperior HealthPlan ofrece atención médica a miembros de Medicaid y de CHIP en todo Tejas. Superiorcolabora con muchos médicos, clínicas y hospitales de su comunidad para ofrecerle la atención médicaque necesita. Este directorio incluye los Proveedores de Cuidado Primario (PCP) que aparecen en la listaque mantiene Superior de los médicos y clínicas que ofrecen atención primaria. Superior quiere que ustedescoja el médico o la clínica que sirva mejor para todas sus necesidades de atención médica.

Servicio Superior para usted y su familiaSi tiene alguna pregunta sobre Superior HealthPlan o sobre este directorio, llame a Servicios paraMiembros al1-800-783-5386.

Cómo escoger su Proveedor de Cuidado Primario (Doctor)Escoger su propio Proveedor de Cuidado Primario es fácil con Superior. Simplemente seleccione uno deellos para usted y para cada uno de los miembros de su familia que califique, de la lista que aparece eneste libro. Cada Miembro puede escoger su propio Proveedor de Cuidado Primario. Si usted es mujer,podría escoger a un obstetra (OB) o un ginecólogo (GYN) como su médico. Una vez que haya escogidosu médico, llame a Servicios para Miembros al 1-800-783-5386. Si necesita ayuda o no encuentra a su médico en esta lista, llame a Servicios para Miembros de Superioral 1-800-783-5386.

Cómo escoger un ginecoobstetra (OB/GYN)Puede escoger a cualquier médico ginecoobstetra (OB/GYN) de la red de Proveedores de Superior paraque se encargue de las necesidades de salud de la mujer sin un referido de su médico. El ginecoobstetra lepuede ayudar con la atención de su embarazo, los exámenes anuales y cualquier problema de la mujerque pudiera tener. Llame a Servicios para Miembros de Superior al 1-800-783-5386 si necesita ayudapara escoger un ginecoobstetra.

Planificació familiarLos miembros de Superior pueden recibir servicios de planificación familiar sin un referido de su doctor.Usted puede obtener sus servicios de planificación familiar de su doctor o puede visitar a cualquier clínicade planificación familiar que acepte su tarjeta de Medicaid. Llame a Servicios para Miembros de Superioral 1-800-783-5386 si necesita ayuda para escoger un proveedor de planificación familiar.

Salud del comportamientoLa salud del comportamiento se refiere al tratamiento de los trastornos mentales y por consumo desustancias (alcohol y drogas). Superior cuenta con un grupo de especialistas que le pueden ayudar.Llame a Superior al 1-800-783-5386, las 24 horas al día, 7 días a la semana. No necesita un referido desu médico para recibir servicios de salud del comportamiento.

Pasos Sanos de TejasPasos Sanos de Tejas ofrece atención médica y dental gratis con regularidad a los niño que recibenMedicaid. También ofrece otros servicios como vacunas y exámenes de la vista y de audición. Nos puedellamar gratis de lunes a viernes, de 8 a.m. a 5 p.m., al 1-800-783-5386 en caso que usted:


Member Services / Servicios para Miembros 1-800-783-5386Superior HealthPlan, August 2020

4 TR10-0820

AUGUST / AGOSTO 2020 Provider Directory Cover - Primary ...· • Tenga preguntas sobre los exmenes de Pasos Sanos de Tejas. Farmacia Superior proporciona medicinas de receta por - [PDF Document] (7)

• Necesite ayuda para encontrar un doctor para los exámenes de Pasos Sanos de Tejas parasu niño.• Necesite ayuda para pedir un examen.• Tenga preguntas sobre los exámenes de Pasos Sanos de Tejas.

FarmaciaSuperior proporciona medicinas de receta por todos sus miembros a través de Envolve PharmacySolutions (conocido anteriormente como US Script), que junta con Superior para proveer los servicios defarmacia de Superior a usted. Puede obtener los surtidos de sus medicinas recetadas en la mayoría de lasfarmacias de Texas, como CVS (que incluye tiendas dentro de Target), HEB, Randall's, Walmart, y enmuchas otras farmacias. Si necesita ayuda para encontrar una farmacia, llame a Superior al1-800-783-5386. También hay una lista en Internet en Recuerde– lleve su tarjeta de identificación de Superior junto con su tarjeta de Medicaid de Texas siempre quevaya a la farmacia.


Member Services / Servicios para Miembros 1-800-783-5386Superior HealthPlan, August 2020

5 TR10-0820

AUGUST / AGOSTO 2020 Provider Directory Cover - Primary ...· • Tenga preguntas sobre los exmenes de Pasos Sanos de Tejas. Farmacia Superior proporciona medicinas de receta por - [PDF Document] (8)

Statement of Non-Discrimination

Declaración de no discriminación

Superior HealthPlan complies with applicable Federal civil rights laws and does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, age, disability, or sex. Superior does not exclude people or treat them differently because of race, color, national origin, age, disability, or sex.


• Provides free aids and services to people with disabilities to communicate effectively with us, such as:

○ Qualified sign language interpreters

○ Written information in other formats (large print, audio, accessible electronic formats, other formats)

• Provides free language services to people whose primary language is not English, such as:

○ Qualified interpreters

○ Information written in other languages

If you need these services, contact Superior at the number on the back of your Superior member ID Card. (Relay Texas/TTY: 1-800-735-2989). If you believe that Superior has failed to provide these services or discriminated in another way on the basis of race, color, national origin, age, disability, or sex, you can file a grievance with:

Superior HealthPlan Complaints Department 5900 E. Ben White Blvd.

Austin, TX 78741


Call the number on the back of your Superior member ID card. Relay Texas/TTY: 1-800-735-2989

Fax: 1-866-683-5369

You can file a grievance in person or by mail, fax, or email. If you need help filing a grievance, Superior is available to help you. You can also file a civil rights complaint with the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Office for Civil Rights electronically through the Office for Civil Rights Complaint Portal, available at, or by mail or phone at: U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, 200 Independence Avenue SW., Room 509F, HHH Building, Washington, DC 20201, 1-800-368-1019, 1-800-537-7697 (TDD).

Complaint forms are available at

Superior HealthPlan cumple con las leyes de derechos civiles federales aplicables y no discrimina basándose en la raza, color, origen nacional, edad, discapacidad, o sexo. Superior no excluye personas o las trata de manera diferente debido a su raza,color, origen nacional, edad, discapacidad, o sexo.


• Proporciona ayuda y servicios gratuitos a las personas con discapacidad para que se comuniquen eficazmente con nosotros, tales como:

○ Intérpretes calificados de lenguaje por señas

○ Información escrita en otros formatos (letra grande, audio, formatos electrónicos accesibles, otros formatos)

• Proporciona servicios de idiomas a las personas cuyo lenguaje primario no es el inglés, tales como:

○ Intérpretes calificados

○ Información escrita en otros idiomas

Si necesita estos servicios, comuníquese con Superior llame al número en el reverso de su tarjeta de identificación de afiliado (Relay Texas/TTY: 1-800-735-2989). Si considera que Superior no le ha proporcionado estos servicios, o en cierto modo le ha discriminado debido a su raza, color, origen nacional, edad, discapacidad o sexo, puede presentar una queja ante:

Superior HealthPlan Complaints Department 5900 E. Ben White Blvd.

Austin, TX 78741


Llame al número en el reverso de su tarjeta de identificación de afiliado.

Relay Texas/TTY: 1-800-735-2989 Fax: 1-866-683-5369

Usted puede presentar una queja en persona, por correo, fax, o correo electrónico. Si necesita ayuda para presentar una queja, Superior está disponible para brindarle ayuda. También puede presentar una queja de violación a sus derechos civiles ante la Oficina de derechos civiles del Departamento de Salud y Servicios Humanos de Estados Unidos (U.S. Department of Health and Human Services), en forma electrónica a través del portal de quejas de la Oficina de derechos civiles, disponible en, o por correo o vía telefónica llamando al: U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, 200 Independence Avenue SW., Room 509F, HHH Building, Washington, DC 20201, 1-800-368-1019, 1-800-537-7697 (TDD).

Los formularios de queja están disponibles en -MEDICAID-CHIP 12_2017

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AUGUST / AGOSTO 2020 Provider Directory Cover - Primary ...· • Tenga preguntas sobre los exmenes de Pasos Sanos de Tejas. Farmacia Superior proporciona medicinas de receta por - [PDF Document] (9)


Language assistance services, auxiliary aids and services, and other alternative formats are available to you free of charge. To obtain this, call the number on the back of your Superior ID card (TTY: 1-800-735-2989).


Servicios de asistencia de idiomas, ayudas y servicios auxiliares, y otros formatos alternativos están disponibles para usted sin ningún costo. Para obtener esto, llame al numero al dorso de su tarjeta de identificación Superior (TTY: 1-800-735-2989).

SPANISH: ATENCIÓN: Si usted habla español, disponemos de servicios lingüísticos gratuitos para usted. Llame al número al dorso de su tarjeta de identificación Superior (TTY: 1-800-735-2989).


XIN LƯU Ý: Nếu quý vị nói tiếng Việt, các dịch vụ hỗ trợ ngôn ngữ được cung cấp hoàn toàn miễn phí cho quý vị. Hãy gọi số ở mặt sau trên thẻ ID thành viên Superior của quý vị (TTY: 1-800-735-2989).

CHINESE: 注意:如果您讲中文,可免费获得语言协助服务。请拨打您Superior会员卡背面的电话号


KOREAN: 알림: 귀하께서 한국어를 사용하신다면, 언어 지원 서비스를 무료로 이용하실 수

있습니다. Superior 회원 ID 카드 뒷면에 있는 번호로 전화하십시오(TTY: 1-800-735-2989).

ARABIC: تنبيه: إذا كنت تتحدث اللغة العربية، فلدينا خدمات معاونة لغوية مجانية من أجلك. اتصل بالرقم الموجود على ظهر بطاقة

تصال للصم والبكم: )الخاصة بك Superiorعضوية (2989-735-800-1جهاز ا

URDU: زبان بولتے ہيں، تو زبان ميں معاونت کی خدمات آپ کو مفت ميں دستياب ہيں۔فرمائيں: اگر آپ اردو

(۔2989-735-800-1ٹی ٹی وائی: )ممبر آئی ڈی کارڈ کی پشت پر موجود نمبر پر کال کريں Superiorاپنے


BIGYANG-PANSIN: kung nagsasalita ka ng Tagalog, may mga serbisyong pantulong sa wika na libre para sa iyo. Tawagan ang numero sa likod ng iyong ID card ng miyembro ng Superior (TTY: 1-800-735-2989).


ATTENTION : Si vous parlez français, des services d’aide linguistique vous sont offerts gratuitement. Appelez le numéro au dos de votre carte d’identification Superior (ATS : 1-800-735-2989).

HINDI: याना थ: यदि आप दि िी बोलत ेि, तो भाषा सिायता सेवाएं, आपके ललए नन शु क उपल ध ि। आपके

Superior सि य आईडी काडथ के पीछे दिए गए नंबर पर कॉल कर (TTY: 1-800-735-2989)।

PERSIAN: کنيد، خدمات کمک رسانی زبانی، به صورت رايگان، آماده خدمت رسانی به شما هستند.توجه: اگر به زبان فارسی صحبت می

تماس بگيريد. (TTY: 1-800-735-2989)خود Superiorبا شماره واقع در پشت کارت شناسايی عضويت


HINWEIS: Wenn Sie Deutsch sprechen ist kostenlose Unterstützung in Ihrer Landessprache für Sie verfügbar. Rufen Sie die Nummer auf der Rückseite der Superior Mitgliedsausweiskarte an (TTY: 1-800-735-2989).

GUJARATI: યાન આપો જો તમ ેગજુરાતી, ભાષા બોલતા હો તો સહાયતા સેવા, વવના મ ૂ ય,ે આપના માટે ઉપલ ધ છે. આપના

Superior સ યપદ આઈડી કાડડ પાછળ આપલેા નબંર પર કોલ કરો (TTY: 1-800-735-2989)


ВНИМАНИЕ: Если вы говорите на русском языке, то вам доступны бесплатные услуги перевода. Подзвоніть за номером, вказаним на зворотній стороні Вашої членської картки Superior (номер телетайпу: 1-800-735-2989).




LAOTIAN: ກາລຸນາໃຫ້ຄວາມສົນໃຈ: ຖ້າທ່ານເວົ ້ າພາສາ(ລາວ) ບໍ ຣິ ການຄວາມຊ່ອຍເຫ ອພາສາມີ ໃຫ້ທ່ານໂດຍບໍ ເສຍ

ເງີ ນ. ໃຫ້ໂທຫາເລກທີ່ ຢ ່ ດ້ານຫ ງຂອງ Superior ບດຊະມາຊິ ກທ່ານ (1-800-735-2989)

SHP_20163784C 12_2017

7 TR10-0820

AUGUST / AGOSTO 2020 Provider Directory Cover - Primary ...· • Tenga preguntas sobre los exmenes de Pasos Sanos de Tejas. Farmacia Superior proporciona medicinas de receta por - [PDF Document] (10)

SPANISH: ATENCIÓN: Si usted habla español, disponemos de servicios lingüísticos gratuitos para usted. Llame al número al dorso de su tarjeta de identificación Superior (TTY: 1-800-735-2989).


XIN LƯU Ý: Nếu quý vị nói tiếng Việt, các dịch vụ hỗ trợ ngôn ngữ được cung cấp hoàn toàn miễn phí cho quý vị. Hãy gọi số ở mặt sau trên thẻ ID thành viên Superior của quý vị (TTY: 1-800-735-2989).

CHINESE: 注意:如果您讲中文,可免费获得语言协助服务。请拨打您Superior会员卡背面的电话号


KOREAN: 알림: 귀하께서 한국어를 사용하신다면, 언어 지원 서비스를 무료로 이용하실 수

있습니다. Superior 회원 ID 카드 뒷면에 있는 번호로 전화하십시오(TTY: 1-800-735-2989).

ARABIC: تنبيه: إذا كنت تتحدث اللغة العربية، فلدينا خدمات معاونة لغوية مجانية من أجلك. اتصل بالرقم الموجود على ظهر بطاقة

تصال للصم والبكم: )الخاصة بك Superiorعضوية (2989-735-800-1جهاز ا

URDU: زبان بولتے ہيں، تو زبان ميں معاونت کی خدمات آپ کو مفت ميں دستياب ہيں۔فرمائيں: اگر آپ اردو

(۔2989-735-800-1ٹی ٹی وائی: )ممبر آئی ڈی کارڈ کی پشت پر موجود نمبر پر کال کريں Superiorاپنے


BIGYANG-PANSIN: kung nagsasalita ka ng Tagalog, may mga serbisyong pantulong sa wika na libre para sa iyo. Tawagan ang numero sa likod ng iyong ID card ng miyembro ng Superior (TTY: 1-800-735-2989).


ATTENTION : Si vous parlez français, des services d’aide linguistique vous sont offerts gratuitement. Appelez le numéro au dos de votre carte d’identification Superior (ATS : 1-800-735-2989).

HINDI: याना थ: यदि आप दि िी बोलत ेि, तो भाषा सिायता सेवाएं, आपके ललए नन शु क उपल ध ि। आपके

Superior सि य आईडी काडथ के पीछे दिए गए नंबर पर कॉल कर (TTY: 1-800-735-2989)।

PERSIAN: کنيد، خدمات کمک رسانی زبانی، به صورت رايگان، آماده خدمت رسانی به شما هستند.توجه: اگر به زبان فارسی صحبت می

تماس بگيريد. (TTY: 1-800-735-2989)خود Superiorبا شماره واقع در پشت کارت شناسايی عضويت


HINWEIS: Wenn Sie Deutsch sprechen ist kostenlose Unterstützung in Ihrer Landessprache für Sie verfügbar. Rufen Sie die Nummer auf der Rückseite der Superior Mitgliedsausweiskarte an (TTY: 1-800-735-2989).

GUJARATI: યાન આપો જો તમ ેગજુરાતી, ભાષા બોલતા હો તો સહાયતા સેવા, વવના મ ૂ ય,ે આપના માટે ઉપલ ધ છે. આપના

Superior સ યપદ આઈડી કાડડ પાછળ આપલેા નબંર પર કોલ કરો (TTY: 1-800-735-2989)


ВНИМАНИЕ: Если вы говорите на русском языке, то вам доступны бесплатные услуги перевода. Подзвоніть за номером, вказаним на зворотній стороні Вашої членської картки Superior (номер телетайпу: 1-800-735-2989).




LAOTIAN: ກາລຸນາໃຫ້ຄວາມສົນໃຈ: ຖ້າທ່ານເວົ ້ າພາສາ(ລາວ) ບໍ ຣິ ການຄວາມຊ່ອຍເຫ ອພາສາມີ ໃຫ້ທ່ານໂດຍບໍ ເສຍ

ເງີ ນ. ໃຫ້ໂທຫາເລກທີ່ ຢ ່ ດ້ານຫ ງຂອງ Superior ບດຊະມາຊິ ກທ່ານ (1-800-735-2989)

8 TR10-0820

AUGUST / AGOSTO 2020 Provider Directory Cover - Primary ...· • Tenga preguntas sobre los exmenes de Pasos Sanos de Tejas. Farmacia Superior proporciona medicinas de receta por - [PDF Document] (11)

Family Practice (General Family Medical Care)Medicina familiar (atención médica generalpara la familia)

General Practice (General Medical Care)Medicina general (atención médica general)

Geriatrics (Senior Medical Care)Geriatría (Atención Médica para Mayores deEdad)

Internal Medicine (General Medical Care)Medicina interna (atencion medica general)

Obstetrics/Gynecology (Pregnancy, Women's Health)Obstetricia/Ginecología (embarazo, salud de la mujer)

Pediatrician (Babies, Children)Pediatría (bebés, niños)

Member Services / Servicios para Miembros 1-800-783-5386Superior HealthPlan, August 2020

9 TR10-0820


AUGUST / AGOSTO 2020 Provider Directory Cover - Primary ...· • Tenga preguntas sobre los exmenes de Pasos Sanos de Tejas. Farmacia Superior proporciona medicinas de receta por - [PDF Document] (12)

Federally QualifiedHealth Centers (FQHC)

/ Centro de saludaprobada a nivel




BASTROPFBastrop CommunityHealth Center275 Jackson StBastrop, TX 78602(512) 321-7137

Lone Star Circle of Care605 Old Austin HwyBastrop, TX 78602(877) 800-5722

FLone Star Circle OfCare Bastrop605 Old Austin HwyBastrop, TX 78602(512) 308-6894

FTejas Health Care1011 Alley A StBastrop, TX 78602(512) 581-8435

ELGINFFamily Health Centerat Elgin902 W 2nd StElgin, TX 78621(512) 229-3334


MARBLE FALLSFLSCC Family CareCenter At Marble Falls802 Ave JMarble Falls, TX78654(830) 265-4009



LOCKHARTFLockhart FamilyPractice Center2060 S ColoradoLockhart, TX 78644(830) 494-4001

LULINGFLuling CommunityHealth Center111 S Laurel AveLuling, TX 78648(830) 875-6399



LA GRANGEFLone Star Circle ofCare753 E Travis StLa Grange, TX 78945(979) 968-2000753 E Travis StLa Grange, TX 78945(979) 968-2000

FTejas Health Care220 W Guadalupe StLa Grange, TX 78945(979) 968-2000890 E Travis StLa Grange, TX 78945(979) 968-2000


KYLECommunicare HealthCenter2810 Dacy LnKyle, TX 78640(512) 268-8900

FCommunicare HealthCenters2810 Dacy LnKyle, TX 78640(512) 268-8900

SAN MARCOSCommunicare HealthCenter1941 S Interstate 35San Marcos, TX 78666(512) 268-8900

FCommunicare HealthCenters301 Foxtail RunSan Marcos, TX 78666(512) 268-8900T 8A- TH F 8A-5P

WIMBERLEYFCommunicare HealthCenters201 Stillwater Ste 6Wimberley, TX 78676(512) 268-8900


GIDDINGSFTejas Health Care

185 Decker DrGiddings, TX 78942(979) 542-6500898 E Richmoind StGiddings, TX 78942(844) 892-2806898 E Richmond StGiddings, TX 78942(844) 892-2806


AUSTINFBen White HealthClinic1221 W Ben WhiteBlvd Ste B100Austin, TX 78704(512) 524-9249

FBlackstock FamilyHealth Center1313 Red River St Ste100Austin, TX 78701(512) 978-9610

FCentral TexasCommunity HealthCenter5015 S Ih35 Ste 174Austin, TX 78744(512) 804-32025015 S Interstate 35 Ste200Austin, TX 78744(512) 804-32022115 Kramer Ln Ste100Austin, TX 78758(512) 445-4800

FCommunitycare1705 E 11th StAustin, TX 78702(512) 978-8400

FCommunitycare Arch1210 W Braker LnAustin, TX 78758(512) 978-93001313 Red River St Ste100Austin, TX 78701(512) 978-96101430 Collier StAustin, TX 78704(713) 477-04001705 E 11th StAustin, TX 78702(512) 978-8400211 Comal StAustin, TX 78702(512) 978-92002529 S 1st StAustin, TX 78704(512) 978-95002621 Ridgepoint DriveSte 130Austin, TX 78754(512) 744-60002901 Montopolis DrAustin, TX 78741(512) 979-99014614 N Interstate 35Austin, TX 78751(512) 978-9100500 E 7th StAustin, TX 78701(512) 978-99208656 W Highway 71Austin, TX 78735(512) 978-9820

FCommunitycare DavidPowell4614 N Ih 35Austin, TX 78703(512) 978-9100M F 9A-4:45P T7:45A-8P W TH7:45A-4:45P4614 N Interstate 35Austin, TX 78751(512) 978-9100M F 9A-4:45P T7:45A-8P W TH7:45A-4:45P

FCommunitycare EastAustin1631 E 2nd StAustin, TX 78702(512) 804-3913


Superior HealthPlan, August 2020 Member Services / Servicios para Miembros 1-800-783-5386

Note/Nota:M-F: lunes a viernesM: lunesT: martesW: miércolesTH: juevesF: viernesS: sábadoSU: domingo

10 TR10-0820

F Texas Health Steps Provider/Proveedor de Pasos Sanos de TexasOffice hours are M-F, 8:00 am to 5:00 pm unless otherwise stated /Todos los proveedores atienden de lunes a viernes, de 8:00 am a 5:00 pm,amenos que se den otras horas« Language spoken other than English / Idioma que habla además delinglés

' Telemedicine provider, these providers can provide some services over thephone and/or by video conference / Los Servicios de Telefonía, Estos proveedores

pueden ofrecer algunos servicios a través del teléfono y / o por videoconferencia# Only current patients / Sólo atiende a pacientes actuales

AUGUST / AGOSTO 2020 Provider Directory Cover - Primary ...· • Tenga preguntas sobre los exmenes de Pasos Sanos de Tejas. Farmacia Superior proporciona medicinas de receta por - [PDF Document] (13)

FCommunitycareMontopolis1000 E 41st St Ste 925Austin, TX 78751(512) 978-99401200b Montopolis DrAustin, TX 78741(512) 978-98001210 W Braker LnAustin, TX 78758(512) 978-93001313 Red River St Ste100Austin, TX 78701(512) 324-86001705 E 11th StAustin, TX 78702(512) 978-84002010 W Braker LnAustin, TX 78758(512) 978-98802802 Webberville RdAustin, TX 78702(512) 978-94004614 N Interstate 35Austin, TX 78751(512) 978-9100500 E 7th StAustin, TX 78701(512) 978-99205015 S Interstate 35 Ste174 & Ste 200Austin, TX 78744(512) 801-32027112 Ed Bluestein BlvdSte 155Austin, TX 78723(512) 978-9300825 E Rundberg Ln Ste1Austin, TX 78753(512) 978-96008656a W Highway 71Ste CAustin, TX 78735(512) 978-9820

Communitycare NorthLamar9411 N Lamar Blvd Ste120Austin, TX 78753(512) 744-6000

FCommunitycare OakHill8656 A Highway 71West Ste CAustin, TX 78735(512) 978-9820M W-F 7:30A-5:30P T7:30A-4:45P

8656 W Highway 71Bldg CAustin, TX 78735(512) 978-9820M W-F 7:30A-5:30P T7:30A-4:45P

FCommunitycare RedRiver1000 E 41st St Ste 925Austin, TX 78751(512) 978-9940M-SU 8A-8P1215 Red River StAustin, TX 78701(512) 978-99401215 Red River St Ste232Austin, TX 78701(512) 978-9940

CommunitycareRiverside2237 E Riverside Dr Ste101cAustin, TX 78741(512) 744-6000

FCommunitycareRosewood Zaragosa2802 Webberville RdAustin, TX 78702(512) 978-9400

FCommunitycareRundberg825 E Rundberg Ln SteB1Austin, TX 78753(512) 804-3913825 E Rundberg Ln SteFAustin, TX 78753(512) 804-3913

CommunitycareSouthbrook6425 S Ih 35 Ste 100Austin, TX 78741(512) 744-6000

CommunitycareSpringdale7112 Ed Bluestein BlvdSte 100Austin, TX 78723(512) 978-9300

F#CommunitycareWilliam Cannon6801 Ih 35 South Ste 1eAustin, TX 78744(512) 978-9960M-S 8A-8P

FCommunitycare-NorthCentral1210 W Braker LnAustin, TX 78758(512) 978-9300

FCommunitycare-SouthAustin2529 S 1st StAustin, TX 78704(512) 978-5000M-TH 8A-5P F 9A-5P

FLone Star Circle ofCare1221 W Ben WhiteBlvd Ste 200bAustin, TX 78704(877) 800-57221301 W 38th St Ste 300Austin, TX 78705(512) 454-57212237 E Riverside DrAustin, TX 78741(512) 744-60003708 Spicewood SpgsRd Ste 218Austin, TX 78759(512) 338-02807112 Ed Bluestein BlvdSte 100Austin, TX 78723(512) 744-600011111 Research BlvdSte 230Austin, TX 78759(877) 800-57221221 W Ben WhiteBlvd Ste 200bAustin, TX 78704(877) 800-57221301 W 38th St Ste 300Austin, TX 78705(512) 454-57212237 E Riverside DrAustin, TX 78741(512) 744-60003708 Spicewood SpgsRd Ste 218Austin, TX 78759(512) 338-02807112 Ed Bluestein BlvdSte 100Austin, TX 78723(512) 744-6000730 W Stassney Ln Ste110Austin, TX 78745(877) 800-57221221 W Ben WhiteBlvd Ste 200bAustin, TX 78704(877) 800-5722

FLone Star Circle ofCare at Texas A&M730 W Stassney Ln Ste110Austin, TX 78745(877) 800-5722

FLone Star Circle ofCare Rd Rock OBGYN730 W Stassney Ln Ste110Austin, TX 78745(877) 800-5722

FLSCC Family CareCenter At Marble Falls730 W Stassney Ln Ste110Austin, TX 78745(877) 800-5722

FLSCC Family CareCenter at Northwest11111 Research BlvdSte 230Austin, TX 78759(512) 338-818111111 Research BlvdSte 295Austin, TX 78759(877) 800-5722

FPeoples CommunityClinic2909 N Interstate 35Austin, TX 78722(512) 478-4939M-TH 8A-8P F 8A-5P

FPeoples CommunityClinic Inc1101 Camino La CostaAustin, TX 78752(512) 478-49391515 Grove Blvd Ste301Austin, TX 78741(512) 267-72332909 N Ih 35Austin, TX 78722(512) 478-4939408 W 23rd St Ste 300Austin, TX 78705(512) 735-23002909 N Interstate 35Austin, TX 78722(512) 478-4939M-TH 8A-8P F 8A-5P1101 Camino Lla CostaAustin, TX 78752(512) 478-4939900 E 30th St Ste 303Austin, TX 78705(512) 684-1920


Superior HealthPlan, August 2020 Member Services / Servicios para Miembros 1-800-783-5386

11 TR10-0820

F Texas Health Steps Provider/Proveedor de Pasos Sanos de TexasOffice hours are M-F, 8:00 am to 5:00 pm unless otherwise stated /Todos los proveedores atienden de lunes a viernes, de 8:00 am a 5:00 pm,amenos que se den otras horas« Language spoken other than English / Idioma que habla además delinglés

' Telemedicine provider, these providers can provide some services over thephone and/or by video conference / Los Servicios de Telefonía, Estos proveedores

pueden ofrecer algunos servicios a través del teléfono y / o por videoconferencia# Only current patients / Sólo atiende a pacientes actuales

AUGUST / AGOSTO 2020 Provider Directory Cover - Primary ...· • Tenga preguntas sobre los exmenes de Pasos Sanos de Tejas. Farmacia Superior proporciona medicinas de receta por - [PDF Document] (14)

Z Community Care2115 Kramer Ln Ste100Austin, TX 78758(512) 978-90003706 S 1st StAustin, TX 78704(512) 978-8080

DEL VALLEFCommunitycareMontopolis5301 Ross Rd Ste HDel Valle, TX 78617(512) 386-3335

LEANDERFLone Star Circle ofCare1007 S Highway 183Leander, TX 78641(512) 260-49001007 S Highway 183Leander, TX 78641(512) 260-4900

MANORFBlackstock FamilyHealth Center600 W Carrie Manor StManor, TX 78653(512) 978-9780

FCommunitycare Manor600 W Carrie Manor StManor, TX 78653(512) 978-9780M-F 7:45A-4:45P600 W Carrie MnrManor, TX 78653(512) 978-9780M-F 7:45A-4:45P

FCommunitycareMontopolis600 W Carrie Manor StManor, TX 78653(512) 978-9780

PFLUGERVILLEFCommunitycareMontopolis15822 Foothill FarmsLoopPflugerville, TX 78660(512) 978-9840

FCommunitycarePflugerville15822 Foothill FarmsLoopPflugerville, TX 78660(512) 978-9840M-TH 7:45A-4:45P F9A-4:45P



CEDAR PARKFDell Childrens Circle ofCare Ped Whiteststone1730 E WhitestoneBlvd Ste 101Cedar Park, TX 78613(877) 800-5722

FLone Star Circle ofCare1401 Medical Pkwy Ste220 & Ste 419Cedar Park, TX 78613(512) 260-15811730 E WhitestoneBlvd Ste 101Cedar Park, TX 78613(877) 800-57221401 Medical Pkwy Ste220 & Ste 419Cedar Park, TX 78613(512) 260-15811730 E WhitestoneBlvd Ste 101Cedar Park, TX 78613(877) 800-5722

FRound Rock HealthClinic1730 E WhitestoneBlvd Ste 101Cedar Park, TX 78613(877) 800-5722

GEORGETOWNFBen White HealthClinic205 E University AveSte 200Georgetown, TX 78626(877) 800-5722

FCommunitycare Arch205 E University AveSte 200Georgetown, TX 78626(210) 227-6461

FCross Timbers HealthClinic205 E University AveSte 200Georgetown, TX 78626(254) 893-5895

FDell Childrens Circle ofCare Ped Hutto1900 Scenic Dr Ste3326Georgetown, TX 78626(877) 800-5722205 E University AveSte 200Georgetown, TX 78626(877) 800-57222423 Williams Dr Ste103Georgetown, TX 78628(877) 800-5722

FDell Childrens Circle ofCare Ped Whiteststone205 E University AveSte 200Georgetown, TX 78626(877) 800-5722

FFamily & ChildrensClinic Clear Crk205 E University AveGeorgetown, TX 78626(254) 698-6629

FFamily & ChildrensClinic Harker Hts205 E University AveSte 200Georgetown, TX 78626(512) 686-0523

FLake Aire MedicalCenter205 E University AveSte 200Georgetown, TX 78626(877) 800-57222423 Williams Dr Ste103Georgetown, TX 78628(512) 868-1124

FLone Star Circ of CareCenter at Taylor205 E University AveSte 200Georgetown, TX 78626(877) 800-5722

FLone Star Circle ofCare2423 Williams DrGeorgetown, TX 78628(877) 800-5722205 E University AveSte 200Georgetown, TX 78626(512) 868-1124205 E Univsersity Ste200Georgetown, TX 78626(877) 800-5722

2411 Williams Dr Ste111Georgetown, TX 78628(281) 261-9660612 E University AveGeorgetown, TX 78626(512) 930-54371900 Scenic DrGeorgetown, TX 78626(877) 800-5722205 E University AveSte 200Georgetown, TX 78626(210) 227-64612411 Williams Dr Ste111Georgetown, TX 78628(281) 261-96602423 Williams Dr Ste105Georgetown, TX 78628(877) 800-5722

FLone Star Circle ofCare at Texas A&M205 E University AveSte 200Georgetown, TX 78626(877) 800-5722

FLone Star Circle ofCare Rd Rock OBGYN205 E University AveGeorgetown, TX 78626(877) 800-5722

FLSCC Family CareCenter At Marble Falls205 E University AveSte 200Georgetown, TX 78626(877) 800-57222423 Williams Dr Ste108Georgetown, TX 78628(877) 800-5722

FRound Rock HealthClinic205 E University AveSte 200Georgetown, TX 78626(877) 800-57222423 Williams DrGeorgetown, TX 78628(877) 800-5722


Superior HealthPlan, August 2020 Member Services / Servicios para Miembros 1-800-783-5386

12 TR10-0820

F Texas Health Steps Provider/Proveedor de Pasos Sanos de TexasOffice hours are M-F, 8:00 am to 5:00 pm unless otherwise stated /Todos los proveedores atienden de lunes a viernes, de 8:00 am a 5:00 pm,amenos que se den otras horas« Language spoken other than English / Idioma que habla además delinglés

' Telemedicine provider, these providers can provide some services over thephone and/or by video conference / Los Servicios de Telefonía, Estos proveedores

pueden ofrecer algunos servicios a través del teléfono y / o por videoconferencia# Only current patients / Sólo atiende a pacientes actuales

AUGUST / AGOSTO 2020 Provider Directory Cover - Primary ...· • Tenga preguntas sobre los exmenes de Pasos Sanos de Tejas. Farmacia Superior proporciona medicinas de receta por - [PDF Document] (15)

HUTTOFDell Childrens Circle ofCare Ped Hutto123 Ed Schmidt BlvdSte 140Hutto, TX 78634(877) 800-5722M W F 8A-5P T TH9A-6P

FLone Star Circle ofCare123 Ed Schmidt BlvdSte 140Hutto, TX 78634(877) 800-5722123 Ed Schmidt BlvdSte 140Hutto, TX 78634(877) 800-5722123 Ed Schmidt BlvdSte 140Hutto, TX 78634(877) 800-5722

KILLEENFLone Star Circle ofCare Rd Rock OBGYN2300 Round Rock AveSte 103 & Ste 208Killeen, TX 78681(254) 554-3494

ROUND ROCKCentral TexasCommunity HealthCenter1201 S Ih 35 Ste 303Round Rock, TX78664(512) 744-6000

FDell Childrens Circle ofCare Ped Hutto2120 N Mays Ste 430Round Rock, TX78664(877) 800-5722

FLone Star Circle ofCare2051 Gattis School RdSte 250Round Rock, TX78664(877) 800-57222120 N Mays Ste 430And 490Round Rock, TX78664(512) 341-8908

302 University BlvdRound Rock, TX78665(512) 509-02003950 N A W GrimesBlvdRound Rock, TX78665(877) 800-57224112 Links Ln Ste 200Round Rock, TX78664(512) 324-48702051 Gattis School RdSte 250Round Rock, TX78664(877) 800-57222120 N Mays Ste 430And 490Round Rock, TX78664(512) 341-8908302 University BlvdRound Rock, TX78665(512) 509-02003950 N A W GrimesBlvdRound Rock, TX78665(877) 800-57224112 Links Ln Ste 200Round Rock, TX78664(512) 324-48702120 N Mays St Ste430Round Rock, TX78664(877) 800-5722

FLone Star Circle ofCare at Texas A&M3950 N A W GrimesBlvd Ste N104Round Rock, TX78665(877) 800-5722

FLone Star Circle ofCare Rd Rock OBGYN2300 Round Rock AveSte 103 & Ste 208Round Rock, TX78681(877) 800-57223950 N A W GrimesBlvd Ste 103Round Rock, TX78665(877) 800-5722

FRound Rock HealthClinic2300 Round Rock AveSte 208Round Rock, TX78681(512) 828-3300

TAYLORFLone Star Circ of CareCenter at Taylor305 Mallard LnTaylor, TX 76574(512) 352-7611

Physician Group /Grupo de doctors



BASTROPFBastrop CountyMedical Assoc PA489 Agnes St Ste 100Bastrop, TX 78602(512) 321-9091>= 2 years/años

FSt Joseph RegionHealth Center3101 Highway 71 EastSte 201Bastrop, TX 78602(979) 380-8808


MARBLE FALLSFamily Wellness CenterPA2300 Us Highway 281Marble Falls, TX78654(830) 693-3621

Nextcare Urgent Care1701 Us Highway 281Marble Falls, TX78654(830) 798-1122



LA GRANGEFSt Joseph RegionHealth Center1 Saint Marks Pl Ste110La Grange, TX 78945(979) 680-8808

SCHULENBURGFKocurek & JamesClinic PLLC40 E AveSchulenburg, TX 78956(979) 743-3520M-F 8A-4:30P


BUDAF#Pediatric Junction PA

211 Railroad StBuda, TX 78610(512) 312-5312

SAN MARCOSFBhs PhysiciansNetwork Inc1305 Wonder WorldDr Ste 206San Marcos, TX 78666(512) 353-8666


GIDDINGSFSt Joseph RegionHealth Center283 E Railrd RowGiddings, TX 78942(979) 731-8888


AUSTINAustin Childrens Shelter

4800 Manor RdAustin, TX 78723(512) 236-2508<= 17 years/años

F#Austin Regional Clinic1301 W 38th St Ste 204Austin, TX 78705(512) 454-4561


Superior HealthPlan, August 2020 Member Services / Servicios para Miembros 1-800-783-5386

13 TR10-0820

F Texas Health Steps Provider/Proveedor de Pasos Sanos de TexasOffice hours are M-F, 8:00 am to 5:00 pm unless otherwise stated /Todos los proveedores atienden de lunes a viernes, de 8:00 am a 5:00 pm,amenos que se den otras horas« Language spoken other than English / Idioma que habla además delinglés

' Telemedicine provider, these providers can provide some services over thephone and/or by video conference / Los Servicios de Telefonía, Estos proveedores

pueden ofrecer algunos servicios a través del teléfono y / o por videoconferencia# Only current patients / Sólo atiende a pacientes actuales

AUGUST / AGOSTO 2020 Provider Directory Cover - Primary ...· • Tenga preguntas sobre los exmenes de Pasos Sanos de Tejas. Farmacia Superior proporciona medicinas de receta por - [PDF Document] (16)

6937 N Interstate 35Ste 500Austin, TX 78752(512) 407-8686

FCentral RiverHealthcare GroupPLLC7110 Cameron RdAustin, TX 78752(512) 458-69008557 Research Blvd Ste128Austin, TX 78758(512) 836-7399M-F 8A-5P S 9A-2P

FCity of Austin15 Waller St BusinessOffice 3rd FlrAustin, TX 78702(512) 972-5523405 W StassneyAustin, TX 78702(512) 972-55297500 Blessing AveAustin, TX 78752(512) 972-5529

FCt Medical Group - TX2312 Western TrailsBlvd Ste 101Austin, TX 78745(512) 804-00004101 James CaseyAustin, TX 78745(512) 447-22025701 W Slaughter LnBldg CAustin, TX 78749(512) 334-2507601 E 15th StAustin, TX 78701(512) 708-9449

Footsteps andHandprints Pedi Ther11229 Liberty FarmsDrAustin, TX 78754(512) 507-6843<= 21 years/años3822 Harvey Penick DrRound RockAustin, TX 78754(512) 507-6843<= 21 years/años

F#Glenn Wood MD PA2237 E Riverside Dr Ste101cAustin, TX 78741(512) 744-6000

2621 Ridgepoint Dr Ste130Austin, TX 78754(512) 744-60007112 Ed Bluestein BlvdSte 100Austin, TX 78723(512) 744-6000730 W Stassney Ln Ste110Austin, TX 78745(512) 892-72009411 N Lamar Blvd Ste120Austin, TX 78753(512) 744-60002237 E Riverside Dr Ste101 CAustin, TX 78741(512) 744-60002621 Ridgepoint Dr Ste130Austin, TX 78754(512) 744-6000

Nextcare Urgent Care6001 W WilliamCannon Dr Ste 302Austin, TX 78749(512) 288-3627M-F 8A-8P6001 W WilliamCannon Dr Ste 302Austin, TX 78749(512) 288-3627

FPediatrics of SouthAustin4315 James Casey StSte 100Austin, TX 78745(512) 443-3883<= 1 year/año

Sandra Frasser1101 Camino La CostaAustin, TX 78752(512) 478-4939

FScott & White ClinicPflugerville200 Medical Pkwy Ste220 & Ste 320Austin, TX 78738(512) 654-4550

Syema Muzaffar1101 Camino La CostaAustin, TX 78752(512) 478-4939<= 21 years/años

LEANDERFTimberland MedicalGroup651 N Highway 183Ste 110Leander, TX 78641(512) 528-0432<= 17 years/años

PFLUGERVILLEFScott & White ClinicPflugerville1501 Pecan St W Ste102Pflugerville, TX 78660(512) 509-95251701 Pflugerville PkwyPflugerville, TX 78660(512) 259-6000



CEDAR PARKFCedar Park Pediatrics

12171 W Parmer LnSte 201Cedar Park, TX 78613(512) 335-9600

F#Cedar Park Pediatrics& Family Medicine345 Cypress Creek RdSte 104Cedar Park, TX 78613(512) 336-2777M-F 7:30A-5P S9A-11A

Nextcare Urgent Care351 Cypress Creek RdSte 103Cedar Park, TX 78613(512) 250-8199

GEORGETOWNFCapital Area PrimaryCare3201 S Austin Ave Ste210Georgetown, TX 78626(512) 763-4000

Nextcare Urgent Care900 N Austin Ave Ste105Georgetown, TX 78626(512) 930-7828M-F 8A-8P S SU 8A-4P

900 N Austin Ave Ste105Georgetown, TX 78626(512) 930-7828

ROUND ROCKFCt Medical Group - TX

2410 Round Rock AveSte 150Round Rock, TX78681(512) 341-8724

F#Glenn Wood MD PA1201 S Interstate 35 Ste303Round Rock, TX78664(512) 744-6000

Nextcare Urgent Care1240 E Palm Valy BlvdRound Rock, TX78664(512) 733-9100M-F 8A-8P S SU 8A-4P1240 E Palm Valy BlvdRound Rock, TX78664(512) 733-9100

F#Pediatric Center ofRound Rock7700 Cat Hollow DrSte 104Round Rock, TX78681(512) 733-5437M-F 8:30A-5:30P

FTexas A&M Physicians3950 N A W GrimesBlvdRound Rock, TX78665(512) 341-4915

FWyoming SpringsPediatrics7200 Wyoming SpgsSte 200Round Rock, TX78681(512) 244-5959M-F 8A-5P S 9A-12P<= 18 years/años


Superior HealthPlan, August 2020 Member Services / Servicios para Miembros 1-800-783-5386

14 TR10-0820

F Texas Health Steps Provider/Proveedor de Pasos Sanos de TexasOffice hours are M-F, 8:00 am to 5:00 pm unless otherwise stated /Todos los proveedores atienden de lunes a viernes, de 8:00 am a 5:00 pm,amenos que se den otras horas« Language spoken other than English / Idioma que habla además delinglés

' Telemedicine provider, these providers can provide some services over thephone and/or by video conference / Los Servicios de Telefonía, Estos proveedores

pueden ofrecer algunos servicios a través del teléfono y / o por videoconferencia# Only current patients / Sólo atiende a pacientes actuales

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Rural Health Clinic(RHC) / Clínica de salud




BASTROPAscension Seton BastropHealth Center441 Highway 71 W SteCBastrop, TX 78602(512) 304-0313630 Highway 71 WestBastrop, TX 78602(737) 881-7400

FAustin Obgyn Bastrop301 Highway 71 WestSte 111Bastrop, TX 78602(512) 445-4800

SMITHVILLESeton SmithvilleHealthcare Center1201 A Hill RdSmithville, TX 78957(512) 237-3214


BERTRAMFSeton BertramHealthcare TX160 N Lampasas StBertram, TX 78605(512) 355-9233

FSeton BurnetHealthcare TX160 N Lampasas StBertram, TX 78605(512) 355-9233

BURNETFSeton BertramHealthcare TX3201 S Water StBurnet, TX 78611(512) 324-4083

FSeton BurnetHealthcare TX200 County Road 340aBldg I & Ste DBurnet, TX 78611(512) 715-31143201 S Water StBurnet, TX 78611(512) 324-4083

F#Seton Marble FallsHealthcare TX200 John W HooverPkwy Bldg 1 Ste ABurnet, TX 78611(512) 715-3114

MARBLE FALLSSeton SmithvilleHealthcare Center1800 Mormon Mill RdBldg BMarble Falls, TX78654(512) 556-5362



LOCKHARTSeton Family ofHospitals300 S Commerce St SteBLockhart, TX 78644(512) 398-2331209 S Church St Ste BLockhart, TX 78644(512) 376-2999

FSeton Lockhart FamilyHealth Center209 S Church St Ste BLockhart, TX 78644(512) 376-2999300 S Colorado Ste ALockhart, TX 78644(512) 376-3377M-F 8A-6P

FSeton LulingHealthcare Center300 S Colorado St SteA-DLockhart, TX 78644(512) 376-9690

Seton SmithvilleHealthcare Center300 S Colorado St SteA And DLockhart, TX 78644(512) 556-5362

LULINGFClearfork HealthCenter130 Hays StLuling, TX 78648(830) 875-3445

FSeton BurnetHealthcare TX130 Hays St Ste B AndDLuling, TX 78648(512) 324-2000

FSeton Lockhart FamilyHealth Center130 Hays St Ste B &Ste B And DLuling, TX 78648(512) 324-2000

FSeton LulingHealthcare Center130 Hays St Ste B AndDLuling, TX 78648(830) 875-7078

Seton SmithvilleHealthcare Center130 Hays St Ste DLuling, TX 78648(830) 875-7078


KYLESeton SmithvilleHealthcare Center6001 Kyle PkwyKyle, TX 78640(512) 324-5000


AUSTINFClearfork HealthCenter313 E 12th StAustin, TX 78701(512) 324-8880

FSeton BurnetHealthcare TX1345 Philomena SAustin, TX 78723(512) 715-3001


Superior HealthPlan, August 2020 Member Services / Servicios para Miembros 1-800-783-5386

15 TR10-0820

F Texas Health Steps Provider/Proveedor de Pasos Sanos de TexasOffice hours are M-F, 8:00 am to 5:00 pm unless otherwise stated /Todos los proveedores atienden de lunes a viernes, de 8:00 am a 5:00 pm,amenos que se den otras horas« Language spoken other than English / Idioma que habla además delinglés

' Telemedicine provider, these providers can provide some services over thephone and/or by video conference / Los Servicios de Telefonía, Estos proveedores

pueden ofrecer algunos servicios a través del teléfono y / o por videoconferencia# Only current patients / Sólo atiende a pacientes actuales

AUGUST / AGOSTO 2020 Provider Directory Cover - Primary ...· • Tenga preguntas sobre los exmenes de Pasos Sanos de Tejas. Farmacia Superior proporciona medicinas de receta por - [PDF Document] (18)




BASTROPF#Akkanti, Yamini, MD

201 Childers Dr Ste109Bastrop, TX 78602(512) 321-3430<= 18 years/años

FBlankenship, Olivia,FNP3101 Highway 71 E Ste101Bastrop, TX 78602(512) 304-0300M-TH 8A-5P F 8A-4P<= 18 years/años

FChavez, Pompeyo, MD3101 Highway 71 E Ste101Bastrop, TX 78602(512) 304-0300M-TH 8A-5P F 8A-4P<= 18 years/años

Chrane, Selina, PA441 Highway 71 W SteCBastrop, TX 78602(512) 304-0313441 Highway 71 WestSte CBastrop, TX 78602(512) 304-0313630 Highway 71 WestBastrop, TX 78602(737) 881-7400

co*ckrell, Suzanne1109 Church StBastrop, TX 78602(512) 321-3311

FDougherty, Robert,MD623 Highway 71 WestSte 204Bastrop, TX 78602(512) 581-5016M-TH 8A-5P F 8A-12P

FHarris, Joy, NP605 Old Austin HwyBastrop, TX 78602(877) 800-5722Limited to Females/SóloAtiende A Mujeres >=10 years/años

Lerma Iii, Sammy, MD1109 Church StBastrop, TX 78602(512) 321-3311M-TH 8A-5P F 8A-12P>= 2 years/años

FMota, Estela3101 Highway 71 E Ste101Bastrop, TX 78602(512) 304-0300<= 18 years/años

Onuma, Grace605 Old Austin HwyBastrop, TX 78602(877) 800-5722

FOrtega, Juan, MD3101 Highway 71 E Ste101Bastrop, TX 78602(512) 304-0300<= 18 years/años

FSanders, Jessica, FNP717 Highway 71 WestSte 500Bastrop, TX 78602(512) 332-2273

FVocal, Laurier, MD3101 Highway 71 E Ste101Bastrop, TX 78602(512) 304-0300M-TH 8A-5P F 8A-4P<= 18 years/años

ELGINJameson, Brian Edward

200 Roy Rivers RdElgin, TX 78621(512) 715-3364

FWood, Daniel, PA218 W Us Highway290Elgin, TX 78621(512) 281-1900<= 18 years/años

SMITHVILLESanders, Amanda

1201a Hill RdSmithville, TX 78957(512) 360-5272


BERTRAMFBurkhart, Kristi, DO

160 N LampasasBertram, TX 78605(512) 355-9233160 N Lampasas StBertram, TX 78605(512) 355-9233

FGraves, Robert, DO160 N Lampasas StBertram, TX 78605(512) 355-9233160 N Lampassas StBertram, TX 78605(512) 355-9233

BURNETFBrooks, Taylor

101 E Jackson StBurnet, TX 78611(512) 756-7510

Crane, Camey101 E Jackson StBurnet, TX 78611(512) 756-7510

FFranz, Charles, DO200 John W HooverPkwy Bldg 1 Ste ABurnet, TX 78611(512) 715-3132

FGonzalez, Sonia200 Cr340a Bldg 1 SteABurnet, TX 78611(512) 715-3110

FGraves, Robert, DO200 John W HooverPkwy Bldg 1 Ste A &Bldg I Ste BBurnet, TX 78611(512) 715-3132

F#Green, Karyn200 John W HooverPkwy Ste ABurnet, TX 78611(512) 715-3132

FHay, Georgia200 John W HooverPkwy Ste ABurnet, TX 78611(512) 715-3110

FLiggett, Scott, MD101 E Jackson StBurnet, TX 78611(512) 756-7510

FLuna, Lane101 E Jackson StBurnet, TX 78611(325) 247-5040

FMcCreary-Field, Rachel101 E Jackson StBurnet, TX 78611(512) 756-7510


810 W Highway 71Marble Falls, TX78654(830) 201-8000

FBibb, Laura800 W Highway 71Marble Falls, TX78654(830) 201-7100

Black, Candice800 W Highway 71Marble Falls, TX78654(830) 201-7100

FBrooks, Taylor800 W Highway 71Marble Falls, TX78654(830) 201-7100

FCopeland, Curtis, MD706 Ave GMarble Falls, TX78654(830) 201-8900810 W Highway 71Marble Falls, TX78654(830) 201-7100810 W Highway 71Marble Falls, TX78654(830) 201-8000

FCraig, Clark, MD706 Ave GMarble Falls, TX78654(830) 201-8900810 W Highway 71Marble Falls, TX78654(830) 201-7100


Superior HealthPlan, August 2020 Member Services / Servicios para Miembros 1-800-783-5386

16 TR10-0820

F Texas Health Steps Provider/Proveedor de Pasos Sanos de TexasOffice hours are M-F, 8:00 am to 5:00 pm unless otherwise stated /Todos los proveedores atienden de lunes a viernes, de 8:00 am a 5:00 pm,amenos que se den otras horas« Language spoken other than English / Idioma que habla además delinglés

' Telemedicine provider, these providers can provide some services over thephone and/or by video conference / Los Servicios de Telefonía, Estos proveedores

pueden ofrecer algunos servicios a través del teléfono y / o por videoconferencia# Only current patients / Sólo atiende a pacientes actuales

AUGUST / AGOSTO 2020 Provider Directory Cover - Primary ...· • Tenga preguntas sobre los exmenes de Pasos Sanos de Tejas. Farmacia Superior proporciona medicinas de receta por - [PDF Document] (19)

Crane, Camey800 W Highway 71Marble Falls, TX78654(830) 201-7100

Garcia Jr, Ricardo802 Ave JMarble Falls, TX78654(877) 800-5722

FJones, Jamie1701 Us Highway 281Marble Falls, TX78654(830) 798-1122

FKennedy, Heather,ACNP800 W Highway 71Marble Falls, TX78654(830) 201-7100810 W Highway 71Marble Falls, TX78654(325) 247-5040

FKhambati, Munira1800 Mormon Mill RdBldg BMarble Falls, TX78654(830) 693-2600

Kieffer, Hilary706 Ave GMarble Falls, TX78654(830) 201-8900800 W Highway 71Marble Falls, TX78654(830) 201-7100

FLiggett, Scott, MD706 Ave GMarble Falls, TX78654(830) 201-8900810 W Highway 71Marble Falls, TX78654(325) 247-5040

FLindo, Amanda1701 Us Highway 281Marble Falls, TX78654(830) 798-1122

McDonald, Jara810 W Highway 71Marble Falls, TX78654(830) 201-8000

FMiller, Grady, DO810 W Highway 71Marble Falls, TX78654(325) 247-5040

FPendleton, Solomon,MD810 W Highway 71Marble Falls, TX78654(325) 247-5040

FRussell, Kimberly, MD810 W Highway 71Marble Falls, TX78654(830) 201-8000

FVierus, Heather810 W Highway 71Marble Falls, TX78654(325) 247-5040

FWilson, Laura706 Ave GMarble Falls, TX78654(830) 201-8900800 W Highway 71Marble Falls, TX78654(830) 201-7100



LOCKHARTBatey, Kristy

209 S Church StLockhart, TX 78644(512) 376-2999

FDavila, Juan300 S Colorado StLockhart, TX 78644(512) 376-9690

Eom, Youkyoung300 S Colorado StLockhart, TX 78644(512) 376-3377300 S Colorado St SteA-DLockhart, TX 78644(512) 376-9690

F#Gonzales, Migdalia,FNP209 S Church St Ste BLockhart, TX 78644(512) 376-2999

Higgs, Lisa Marie300 S Colorado St SteA And DLockhart, TX 78644(512) 376-9690300 S Colorado St SteA-DLockhart, TX 78644(512) 376-3377

FKirtley, Randall, MD300 S Commerce St SteBLockhart, TX 78644(512) 398-2331

Leblanc, Laura L209 S Church St Ste BLockhart, TX 78644(512) 376-2999300 S Colorado St SteALockhart, TX 78644(512) 376-3377300 S Colorado St SteA-DLockhart, TX 78644(512) 376-3377300 S Commerce St SteBLockhart, TX 78644(512) 398-2331

Marcello, Kelly300 S Colorado St SteA And DLockhart, TX 78644(512) 376-9690300 S Colorado St SteA-DLockhart, TX 78644(512) 376-3377

F#Mason, Nona209 S Church St Ste BLockhart, TX 78644(512) 376-2999300 S Colorado St SteA-DLockhart, TX 78644(512) 376-9690

#Romanek, Barton, MD1009 W San Antonio StLockhart, TX 78644(512) 376-5247

FSharan, Anita, FNP300 S Colorado St SteALockhart, TX 78644(512) 376-9690

Stone, Diana, DO300 S Colorado StLockhart, TX 78644(512) 376-3377

#Weary, Andrew300 S Colorado St SteA-DLockhart, TX 78644(512) 376-9690

#Wheeler, Kimberly,MD1009 W San Antonio StLockhart, TX 78644(512) 376-5247

LULINGBatey, Kristy

130 Hays St Ste BLuling, TX 78648(830) 875-7078

Cardenas, Veronica130 Hays St Ste BLuling, TX 78648(830) 875-7078

Chudleigh Jr, James, MD130 Hays St Ste BLuling, TX 78648(830) 875-7000

Downs, Sherrel130 Hays St Ste BLuling, TX 78648(830) 875-7078

FKirtley, Randall, MD130 Hays St Ste BLuling, TX 78648(830) 875-7000

Leblanc, Laura L130 Hays St Ste BLuling, TX 78648(830) 875-7078

FMalik, Sofia Tufail130 Hays St Ste BLuling, TX 78648(830) 875-7000

Marcello, Kelly130 Hays StLuling, TX 78648(830) 875-5000

F#Mason, Nona130 Hays St Ste BLuling, TX 78648(830) 875-7078


Superior HealthPlan, August 2020 Member Services / Servicios para Miembros 1-800-783-5386

17 TR10-0820

F Texas Health Steps Provider/Proveedor de Pasos Sanos de TexasOffice hours are M-F, 8:00 am to 5:00 pm unless otherwise stated /Todos los proveedores atienden de lunes a viernes, de 8:00 am a 5:00 pm,amenos que se den otras horas« Language spoken other than English / Idioma que habla además delinglés

' Telemedicine provider, these providers can provide some services over thephone and/or by video conference / Los Servicios de Telefonía, Estos proveedores

pueden ofrecer algunos servicios a través del teléfono y / o por videoconferencia# Only current patients / Sólo atiende a pacientes actuales

AUGUST / AGOSTO 2020 Provider Directory Cover - Primary ...· • Tenga preguntas sobre los exmenes de Pasos Sanos de Tejas. Farmacia Superior proporciona medicinas de receta por - [PDF Document] (20)

Murray, Jorah, NP130 Hays StLuling, TX 78648(830) 875-7078

FStavinoha, William130 Hays St Ste DLuling, TX 78648(830) 875-3445

Ybarra, Jocelyn130 Hays St Ste ALuling, TX 78648(512) 504-0860



LA GRANGEKellen, Sarah

890 E Travis StLa Grange, TX 78945(979) 968-2000


40 E AveSchulenburg, TX 78956(979) 743-3520

Slaton, Pamela40 E AveSchulenburg, TX 78956(979) 743-3520

FVire, Judy, NP40 E AveSchulenburg, TX 78956(979) 743-3520


BUDAGuerrero, Victor

5300 Overpass RdBuda, TX 78610(737) 999-6600


13830 Sawyer RanchRd Ste 102Dripping Springs, TX78620(512) 301-6400>= 5 years/años

#Kielhorn, Cameron27760 Ranch Road 12Dripping Springs, TX78620(512) 676-2500

F#Lewis, Kevin, DO13830 Sawyer RanchRd Ste 102Dripping Springs, TX78620(512) 301-6400

FRamon, Kerry13830 Sawyer RanchRd Ste 102Dripping Springs, TX78620(512) 301-6400>= 2 years/años

Sizenbach, Dorothy May13830 Sawyer RanchRd Ste 102Dripping Springs, TX78620(512) 301-6400

KYLEF#Amadi, Fedelis, MD

4100 Everett DrKyle, TX 78640(512) 504-5186

#Bedgood, Alysia Mae115 Kohlers Xing Ste200Kyle, TX 78640(512) 300-0970

#Brooks, Tera4100 Everett Dr Ste400Kyle, TX 78640(512) 295-1333

Casas, Cheyanne4036 Cromwell DrKyle, TX 78640(512) 654-4600

#Constable, Shane4100 Everett Dr Ste400Kyle, TX 78640(512) 295-1333

F#De Lota, Michael4110 Everett Dr Ste400Kyle, TX 78640(512) 295-1333

F#Gamble, Maryann,MD4100 Everett Dr Ste400Kyle, TX 78640(512) 504-5186

F#Gibson, Angela, DO4100 Everett Dr Ste400Kyle, TX 78640(512) 504-5186

F#Gilmore, Margaret4100 Everett Dr Ste400Kyle, TX 78640(512) 504-5186

FGordon, Katrina4036 Cromwell DrKyle, TX 78640(512) 654-4600

FGutierrez Lope, Karina5103 Kyle Center DrSte 104Kyle, TX 78640(512) 504-0855

F#Hamilton, Kaleb, MD4100 Everett Dr Ste400Kyle, TX 78640(512) 504-5186

Merkel, Karen135 Bunton Creek RdSte 100Kyle, TX 78640(512) 268-2068

F#Rainey Jr, Lacy, FNP2810 Dacy LnKyle, TX 78640(512) 268-8900

FReddy, Rajesh6001 Kyle PkwyKyle, TX 78640(512) 504-5186

Rodriguez, Gilbert177b Kirkham CirKyle, TX 78640(512) 405-0077

F#Smith, Theodore, DO4100 Everett Dr Ste400Kyle, TX 78640(512) 504-5186

FSneed, Viviana5103 Kyle Center DrSte 104Kyle, TX 78640(512) 504-0855<= 18 years/años

Ueltschey, Shanna2810 Dacy LnKyle, TX 78640(512) 268-8900

#Valla, Noreen5103 Kyle Center DrSte 104Kyle, TX 78640(512) 504-0855

Wang, James2810 Dacy LnKyle, TX 78640(512) 268-8900>= 18 years/años

F#Worrell, Sandra, MD4100 Everett Dr Ste400Kyle, TX 78640(512) 504-5186

Ybarra, Jocelyn1180 Seton Pkwy Ste450Kyle, TX 78640(512) 504-0860


2406 Hunter Rd Ste106San Marcos, TX 78666(512) 396-7686>= 18 years/años

FLacey, Ouida, FNP1920 Corporate Dr Ste208San Marcos, TX 78666(512) 878-6330

Lee, Alan, MD110 Willow Springs DrSte 102San Marcos, TX 78666(512) 396-7686>= 18 years/años2406 Hunter Rd Ste106San Marcos, TX 78666(512) 396-7686>= 18 years/años

Mangalick, Vip110 Willow Springs DrSte 102San Marcos, TX 78666(512) 396-7686>= 18 years/años2406 Hunter Rd Ste106San Marcos, TX 78666(512) 396-7686>= 18 years/años


Superior HealthPlan, August 2020 Member Services / Servicios para Miembros 1-800-783-5386

18 TR10-0820

F Texas Health Steps Provider/Proveedor de Pasos Sanos de TexasOffice hours are M-F, 8:00 am to 5:00 pm unless otherwise stated /Todos los proveedores atienden de lunes a viernes, de 8:00 am a 5:00 pm,amenos que se den otras horas« Language spoken other than English / Idioma que habla además delinglés

' Telemedicine provider, these providers can provide some services over thephone and/or by video conference / Los Servicios de Telefonía, Estos proveedores

pueden ofrecer algunos servicios a través del teléfono y / o por videoconferencia# Only current patients / Sólo atiende a pacientes actuales

AUGUST / AGOSTO 2020 Provider Directory Cover - Primary ...· • Tenga preguntas sobre los exmenes de Pasos Sanos de Tejas. Farmacia Superior proporciona medicinas de receta por - [PDF Document] (21)

McGinnis, Rachel1340 Wonder WorldDr Ste 2300San Marcos, TX 78666(512) 654-4900

Mead, Catrina, ACNP1346 Thorpe LnSan Marcos, TX 78666(512) 667-6087

Mitchum, Stacey2406 Hunter Rd Ste106San Marcos, TX 78666(512) 396-7686>= 18 years/años

Mulherin, Megan1251 Sadler Dr Ste 2San Marcos, TX 78666(512) 396-5603

Painter, Mia2406 Hunter Rd Ste106San Marcos, TX 78666(512) 396-7686>= 18 years/años

Preuss, Cory2406 Hunter Rd Ste106San Marcos, TX 78666(512) 396-7686>= 18 years/años

Price, Tiphany, NP1330 Wonder WorldDr Ste B108San Marcos, TX 78666(512) 396-5603

FRichardson, Stephen401 A Broadway StSan Marcos, TX 78666(512) 805-5650

FRiojas, Nicole Ann1320 Wonder WorldDr Ste 101San Marcos, TX 78666(512) 396-3911

Salinas, Kristi1941 S Interstate 35San Marcos, TX 78666(512) 268-8900

Waddell, Kristie1340 Wonder WorldDr Ste 2300San Marcos, TX 78666(512) 654-4900

Worley, Paula2108 Hunter Rd 116San Marcos, TX 78666(512) 754-7700

WIMBERLEYGonzalez Jr, Filomeno,MD14100 Ranch Road 12Ste 900Wimberley, TX 78676(512) 847-0300>= 18 years/años

FHernandez, Amy M201 Fm 3237 Ste 111Wimberley, TX 78676(512) 847-3434

Mortenson, Christina14100 Ranch Road 12Ste 900Wimberley, TX 78676(512) 847-0300

Thompson, Christine201 Fm 3237Wimberley, TX 78676(512) 899-2028

Wright, Kaelin14100 Ranch Road 12Ste 900Wimberley, TX 78676(512) 847-0300>= 55 years/años


LEXINGTONFLocke, Catherine, MD

8465 N Highway 77Lexington, TX 78947(979) 279-9913M-TH 8A-5P

FVarley, Elizabeth, APN8465 N Highway 77Lexington, TX 78947(979) 279-9913M-TH 8A-5P8465 N Highway 77Lexington, TX 78947(979) 773-9000M-TH 8A-5P


AUSTIN'O''Neill', James

4316 James Casey StAustin, TX 78745(512) 623-5300

#Adams, Anne3828 S 1st StAustin, TX 78704(512) 443-1311

Agarwal, Akhil11209 S Interstate 35Austin, TX 78747(512) 654-4700

fa*gueros, Horacio, MD2609 E 7th StAustin, TX 78702(512) 474-6836M-F 9A-5P<= 17 years/años

FAlberda, Kelly, MD1313 Red River St Ste100Austin, TX 78701(512) 978-96101500 Red River StAustin, TX 78701(512) 324-7000

FAllen, Gregory, MD1101 Camino La CostaAustin, TX 78752(512) 478-4939

Allport-Altill, Brandon8913 Collinfield DriveSte 1Austin, TX 78758(877) 800-5722

Alsaedi, Muhaned3901 A Spicewood SpgsRd Ste 201Austin, TX 78759(737) 226-6700<= 18 years/años

Alward, Ian3600 W Parmer Ln Ste108Austin, TX 78727(512) 238-7777

F#Ambler, Mark, MD1807 W Slaughter LnSte 490Austin, TX 78748(512) 282-8967

FAndaya, Maro10815 Ranch Road2222 Ste 100Austin, TX 78730(512) 327-4262

Andreas, Allison1015 E 32nd St Ste 508Austin, TX 78705(512) 807-3140

#Arnecilla, Jennifer, MD2400 Cedar Bend DrAustin, TX 78758(512) 901-4026

FAshton, Candace, FNP313 E 12th St Ste 102Austin, TX 78701(512) 324-9650

F#Avashia, Swati, MD1313 Red River St Ste100Austin, TX 78701(512) 324-35401500 Red River StAustin, TX 78701(512) 324-7000

F#Baade, Howard, FNP2400 Cedar Bend DrAustin, TX 78758(512) 901-1111

#Baker, Elizabeth5701 W Slaughter LnAustin, TX 78749(512) 901-4031

F#Balderas, Dagoberto5424 W Highway 290Ste 101Austin, TX 78735(512) 643-4400

FBarner, Lauren, CPNP2400 Cedar Bend DrAustin, TX 78758(512) 901-1111>= 18 years/años

FBarr, Fredricka2608 Brockton DrAustin, TX 78758(512) 654-4050

Barry, Shanna, NP2811 E 2nd StAustin, TX 78702(512) 324-4930

F#Barta, Adam, MD1313 Red River St Ste100Austin, TX 78701(512) 324-3540


Superior HealthPlan, August 2020 Member Services / Servicios para Miembros 1-800-783-5386

19 TR10-0820

F Texas Health Steps Provider/Proveedor de Pasos Sanos de TexasOffice hours are M-F, 8:00 am to 5:00 pm unless otherwise stated /Todos los proveedores atienden de lunes a viernes, de 8:00 am a 5:00 pm,amenos que se den otras horas« Language spoken other than English / Idioma que habla además delinglés

' Telemedicine provider, these providers can provide some services over thephone and/or by video conference / Los Servicios de Telefonía, Estos proveedores

pueden ofrecer algunos servicios a través del teléfono y / o por videoconferencia# Only current patients / Sólo atiende a pacientes actuales

AUGUST / AGOSTO 2020 Provider Directory Cover - Primary ...· • Tenga preguntas sobre los exmenes de Pasos Sanos de Tejas. Farmacia Superior proporciona medicinas de receta por - [PDF Document] (22)

1500 Red River StAustin, TX 78701(512) 324-7000

Bayliss, Lawrence,APRN825 E Rundberg Ln SteB1Austin, TX 78758(512) 978-9300

Bayona, Jose, MD1210 W Braker LnAustin, TX 78758(512) 978-9300

Beardslee, Jenna3000 N Ih-35 Ste 700Austin, TX 78705(512) 807-3150

F#Benold, Terrell, MD1500 Red River StAustin, TX 78701(512) 324-7000

Bilolikar, Varsha Suresh1705 E 11th StAustin, TX 78702(512) 978-8400

Birdwell, Larry, DO2529 S 1st StAustin, TX 78704(512) 978-5000

Black, Ann, MD6500 River Place BlvdSte 4 102Austin, TX 78730(855) 347-3685

FBlair, Stephen Don,MD1101 Camino La CostaAustin, TX 78752(512) 478-4939

F#Bolton, Kim, MD6835 Austin Ctr BlvdAustin, TX 78731(512) 346-6611

FBorger, Bonita1221 W Ben WhiteBlvd Ste 200bAustin, TX 78704(877) 800-5722

Bresett, Georgia1210 W Braker LnAustin, TX 78758(512) 978-9300

F#Brode, Donald, MD1101 Camino La CostaAustin, TX 78752(512) 478-4939

3828 S 1st StAustin, TX 78704(512) 346-6611

F#Brooke, William, MD4515 Seton CenterPkwy Ste 220Austin, TX 78759(512) 338-8388

#Brooks, Tera3501 Mills AveAustin, TX 78731(512) 324-0000

Broomhall, Denise10815 Ranch Road2222 Ste 100Austin, TX 78730(512) 327-4262

Brown, Jessica4316 James Casey StAustin, TX 78745(512) 623-5300

F#Browning, Stewart,MD1807 W Slaughter LnSte 490Austin, TX 78748(512) 282-8967

Burns, Evelyn1101 Camino La CostaAustin, TX 78752(512) 478-4939

F#Butler, Harrel, MD3501 Mills AveAustin, TX 78731(512) 324-2000

Calderon-Meza, Clarissa2811 E 2nd StAustin, TX 78702(512) 324-4930

F#Carothers, Paul2400 Cedar Bend DrAustin, TX 78758(512) 901-4031

F#Cauvin, Paul, MD10401 Anderson MillRd Ste 110bAustin, TX 78750(512) 250-5571

Chamnongvongse,Pirahatai1313 Red River St Ste320Austin, TX 78701(512) 978-8870

F#Chang, Christopher6835 Austin Ctr BlvdAustin, TX 78731(512) 346-6611

F#Chen, Anthony, MD1807 W Slaughter LnSte 490Austin, TX 78748(512) 282-8967

F#Childers, Jacob, MD6835 Austin Ctr BlvdAustin, TX 78731(512) 346-6611

F#Clemons, Lisa, MD1807 W Slaughter LnSte 490Austin, TX 78748(512) 282-8967

FClinica Del NortePediatrics PLLC7112 Ed Bluestein BlvdSte 100Austin, TX 78723(512) 744-6000<= 18 years/años

FClor, Casey200 Medical Pkwy Ste110Austin, TX 78738(512) 654-0150

F#Cole, Donald (Trey),MD3828 S 1st StAustin, TX 78704(512) 346-6611

Coley, Mary7701 Metropolis DrAustin, TX 78744(512) 324-2391

Cox, Jacqueline7000 Woodhue DrAustin, TX 78745(877) 800-5722

FCrow, Steven, MD1101 Camino La CostaAustin, TX 78752(512) 478-4939825 E Rundberg Ln SteB1Austin, TX 78758(512) 978-9600

FCrump, Todd, MD11671 Jollyville Rd Ste102Austin, TX 78759(512) 338-5088

FCsaki, Wendy2400 Cedar Bend DrAustin, TX 78758(512) 901-11115701 W Slaughter LnAustin, TX 78749(512) 334-2500

F#Dang, Tony, MD1139 W Braker Ln Ste103Austin, TX 78753(512) 832-1300

Dar, Khola, MD1705 E 11th StAustin, TX 78702(512) 978-8400

FDasso, Nancy12221 N Mo Pac ExpyAustin, TX 78758(512) 901-400912221 N Mopac ExpyAustin, TX 78758(512) 901-1111

FDay, John, MD1101 Camino La CostaAustin, TX 78752(512) 478-4939

F#Decastro, Vincenz1807 W Slaughter LnSte 490Austin, TX 78748(512) 282-8967

Delatorre, Miguel, MD1101 Camino La CostaAustin, TX 78752(512) 478-4939

#Denningotn, Jacob5701 W Slaughter LnAustin, TX 78749(512) 334-2509

Denton, Carolyn, DO5000 W Slaughter LnSte 100Austin, TX 78749(512) 654-4000

FDesai, Nina2608 Brockton DrAustin, TX 78758(512) 509-0303

FDewitt, Ronald1700 Ranch Road 620South Ste BAustin, TX 78734(512) 263-9111


Superior HealthPlan, August 2020 Member Services / Servicios para Miembros 1-800-783-5386

20 TR10-0820

F Texas Health Steps Provider/Proveedor de Pasos Sanos de TexasOffice hours are M-F, 8:00 am to 5:00 pm unless otherwise stated /Todos los proveedores atienden de lunes a viernes, de 8:00 am a 5:00 pm,amenos que se den otras horas« Language spoken other than English / Idioma que habla además delinglés

' Telemedicine provider, these providers can provide some services over thephone and/or by video conference / Los Servicios de Telefonía, Estos proveedores

pueden ofrecer algunos servicios a través del teléfono y / o por videoconferencia# Only current patients / Sólo atiende a pacientes actuales

AUGUST / AGOSTO 2020 Provider Directory Cover - Primary ...· • Tenga preguntas sobre los exmenes de Pasos Sanos de Tejas. Farmacia Superior proporciona medicinas de receta por - [PDF Document] (23)

Diaz, Lindsey2801 Flintrock Trce Ste201Austin, TX 78738(337) 991-9276

Dillard, Sarah1221 W Ben WhiteBlvd Ste 200bAustin, TX 78704(877) 800-5722

FDivin, Christine, FNP1101 Camino La CostaAustin, TX 78752(512) 478-4939

F#Ebneshahidi, Alireza1807 W Slaughter LnSte 490Austin, TX 78748(512) 282-8967

FEisen, Nancy, DO2400 Cedar Bend DrAustin, TX 78758(512) 901-1111

F#Elmore, Ellen, MD3501 Mills AveAustin, TX 78731(512) 324-2000

F#Ezekoye, Olufunke,MD6835 Austin Ctr BlvdAustin, TX 78731(512) 346-6611

Ffa*gerberg, Kristyn11805 Fm 2244 Rd Ste100Austin, TX 78738(512) 402-9013

Fardal, John1221 W Ben WhiteBlvd Ste 200bAustin, TX 78704(877) 800-5722

Featherstone-U, Amber2529 S 1st StAustin, TX 78704(512) 978-9500

FFiedler, Benjamin Paul,MD1301 W 38th St Ste 300Austin, TX 78705(512) 454-5721

F#Fincken, Gerald, DO6835 Austin Ctr BlvdAustin, TX 78731(512) 346-6611

FFishman-Carrol,Sherry, FNP1101 Camino La CostaAustin, TX 78752(512) 478-4939

Fite, Kevin12201 Renfert Way Ste315Austin, TX 78758(512) 837-6600>= 18 years/años12415 N Interstate 35Austin, TX 78753(737) 205-1270>= 18 years/años5033 W Highway 290Austin, TX 78735(512) 265-8980>= 18 years/años

F#Flores, Victoria1807 W Slaughter LnSte 490Austin, TX 78748(512) 282-8967

Foley, Kristin12801 Shops Pkwy Ste400Austin, TX 78738(512) 732-2774

#Foster, Jennifer11406 Rustic Rock DrAustin, TX 78750(757) 870-46634515 Seton CenterPkwy Ste 220Austin, TX 78759(512) 338-8388

Frank, Jill, NP2811 E 2nd StAustin, TX 78702(512) 324-4930

F#Frazier, JennyMichelle, MD2400 Cedar Bend DrAustin, TX 78758(512) 901-40265701 W Slaughter LnAustin, TX 78749(512) 334-2500

F#Frazier, Viviana, MD11714 Wilson ParkeAve Ste 150Austin, TX 78726(737) 247-7200

F#Frederick, John, MD6835 Austin Ctr BlvdAustin, TX 78731(512) 346-6611

#Ganta, Neelima, MD6801 S Interstate 35Austin, TX 78744(512) 978-9960

F#Garcia, Dana3828 S 1st StAustin, TX 78704(512) 346-6611

F#Garcia, Derrick, MD6835 Austin Ctr BlvdAustin, TX 78731(512) 346-6611

#Garcia, Julian6835 Austin Ctr BlvdAustin, TX 78731(512) 346-6611

Garcia-Beach, Sylvia5000 W Slaughter LnSte 100Austin, TX 78749(512) 654-4000

FGembol, Peter, FNP11111 Research BlvdSte 310Austin, TX 78759(877) 800-5722

FGeorge, Vimal5145 N Fm 620 RdAustin, TX 78732(512) 681-5900

FGerdelman, Brenna,MD5145 N Fm 620 RdAustin, TX 78732(512) 681-5900

FGerez-Martinez, Cesar,MD5301-B Davis Ln Ste100Austin, TX 78749(512) 324-8980

#Gibson, Georgia, FNP6801 S Interstate 35 Ste1eAustin, TX 78744(512) 978-9960

Goble, Emily1221 W Ben WhiteBlvd Ste 200bAustin, TX 78704(877) 800-5722

FGodfrey, Cody200 E Cesar Chavez StSte G140Austin, TX 78701(512) 654-4100

Gonzales, Eric7000 Woodhue DrAustin, TX 78745(877) 800-5722

Gonzales, Gabrielle2529 S First StAustin, TX 78704(512) 978-9500

F#Gonzales, Migdalia,FNP3000 N Ih 35 Ste 660Austin, TX 78705(512) 236-1310

Gonzalez, Carrie2901 N Ih 35 Ste 1 301Austin, TX 78722(512) 232-3900

F#Gonzalez, Ernesto,MD3828 S 1st StAustin, TX 78704(512) 346-6611

FGonzalez, Sonia701 S Capital Of TexasHwy Ste 900Austin, TX 78746(512) 324-6970

Goodwin, Victoria2200 Park Bend Dr Ste401Austin, TX 78758(512) 807-3160

#Griffin, Emily14312 Hunters BendRdAustin, TX 78725(512) 978-88811705 E 11th StAustin, TX 78702(512) 978-8400

#Gupta, Ajay4515 Seton CenterPkwy Ste 220Austin, TX 78759(512) 338-8388

Gutierrez, Michael, MD1009 E 40th St Ste300bAustin, TX 78751(512) 482-8280


Superior HealthPlan, August 2020 Member Services / Servicios para Miembros 1-800-783-5386

21 TR10-0820

F Texas Health Steps Provider/Proveedor de Pasos Sanos de TexasOffice hours are M-F, 8:00 am to 5:00 pm unless otherwise stated /Todos los proveedores atienden de lunes a viernes, de 8:00 am a 5:00 pm,amenos que se den otras horas« Language spoken other than English / Idioma que habla además delinglés

' Telemedicine provider, these providers can provide some services over thephone and/or by video conference / Los Servicios de Telefonía, Estos proveedores

pueden ofrecer algunos servicios a través del teléfono y / o por videoconferencia# Only current patients / Sólo atiende a pacientes actuales

AUGUST / AGOSTO 2020 Provider Directory Cover - Primary ...· • Tenga preguntas sobre los exmenes de Pasos Sanos de Tejas. Farmacia Superior proporciona medicinas de receta por - [PDF Document] (24)

Hahn, James631 W 38th St Ste 2Austin, TX 78705(512) 600-6189

FHaji, Amina, MD1101 Camino La CostaAustin, TX 78752(512) 478-4939

FHermsdorfer, LindsayRae1009 E 40th St Ste 100Austin, TX 78751(512) 476-5437

Herrera, Ana, NP7215 Cameron RdAustin, TX 78752(512) 648-2273>= 16 years/años

FHicks, Emily701 S Capital Of TexasHwy Ste 900Austin, TX 78746(512) 324-6970

F#Higgs, Carson, MD4515 Seton CenterPkwy Ste 220Austin, TX 78759(512) 338-8388

F#Hon, Serena11714 Wilson ParkeAve Ste 150Austin, TX 78726(737) 247-7200

FHonles, Grace, MD5701 W Slaughter LnAustin, TX 78749(512) 334-2500

F#Hooda, Madhu, MD10401 Anderson MillRd Ste 110bAustin, TX 78750(737) 247-7200

Hunt, Matthew500 E 7th StAustin, TX 78701(512) 978-9920

F#Huntsman, Marissa12221 N Mo Pac ExpyAustin, TX 78758(512) 901-111112221 N Mopac ExpyAustin, TX 78758(512) 901-4004

FInce, Sharon11149 Research BlvdSte 210Austin, TX 78759(512) 231-1901

F#Isaac, Dominique,MD10401 Anderson MillRd Ste 110bAustin, TX 78750(512) 250-5571

FIsaac, Julie, NP2400 Cedar Bend DrAustin, TX 78758(512) 901-1111

Jackson, Elizabeth1015 E 32nd St Ste 508Austin, TX 78705(512) 807-3140

FJere, Sujata, MD2400 Cedar Bend DrAustin, TX 78758(512) 901-1111

F#Jewell, Janet, MD6835 Austin Ctr BlvdAustin, TX 78731(512) 346-6611

John, Mary825 E Rundberg LnAustin, TX 78753(512) 804-3913825 E Rundberg Ln SteB1Austin, TX 78753(512) 978-9600

FJones, Anita Allene,FNP1101 Camino La CostaAustin, TX 78752(512) 478-4939

Jones, Christa, NP8656 A Highway 71West Ste CAustin, TX 78735(512) 978-9820

#Jones, Patsy, MD8101 Cameron Rd Ste106Austin, TX 78754(512) 472-9664

F#Joseph, David, MD2400 Cedar Bend DrAustin, TX 78758(512) 901-1111

FJust, Bryan3311 N Lamar BlvdAustin, TX 78705(512) 975-7791

FJust, Elizabeth2608 Brockton DrAustin, TX 78758(512) 654-40505000 W Slaughter LnSte 100Austin, TX 78749(512) 654-4000

F#Kapadia, Deepti, MD1807 W Slaughter LnSte 490Austin, TX 78748(512) 282-8967

Kaur, Amandeep11111 Research BlvdAustin, TX 78759(877) 800-5722

Kerr, Jacqueline, MD2811 E 2nd StAustin, TX 78702(512) 324-4930M-TH 8:45A-6P F9:15A-4P

FKey, Stephanie, NP2400 Cedar Bend DrAustin, TX 78758(512) 901-1111<= 18 years/años

F#Khunti, Anuja1807 W Slaughter LnSte 490Austin, TX 78748(512) 282-8967

Kini, Margaret, MD211 Comal StAustin, TX 78702(512) 978-9200

Kirkland, Stephanie Ann,FNP2901 N Ih 35 Ste 1 301Austin, TX 78722(512) 232-3900

FKlubak, Teresa1009 E 40th St Ste 100Austin, TX 78751(512) 476-5437<= 18 years/años

Kohli, Sharad1101 Camino La CostaAustin, TX 78752(512) 478-4939

F#Kravitz, Larry, MD4515 Seton CenterPkwy Ste 220Austin, TX 78759(512) 338-8388

F#Krienke, Russell, MD3828 S 1st StAustin, TX 78704(512) 346-6611

Kumar, Paraag6801 S Ih 35 1 EAustin, TX 78744(512) 978-9960

#Lee, Emily, FNP825 E Rundberg Ln SteB1Austin, TX 78758(512) 978-9300

FLee, Emmanuel, MD1000 E 41st StAustin, TX 78751(512) 978-9940701 S Capital Of TexasHwy Ste 900Austin, TX 78746(512) 324-6970

Lee, Ernestine1313 Red River St Ste100Austin, TX 78701(512) 978-9610601 E 15th StAustin, TX 78701(512) 324-3540

F#Lee, Jonathan3828 S 1st StAustin, TX 78704(512) 346-6611

FLewis, Harold Davis,DO1901 W WilliamCannon Dr Ste 123Austin, TX 78745(512) 444-2661>= 5 years/años

FLiu, Yu Mei, MD11149 Research BlvdSte 210Austin, TX 78759(512) 231-1901

Lubars, Martha3108 Ranch Road 620SouthAustin, TX 78734(512) 654-4200


Superior HealthPlan, August 2020 Member Services / Servicios para Miembros 1-800-783-5386

22 TR10-0820

F Texas Health Steps Provider/Proveedor de Pasos Sanos de TexasOffice hours are M-F, 8:00 am to 5:00 pm unless otherwise stated /Todos los proveedores atienden de lunes a viernes, de 8:00 am a 5:00 pm,amenos que se den otras horas« Language spoken other than English / Idioma que habla además delinglés

' Telemedicine provider, these providers can provide some services over thephone and/or by video conference / Los Servicios de Telefonía, Estos proveedores

pueden ofrecer algunos servicios a través del teléfono y / o por videoconferencia# Only current patients / Sólo atiende a pacientes actuales

AUGUST / AGOSTO 2020 Provider Directory Cover - Primary ...· • Tenga preguntas sobre los exmenes de Pasos Sanos de Tejas. Farmacia Superior proporciona medicinas de receta por - [PDF Document] (25)

Lytle, Misty6425 S Ih 35 Ste 100Austin, TX 78744(512) 744-6000

FMa, Helen, DO1100 W 39th 1/2 StAustin, TX 78756(512) 454-4545M-F 8A-9P S 8A-5P SU9A-12P<= 5 years/años4100 Duval Rd Ste 100Austin, TX 78759(512) 250-0220<= 5 years/años

F#Macclements,Jonathan, MD1313 Red River St Ste100Austin, TX 78701(512) 978-9610>= 18 years/años313 E 12th St Ste 101Austin, TX 78701(512) 324-9650>= 18 years/años

Madrid, Carissa2529 S First StAustin, TX 78704(512) 978-9500

F#Mahdjoubi, Marina,FNP601 E 15th StAustin, TX 78701(512) 324-3540

F#Markley, Michelle,MD6835 Austin Ctr BlvdAustin, TX 78731(512) 346-6611

FMarroquin, Robbin11149 Research BlvdSte 210Austin, TX 78759(512) 231-1901

FMartinez, Enrique, MD809 Lydia StAustin, TX 78702(512) 499-8015M-F 8A-4P

F#Mason, Nona701 Capital Of TexasHighway South Ste 900Austin, TX 78746(512) 324-6970

F#McCray, SarahMargaret, FNP1400 N Interstate 35Ste C2 450Austin, TX 78701(512) 978-8080

McGraw, Jennifer1210 W Braker LnAustin, TX 78758(512) 978-9300

McMahon, Shannon,FNP6425 S Ih 35 Ste 100Austin, TX 78744(512) 744-6000

Mead, Catrina, ACNP1201 W 38th StAustin, TX 78705(512) 324-7131

Medina, Maria, NP2529 S 1st StAustin, TX 78704(512) 978-9500Limited to Females/SóloAtiende A Mujeres >=10 years/años

Melendez Murph, Edwin2901 MontopolisAustin, TX 78741(512) 978-9955M-S 8A-8P2901 Montopolis DrAustin, TX 78741(512) 978-9901M-S 8A-8P

Merkel, Karen5103-B Davis Ln Ste100Austin, TX 78749(512) 324-8980

Meyer, Bethany3901 A Spicewood SpgsRd Ste 201Austin, TX 78759(737) 226-6700

F#Miller, Hillary, MD6835 Austin Ctr BlvdAustin, TX 78731(512) 346-6611

Molina-Batlle, Claudia,MD825 E Rundberg LnAustin, TX 78753(512) 804-3913M-F 7:15A-5P

F#Moreno, Rosa, MD1301 W 38th St Ste 205Austin, TX 78705(512) 451-8354

Mukkamala, Pallavi5000 W Slaughter LnSte 100Austin, TX 78749(512) 654-4000

FMullins, Laurelin11149 Research BlvdSte 210Austin, TX 78759(512) 231-1901

Munoz, Silvia, FNP7000 Woodhue DrAustin, TX 78745(877) 800-5722

FNaglieri, Lori, MD1345 Philomena St Ste4103Austin, TX 78723(512) 324-20003501 Mills AveAustin, TX 78731(512) 324-2000

#Nguyen, Kevin6835 Austin Ctr BlvdAustin, TX 78731(512) 346-6611

Nguyen, Phommalone5301-B Davis LnAustin, TX 78749(512) 324-8980

F#Norris, Robert, MD3828 S 1st StAustin, TX 78704(512) 346-6611

F#Nugent, Mark, MD3828 S 1st StAustin, TX 78704(512) 346-6611

#Nyman, Emily4315 James Casey StSte 200Austin, TX 78745(512) 383-9752

Odom, Raynell, FNP2911 Medical Arts StSte 10Austin, TX 78705(866) 473-9370

FOglesby, Kelli10815 Ranch Road2222 Ste 100Austin, TX 78730(512) 327-4262

FOkpaku, Amy1313 Red River St Ste100Austin, TX 78701(512) 978-96101500 Red River StAustin, TX 78701(512) 324-7000

FOsborn, Clinton1515 S Capital OfTexas Hwy Ste 105Austin, TX 78746(888) 348-7863>= 2 years/años

F#Ostler, Heidi1807 W Slaughter LnSte 490Austin, TX 78748(512) 282-8967

Padilla, Samantha7701 Metropolis Dr Ste100Austin, TX 78744(512) 324-9999

FPage, Bruce, MD2400 Cedar Bend DrAustin, TX 78758(512) 901-1111

Parmar, Tulja10815 Ranch Road2222 Ste 100Austin, TX 78730(512) 327-4262

F#Parthasarathy,Urmila, DO10401 Anderson MillRdAustin, TX 78750(737) 247-7200

Pease, Dawn, NP2901 Montopolis DrAustin, TX 78741(512) 978-9901

Perez Vazquez, Shannon3000 N Ih-35 Ste 700Austin, TX 78705(512) 807-3150

Perez, Antonia8913 Collinfield DriveSte 1Austin, TX 78758(877) 800-5722


Superior HealthPlan, August 2020 Member Services / Servicios para Miembros 1-800-783-5386

23 TR10-0820

F Texas Health Steps Provider/Proveedor de Pasos Sanos de TexasOffice hours are M-F, 8:00 am to 5:00 pm unless otherwise stated /Todos los proveedores atienden de lunes a viernes, de 8:00 am a 5:00 pm,amenos que se den otras horas« Language spoken other than English / Idioma que habla además delinglés

' Telemedicine provider, these providers can provide some services over thephone and/or by video conference / Los Servicios de Telefonía, Estos proveedores

pueden ofrecer algunos servicios a través del teléfono y / o por videoconferencia# Only current patients / Sólo atiende a pacientes actuales

AUGUST / AGOSTO 2020 Provider Directory Cover - Primary ...· • Tenga preguntas sobre los exmenes de Pasos Sanos de Tejas. Farmacia Superior proporciona medicinas de receta por - [PDF Document] (26)

F#Perez, Kenneth, DO3828 S 1st StAustin, TX 78704(512) 346-6611

Phuo Tran, Ngoc, DO1611 Ohlen RdAustin, TX 78758(512) 873-7173>= 2 years/años

FPinto, Mauricio3901 A Spicewood SpgsRd Ste 201Austin, TX 78759(737) 226-6700

#Pittman, Bradley, MD6835 Austin Ctr BlvdAustin, TX 78731(512) 346-6611

F#Pratt, Adriana15801 W Highway 71Austin, TX 78738(512) 676-2500

F#Priya Naidu, ShirinMary, MD2400 Cedar Bend DrAustin, TX 78758(512) 901-4016

F#Pruitt, Enas, MD3501 Mills AveAustin, TX 78731(512) 324-2000

F#Queng, John, MD6835 Austin Ctr BlvdAustin, TX 78731(512) 346-6611

Ramirez, Erika5301-B Davis LnAustin, TX 78749(512) 324-89807112 Ed Bluestein BlvdSte 100Austin, TX 78723(512) 744-6000

#Ramirez, Jahanett2901 Montopolis DrAustin, TX 78741(512) 978-9901

Ramos, Jenelyn6835 Austin Ctr BlvdAustin, TX 78731(512) 346-6611

Rana, Cydney901 W Ben White BlvdAustin, TX 78704(512) 816-8611

FRane, Poonam, MD825 E Rundberg Ln SteB1Austin, TX 78758(512) 978-9300

Reddy, Prashant, DO6801 S Ih 35 1 EAustin, TX 78744(512) 978-9960M-S 8A-8P6801 S Interstate 35Austin, TX 78744(512) 978-9960M-S 8A-8P825 E Rundberg Ln SteB1Austin, TX 78758(512) 978-9300

Regan, Katherine901 W Ben White BlvdAustin, TX 78704(512) 816-8611

Reidy, Elizabeth4201 Bee Caves Rd SteC100Austin, TX 78746(512) 327-1155

Richards, Roberta11149 Research BlvdAustin, TX 78759(512) 338-04923801 N Lamar Blvd Ste300Austin, TX 78756(512) 206-3600900 W 38th St Ste 400Austin, TX 78705(512) 206-3600

Rodriguez, Amanda2529 S 1st StAustin, TX 78704(512) 978-9500M-F 7A-7P S 7A-5P

FRomero, Karen11714 Wilson ParkeAve Ste 150Austin, TX 78726(512) 346-6611

Romero, Leigh, MD1313 Red River St Ste100Austin, TX 78701(512) 978-96101500 Red River StAustin, TX 78701(512) 978-9610

Rosales, Celia, FNP7000 Woodhue DrAustin, TX 78745(877) 800-5722

F#Ruiz-Stock, Claudia,MD1101 Camino La CostaAustin, TX 78752(512) 478-4939

FSadiq, Adetoun11111 Research BlvdSte 310Austin, TX 78759(877) 800-5722

F#Samaan, Michael1807 W Slaughter LnSte 490Austin, TX 78748(512) 282-8967

F#Sanchez Ellig, Marina,MD3828 S 1st StAustin, TX 78704(512) 346-6611

FSanders, Jessica, FNP3311 N Lamar BlvdAustin, TX 78705(512) 975-7791

FSanders, Judith Lynn2909 N Ih 35Austin, TX 78722(512) 478-4939

FSantiago, Jose, MD2624 W WilliamCannon DrAustin, TX 78745(512) 443-7746M-TH 8:30A-5P F8:30A-4P<= 18 years/años

Schoening, Jessica Nicole12200 Renfert Way Ste100Austin, TX 78758(512) 451-8211

FSellers, Kayla11149 Research BlvdSte 210Austin, TX 78759(512) 231-190111671 Jollyville Rd Ste102Austin, TX 78759(512) 324-6975

F#Sheff, Gregory, MD6835 Austin Ctr BlvdAustin, TX 78731(512) 346-6611M-F 7:30A-5P

FShipe, Angela12221 N Mo Pac ExpyAustin, TX 78758(512) 901-400912221 N Mopac ExpyAustin, TX 78758(512) 901-1111

Sizenbach, Dorothy May3944 Rr 620 S Bldg 8Ste 102Austin, TX 78738(512) 777-08845424 W Highway 290Ste 101Austin, TX 78735(512) 643-4400

F#Smith, Kaila4315 James Casey StSte 200Austin, TX 78745(512) 383-9752

F#Snook, Ashley Post,NP3901 A Spicewood SpgsRd Ste 201Austin, TX 78759(737) 226-6700

Solnek, Barbara3801 N Lamar Blvd Ste300Austin, TX 78756(512) 206-3600900 W 38th St Ste 400Austin, TX 78705(512) 206-3600

F#Sprute, Dana, MD1313 Red River St Ste100Austin, TX 78701(512) 324-7300601 E 15th StAustin, TX 78701(512) 324-3540

FStephens, Linda, NP1100 W 39 1/2 StAustin, TX 78756(512) 454-45451100 W 39th 1/2 StAustin, TX 78756(512) 454-4545


Superior HealthPlan, August 2020 Member Services / Servicios para Miembros 1-800-783-5386

24 TR10-0820

F Texas Health Steps Provider/Proveedor de Pasos Sanos de TexasOffice hours are M-F, 8:00 am to 5:00 pm unless otherwise stated /Todos los proveedores atienden de lunes a viernes, de 8:00 am a 5:00 pm,amenos que se den otras horas« Language spoken other than English / Idioma que habla además delinglés

' Telemedicine provider, these providers can provide some services over thephone and/or by video conference / Los Servicios de Telefonía, Estos proveedores

pueden ofrecer algunos servicios a través del teléfono y / o por videoconferencia# Only current patients / Sólo atiende a pacientes actuales

AUGUST / AGOSTO 2020 Provider Directory Cover - Primary ...· • Tenga preguntas sobre los exmenes de Pasos Sanos de Tejas. Farmacia Superior proporciona medicinas de receta por - [PDF Document] (27)

Stone, Diana, DO3901 A Spicewood SpgsRd Ste 201Austin, TX 78759(737) 226-6700

F#Stonecipher, Robert,MD3828 S 1st StAustin, TX 78704(512) 346-6611

#Stout, Diana, FNP4614 N Interstate 35Austin, TX 78751(512) 978-9100

#Straus, Audrey1210 W Braker LnAustin, TX 78758(512) 978-9300

F#Symphony HealthcarePA711 W 38th St Ste C9Austin, TX 78705(512) 454-3500

Ta, Anvi2901 N Ih 35 Ste 1 301Austin, TX 78722(512) 232-3900

FTellez, Javier, DO2400 Cedar Bend DrAustin, TX 78758(512) 901-1111

Thacker, Todd1705 E 11th StAustin, TX 78702(512) 978-8400

Thrower, Rebecca1500 Red River StAustin, TX 78701(512) 324-47802901 Montopolis DrAustin, TX 78741(512) 978-9901

F#Treadwell, Leah, MD1807 W Slaughter LnAustin, TX 78748(512) 282-8967

F#Truong, Kimphuong,MD10401 Anderson MillRd Ste 110bAustin, TX 78750(737) 247-7200

Umanzor, Jennifer7000 Woodhue DrAustin, TX 78745(877) 800-5722

FVarasteh Kasha,Maryam200 Medical PkwyAustin, TX 78738(512) 654-1234

Verrier, Louanne1101 Camino La CostaAustin, TX 78752(512) 478-4939

Vice, Lauren825 E Rundberg Ln SteB1Austin, TX 78753(512) 978-9600

Vilela, Gaddiel3607 Manor Rd Ste100Austin, TX 78723(512) 928-4600

#Walters, Andrew15801 W Highway 71Austin, TX 78738(512) 676-2500

Welch, Karen8656 W Highway 71Ste CAustin, TX 78735(512) 978-98208656a W Highway 71Ste CAustin, TX 78735(512) 978-9820

Williams, James, MD12414 Alderbrook DrSte 100Austin, TX 78758(512) 339-2500

F#Wong, Albert, MD10401 Anderson MillRd Ste 110 & Ste 110bAustin, TX 78750(512) 250-5571

FWood, Daniel, PA1009 E 40th St Ste 100Austin, TX 78751(512) 476-5437<= 18 years/años12411 Hymeadow DrSte 3fAustin, TX 78750(512) 250-1997<= 18 years/años

F#Wright, David, MD7215 Cameron RdAustin, TX 78752(512) 648-2273

F#Wyndham Gray,Nadeen, MD2400 Cedar Bend DrAustin, TX 78758(512) 901-40315701 W Slaughter LnAustin, TX 78749(512) 901-4031

Yagoda, Nicholas2529 S 1st StAustin, TX 78704(512) 978-9500M-TH 7A-7P F 7A-5PS 8:30A-4:30P

Ybarra, Jocelyn3000 N Ih 35 Ste 700Austin, TX 78705(512) 807-3150

Zachary, Kimberly701 S Capital Of TexasHwy Ste 900Austin, TX 78746(512) 324-6970

FZakiullah, Nida, MD2400 Cedar Bend DrAustin, TX 78758(512) 901-11112400 Cedar Bend Dr2nd FlrAustin, TX 78758(512) 901-4016

Zander, Alicia7000 Woodhue DrAustin, TX 78745(877) 800-5722

FZarndt, Darla2608 Brockton DrAustin, TX 78758(512) 654-4050

F#Zdunek, Jay6835 Austin Ctr BlvdAustin, TX 78731(512) 346-6611

Zuniga, Angela12221 N Mo Pac ExpyAustin, TX 78758(512) 901-11112200 Park Bend Dr Ste401Austin, TX 78758(512) 807-3160

DEL VALLETurner, Jackie, NP

5301 Ross Rd Ste HDel Valle, TX 78617(512) 475-8234

LEANDERF#De Lota, Michael

901 Crystal Falls PkwySte 103Leander, TX 78641(512) 259-2198

F#Egelsee, Luis, MD651 N Highway 183Ste 110Leander, TX 78641(512) 528-0432

FFisher, Loren6502 Lohmans Ford RdLeander, TX 78645(512) 267-3213

F#Gutierrez Maci,Rodolfo, MD901 Crystal Falls PkwySte 103Leander, TX 78641(512) 259-2198

FJones, Theresa, FNP651 N Highway 183Ste 110Leander, TX 78641(512) 528-0432

F#Manthena, Swapna,MD901 Crystal Falls PkwySte 103Leander, TX 78641(512) 259-2198

FScanlan, Lynn, DO1007 S Highway 183Leander, TX 78641(512) 260-4900

FSmith, Benjamin, MD1007 S Highway 183Leander, TX 78641(512) 260-4900

MANORF#Champlain, Jacqueline

11300 Us Highway 290East Ste 230Manor, TX 78653(512) 346-6611

#Hunt, Farron, MD11300 Us Highway 290East Ste 230Manor, TX 78653(512) 582-6075

March, Donna12436 Gregg ManorRdManor, TX 78653(512) 654-4400


Superior HealthPlan, August 2020 Member Services / Servicios para Miembros 1-800-783-5386

25 TR10-0820

F Texas Health Steps Provider/Proveedor de Pasos Sanos de TexasOffice hours are M-F, 8:00 am to 5:00 pm unless otherwise stated /Todos los proveedores atienden de lunes a viernes, de 8:00 am a 5:00 pm,amenos que se den otras horas« Language spoken other than English / Idioma que habla además delinglés

' Telemedicine provider, these providers can provide some services over thephone and/or by video conference / Los Servicios de Telefonía, Estos proveedores

pueden ofrecer algunos servicios a través del teléfono y / o por videoconferencia# Only current patients / Sólo atiende a pacientes actuales

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Mueller, Lynda Lea600 W Carrie Manor StManor, TX 78653(512) 978-9780

Sizenbach, Dorothy May14008 ShadowglenBlvd Ste 104Manor, TX 78653(512) 886-4600


15803 Windermere DrSte 103Pflugerville, TX 78660(512) 989-2680

Akinyemi, Elizabeth1701 E PflugervillePkwyPflugerville, TX 78660(512) 259-6000

Alemi, Wais15822 Foothill FarmsLoopPflugerville, TX 78660(512) 978-9840

#Averitt, Travis2100 Autumn Slate DrSte 150Pflugerville, TX 78660(737) 220-7200

FDeliberato, Megan1701 E PflugervillePkwyPflugerville, TX 78660(512) 259-6000

FDeliberato, Samuel1701 E PflugervillePkwyPflugerville, TX 78660(512) 259-6000

FHaji, Amina, MD1512 Town Center DrSte 100Pflugerville, TX 78660(512) 324-4875

F#Hart, Steven, MD15803 Windermere DrSte 103Pflugerville, TX 78660(512) 989-2680

FHernandez, Leah1701 E PflugervillePkwyPflugerville, TX 78660(512) 259-6000

FJust, Elizabeth1701 E PflugervillePkwyPflugerville, TX 78660(512) 259-6000

Kasturi, Mythili15822 Foothill FarmsLoopPflugerville, TX 78660(512) 978-9840

FMcCreary-Field, Rachel1701 E PflugervillePkwyPflugerville, TX 78660(512) 259-6000

F#Medrano, William,MD15803 Windermere DrSte 103Pflugerville, TX 78660(512) 989-2680

FMeshew, Catherine,MD1701 E PflugervillePkwyPflugerville, TX 78660(512) 260-6000

FNewton, Tarnia1701 E PflugervillePkwyPflugerville, TX 78660(512) 259-6000

FPatel, Vikash1701 E PflugervillePkwyPflugerville, TX 78660(512) 260-6000

FStone, Mark, MD1701 E PflugervillePkwyPflugerville, TX 78660(512) 260-6000

#Valla, Noreen2100 Autumn Slate DrSte 150Pflugerville, TX 78660(512) 272-4636

F#Ven Huizen, Vanessa,DO15803 Windermere DrSte 103Pflugerville, TX 78660(512) 989-2680>= 55 years/años

FVia, Lara, MD1701 E PflugervillePkwyPflugerville, TX 78660(512) 260-6000

FZarndt, Darla1701 E PflugervillePkwyPflugerville, TX 78660(512) 259-6000



AUSTINFMcGaugh, Ronald,MD15004 Avery RanchBlvd Ste 105Austin, TX 78717(512) 528-7420M-TH 7A-5P F 7A-11A

FPalla, Swapna10526 W Parmer LnAustin, TX 78717(512) 310-4700

FPena-Delgado, Myra10526 W Parmer LnAustin, TX 78717(512) 310-4700

FSteffy, Daniel10526 W Parmer LnSte 409Austin, TX 78717(512) 310-4700

FYee, Bing9800 N Lk Creek PkwySte 200Austin, TX 78717(512) 336-3400

CEDAR PARKAkin, Angela, DO

801 E Whitestone BlvdCedar Park, TX 78613(512) 529-1964

F#Butler, Harrel, MD801 E Whitestone BlvdSte BCedar Park, TX 78613(512) 259-3467

F#Dandekar, Meghana,MD801 E Whitestone BlvdSte BCedar Park, TX 78613(512) 259-3467

F#Douglas, Helen801 E Whitestone BlvdCedar Park, TX 78613(512) 259-3467

#Ferrero, Sarah801 E Whitestone BlvdCedar Park, TX 78613(512) 259-3467

FFoster, Steven Kirk,MD190 Buttercup CreekBlvdCedar Park, TX 78613(512) 336-5824M-F 8:30A-5P<= 18 years/años

FGogulski, David, MD900 E Whitestone BlvdCedar Park, TX 78613(512) 684-4911

Guajardo, Richard, MD5001 Tx-183a Toll RdSte R100Cedar Park, TX 78613(512) 595-7000>= 2 years/años

FHahn, Amy910 E Whitestone Blvd2nd FlrCedar Park, TX 78613(512) 260-6100

FHillbrick Jr, TimothyJoe450 Cypress Creek RdBldg 5Cedar Park, TX 78613(512) 249-1400

F#Hughes, Eric, MD801 E Whitestone BlvdSte BCedar Park, TX 78613(512) 259-3467

FHurlburt, JamesBrandon450 Cypress Creek RdBldg 5Cedar Park, TX 78613(512) 249-1400


Superior HealthPlan, August 2020 Member Services / Servicios para Miembros 1-800-783-5386

26 TR10-0820

F Texas Health Steps Provider/Proveedor de Pasos Sanos de TexasOffice hours are M-F, 8:00 am to 5:00 pm unless otherwise stated /Todos los proveedores atienden de lunes a viernes, de 8:00 am a 5:00 pm,amenos que se den otras horas« Language spoken other than English / Idioma que habla además delinglés

' Telemedicine provider, these providers can provide some services over thephone and/or by video conference / Los Servicios de Telefonía, Estos proveedores

pueden ofrecer algunos servicios a través del teléfono y / o por videoconferencia# Only current patients / Sólo atiende a pacientes actuales

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King, Susan Caroline1907 Cypress Creak RdSte 104Cedar Park, TX 78613(512) 346-7966

FMcCreary-Field, Rachel910 E Whitestone Blvd2nd FlrCedar Park, TX 78613(512) 260-6100

McDonald, Tara1201 N Lakeline BlvdSte 400Cedar Park, TX 78613(512) 379-7272

Morgan, Jasmine351 Cypress Creek RdSte 103Cedar Park, TX 78613(512) 250-8199

F#Morrison, Bryan, MD801 E Whitestone BlvdCedar Park, TX 78613(512) 259-3467

Ramirez, Kathy1401 Medical PkwyBldg C Ste 150Cedar Park, TX 78613(512) 901-4038

Rathod, Hetal1401 Medical ParkwayB Ste 407Cedar Park, TX 78613(512) 249-7190

FScott, Tiffani1464 E WhitestoneBlvd Ste 2104Cedar Park, TX 78613(512) 260-8100

FStewart, Christophe,MD901 E Whitestone BlvdCedar Park, TX 78613(512) 260-6100

FStoeckel, Mark David,MD450 Cypress Creek RdBldg 5Cedar Park, TX 78613(512) 249-1400M-TH 7A-4P F 8A-1P

Watson, Hailey450 Cypress Creek RdBldg 5Cedar Park, TX 78613(512) 249-1400

F#Wooldridge, Alicia,MD1401 Medical Pkwy Ste150Cedar Park, TX 78613(512) 901-4038

FZenon, Nicole450 Cypress Creek RdBldg 5Cedar Park, TX 78613(512) 249-1400801 E Whitestone BlvdSte 200Cedar Park, TX 78613(512) 259-1964

GEORGETOWNFBohmfalk, Thomas,MD3201 S Austin Ave Ste210Georgetown, TX 78626(512) 763-4000

Bond, Alexandra1507 Rivery BlvdGeorgetown, TX 78628(512) 509-9550

FCalkins, Richard, FNP3721 Williams DrGeorgetown, TX 78628(512) 324-4818

FChuo, Litai3201 S Austin Ave Ste210Georgetown, TX 78626(512) 763-4000

FCook, Diana1507 Rivery BlvdGeorgetown, TX 78628(512) 509-9500

FDrummond, Lisa205 E University AveSte 200Georgetown, TX 78626(877) 800-5722205 E University Ste200Georgetown, TX 78626(512) 868-1124

FGeorge, Saramma, MD105 Wildwood Dr Ste105Georgetown, TX 78633(512) 763-4000>= 55 years/años

Heflin, Jearald Duane,MD1507 Rivery BlvdGeorgetown, TX 78628(512) 509-9550

Ho, Anh Thu2423 Williams Dr Ste105Georgetown, TX 78628(877) 800-5722

FIn, Kwang, MD3201 S Austin Ave Ste210Georgetown, TX 78626(512) 763-4000

FJones, Jamie900 N Austin Ave Ste105Georgetown, TX 78626(512) 930-7828

FKhatri, Nudrat2423 Williams Dr Ste113Georgetown, TX 78628(877) 800-5722

FLatta, Tamika, MD2423 Williams Dr Ste105Georgetown, TX 78628(956) 831-8338

FLindo, Amanda900 N Austin Ave Ste105Georgetown, TX 78626(512) 930-7828

Long, Karen, NP2423 Williams Dr Ste105Georgetown, TX 78628(877) 800-5722

FLuttrell, Brady, MD1507 Rivery BlvdGeorgetown, TX 78628(512) 509-9550

Male, Richard, DO3721 Williams DrGeorgetown, TX 78628(512) 869-7310

FMason, Elise Klose105 Wildwood Dr Ste105Georgetown, TX 78633(512) 763-40003201 S Austin Ave Ste210Georgetown, TX 78626(512) 763-4000

Morgan, Jasmine900 N Austin Ave Ste105Georgetown, TX 78626(512) 930-7828

#Nguyen, Kevin1507 Rivery BlvdGeorgetown, TX 78628(512) 509-9550

Norwood, Amanda1507 Rivery BlvdGeorgetown, TX 78628(512) 509-9550

FOkunade, Adeyoyin,MD2423 Williams Dr Ste103Georgetown, TX 78628(956) 831-8338

FPerez, Hector, PA2423 Williams Dr Ste103Georgetown, TX 78628(956) 831-8338

FPintor, Catherine, FNP2423 Williams Dr Ste108Georgetown, TX 78628(512) 863-9208

FSadiq, Adetoun205 E University Ste200Georgetown, TX 78626(512) 868-1124

Smith, Trisha3201 S Austin Ave Ste210Georgetown, TX 78626(512) 763-4000

FSpitler, Florence, DO3201 S Austin Ave Ste210Georgetown, TX 78626(512) 763-4000

FVoss, Daniel Stephen,MD3201 S Austin Ave Ste210Georgetown, TX 78626(512) 763-4000

FWillingham, DavidRyan3201 S Austin Ave Ste210Georgetown, TX 78626(512) 763-4000


Superior HealthPlan, August 2020 Member Services / Servicios para Miembros 1-800-783-5386

27 TR10-0820

F Texas Health Steps Provider/Proveedor de Pasos Sanos de TexasOffice hours are M-F, 8:00 am to 5:00 pm unless otherwise stated /Todos los proveedores atienden de lunes a viernes, de 8:00 am a 5:00 pm,amenos que se den otras horas« Language spoken other than English / Idioma que habla además delinglés

' Telemedicine provider, these providers can provide some services over thephone and/or by video conference / Los Servicios de Telefonía, Estos proveedores

pueden ofrecer algunos servicios a través del teléfono y / o por videoconferencia# Only current patients / Sólo atiende a pacientes actuales

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F#Willis, John, MD3201 S Austin Ave Ste210Georgetown, TX 78626(512) 763-4000

FYoung, Blake1507 Rivery BlvdGeorgetown, TX 78628(512) 509-9550

HUTTOF#Castillo, Cathy, MD

151 Exchange Blvd Ste500Hutto, TX 78634(877) 846-7844

FCook, Diana120 Ed Schmidt BlvdSte B & Ste FHutto, TX 78634(512) 509-9500

Guajardo, Richard, MD4810 Gattis School RdHutto, TX 78634(512) 312-7230>= 2 years/años

FHansen, Rebecca120 Ed Schmidt BlvdHutto, TX 78634(512) 509-9500

FMahale, Radha, MD120 Ed Schmidt BlvdSte FHutto, TX 78634(512) 509-9500M-F 7:45A-5P

FPena, Jacobo, MD120 Ed Schmidt BlvdHutto, TX 78634(512) 509-9500

F#Rogers, James, DO151 Exchange Blvd Ste500Hutto, TX 78634(877) 846-7844

LIBERTY HILLThurman, Kaela

12701 W StateHighway 29 Ste 5Liberty Hill, TX 78642(512) 548-5373

Watson, Hailey14365 Highway 29 WSte 10Liberty Hill, TX 78642(512) 778-5160

14365 W StateHighway 29 Ste 10Liberty Hill, TX 78642(512) 778-5160

ROUND ROCKFBodapati, Rajeswari,MD425 University BlvdRound Rock, TX78665(512) 509-0200

Brown, James4495 Wandering VineTrlRound Rock, TX78665(512) 840-1158

#Burri, Sarat940 Hesters CrossingRdRound Rock, TX78681(512) 244-9024

Chan, Gretchen201 University OaksSte 1260Round Rock, TX78665(512) 324-4780

F#Chaudhury, Saswati,MD940 Hesters CrossingRdRound Rock, TX78681(512) 244-9024

FCohen, Dinna, MD425 University BlvdRound Rock, TX78665(512) 509-0200

Cruse, Julie4495 Wandering VineTrlRound Rock, TX78665(512) 840-1158

#Elledge, Dianne4112 Links Ln Ste 201Round Rock, TX78664(512) 672-8933

Fardal, John1700 Round Rock AveRound Rock, TX78681(512) 960-4100

Foley, Kristin100 E Main St Ste 101Round Rock, TX78664(512) 732-2774

Goble, Cara4495 Wandering VineTrlRound Rock, TX78665(512) 840-1158

FGoode, Joel, MD4112 Links Ln Ste 201Round Rock, TX78664(512) 672-8933

Guajardo, Richard, MD2800 Ih 35 S Ste 400Round Rock, TX78681(512) 910-8737>= 2 years/años

F#Handco*ck, Tyler, MD302 University BlvdRound Rock, TX78665(512) 509-0200

F#Hart, Steven, MD940 Hesters CrossingRdRound Rock, TX78681(512) 244-9024

F#Irvin, Bryan, MD940 Hesters CrossingRdRound Rock, TX78681(512) 244-9024

F#Jadhav, Swati, MD940 Hesters CrossingRdRound Rock, TX78681(512) 244-9024

Jaffer, Urooj940 Hesters CrossingRdRound Rock, TX78681(512) 244-9024

F#Kelly, Daniel940 Hesters CrossingRdRound Rock, TX78681(512) 244-9024

FKlubak, Teresa7700 Cat Hollow DrSte 104Round Rock, TX78681(512) 733-5437<= 18 years/años

Kromann, Laura4112 Links Ln Ste 201Round Rock, TX78664(512) 672-8933

Laster, Jessica4495 Wandering VineTrlRound Rock, TX78665(512) 840-1158

FLewis, Christophe, MD4112 Links Ln Ste 201Round Rock, TX78664(512) 672-8933

FMacik, Jenna201 University OaksSte 1260Round Rock, TX78665(512) 324-4780

F#Magdamo, Willie,MD940 Hesters CrossingRdRound Rock, TX78681(512) 244-9024

McCauley, Robert4495 Wandering VineTrlRound Rock, TX78665(512) 840-1158

FNaron, Alberta302 University BlvdRound Rock, TX78665(512) 509-0200

F#Nasri, Christine425 University BlvdRound Rock, TX78665(512) 509-0200

FNeitsch, Deborah, MD4112 Links Ln Ste 201Round Rock, TX78664(512) 672-8933


Superior HealthPlan, August 2020 Member Services / Servicios para Miembros 1-800-783-5386

28 TR10-0820

F Texas Health Steps Provider/Proveedor de Pasos Sanos de TexasOffice hours are M-F, 8:00 am to 5:00 pm unless otherwise stated /Todos los proveedores atienden de lunes a viernes, de 8:00 am a 5:00 pm,amenos que se den otras horas« Language spoken other than English / Idioma que habla además delinglés

' Telemedicine provider, these providers can provide some services over thephone and/or by video conference / Los Servicios de Telefonía, Estos proveedores

pueden ofrecer algunos servicios a través del teléfono y / o por videoconferencia# Only current patients / Sólo atiende a pacientes actuales

AUGUST / AGOSTO 2020 Provider Directory Cover - Primary ...· • Tenga preguntas sobre los exmenes de Pasos Sanos de Tejas. Farmacia Superior proporciona medicinas de receta por - [PDF Document] (31)

FNgo, Brigitte16420 R R 620 Ste 104Round Rock, TX78681(512) 250-7000

F#Nguyen, Joe, MD940 Hesters CrossingRdRound Rock, TX78681(512) 244-9024

Okiomah, Mary4495 Wandering VineTrlRound Rock, TX78665(512) 840-1158

FOliver, Paul, MD425 University BlvdRound Rock, TX78665(512) 509-0200

Ramirez, Steve, MD1800 S A W GrimesBlvdRound Rock, TX78664(512) 244-5700

FRangarajan, Anuradha,MD2051 Gattis School RdSte 250Round Rock, TX78664(512) 324-4813

FSellers, Kayla1 Chisholm Trl Ste4100Round Rock, TX78681(512) 310-8883

FSharma, Anuj, MD302 University BlvdRound Rock, TX78665(512) 509-0200

Shelden, Jennifer2410 Round Rock AveSte 110Round Rock, TX78681(512) 341-0889

FStavinoha, William1 Chisholm Trl Ste4100Round Rock, TX78681(512) 310-8883

201 University OaksSte 1260Round Rock, TX78665(512) 324-4780

FStrawser, Richard, MD7200 Wyoming SpgsSte 1500Round Rock, TX78681(512) 218-8696

FSuffridge, Candida1800 S A W GrimesBlvdRound Rock, TX78664(512) 244-5700

F#Sundance FamilyHealth Center7700 Cat Hollow DrSte 205Round Rock, TX78681(512) 218-4900

FTrevino, Rogelio, MD2051 Gattis School RdSte 250Round Rock, TX78664(512) 324-4813

F#Turner, Trevor, MD7200 Wyoming SpgsSte 1500Round Rock, TX78681(512) 218-8696

Tyler, Heidi2410 Round Rock AveSte 110Round Rock, TX78681(512) 341-0889

F#Uriegas, Rodolfo, MD940 Hesters CrossingRdRound Rock, TX78681(512) 244-9024

F#Virani, Anisha940 Hesters CrossingRdRound Rock, TX78681(512) 244-9024

F#Wilkins, Steven, DO940 Hesters CrossingRdRound Rock, TX78681(512) 244-9024

F#Yun, Olivia940 Hesters CrossingRdRound Rock, TX78681(512) 244-9024

FZachariah, Ajay201 University OaksSte 1260Round Rock, TX78665(512) 324-4780

TAYLORFChang, Franklin, MD

403 Mallard LnTaylor, TX 76574(512) 352-5251M-TH 7:30A-5P F7:30A-4P

FDrummond, Lisa601a Mallard LnTaylor, TX 76574(512) 352-7611

FDungog, Paula403 Mallard LnTaylor, TX 76574(512) 352-5251

FLeschber, Tiffany Ann403 Mallard LnTaylor, TX 76574(512) 352-5251

FRoper, Kellye403 Mallard LnTaylor, TX 76574(512) 352-5251

FSabu, Merin601a Mallard LnTaylor, TX 76574(877) 800-5722

F#Smalley, Franklin,MD403 Mallard LnTaylor, TX 76574(512) 352-5251M-TH 7:30A-5P F7:30A-4P

FSmith, Karen Venkata,MD403 Mallard LnTaylor, TX 76574(512) 352-5251


Superior HealthPlan, August 2020 Member Services / Servicios para Miembros 1-800-783-5386

29 TR10-0820

F Texas Health Steps Provider/Proveedor de Pasos Sanos de TexasOffice hours are M-F, 8:00 am to 5:00 pm unless otherwise stated /Todos los proveedores atienden de lunes a viernes, de 8:00 am a 5:00 pm,amenos que se den otras horas« Language spoken other than English / Idioma que habla además delinglés

' Telemedicine provider, these providers can provide some services over thephone and/or by video conference / Los Servicios de Telefonía, Estos proveedores

pueden ofrecer algunos servicios a través del teléfono y / o por videoconferencia# Only current patients / Sólo atiende a pacientes actuales

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40 E AveSchulenburg, TX 78956(979) 743-3520


KYLE#Brooks, Tera

4100 Everett Dr Ste400Kyle, TX 78640(512) 295-1333

SAN MARCOSFRiojas, Nicole Ann

1320 Wonder WorldDr Ste 101San Marcos, TX 78666(512) 396-3911

Waddell, Kristie1340 Wonder WorldDr Ste 2300San Marcos, TX 78666(512) 654-4900


AUSTINAlsaedi, Muhaned

3901 A Spicewood SpgsRd Ste 201Austin, TX 78759(737) 226-6700<= 18 years/años

FAnnamalai, ValliammaiMD4900 Mueller BlvdAustin, TX 78723(512) 324-0000

Arce, Jennifer2909 N Ih 35Austin, TX 78722(512) 478-4939

#Brooks, Tera3501 Mills AveAustin, TX 78731(512) 324-0000

F#Callaway, Susan MD3828 S 1st StAustin, TX 78704(512) 346-6611

Martinez-Colon, Laura3901 A Spicewood SpgsRd Ste 201Austin, TX 78759(737) 226-6700

Melendez Murph, Edwin2901 MontopolisAustin, TX 78741(512) 978-9955M-S 8A-8P

Melendez Murph, Edwin2901 Montopolis DrAustin, TX 78741(512) 978-9901M-S 8A-8P

Phuo Tran, Ngoc DO1611 Ohlen RdAustin, TX 78758(512) 873-7173>= 2 years/años

Quinn, Melissa9805 Brodie LnAustin, TX 78748(512) 462-1936Limited to Females/SóloAtiende A Mujeres >=12 years/años

#Spencer, Michelle5701 W Slaughter LnAustin, TX 78749(512) 901-4031

#Spencer, Michelle730 W Stassney Ln Ste110Austin, TX 78745(877) 800-5722

F#Stonecipher, RobertMD3828 S 1st StAustin, TX 78704(512) 346-6611

FWakefield, Toni MD4900 Mueller BlvdAustin, TX 78723(512) 324-0000<= 21 years/años




910 E Whitestone Blvd2nd FlrCedar Park, TX 78613(512) 260-6100


1 Chisholm Trl Ste4100Round Rock, TX78681(512) 310-8883

FFarmer, Jennifer FNP3950 N A W GrimesBlvd Ste N301aRound Rock, TX78665(877) 800-5722

FShea, Richard MD2300 Round Rock AveSte 208Round Rock, TX78681(512) 828-3300Limited to Females/SóloAtiende A Mujeres >=10 years/años

Steimer, Kaitlin4495 Wandering VineTrlRound Rock, TX78665(512) 840-1158

F#Uriegas, Rodolfo MD940 Hesters CrossingRdRound Rock, TX78681(512) 244-9024


Superior HealthPlan, August 2020 Member Services / Servicios para Miembros 1-800-783-5386

30 TR10-0820

F Texas Health Steps Provider/Proveedor de Pasos Sanos de TexasOffice hours are M-F, 8:00 am to 5:00 pm unless otherwise stated /Todos los proveedores atienden de lunes a viernes, de 8:00 am a 5:00 pm,amenos que se den otras horas« Language spoken other than English / Idioma que habla además delinglés

' Telemedicine provider, these providers can provide some services over thephone and/or by video conference / Los Servicios de Telefonía, Estos proveedores

pueden ofrecer algunos servicios a través del teléfono y / o por videoconferencia# Only current patients / Sólo atiende a pacientes actuales

AUGUST / AGOSTO 2020 Provider Directory Cover - Primary ...· • Tenga preguntas sobre los exmenes de Pasos Sanos de Tejas. Farmacia Superior proporciona medicinas de receta por - [PDF Document] (33)





FVire, Judy NP40 E AveSchulenburg, TX 78956(979) 743-3520



FSneed, Viviana5103 Kyle Center DrSte 104Kyle, TX 78640(512) 504-0855<= 18 years/años


Mead, Catrina ACNP1346 Thorpe LnSan Marcos, TX 78666(512) 667-6087



Goodwin, Victoria2200 Park Bend Dr Ste401Austin, TX 78758(512) 807-3160

F#McElvain, DawnCPNP5301 Davis Ln Ste 200aAustin, TX 78749(512) 494-4000

Mead, Catrina ACNP1201 W 38th StAustin, TX 78705(512) 324-7131

Peterson, Mary Elizabeth200 Medical PkwyAustin, TX 78738(512) 505-5500>= 18 years/años

Verrier, Louanne1101 Camino La CostaAustin, TX 78752(512) 478-4939

Vilela, Gaddiel3607 Manor Rd Ste100Austin, TX 78723(512) 928-4600


Turner, Jackie NP5301 Ross Rd Ste HDel Valle, TX 78617(512) 475-8234




Baricuatro, Marica4495 Wandering VineTrlRound Rock, TX78665(512) 840-1158

Brown, Dawn4495 Wandering VineTrlRound Rock, TX78665(512) 840-1158

Joseph, Reena4495 Wandering VineTrlRound Rock, TX78665(512) 840-1158

Nelson, Jeremy Loren4495 Wandering VineTrlRound Rock, TX78665(512) 840-1158


Superior HealthPlan, August 2020 Member Services / Servicios para Miembros 1-800-783-5386

31 TR10-0820

F Texas Health Steps Provider/Proveedor de Pasos Sanos de TexasOffice hours are M-F, 8:00 am to 5:00 pm unless otherwise stated /Todos los proveedores atienden de lunes a viernes, de 8:00 am a 5:00 pm,amenos que se den otras horas« Language spoken other than English / Idioma que habla además delinglés

' Telemedicine provider, these providers can provide some services over thephone and/or by video conference / Los Servicios de Telefonía, Estos proveedores

pueden ofrecer algunos servicios a través del teléfono y / o por videoconferencia# Only current patients / Sólo atiende a pacientes actuales

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BASTROPPorter, Brent, MD

441 Highway 71 W SteCBastrop, TX 78602(512) 304-0313441 Highway 71 WestSte CBastrop, TX 78602(512) 304-0313630 Highway 71 WestBastrop, TX 78602(737) 881-7400

Segel, Jodi, MD441 Highway 71 W SteCBastrop, TX 78602(512) 304-0313441 Highway 71 WestSte CBastrop, TX 78602(512) 304-0313630 Highway 71 WestBastrop, TX 78602(737) 881-7400


1201 A Hill RdSmithville, TX 78957(512) 237-32141201a Hilll RdSmithville, TX 78957(512) 360-5272


BERTRAMFGraves, Robert, DO

160 N Lampasas StBertram, TX 78605(512) 355-9233160 N Lampassas StBertram, TX 78605(512) 355-9233


200 County Road 340aBldg I & Ste ABurnet, TX 78611(512) 715-0669

FGraves, Robert, DO200 John W HooverPkwy Bldg 1 Ste A &Bldg I Ste BBurnet, TX 78611(512) 715-3132

MARBLE FALLSFFernando, Chaminda,DO810 W Highway 71Marble Falls, TX78654(830) 201-8000

F#Gonzalez, Celsio810 W Highway 71Marble Falls, TX78654(830) 201-7100810 W Highway 71Marble Falls, TX78654(830) 201-8000

FKlem, Theodore810 W Highway 71Marble Falls, TX78654(325) 247-5040810 W Highway 71Marble Falls, TX78654(830) 201-8000

#Padilla, Adrian810 W Highway 71Marble Falls, TX78654(830) 201-7100

Paulson, Qiwei810 W Highway 71Marble Falls, TX78654(830) 201-8000

Velur, Prasuna, MD810 W Highway 71Marble Falls, TX78654(830) 201-7100

FZacharian, Arsen, MD810 W Highway 71Marble Falls, TX78654(830) 201-8000



LOCKHARTF#Mohandas, Arjun,MD209 S Church St Ste BLockhart, TX 78644(512) 376-2999M-F 9A-5P

F#Mohandas, Renu, MD209 S Church St Ste BLockhart, TX 78644(512) 324-8617M-F 9A-5P

LULINGDowns, Sherrel

130 Hays St Ste BLuling, TX 78648(830) 875-7078

F#Mohandas, Arjun,MD130 Hays St Ste BLuling, TX 78648(830) 351-5022

F#Mohandas, Renu, MD130 Hays St Ste BLuling, TX 78648(830) 875-7000


KYLEFChanda-Kim,Mousumi, MD5103 Kyle Center DrSte 104Kyle, TX 78640(512) 324-9650

FGoman, Elizabeth, MD5103 Kyle Center DrSte 104Kyle, TX 78640(512) 324-9650

#Posey, Jonathan4100 Everett Dr Ste400Kyle, TX 78640(512) 295-1333

F#Ramirez, Raul, MD4100 Everett DrKyle, TX 78640(512) 504-5186

4100 Everett Dr Ste400Kyle, TX 78640(512) 504-5186

FWenzel, Marc, MD5103 Kyle Center DrSte 104Kyle, TX 78640(512) 237-5716

SAN MARCOS#Angulo, Freddy, MD

1301 Wonder WorldDrSan Marcos, TX 78666(512) 753-35241301 Wonder WorldDrSan Marcos, TX 78666(512) 753-3524

Dolan, Donna1305 Wonder WorldDr Ste 206San Marcos, TX 78666(512) 396-1525151 Stagecoach Trl Ste105San Marcos, TX 78666(737) 213-1271

Smith, Grayson Keith1305 Wonder WorldDr Ste 206San Marcos, TX 78666(512) 353-8666151 Stagecoach Trl Ste105San Marcos, TX 78666(737) 213-1271

WIMBERLEYTaylor, Gregory

14100 Ranch Road 12Ste 900Wimberley, TX 78676(512) 847-0300>= 55 years/años


AUSTINF#Aguiar, Rudxandra

1807 W Slaughter LnSte 490Austin, TX 78748(512) 282-8967


Superior HealthPlan, August 2020 Member Services / Servicios para Miembros 1-800-783-5386

32 TR10-0820

F Texas Health Steps Provider/Proveedor de Pasos Sanos de TexasOffice hours are M-F, 8:00 am to 5:00 pm unless otherwise stated /Todos los proveedores atienden de lunes a viernes, de 8:00 am a 5:00 pm,amenos que se den otras horas« Language spoken other than English / Idioma que habla además delinglés

' Telemedicine provider, these providers can provide some services over thephone and/or by video conference / Los Servicios de Telefonía, Estos proveedores

pueden ofrecer algunos servicios a través del teléfono y / o por videoconferencia# Only current patients / Sólo atiende a pacientes actuales

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Al-Ahmad, Amin3000 N Interstate 35Ste 700Austin, TX 78705(512) 807-3150>= 15 years/años4316 James Casey StSte 201Austin, TX 78745(512) 807-3150>= 15 years/años

Ali, Salima825 E Rundberg LnAustin, TX 78753(512) 978-9600

FAshton, Candace, FNP313 E 12th St Ste 102Austin, TX 78701(512) 324-9650

F#Avashia, Swati, MD1313 Red River St Ste100Austin, TX 78701(512) 324-35401500 Red River StAustin, TX 78701(512) 324-7000

FBalbastro, Jeeathbell,MD1201 W 38th StAustin, TX 78705(512) 324-1019

F#Becker, Rehana, MD1250 S Capital OfTexas HwyAustin, TX 78746(512) 334-2403

#Berent, Craig2608 Brockton DrAustin, TX 78758(512) 654-4050

FBettes, Jeanette, PA313 E 12th St Ste 101Austin, TX 78701(512) 324-9650

FBollineni, Mamatha11521 N Fm 620 BldgCAustin, TX 78726(512) 219-0670

#Boya, Gushyalatha,MD1250 S Capital OfTexas HwyAustin, TX 78746(512) 334-2400

Branvold, Devon1210 W Braker LnAustin, TX 78758(512) 978-9300

#Burugu, Sukanya, MD11615 Angus Rd Ste108Austin, TX 78759(512) 372-4400

Chatterjee, June2901 Montopolis DrAustin, TX 78741(512) 978-9901

#Chaudhry, Kiran6835 Austin Ctr BlvdAustin, TX 78731(512) 346-6611

Cioletti, Anne2901 N Interstate 35Austin, TX 78722(512) 978-9901

Coats, Teresa, MD1601 Trinity StAustin, TX 78712(833) 882-2737>= 18 years/años

F#Coughlin, Sean, MD11714 Wilson ParkeAve Ste 150Austin, TX 78726(737) 247-7200

F#Daghestani, Anas,MD3828 S 1st StAustin, TX 78704(512) 346-6611

F#Date, Swati, MD4515 Seton CenterPkwy Ste 220Austin, TX 78759(512) 338-8388

Dehipitiya, Chandima5251 W Highway 290Austin, TX 78735(512) 654-3000

Diaz, Lindsey2801 Flintrock Trce Ste201Austin, TX 78738(337) 991-9276

F#Dollar, Debra, MD4515 Seton CenterPkwy Ste 220Austin, TX 78759(512) 338-8388

FDurairaj, Sonia313 E 12th St Ste 101Austin, TX 78701(512) 324-9650

FEapen, Prakash, MD1221 W Ben WhiteBlvd Ste 200bAustin, TX 78704(512) 524-9249

#Eaton, Jeffrey, MD1500 Red River StAustin, TX 78701(512) 324-78632901 Montopolis DrAustin, TX 78741(512) 978-9901

Edoka, Emmanuel, MD2911 Medical Arts SqSte 7Austin, TX 78705(512) 322-0800

#Enloe, Robert15801 W Highway 71Austin, TX 78738(512) 676-2500

F#Ericson, Stephanie6835 Austin Ctr BlvdAustin, TX 78731(512) 346-6611

F#fa*gerberg, Marcia,MD6835 Austin Ctr BlvdAustin, TX 78731(512) 346-6611

F#Folarin, Hope, MD3828 S 1st StAustin, TX 78704(512) 346-6611

FFung, Frederick, MD12221 N Mo Pac ExpyAustin, TX 78758(512) 901-400912221 N Mopac ExpyAustin, TX 78758(512) 901-1111

Gandhi, Pritesh1101 Camino La CostaAustin, TX 78752(512) 478-4939

F#Gaur, Sunita, MD3828 S 1st StAustin, TX 78704(512) 346-6611

F#Hernandez, MarkSteven, MD1500 Red River StAustin, TX 78701(512) 324-7000

F#Hine, Ken, MD3828 S 1st StAustin, TX 78704(512) 346-6611

F#Hull, James, MD6835 Austin Ctr BlvdAustin, TX 78731(512) 346-6611M-F 8:30A-5P

Jackson, Philip Clay,MD11113 Research BlvdAustin, TX 78759(512) 324-10195656 Bee Caves Rd Ste101Austin, TX 78746(512) 323-5465

Jacobs, Elizabeth1601 Trinity StAustin, TX 78712(833) 882-2737

FJayasundera,Chandrini, MD1500 Red River StAustin, TX 78701(512) 324-7000

Kalyanaswamy,Narmadha, MD1201 W 38th StAustin, TX 78705(512) 324-1019

Kanaparthi, Kusuma,MD1210 W Braker LnAustin, TX 78758(512) 978-9300

Khan, Sanober, MD1201 W 38th StAustin, TX 78705(512) 324-1019

Kheradpour, Rabin2529 S 1st StAustin, TX 78704(512) 978-95002529 S First StAustin, TX 78704(512) 978-9500

FKondur, Bharathi, MD1500 Red River StAustin, TX 78701(512) 324-7000


Superior HealthPlan, August 2020 Member Services / Servicios para Miembros 1-800-783-5386

33 TR10-0820

F Texas Health Steps Provider/Proveedor de Pasos Sanos de TexasOffice hours are M-F, 8:00 am to 5:00 pm unless otherwise stated /Todos los proveedores atienden de lunes a viernes, de 8:00 am a 5:00 pm,amenos que se den otras horas« Language spoken other than English / Idioma que habla además delinglés

' Telemedicine provider, these providers can provide some services over thephone and/or by video conference / Los Servicios de Telefonía, Estos proveedores

pueden ofrecer algunos servicios a través del teléfono y / o por videoconferencia# Only current patients / Sólo atiende a pacientes actuales

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#Kuang, Audrey500 E 7th StAustin, TX 78701(512) 978-9920

Lane, Mariela1101 Camino La CostaAustin, TX 78752(512) 478-4939

Lankford, Wendy, MD3501 Mills AveAustin, TX 78731(512) 324-2000

FLeija, Graciela, MD2400 Wheless LnAustin, TX 78723(512) 363-5725>= 18 years/años

#Lejeune, Derek4107 Spicewood SpgsRd Ste 100Austin, TX 78759(512) 397-3360

F#Liu, Sharon, DO3828 S 1st StAustin, TX 78704(512) 346-6611

Manjrekar, Kirti2529 S First StAustin, TX 78704(512) 978-9500825 E Rundberg Ln SteB1Austin, TX 78753(512) 804-3913

Mann, Micah7000 N Mo Pac ExpySte 420Austin, TX 78731(512) 840-1158

Mansour, Ibrahim3901 A Spicewood SpgsRd Ste 201Austin, TX 78759(737) 226-6700

F#Marcus, Howard, MD6835 Austin Ctr BlvdAustin, TX 78731(512) 346-6611

FMartin, Michael11149 Research BlvdSte 210Austin, TX 78759(512) 231-1901

Mathew, Nancy1210 W Braker LnAustin, TX 78758(512) 978-9300M-TH 7A-9P F 7A-6PS 8A-4:30P

FMcMullen, James, PA11671 Jollyville Rd Ste102Austin, TX 78759(512) 338-5088

Mendez-Vargas, Cathia1101 Camino La CostaAustin, TX 78752(512) 478-4939

#Mercer, Timothy500 E 7th StAustin, TX 78701(512) 978-9920

FMiller, Gwendolyn,MD313 E 12th St Ste 101Austin, TX 78701(512) 324-9650313 E 12th St Ste 101Austin, TX 78701(512) 324-9650

F#Miller, Lysbeth, MD1301 W 38th St Ste 113Austin, TX 78705(512) 324-33952901 N Interstate 35Austin, TX 78722(512) 232-3900

FMisra, Meen, MD12221 N Mo Pac ExpyAustin, TX 78758(512) 901-400912221 N Mopac ExpyAustin, TX 78758(512) 901-4009

FMittal, Deepa, MD1500 Red River StAustin, TX 78701(512) 324-7000

Morrison, Robert, MD4614 N Ih 35Austin, TX 78703(512) 978-9100M W-F 7:45A-4:45P T7:45A-7P4614 N Interstate 35Austin, TX 78751(512) 978-9100M W-F 7:45A-4:45P T7:45A-7P

825 E Rundberg Ln SteB1Austin, TX 78758(512) 978-9600

Nagavarapu, Shantisony,MD1210 W Braker LnAustin, TX 78758(512) 978-9300

#Nelson, Elizabeth, MD2901 N Interstate 35Austin, TX 78722(512) 232-3900

FPaxton, Raymond, MD1250 S Capital OfTexas HwyAustin, TX 78746(512) 334-2403

FPerera, Chrishanthi,MD11111 Research BlvdSte 310Austin, TX 78759(877) 800-5722

FPerez, Maria, MD313 E 12th St Ste 101Austin, TX 78701(512) 324-9650

F#Poage, Cameron6835 Austin Ctr BlvdAustin, TX 78731(512) 346-6611

Potluri, Satish, MD100 Medical PkwyAustin, TX 78738(512) 571-5000

F#Prete, Michael, MD6835 Austin Ctr BlvdAustin, TX 78731(512) 346-6611

Ramos, Alina, MD1210 W Braker LnAustin, TX 78758(512) 978-9300M-F 7A-8P S7:30A-4:30P

Rao, Jalaja, MD12201 Renfert Way Ste315Austin, TX 78758(512) 837-6600>= 18 years/años

FReddy, Shobha1700 Ranch Road 620South Ste BAustin, TX 78734(512) 263-9111

Rhodes, Roxana631 W 38th StAustin, TX 78705(512) 453-3542

Riar, Jasneet2529 S First StAustin, TX 78704(512) 978-9500

FRomain, Michael, MD12221 N Mo Pac ExpyAustin, TX 78758(512) 901-4009

Rouf, Emran, MD7701 Montopolis DrSte 100Austin, TX 78741(512) 324-2391

#Sadler, Holli, MD1500 Red River StAustin, TX 78701(512) 324-7000

Salazar, Rene1210 W Braker LnAustin, TX 78758(512) 978-93001601 Trinity StAustin, TX 78712(833) 882-27372901 N Interstate 35Austin, TX 78722(512) 978-9901

#Salib, Sherine, MD1301 W 38th St Ste 205Austin, TX 78705(512) 324-18641500 Red River StAustin, TX 78701(512) 324-70002901 N Interstate 35Austin, TX 78722(512) 232-3900

Salman, Ghassan, MD3108 Ranch Road 620SouthAustin, TX 78734(512) 654-4200

F#Shah, Rita, MD6835 Austin Ctr BlvdBldg BAustin, TX 78731(512) 346-6611

Shapiro, Samantha1500 Red River StAustin, TX 78701(512) 324-4780


Superior HealthPlan, August 2020 Member Services / Servicios para Miembros 1-800-783-5386

34 TR10-0820

F Texas Health Steps Provider/Proveedor de Pasos Sanos de TexasOffice hours are M-F, 8:00 am to 5:00 pm unless otherwise stated /Todos los proveedores atienden de lunes a viernes, de 8:00 am a 5:00 pm,amenos que se den otras horas« Language spoken other than English / Idioma que habla además delinglés

' Telemedicine provider, these providers can provide some services over thephone and/or by video conference / Los Servicios de Telefonía, Estos proveedores

pueden ofrecer algunos servicios a través del teléfono y / o por videoconferencia# Only current patients / Sólo atiende a pacientes actuales

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1601 Trinity StAustin, TX 78712(833) 882-27372901 N Interstate 35Austin, TX 78722(512) 978-9901

F#Shekarchi, Azim, MD3828 S 1st StAustin, TX 78704(512) 346-6611

FShulman, Edie2608 Brockton DrAustin, TX 78758(512) 654-4050

F#Siegel, Amy11714 Wilson ParkeAve Ste 150Austin, TX 78726(737) 247-7200

FSpann, Joseph3828 S 1st StAustin, TX 78704(512) 443-1311

F#Tannous, Rawah, MD1807 W Slaughter LnSte 490Austin, TX 78748(512) 282-8967

FTew, Monty, MD12221 N Mo Pac ExpyAustin, TX 78758(512) 901-4018

F#Thadani, Anita, MD4515 Seton CenterPkwy Ste 220Austin, TX 78759(512) 338-8388

FTokur Sridhar,Charitha, MD1500 Red River StAustin, TX 78701(512) 324-7000

Tran, Jennifer Lan313 E 12th StAustin, TX 78701(512) 324-9650

FTrinh, Loann, DO8557 Research Blvd Ste128Austin, TX 78758(512) 836-7399

#Vandel, Jerry6835 Austin Ctr BlvdAustin, TX 78731(512) 346-6611

F#Weeks, David, MD6835 Austin Ctr BlvdAustin, TX 78731(512) 346-6611

Weng, Gladys, DO5000 W Slaughter LnSte 100Austin, TX 78749(512) 654-4000

FWeston, Koren, MD11149 Research BlvdSte 210Austin, TX 78759(512) 231-1901

F#Wolf, Lydia, MD4515 Seton CenterPkwy Ste 220Austin, TX 78759(512) 338-8388

F#Yacoub, Hayan6835 Austin Ctr BlvdAustin, TX 78731(512) 346-6611

Zegarra, Nancy, MD3108 Ranch Road 620SouthAustin, TX 78738(512) 654-4200

MANORManjrekar, Kirti

600 W Carrie Manor StManor, TX 78653(512) 978-9780


1512 Town Center DrSte 100Pflugerville, TX 78660(512) 324-4875

F#Deng, Yue, MD1512 Town Center DrSte 100Pflugerville, TX 78660(512) 324-4875

FKathpalia, Suruchii1701 E PflugervillePkwyPflugerville, TX 78660(512) 259-6000

FOrtiz, Lucy2600 E PflugervillePkwy Ste 200Pflugerville, TX 78660(512) 654-6500

Ramos, Alina, MD15822 Foothill FarmsLoopPflugerville, TX 78660(512) 978-9840M-TH 7:30A-5P

#Sanchez, HectorManuel15803 Windermere DrSte 103Pflugerville, TX 78660(512) 989-2680



CEDAR PARKMartin, Michael

1201 N Lakeline BlvdSte 400Cedar Park, TX 78613(512) 379-7272>= 2 years/años

F#Naik, Manish, MD801 E Whitestone BlvdBldg CCedar Park, TX 78613(512) 259-3467

F#Pegany, Mohinder,MD1401 Medical PkwyBldg BCedar Park, TX 78613(512) 260-15811401 Medical Pkwy Ste220Cedar Park, TX 78613(512) 260-1581

F#Poage, Cameron1401 Medical Pkwy SteB200Cedar Park, TX 78613(512) 260-1581

FSpellings, Veronica,MD5001 183a Toll Rd SteR100Cedar Park, TX 78613(512) 595-7000

F#Wu, Jennifer, MD1401 Medical Pkwy Ste220Cedar Park, TX 78613(512) 260-1581


4945 Williams DrGeorgetown, TX 78633(512) 819-0500

FCarlson, John, MD4945 Williams DrGeorgetown, TX 78633(512) 819-05004945 Williams DrGeorgetown, TX 78633(512) 819-0500

FChen, Spenser4945 Williams DrGeorgetown, TX 78633(512) 819-0500

F#Clark, Jennifer, MD4945 Williams DrGeorgetown, TX 78633(512) 819-0500

F#Dmello, Anita Maria,MD4945 Williams DrGeorgetown, TX 78633(512) 819-0500

Gardner, Angela, MD105 Wildwood Dr Ste105Georgetown, TX 78633(512) 763-40003201 S Austin Ave Ste130 & Ste 210Georgetown, TX 78626(512) 763-4060

F#Hearne, Christopher,MD4945 Williams DrGeorgetown, TX 78633(512) 819-0500

FJhawar, Nupur4945 Williams DrGeorgetown, TX 78633(512) 819-0500

FKhatri, Nudrat2423 Williams Dr Ste113Georgetown, TX 78628(877) 800-5722

F#Lawlis, Richard, MD4945 Williams DrGeorgetown, TX 78633(512) 819-0500


Superior HealthPlan, August 2020 Member Services / Servicios para Miembros 1-800-783-5386

35 TR10-0820

F Texas Health Steps Provider/Proveedor de Pasos Sanos de TexasOffice hours are M-F, 8:00 am to 5:00 pm unless otherwise stated /Todos los proveedores atienden de lunes a viernes, de 8:00 am a 5:00 pm,amenos que se den otras horas« Language spoken other than English / Idioma que habla además delinglés

' Telemedicine provider, these providers can provide some services over thephone and/or by video conference / Los Servicios de Telefonía, Estos proveedores

pueden ofrecer algunos servicios a través del teléfono y / o por videoconferencia# Only current patients / Sólo atiende a pacientes actuales

AUGUST / AGOSTO 2020 Provider Directory Cover - Primary ...· • Tenga preguntas sobre los exmenes de Pasos Sanos de Tejas. Farmacia Superior proporciona medicinas de receta por - [PDF Document] (38)

Nacol, Michael3201 S Austin Ave Ste130Georgetown, TX 78626(512) 763-4060

Sathianathan, Kumar,MD3613 Williams Dr Ste404Georgetown, TX 78628(512) 930-4275>= 2 years/años

Shallin, Anthony, MD3613 Williams Dr Ste404Georgetown, TX 78628(512) 930-4275>= 12 years/años

HUTTOFThadareddy, Venkat,MD151 Exchange Blvd Ste500Hutto, TX 78634(512) 846-1244

ROUND ROCKAl-Ahmad, Amin

2410 Round Rock AveSte 170Round Rock, TX78681(512) 827-0927>= 15 years/años

Basu, Nabanita, MD4495 Wandering VineTrlRound Rock, TX78665(512) 840-1158

FDasgupta, Nilanjana,MD3950 N A W GrimesBlvd Ste 104Round Rock, TX78665(877) 800-5277

FDe Haro, Rafael, MD7200 Wyoming SpgsSte 200Round Rock, TX78681(512) 244-5959<= 18 years/años

FDluzniewski, Holly,MD7200 Wyoming SpringsDr Ste 1500Round Rock, TX78681(512) 218-8696

George, Aneesh, MD4495 Wandering VineTrlRound Rock, TX78665(512) 840-1158

Gowrigari, Neelima, MD4495 Wandering VineTrlRound Rock, TX78665(512) 840-1158

F#Gray, David, MD940 Hesters CrossingRdRound Rock, TX78681(512) 244-9024

Howerton, Lena7200 Wyoming SpgsRound Rock, TX78681(512) 218-8696

Jackson, Philip Clay,MD4495 Wandering VineTrlRound Rock, TX78665(512) 840-1158

F#Jayachandran,Archana940 Hesters CrossingRdRound Rock, TX78681(512) 244-9024

FJust, Robert Joseph,MD201 University OaksSte 1260Round Rock, TX78665(512) 324-4780

Kalyanaswamy,Narmadha, MD4495 Wandering VineTrlRound Rock, TX78665(512) 840-1158

Khan, Sanober, MD4495 Wandering VineTrlRound Rock, TX78665(512) 840-1158

Mian, Tahir, MD4495 Wandering VineTrlRound Rock, TX78665(512) 840-1158

Momin, Zahir, MD4495 Wandering VineTrlRound Rock, TX78665(512) 840-1158

FPerez, Sara425 University BlvdRound Rock, TX78665(512) 509-0200

F#Rao, Sharon, MD425 University BlvdRound Rock, TX78665(512) 509-0200

Roy, Kausik, MD4495 Wandering VineTrlRound Rock, TX78665(512) 840-1158

FSpellings, Veronica,MD7200 Wyoming SpringsDr Ste 1500Round Rock, TX78681(512) 218-8696

Sun, Li425 University BlvdRound Rock, TX78665(512) 509-0200

F#Turner, Trevor, MD7200 Wyoming SpgsSte 1500Round Rock, TX78681(512) 218-8696

FVallabhaneni, Suneel425 University BlvdRound Rock, TX78665(512) 509-0200

FVohra, Sameera, MD302 University BlvdRound Rock, TX78665(512) 509-0200

FWilliams, Laura, MD425 University BlvdRound Rock, TX78665(512) 509-0200

TAYLORFCohen, Nathan, MD

403 Mallard LnTaylor, TX 76574(512) 352-5251M-TH 7:30A-5P F7:30A-4P

#Padilla, Adrian305 Mallard LnTaylor, TX 76574(512) 352-7611

FVohra, Sameera, MD305 Mallard LnTaylor, TX 76574(512) 352-7811


Superior HealthPlan, August 2020 Member Services / Servicios para Miembros 1-800-783-5386

36 TR10-0820

F Texas Health Steps Provider/Proveedor de Pasos Sanos de TexasOffice hours are M-F, 8:00 am to 5:00 pm unless otherwise stated /Todos los proveedores atienden de lunes a viernes, de 8:00 am a 5:00 pm,amenos que se den otras horas« Language spoken other than English / Idioma que habla además delinglés

' Telemedicine provider, these providers can provide some services over thephone and/or by video conference / Los Servicios de Telefonía, Estos proveedores

pueden ofrecer algunos servicios a través del teléfono y / o por videoconferencia# Only current patients / Sólo atiende a pacientes actuales

AUGUST / AGOSTO 2020 Provider Directory Cover - Primary ...· • Tenga preguntas sobre los exmenes de Pasos Sanos de Tejas. Farmacia Superior proporciona medicinas de receta por - [PDF Document] (39)




BASTROPCoyne, Cynthia

3101 Highway 71 E Ste207Bastrop, TX 78602(512) 451-3131>= 10 years/años

Crumb, Robert S MD3101 Highway 71 E Ste207Bastrop, TX 78602(512) 451-3131>= 10 years/años

Deleon, Delia MD3101 Highway 71 E Ste207Bastrop, TX 78602(512) 451-3131>= 10 years/años

#Gynics Associates3101 Highway 71 EBastrop, TX 78602(512) 451-3131

Hagen, Jeff MD301 Highway 71 WestSte 111Bastrop, TX 78602(512) 445-4800>= 10 years/años

FHarris, Joy NP605 Old Austin HwyBastrop, TX 78602(877) 800-5722>= 10 years/años

Kuhlmann, TerrenceMD3101 Highway 71 E Ste207Bastrop, TX 78602(512) 451-3131>= 10 years/años

Segel, Jodi MD441 Highway 71 W SteCBastrop, TX 78602(512) 304-0313

441 Highway 71 WestSte CBastrop, TX 78602(512) 304-0313630 Highway 71 WestBastrop, TX 78602(737) 881-7400

Urrutia, Allison MD3101 Highway 71 E Ste207Bastrop, TX 78602(512) 451-3131>= 10 years/años

Wiener, Courtney E3101 Highway 71 E Ste207Bastrop, TX 78602(512) 451-3131

FZachrison, Jamie MD441 Highway 71 W SteCBastrop, TX 78602(512) 304-0313>= 10 years/años


1201a Hill RdSmithville, TX 78957(512) 360-3698>= 10 years/años


MARBLE FALLSFGuy, Jacqueline

800 W Highway 71Marble Falls, TX78654(830) 201-7100>= 10 years/años

FHigh, Rachel810 W Highway 71Marble Falls, TX78654(830) 201-8000>= 10 years/años

Johnston, Robert102 Max Starcke DamRd Ste 100Marble Falls, TX78654(512) 821-2540>= 10 years/años

FJones, Robert MD706 Ave GMarble Falls, TX78654(830) 201-8900>= 10 years/años810 W Highway 71Marble Falls, TX78654(325) 247-5040>= 10 years/años810 W Highway 71Marble Falls, TX78654(830) 201-8000>= 10 years/años

F#Monks, Brian MD810 W Highway 71Marble Falls, TX78654(830) 201-8000>= 10 years/años

FMurphy, Krystal800 W Highway 71Marble Falls, TX78654(830) 201-7100>= 10 years/años810 W Highway 71Marble Falls, TX78654(830) 201-7100>= 10 years/años



LOCKHARTF#Mohandas, Renu MD

209 S Church St Ste BLockhart, TX 78644(512) 324-8617M-F 9A-5P

Mueller, Jessica209 S Church St Ste ALockhart, TX 78644(512) 504-0851>= 10 years/años

LULINGF#Mohandas, Renu MD

130 Hays St Ste BLuling, TX 78648(830) 875-7000

Mueller, Jessica130 Hays St Ste DLuling, TX 78648(512) 504-0851>= 10 years/años



LA GRANGEHorton, Amanda Lauren

2 Saint Marks Pl Ste160La Grange, TX 78945(512) 821-2540>= 10 years/años

Juno, Shannon MD1720 Von Minden RdLa Grange, TX 78945(979) 968-2700>= 10 years/años

Singh, Jasbir MD2 Saint Marks Pl Ste160La Grange, TX 78945(512) 821-2540>= 10 years/años


KYLEArmond, Amanda Nicole

1180 Seton Pkwy Ste240Kyle, TX 78640(512) 268-0286

Berdofe, Lynne1180 Seton Pkwy Ste340Kyle, TX 78640(512) 504-0851>= 10 years/años

FBosco, Jason MD1180 Seton Pkwy Ste340Kyle, TX 78640(512) 324-8617>= 10 years/años1180 Seton Pkwy Ste340Kyle, TX 78640(512) 504-0851>= 10 years/años2810 Dacy LnKyle, TX 78640(512) 268-8900>= 10 years/años

PRIMARY CARE PROVIDERS / PROVEEDORES DE CUIDADO PRIMARIOObstetrics & Gynecology / Obstetricia & Ginecología

Superior HealthPlan, August 2020 Member Services / Servicios para Miembros 1-800-783-5386

37 TR10-0820

F Texas Health Steps Provider/Proveedor de Pasos Sanos de TexasOffice hours are M-F, 8:00 am to 5:00 pm unless otherwise stated /Todos los proveedores atienden de lunes a viernes, de 8:00 am a 5:00 pm,amenos que se den otras horas« Language spoken other than English / Idioma que habla además delinglés

' Telemedicine provider, these providers can provide some services over thephone and/or by video conference / Los Servicios de Telefonía, Estos proveedores

pueden ofrecer algunos servicios a través del teléfono y / o por videoconferencia# Only current patients / Sólo atiende a pacientes actuales

AUGUST / AGOSTO 2020 Provider Directory Cover - Primary ...· • Tenga preguntas sobre los exmenes de Pasos Sanos de Tejas. Farmacia Superior proporciona medicinas de receta por - [PDF Document] (40)

Calnan, Kristen2810 Dacy LnKyle, TX 78640(512) 268-8900

#Ghartey, Kobina1180 Seton Pkwy Ste340Kyle, TX 78640(512) 504-0851>= 10 years/años

FGoss, Jennifer MD1180 Seton Pkwy Ste340Kyle, TX 78640(512) 504-0851>= 10 years/años

Hoverman, Claire6001 Kyle PkwyKyle, TX 78640(512) 504-0851>= 10 years/años

Mueller, Jessica1180 Seton Pkwy Ste340Kyle, TX 78640(512) 504-0851>= 10 years/años2810 Dacy LnKyle, TX 78640(512) 268-8900>= 10 years/años

Rutter, Kimberly MD1180 Seton Pkwy Ste240Kyle, TX 78640(512) 268-0286

FZachrison, Jamie MD1180 Seton Pkwy Ste340Kyle, TX 78640(512) 504-0851>= 10 years/años2810 Dacy LnKyle, TX 78640(512) 268-8900>= 10 years/años

SAN MARCOSAkande, Aminatu

1305 Wonder WorldDr Ste 300San Marcos, TX 78666(512) 396-3545>= 10 years/años

FBradford, Jason MD151 Stagecoach Trl Ste105San Marcos, TX 78666(737) 213-1271>= 10 years/años

Caring Center forWomen1305 Wonder WorldDr Ste 209San Marcos, TX 78666(512) 396-7575M-F 7:30A-5P

Curtis, Risa1305 Wonder WorldDr Ste 300San Marcos, TX 78666(512) 396-3545>= 10 years/años

Elber, Donata1305 Wonder WorldDr Ste 203San Marcos, TX 78666(512) 396-7575

#Fay, Kari MD1305 Wonder WorldDr Ste 203San Marcos, TX 78666(512) 396-7575>= 10 years/años

Hermann, Lauren1305 Wonder WorldDr Ste 203San Marcos, TX 78666(830) 387-4790>= 10 years/años

Horton, Amanda Lauren1305 Wonder WorrldDr Ste 301San Marcos, TX 78666(512) 821-2540>= 10 years/años

Kunda, Koteswara MD2003 B Medical PkwySan Marcos, TX 78666(512) 392-0033>= 10 years/años2003 Medical Pkwy SteBSan Marcos, TX 78666(512) 392-0033>= 10 years/años

#Reid, Beth MD1305 Wonder WorldDr Ste 203San Marcos, TX 78666(512) 396-7575M-F 7:30A-5P>= 21 years/años

Schumann, Brittney1305 Wonder WorldDr Ste 203San Marcos, TX 78666(512) 396-7575>= 10 years/años

Singh, Jasbir MD1305 Wonder WorrldDr Ste 301San Marcos, TX 78666(512) 821-2540>= 10 years/años

WIMBERLEYCalnan, Kristen

201 Stillwater Ste 6Wimberley, TX 78676(512) 268-8900


AUSTINAdusumalli, Jasvant MD

12200 Renfert Way SteG3Austin, TX 78758(512) 821-2540>= 10 years/años

Anderson, Allison MD12200 Renfert Way Ste100Austin, TX 78758(512) 451-8211>= 12 years/años

Austin UrogynecologyPLLC12319 N Mo Pac ExpyBldg CAustin, TX 78758(512) 973-8276

#Bandi, Sindura12174 N Mo Pac ExpySte AAustin, TX 78758(512) 994-2662

F#Belt, Melanie MD4315 James Casey StSte 200Austin, TX 78745(512) 383-9752M-F 8:30A-4P

Berdofe, Lynne1600 W 38th St Ste 200Austin, TX 78731(512) 324-3540>= 10 years/años

#Berry Roberts, Crystal10401 Anderson MillRdAustin, TX 78750(737) 247-7200

F#Blumhagen, Guy MD11111 Research BlvdAustin, TX 78759(512) 338-8181

Bowman, Rachel5301-B Davis Ln Ste100Austin, TX 78749(512) 324-9290>= 10 years/años

F#Brasher Giles, SharylMD11111 Research BlvdAustin, TX 78759(512) 338-8181

FBraunstein, Mary JaneE MD11111 Research BlvdSte 295Austin, TX 78759(877) 800-5722>= 10 years/años

F#Breedlove, RachelMD4315 James Casey StSte 200Austin, TX 78745(512) 383-9752

FBreen, Michael MD911 W 38th St Ste 202Austin, TX 78705(512) 324-8670>= 10 years/años

F#Brinkman, Diane MD1301 W 38th St Ste 205Austin, TX 78705(512) 324-1864

Briskey, Enzie NatashaMD12201 Renfert Way Ste225Austin, TX 78758(512) 339-6626>= 10 years/años

PRIMARY CARE PROVIDERS / PROVEEDORES DE CUIDADO PRIMARIOObstetrics & Gynecology / Obstetricia & Ginecología

Superior HealthPlan, August 2020 Member Services / Servicios para Miembros 1-800-783-5386

38 TR10-0820

F Texas Health Steps Provider/Proveedor de Pasos Sanos de TexasOffice hours are M-F, 8:00 am to 5:00 pm unless otherwise stated /Todos los proveedores atienden de lunes a viernes, de 8:00 am a 5:00 pm,amenos que se den otras horas« Language spoken other than English / Idioma que habla además delinglés

' Telemedicine provider, these providers can provide some services over thephone and/or by video conference / Los Servicios de Telefonía, Estos proveedores

pueden ofrecer algunos servicios a través del teléfono y / o por videoconferencia# Only current patients / Sólo atiende a pacientes actuales

AUGUST / AGOSTO 2020 Provider Directory Cover - Primary ...· • Tenga preguntas sobre los exmenes de Pasos Sanos de Tejas. Farmacia Superior proporciona medicinas de receta por - [PDF Document] (41)

#Brooks Heinzma,Alison MD825 E Rundberg Ln SteB1Austin, TX 78758(512) 978-9300>= 10 years/años

#Browne, Catherine DO12201 Renfert Way Ste220Austin, TX 78758(512) 836-25364316 James Casey StSte 201Austin, TX 78745(512) 439-0021

#Bukowski, Radek MD1301 W 38th St Ste 315Austin, TX 78705(512) 324-7256>= 10 years/años1601 Trinity StAustin, TX 78712(833) 882-2737>= 10 years/años

FBurke, Joanna MD12221 N Mopac ExpyAustin, TX 78758(512) 901-1000>= 10 years/años

F#Bushart, Paul MD1301 W 38th St Ste 205Austin, TX 78705(512) 324-1864

#Buttermann, KarlMichael MD1313 Red River St Ste320Austin, TX 78701(512) 978-8700M-F 8A-4:30P1500 Red River StAustin, TX 78701(512) 324-7246

#Cahill, Alison1210 W Braker LnAustin, TX 78758(512) 978-93001301 W 38th St Ste 315Austin, TX 78705(512) 324-72561601 Trinity StAustin, TX 78712(833) 882-2737211 Comal StAustin, TX 78702(512) 978-9200

2901 Montopolis DrAustin, TX 78741(512) 978-9901

F#Campaigne, AndreaMD12174 N Mo Pac ExpySte AAustin, TX 78758(512) 994-2662>= 18 years/años

Cantu, Jessica A200 Medical Pkwy Ste360Austin, TX 78738(512) 459-1131>= 10 years/años200 Medical Pkwy Ste360Austin, TX 78738(512) 459-1131>= 17 years/años4100 Duval Rd Ste 201Austin, TX 78759(512) 339-1010>= 10 years/años4100 Duval Rd Ste 201Austin, TX 78759(512) 339-1010>= 17 years/años911 W 38th St Ste 201Austin, TX 78705(512) 459-1131>= 10 years/años911 W 38th St Ste 201Austin, TX 78705(512) 459-1131>= 17 years/años

Capet, Christy MD12200 Renfert WayAustin, TX 78758(512) 451-8211>= 10 years/años12200 Renfert Way Ste100Austin, TX 78758(512) 451-8211>= 10 years/años

Carrera-Leal, Benito4207 James Casey Ste302Austin, TX 78745(512) 919-4249>= 10 years/años6705 Highway 290 WSte 502-191Austin, TX 78735(512) 296-2160>= 10 years/años

FCarter, Kimberly MD1601 Trinity StAustin, TX 78712(833) 882-2737>= 10 years/años911 W 38th St Ste 202Austin, TX 78705(512) 324-8670>= 10 years/años

Castillo, Marcela1210 W Braker LnAustin, TX 78758(512) 978-9300>= 10 years/años211 Comal StAustin, TX 78702(512) 978-9300>= 10 years/años2901 Montopolis DrAustin, TX 78741(512) 978-9901>= 10 years/años911 W 38th St Ste 202Austin, TX 78705(512) 324-8670>= 10 years/años

F#Chalasani, Renu MD11111 Research BlvdAustin, TX 78759(512) 338-8181

F#Cherry, Tara MD4315 James Casey StSte 200Austin, TX 78745(512) 383-9752

#Chipman, Zachary MD1601 Trinity StAustin, TX 78712(833) 882-2737>= 10 years/años911 W 38th St Ste 202Austin, TX 78705(512) 324-8670>= 10 years/años

Chouteau, Ruth MD2911 Medical Arts StSte 19aAustin, TX 78705(512) 477-1954>= 10 years/años

F#Cosentino, RobertMD6835 Austin Ctr BlvdAustin, TX 78731(512) 406-7315

Cowan, Robert MD12200 Renfert Way Ste100Austin, TX 78758(512) 451-8211>= 12 years/años

F#Cox, Alinda MD4315 James Casey StSte 200Austin, TX 78745(512) 383-9752

Coyne, Cynthia1007 E 41st StAustin, TX 78751(512) 451-3131>= 10 years/años

Coyner Such, Caroline9041 Research Blvd Ste250Austin, TX 78758(512) 331-1288

Craig, Christine5301-B Davis Ln Ste100Austin, TX 78749(512) 324-9290>= 10 years/años

Crumb, Robert S MD1007 E 41st StAustin, TX 78751(512) 451-3131>= 10 years/años

Cutler, Wendy MD12221 N Mo Pac ExpyAustin, TX 78758(512) 901-1000>= 10 years/años12221 N Mopac ExpyAustin, TX 78758(512) 901-4013>= 10 years/años

Danielson, Michelle12201 Renfert Way Ste225Austin, TX 78758(512) 339-6626>= 12 years/años

De Stefano, KimberlyMD12200 Renfert Way SteG3Austin, TX 78758(512) 821-2540

Deleon, Delia MD1007 E 41st StAustin, TX 78751(512) 451-3131>= 10 years/años

PRIMARY CARE PROVIDERS / PROVEEDORES DE CUIDADO PRIMARIOObstetrics & Gynecology / Obstetricia & Ginecología

Superior HealthPlan, August 2020 Member Services / Servicios para Miembros 1-800-783-5386

39 TR10-0820

F Texas Health Steps Provider/Proveedor de Pasos Sanos de TexasOffice hours are M-F, 8:00 am to 5:00 pm unless otherwise stated /Todos los proveedores atienden de lunes a viernes, de 8:00 am a 5:00 pm,amenos que se den otras horas« Language spoken other than English / Idioma que habla además delinglés

' Telemedicine provider, these providers can provide some services over thephone and/or by video conference / Los Servicios de Telefonía, Estos proveedores

pueden ofrecer algunos servicios a través del teléfono y / o por videoconferencia# Only current patients / Sólo atiende a pacientes actuales

AUGUST / AGOSTO 2020 Provider Directory Cover - Primary ...· • Tenga preguntas sobre los exmenes de Pasos Sanos de Tejas. Farmacia Superior proporciona medicinas de receta por - [PDF Document] (42)

Dermish, Amna2911 Medical Arts StSte 12Austin, TX 78705(214) 363-2004>= 10 years/años

Devine, Allison MD12221 N Mo Pac ExpyAustin, TX 78758(512) 901-3520>= 10 years/años12221 N Mopac ExpyAustin, TX 78758(512) 901-4013>= 10 years/años

Disarro, Amanda9805 Brodie LnAustin, TX 78748(512) 462-1936>= 10 years/años

Eastep, Laura Kate1305 W 34th St Ste 308Austin, TX 78705(512) 459-8082>= 10 years/años

#Eduardo, Ana MD9805 Brodie LnAustin, TX 78748(512) 462-1936

Escarzaga, Bailey1305 W 34th St Ste 308Austin, TX 78705(512) 459-8082>= 10 years/años

Esfandiari, Fiona12200 Renfert Way Ste100Austin, TX 78758(512) 451-8211>= 10 years/años

Esfandiari, Vida1305 W 34th St Ste 308Austin, TX 78705(512) 459-8082>= 10 years/años

Ferriss, James Stuart1301 W 38th St Ste 113Austin, TX 78705(512) 324-3395>= 10 years/años1601 Trinity St Ste 804Austin, TX 78712(833) 882-2737>= 10 years/años

#Fields, Dara CNM1500 Red River StAustin, TX 78701(512) 324-7000

Garcia, Alyson12200 Renfert Way Ste100Austin, TX 78758(512) 451-8211>= 10 years/años

Garza, Devin MD12221 Renfert Way Ste220Austin, TX 78758(512) 681-5040>= 10 years/años

Gasal, Mary12221 N Mo Pac ExpyAustin, TX 78758(512) 901-4022>= 10 years/años12221 N Mopac ExpyAustin, TX 78758(512) 901-4013>= 10 years/años

#Ghartey, Jeny1301 W 38th St Ste 315Austin, TX 78705(512) 324-7256>= 10 years/años1601 Trinity StAustin, TX 78712(833) 882-2737>= 10 years/años

#Ghartey, Kobina11111 Research BlvdAustin, TX 78759(512) 324-7256>= 10 years/años11111 ResearchBoulevard Ste 210Austin, TX 78759(512) 324-7256>= 10 years/años1301 W 38th St Ste 315Austin, TX 78705(512) 324-7256>= 10 years/años1601 Trinity StAustin, TX 78712(833) 882-2737>= 10 years/años211 Comal StAustin, TX 78702(512) 978-9300>= 10 years/años

F#Ghosh, Romy12201 Renfert Way Ste250Austin, TX 78758(512) 994-26621301 W 38th St Ste 205Austin, TX 78705(512) 451-0161

Gooch, Jason Lee MD1301 W 38th St Ste 300Austin, TX 78705(512) 454-5721>= 10 years/años1301 W 38th St Ste 300Austin, TX 78705(512) 454-5721>= 12 years/años

Gooch, Michelle MD5625 Eiger Rd Ste 205Austin, TX 78735(512) 537-5488M W F 8A-5P>= 12 years/años

#Graham, Gillian11111 Research BlvdAustin, TX 78759(512) 338-8181

F#Grimes, Julie MD4315 James Casey StSte 200Austin, TX 78745(512) 383-9752

Grogono, Sally MD1301 W 38th St Ste 300Austin, TX 78705(512) 454-5721>= 10 years/años

#Gunter, Patricia12221 N Mo Pac ExpyAustin, TX 78758(512) 901-352012221 N Mopac ExpyAustin, TX 78758(512) 901-4013

Gutierrez, Clarissa MD12201 Renfert Way Ste225Austin, TX 78758(512) 339-6626>= 10 years/años

#Gynics Associates1007 E 41st StAustin, TX 78751(512) 451-3131

Haeri, Sina MD12200 Renfert Way SteG3Austin, TX 78758(512) 821-2540>= 10 years/años4316 James Casey BlvdBldg B Ste 101Austin, TX 78745(512) 821-2540>= 10 years/años

Hagen, Jeff MD1201 W 38th StAustin, TX 78705(512) 324-8670>= 10 years/años2410 E Riverside Dr SteG2Austin, TX 78741(512) 445-4800M-F 8:30A-5P>= 10 years/años7112 Ed Bluestein BlvdSte 105Austin, TX 78723(512) 445-4800>= 10 years/años

FHarkins, John MD825 E Rundberg Ln SteB1Austin, TX 78758(512) 978-9300>= 10 years/años911 W 38th St Ste 202Austin, TX 78705(512) 324-8670>= 10 years/años

FHarstad, Timothy MD911 W 38th St Ste 201Austin, TX 78705(512) 244-3698>= 10 years/años

Hart, Chris MD9805 Brodie LnAustin, TX 78748(512) 462-1936>= 10 years/años

Hemkumar, Sasika MD4310 James Casey StSte 1eAustin, TX 78745(512) 416-9800M-TH 8A-5P F 8A-12P>= 10 years/años

PRIMARY CARE PROVIDERS / PROVEEDORES DE CUIDADO PRIMARIOObstetrics & Gynecology / Obstetricia & Ginecología

Superior HealthPlan, August 2020 Member Services / Servicios para Miembros 1-800-783-5386

40 TR10-0820

F Texas Health Steps Provider/Proveedor de Pasos Sanos de TexasOffice hours are M-F, 8:00 am to 5:00 pm unless otherwise stated /Todos los proveedores atienden de lunes a viernes, de 8:00 am a 5:00 pm,amenos que se den otras horas« Language spoken other than English / Idioma que habla además delinglés

' Telemedicine provider, these providers can provide some services over thephone and/or by video conference / Los Servicios de Telefonía, Estos proveedores

pueden ofrecer algunos servicios a través del teléfono y / o por videoconferencia# Only current patients / Sólo atiende a pacientes actuales

AUGUST / AGOSTO 2020 Provider Directory Cover - Primary ...· • Tenga preguntas sobre los exmenes de Pasos Sanos de Tejas. Farmacia Superior proporciona medicinas de receta por - [PDF Document] (43)

Herrera, Sandra12200 Renfert Way SteG3Austin, TX 78758(512) 821-2540>= 10 years/años

Hiltenbrand, Jena FNP601 E 15th StAustin, TX 78701(512) 324-3540911 W 38th St Ste 202Austin, TX 78705(512) 324-8670

Horton, Amanda Lauren12200 Renfert Way SteG3 & Ste G-3Austin, TX 78758(512) 821-2540M-F 8:30A-5:30P S8A-5P>= 10 years/años4316 James Casey BlvdBldg B Ste 101Austin, TX 78745(512) 439-0021>= 10 years/años

Hoverman, Claire1301 W 38th St Ste 300Austin, TX 78705(512) 454-5721>= 10 years/años

Howard, Barbara4007 James Casey StSte A240Austin, TX 78745(512) 394-0054

F#Hughes, Robert MD11111 Research BlvdAustin, TX 78759(512) 338-8181

Hull, Felix MD2911 Medical Arts StSte 16Austin, TX 78705(512) 473-2037M-W 8:30A-5P TH8:30A-4P F 8:30A-12P>= 10 years/años

Ikbal, Natasya Ann MD1305 W 34th St Ste 308Austin, TX 78705(512) 459-8082>= 10 years/años

Jehangir, Saima MD3407 GlenviewAustin, TX 78703(512) 716-0971>= 16 years/años

Johnston, Robert12200 Renfert Way SteG3Austin, TX 78758(512) 821-2540>= 10 years/años4316 James Casey StSte 201Austin, TX 78745(512) 821-2540>= 10 years/años

Juno, Shannon MD901 W Ben White BlvdAustin, TX 78704(800) 967-2289>= 10 years/años

Kalamarides, Jeremy DO1600 W 38th St Ste 115Austin, TX 78731(512) 458-6060>= 10 years/años

Kueck, Angela12221 Renfert Way Ste300Austin, TX 78758(512) 873-8900>= 10 years/años

Laird, Chiquitha NP1601 Trinity StAustin, TX 78712(833) 882-2737

Landherr, KathrynMarie MD12200 Renfert Way Ste100Austin, TX 78758(512) 451-8211>= 12 years/años

#Landwermeyer,Margaret MD9805 Brodie LnAustin, TX 78748(512) 462-1936

F#Lavie, Isaac MD1500 Red River StAustin, TX 78701(512) 324-7000>= 10 years/años

Love, Mikeal MD900 E 30th St Ste 107Austin, TX 78705(512) 476-9699M-TH 8:30A-4P F8:30A-12P>= 10 years/años

900 E 30th St Ste 107Austin, TX 78705(512) 476-9699M-TH 8:30A-4P F8:30A-12P>= 12 years/años

#Lozovyy, Violetta301 University BlvdAustin, TX 78702(409) 772-2025

#Macones, George1210 W Braker LnAustin, TX 78758(512) 978-93001601 Trinity StAustin, TX 78712(833) 882-2737211 Comal StAustin, TX 78702(512) 978-92002901 Montopolis DrAustin, TX 78741(512) 978-9901

F#Mahdjoubi, MarinaFNP601 E 15th StAustin, TX 78701(512) 324-3540

Maradani, Sarita MD4007 James Casey StSte D250Austin, TX 78745(512) 443-6100M-F 9:30A-4:30P>= 10 years/años

Matthews-Jacks, Shayla11111 Research BlvdSte 230Austin, TX 78759(877) 800-5722>= 10 years/años

McCoin, Megan1301 W 38th St Ste 300Austin, TX 78705(512) 454-5721>= 12 years/años

McDonnold, Mollie MD12200 Renfert Way SteG3Austin, TX 78758(512) 821-2540M-F 8:30A-5:30P>= 10 years/años4316 James Casey BlvdBldg B Ste 101Austin, TX 78745(512) 439-0021>= 10 years/años

McNelis, Stephanie MD12221 N Mo Pac ExpyAustin, TX 78758(512) 901-3520>= 12 years/años12221 N Mopac ExpyAustin, TX 78758(512) 901-4013>= 12 years/años

FMechineni, KiranmayiMD12221 N Mo Pac ExpyAustin, TX 78758(512) 901-3520>= 10 years/años12221 N Mopac ExpyAustin, TX 78758(512) 901-4013>= 10 years/años

Medina, Maria NP2529 S 1st StAustin, TX 78704(512) 978-9500>= 10 years/años

Mello, Leah9805 Brodie LnAustin, TX 78748(512) 462-1936>= 10 years/años

Meyer, Angela DO12221 N Mo Pac ExpyAustin, TX 78758(512) 901-3520>= 10 years/años12221 N Mopac ExpyAustin, TX 78758(512) 901-4013>= 10 years/años

Mileur, Christie MD2911 Medical Arts StSte 3Austin, TX 78705(512) 391-0175>= 10 years/años

Mills, Tara MD12201 Renfert Way Ste225Austin, TX 78758(512) 339-6626>= 10 years/años

Mirto, Mary DO2608 Brockton DrAustin, TX 78758(512) 654-4050>= 10 years/años

PRIMARY CARE PROVIDERS / PROVEEDORES DE CUIDADO PRIMARIOObstetrics & Gynecology / Obstetricia & Ginecología

Superior HealthPlan, August 2020 Member Services / Servicios para Miembros 1-800-783-5386

41 TR10-0820

F Texas Health Steps Provider/Proveedor de Pasos Sanos de TexasOffice hours are M-F, 8:00 am to 5:00 pm unless otherwise stated /Todos los proveedores atienden de lunes a viernes, de 8:00 am a 5:00 pm,amenos que se den otras horas« Language spoken other than English / Idioma que habla además delinglés

' Telemedicine provider, these providers can provide some services over thephone and/or by video conference / Los Servicios de Telefonía, Estos proveedores

pueden ofrecer algunos servicios a través del teléfono y / o por videoconferencia# Only current patients / Sólo atiende a pacientes actuales

AUGUST / AGOSTO 2020 Provider Directory Cover - Primary ...· • Tenga preguntas sobre los exmenes de Pasos Sanos de Tejas. Farmacia Superior proporciona medicinas de receta por - [PDF Document] (44)

F#Moreno, Rosa MD1301 W 38th St Ste 205Austin, TX 78705(512) 451-8354

Moretti, Nicole2911 Medical Arts StBldg 2 And 3Austin, TX 78705(512) 391-0175>= 10 years/años

F#Mumfrey II, PaulDouglas MD4315 James Casey StSte 200Austin, TX 78745(512) 383-9752

Mushtaler, Jennifer MD12201 Renfert Way Ste325Austin, TX 78758(512) 836-2536>= 10 years/años

FNix, Michael MD5301-B Davis Ln Ste100Austin, TX 78749(512) 324-8980>= 10 years/años825 E Rundberg Ln SteB1Austin, TX 78758(512) 978-9300>= 10 years/años

Nunnelly, Patrick MD1301 W 38th St Ste 300Austin, TX 78705(512) 454-5721M-F 7:30A-4:30P>= 10 years/años

Oliver, Donell Baird MD1305 W 34th St Ste 308Austin, TX 78705(512) 459-8082>= 10 years/años

Palmer, Gretchen1301 W 38th St Ste 300Austin, TX 78705(512) 454-5721>= 10 years/años5625 Eiger Rd Ste 205Austin, TX 78735(512) 537-5488>= 10 years/años

Pearce, Marcellus MD2909 N Ih 35Austin, TX 78722(512) 478-4939>= 10 years/años

#Peterman, KristenHansen MD1301 W 38th St Ste 201Austin, TX 78705(512) 451-8354

Piparia, Maansi12221 Renfert Way Ste330Austin, TX 78758(512) 425-3825>= 12 years/años

#Polon, Clive MD1201 W 38th StAustin, TX 78705(512) 324-8670>= 10 years/años

Quinn, Melissa9805 Brodie LnAustin, TX 78748(512) 462-1936>= 12 years/años

Ransom, Sandra201 E Ben White BlvdBldg BAustin, TX 78704(512) 276-8000

Reich, Stephanie MD1305 W 34th St Ste 308Austin, TX 78705(512) 459-8082>= 10 years/años

Reue, David MD1301 W 38th St Ste 300Austin, TX 78705(512) 454-5721>= 10 years/años

Rogers, Rebecca1201 W 38th StAustin, TX 78705(512) 324-8670>= 10 years/años1601 Trinity StAustin, TX 78712(512) 324-8670>= 10 years/años911 W 38th St Ste 202Austin, TX 78705(512) 324-8670>= 10 years/años

F#Romberg, MatthewMD100 Medical PkwyAustin, TX 78738(512) 571-5000>= 10 years/años

#Salazar, Christina1210 W Braker LnAustin, TX 78758(512) 978-9300>= 10 years/años1313 Red River St Ste320Austin, TX 78701(512) 978-8870>= 10 years/años211 Comal StAustin, TX 78702(512) 978-9300>= 10 years/años2901 Montopolis DrAustin, TX 78741(512) 978-9901>= 10 years/años901 W 38th St Ste 202Austin, TX 78705(512) 324-8670>= 10 years/años

Schieffer, Yvette MD12221 N Mo Pac ExpyAustin, TX 78758(512) 901-3520>= 10 years/años12221 N Mopac ExpyAustin, TX 78758(512) 901-4013>= 10 years/años

Schmitz, Martha MD4007 James Casey StSte A240Austin, TX 78745(512) 394-0054>= 10 years/años

Schneider, Lisa MD9805 Brodie LnAustin, TX 78748(512) 462-1936>= 10 years/años

#Seeker, Christophe MD12200 Renfert Way Ste100Austin, TX 78758(512) 451-8211

Shashoua, George MD12319 N Mopac ExpyBldg C Ste 200Austin, TX 78758(512) 973-8276>= 10 years/años

Shepherd, RachelRebecca6611 River Place BlvdSte 202Austin, TX 78730(512) 473-8300>= 18 years/años

#Sheppard, Joy MD1301 W 38th St Ste 315Austin, TX 78705(512) 324-72561313 Red River St Ste320Austin, TX 78701(512) 978-8870

Singh, Jasbir MD12200 Renfert Way SteG3 & Ste G-3Austin, TX 78758(512) 821-2540>= 10 years/años

Singh, Krishna4316 James Casey StSte 201Austin, TX 78745(512) 821-2540>= 10 years/años

Solis, Thuy PA1601 Trinity St Ste 704Austin, TX 78712(512) 324-8320

Sorin, Robert MD1515 Grove BlvdAustin, TX 78741(512) 267-7233M-TH 9A-4P>= 10 years/años2909 N Interstate 35Austin, TX 78722(512) 478-4939>= 10 years/años408 W 23rd StAustin, TX 78705(512) 735-2300>= 10 years/años4800 Manor RdAustin, TX 78723(512) 499-0090>= 10 years/años900 E 30th St Ste 107Austin, TX 78705(512) 478-4939M-F 8A-6P S 8A-12P>= 10 years/años

PRIMARY CARE PROVIDERS / PROVEEDORES DE CUIDADO PRIMARIOObstetrics & Gynecology / Obstetricia & Ginecología

Superior HealthPlan, August 2020 Member Services / Servicios para Miembros 1-800-783-5386

42 TR10-0820

F Texas Health Steps Provider/Proveedor de Pasos Sanos de TexasOffice hours are M-F, 8:00 am to 5:00 pm unless otherwise stated /Todos los proveedores atienden de lunes a viernes, de 8:00 am a 5:00 pm,amenos que se den otras horas« Language spoken other than English / Idioma que habla además delinglés

' Telemedicine provider, these providers can provide some services over thephone and/or by video conference / Los Servicios de Telefonía, Estos proveedores

pueden ofrecer algunos servicios a través del teléfono y / o por videoconferencia# Only current patients / Sólo atiende a pacientes actuales

AUGUST / AGOSTO 2020 Provider Directory Cover - Primary ...· • Tenga preguntas sobre los exmenes de Pasos Sanos de Tejas. Farmacia Superior proporciona medicinas de receta por - [PDF Document] (45)

Stavinoha, Susan BrownPA1500 Red River StAustin, TX 78701(512) 324-7000

Summers, Jennifer1305 W 34th St Ste 308Austin, TX 78705(512) 459-8082>= 10 years/años

#Sunden, Lisa APN1500 Red River StAustin, TX 78701(512) 324-7000

Swenson, Karen MD1305 W 34th St Ste 308Austin, TX 78705(512) 459-8082>= 10 years/años1305 W 34th St Ste 308Austin, TX 78705(512) 459-8082>= 12 years/años

Swift, Brittaney12201 Renfert Way Ste225Austin, TX 78758(512) 339-6626

Tabor, Kristin12221 N Mo Pac ExpyAustin, TX 78758(512) 901-1000>= 10 years/años12221 Renfert Way Ste220Austin, TX 78758(512) 836-2536>= 10 years/años

F#Tatum, Leah10401 Anderson MillRdAustin, TX 78750(512) 250-55711301 W 38th St Ste 205Austin, TX 78705(512) 324-1864

Teng, Rebecca Lynn12221 Renfert Way Ste330Austin, TX 78758(512) 425-3825>= 10 years/años

#Thaxton, Lauren1210 W Braker LnAustin, TX 78758(512) 978-9300>= 10 years/años

211 Comal StAustin, TX 78702(512) 978-9200>= 10 years/años2901 Montopolis DrAustin, TX 78741(512) 978-9901>= 10 years/años911 W 38th St Ste 202Austin, TX 78705(512) 324-8670>= 10 years/años

#Thoppil, John MD6611 River Place BlvdSte 202Austin, TX 78730(512) 473-8300>= 18 years/años

Tristan, Sigrid1500 Red River StAustin, TX 78701(512) 324-7000>= 10 years/años601 E 15th StAustin, TX 78701(512) 324-3540>= 10 years/años

F#Tsai, Rita MD1210 W Braker LnAustin, TX 78758(512) 978-9300>= 10 years/años911 W 38th St Ste 202Austin, TX 78705(512) 324-8670>= 10 years/años

Uribe, Marco MD12200 Renfert Way Ste100Austin, TX 78758(512) 451-8211>= 10 years/años

Urrutia, Allison MD1007 E 41st StAustin, TX 78751(512) 451-3131>= 10 years/años

#Vaz, Sharon11111 Research BlvdAustin, TX 78759(512) 338-8181

Vokes, Alyson100 Medical PkwyAustin, TX 78738(512) 571-5000

200 Medical Pkwy Ste310Austin, TX 78738(512) 654-0300

Walker, Harry CliffordPA3100 Red River StAustin, TX 78705(512) 477-5905>= 10 years/años

Wang, Diana Yun-GuanMD12200 Renfert Way Ste100Austin, TX 78758(512) 451-8211M-F 7A-5P>= 10 years/años

Weidaw, Blake MD1600 W 38th St Ste 115Austin, TX 78731(512) 458-6060>= 10 years/años

White, Amanda MD911 W 38th St Ste 202Austin, TX 78705(512) 324-8670>= 10 years/años

#Whitney, Margaret1210 W Braker LnAustin, TX 78758(512) 978-9300>= 10 years/años211 Comal StAustin, TX 78702(512) 978-9300>= 10 years/años2901 Montopolis DrAustin, TX 78741(512) 978-9901>= 10 years/años

Wiener, Courtney E1007 E 41st StAustin, TX 78751(512) 451-3131

Wilcox, Cherilyn12201 Renfert Way Ste225Austin, TX 78758(512) 339-6626

Williams-Brown, MarianMD1301 W 38th St Ste 113Austin, TX 78705(512) 324-3395>= 10 years/años

1601 Trinity St Ste 804Austin, TX 78712(512) 324-7865>= 10 years/años

Yium, Vanessa MD1305 W 34th St Ste 308Austin, TX 78705(512) 459-8082>= 10 years/años

F#Yoo, Sonja DO11111 Research BlvdAustin, TX 78759(512) 338-8181

Young, Amy1500 Red River StAustin, TX 78701(512) 324-7000>= 10 years/años911 W 38th St Ste 202Austin, TX 78705(512) 324-8670>= 10 years/años

Zapata, Helio11111 Research BlvdSte 295Austin, TX 78759(877) 800-5722>= 10 years/años

MANORHagen, Jeff MD

14008 ShadowglenBlvd Ste 302Manor, TX 78653(512) 445-4800>= 10 years/años

PFLUGERVILLEJustiss, Abigail

18900 LimestoneCommercial Dr 610Pflugerville, TX 78660(512) 473-8300>= 10 years/años

Mirto, Mary DO1701 E PflugervillePkwyPflugerville, TX 78660(512) 259-6000>= 10 years/años

PRIMARY CARE PROVIDERS / PROVEEDORES DE CUIDADO PRIMARIOObstetrics & Gynecology / Obstetricia & Ginecología

Superior HealthPlan, August 2020 Member Services / Servicios para Miembros 1-800-783-5386

43 TR10-0820

F Texas Health Steps Provider/Proveedor de Pasos Sanos de TexasOffice hours are M-F, 8:00 am to 5:00 pm unless otherwise stated /Todos los proveedores atienden de lunes a viernes, de 8:00 am a 5:00 pm,amenos que se den otras horas« Language spoken other than English / Idioma que habla además delinglés

' Telemedicine provider, these providers can provide some services over thephone and/or by video conference / Los Servicios de Telefonía, Estos proveedores

pueden ofrecer algunos servicios a través del teléfono y / o por videoconferencia# Only current patients / Sólo atiende a pacientes actuales

AUGUST / AGOSTO 2020 Provider Directory Cover - Primary ...· • Tenga preguntas sobre los exmenes de Pasos Sanos de Tejas. Farmacia Superior proporciona medicinas de receta por - [PDF Document] (46)



CEDAR PARKF#Chaparro Krueg,Cynthia1401 Medical Pkwy SteB220Cedar Park, TX 78613(512) 260-1581

Cole, Jean Paicurich MD1401 Medical Pkwy Ste419Cedar Park, TX 78613(512) 528-7385>= 10 years/años

Collins, Sabrina Lee1401 Medical PkwyBldg B Ste 419Cedar Park, TX 78613(512) 528-7202>= 10 years/años

Drummond, Virginie1401 Medical PkwyBldg B Ste 207Cedar Park, TX 78613(512) 339-6626>= 10 years/años

F#Evans, Jayme1401 Medical Pkwy Ste220bCedar Park, TX 78613(512) 260-1581

#Hamilton, Zachary1401 Medical Pkwy Ste220Cedar Park, TX 78613(512) 260-1581

Horton, Amanda Lauren1401 Medical Pkwy Ste408Cedar Park, TX 78613(512) 821-2540>= 10 years/años

Johnston, Robert1401 Medical ParkwayB Ste 408Cedar Park, TX 78613(512) 901-1000>= 10 years/años

F#Kaufman, CarolineMD1401 Medical Pkwy Ste220bCedar Park, TX 78613(512) 260-1581

FLeath, Brooke MD910 E Whitestone Blvd2nd FlrCedar Park, TX 78613(512) 260-6100>= 10 years/años

#Macones, George1301 Medical ParkwaySte 200Cedar Park, TX 78613(512) 324-7256

F#Monteiro Jr, AnthonyDO1401 Medical Pkwy Ste220Cedar Park, TX 78613(512) 260-1581

F#Moore, LindseyNicole MD13625 Ronald ReaganBlvd Bldg 6Cedar Park, TX 78613(512) 336-2777<= 18 years/años

F#Sandhu, Anita MD1401 Medical Pkwy Ste220bCedar Park, TX 78613(512) 260-1581

Singh, Jasbir MD1401 Medical Pkwy Ste408Cedar Park, TX 78613(512) 821-2540>= 10 years/años

Thai, Beth MD1401 Medical Pkwy Ste311Cedar Park, TX 78613(877) 800-5722>= 10 years/años

#Waller, Karla1401 Medical Pkwy SteB220Cedar Park, TX 78613(512) 260-1581

GEORGETOWNFMahaffey, Andrew MD

1900 Scenic DrGeorgetown, TX 78626(877) 800-5722>= 10 years/años1900 Scenic Dr Ste3326Georgetown, TX 78626(877) 800-5722>= 10 years/años

Rabsatt, Latasha1900 Scenic DrGeorgetown, TX 78626(877) 800-5722

ROUND ROCKAnger, Kathryn MD

511 Oakwood Blvd Ste301Round Rock, TX78681(512) 244-3698>= 10 years/años

Babaran, Krystel2300 Round Rock AveRound Rock, TX78681(877) 800-5722>= 10 years/años

Benedict, Richard301 Seton Pkwy Ste407Round Rock, TX78665(512) 324-4071

FBoswell, Kathleen302 University BlvdRound Rock, TX78665(512) 509-0200>= 10 years/años

Brown, Ingrid Waag1490 Rusk Rd Ste 202Round Rock, TX78665(512) 255-7762>= 10 years/años

Chao, Brenda Ru-Lan2300 Round Rock AveSte 208Round Rock, TX78681(877) 800-5722>= 12 years/años

FChapman, Amy MD302 University BlvdRound Rock, TX78665(512) 509-0200>= 10 years/años

FColeman, KimberleeMD2300 Round Rock AveSte 208Round Rock, TX78681(512) 828-3300>= 10 years/años

Cornerstone OB GYNPA16040 Park Valley DrSte 222Round Rock, TX78681(512) 341-8001M W-F 8A-4P T8A-6:30P

Duncan, Blanca MD511 Oakwood Blvd Ste301Round Rock, TX78681(512) 244-3698>= 10 years/años

FFernandez, Joseph MD302 University BlvdRound Rock, TX78665(512) 509-0200>= 10 years/años

Fitzpatrick, Michael MD511 Oakwood Blvd Ste301Round Rock, TX78681(512) 244-3698M-TH 8A-5P F 8A-4P>= 10 years/años

Gitu, Susana3950 N Aw GrimesBlvd Ste N201Round Rock, TX78665(877) 800-5722

F#Handco*ck, Tyler MD302 University BlvdRound Rock, TX78665(512) 509-0200

PRIMARY CARE PROVIDERS / PROVEEDORES DE CUIDADO PRIMARIOObstetrics & Gynecology / Obstetricia & Ginecología

Superior HealthPlan, August 2020 Member Services / Servicios para Miembros 1-800-783-5386

44 TR10-0820

F Texas Health Steps Provider/Proveedor de Pasos Sanos de TexasOffice hours are M-F, 8:00 am to 5:00 pm unless otherwise stated /Todos los proveedores atienden de lunes a viernes, de 8:00 am a 5:00 pm,amenos que se den otras horas« Language spoken other than English / Idioma que habla además delinglés

' Telemedicine provider, these providers can provide some services over thephone and/or by video conference / Los Servicios de Telefonía, Estos proveedores

pueden ofrecer algunos servicios a través del teléfono y / o por videoconferencia# Only current patients / Sólo atiende a pacientes actuales

AUGUST / AGOSTO 2020 Provider Directory Cover - Primary ...· • Tenga preguntas sobre los exmenes de Pasos Sanos de Tejas. Farmacia Superior proporciona medicinas de receta por - [PDF Document] (47)

Harrison, MaryElizabeth MD511 Oakwood Blvd Ste301Round Rock, TX78681(512) 244-3698>= 12 years/años

Hiltenbrand, Jena FNP301 Seton Pkwy Ste407Round Rock, TX78665(512) 324-4071

FLeath, Brooke MD302 University BlvdRound Rock, TX78665(512) 509-0200>= 10 years/años

Lucero, Melia Marie511 Oakwood Blvd Ste301Round Rock, TX78681(512) 244-3698>= 10 years/años

Maunder, Mark MD511 Oakwood Blvd Ste301Round Rock, TX78681(512) 244-3698M-TH 8A-5P F 8A-4P>= 10 years/años

McCormack, Melissa301 Seton Pkwy Ste407Round Rock, TX78665(512) 324-8670

#Michel, Stephanie MD511 Oakwood Blvd Ste301Round Rock, TX78681(512) 244-3698

Murphree, Paul MD511 Oakwood Blvd Ste301Round Rock, TX78681(512) 244-3698M-TH 8A-5P F 8A-4P>= 10 years/años

Orth, Susan MD511 Oakwood Blvd Ste301Round Rock, TX78681(512) 244-3698>= 10 years/años

Pagette, Melanie MD7700 Cat Hollow DrSte 202Round Rock, TX78681(512) 238-6688>= 10 years/años

Rogers, Rebecca301 Seton Pkwy Ste407Round Rock, TX78665(512) 324-8670>= 10 years/años

FShea, Richard MD2300 Round Rock AveSte 208Round Rock, TX78681(512) 828-3300>= 10 years/años

F#Tatum, Leah894 Summit St Ste 108Round Rock, TX78664(512) 324-1864

Uxer, Jennifer Beth301 Seton Pkwy Ste407Round Rock, TX78665(512) 324-4071>= 10 years/años

Walters, Amanda302 University BlvdRound Rock, TX78665(512) 509-0200

PRIMARY CARE PROVIDERS / PROVEEDORES DE CUIDADO PRIMARIOObstetrics & Gynecology / Obstetricia & Ginecología

Superior HealthPlan, August 2020 Member Services / Servicios para Miembros 1-800-783-5386

45 TR10-0820

F Texas Health Steps Provider/Proveedor de Pasos Sanos de TexasOffice hours are M-F, 8:00 am to 5:00 pm unless otherwise stated /Todos los proveedores atienden de lunes a viernes, de 8:00 am a 5:00 pm,amenos que se den otras horas« Language spoken other than English / Idioma que habla además delinglés

' Telemedicine provider, these providers can provide some services over thephone and/or by video conference / Los Servicios de Telefonía, Estos proveedores

pueden ofrecer algunos servicios a través del teléfono y / o por videoconferencia# Only current patients / Sólo atiende a pacientes actuales

AUGUST / AGOSTO 2020 Provider Directory Cover - Primary ...· • Tenga preguntas sobre los exmenes de Pasos Sanos de Tejas. Farmacia Superior proporciona medicinas de receta por - [PDF Document] (48)




BASTROPFGibson, Sara

605 Old Austin HwyBastrop, TX 78602(877) 800-5722

Rodgers, April605 Old Austin HwyBastrop, TX 78602(877) 800-5722

FTrevino, Christine, DO605 Old Austin HwyBastrop, TX 78602(877) 800-5722

ELGINFKatalenas, MartaMaria, MD218 W Us Highway290Elgin, TX 78621(512) 281-1900<= 18 years/años


1201a Hill RdSmithville, TX 78957(512) 360-36981201a Hilll RdSmithville, TX 78957(512) 360-5272


BURNETFThompson, Tanna,MD200 John W HooverPkwy Bldg 1 Ste ABurnet, TX 78611(512) 715-3118<= 18 years/años

MARBLE FALLSFFehlis, Kimberly

706 Ave GMarble Falls, TX78654(830) 201-8900

810 W Highway 71Marble Falls, TX78654(830) 201-7100810 W Highway 71Marble Falls, TX78654(830) 201-8000

FGajjar, Kavita802 Ave JMarble Falls, TX78654(877) 800-5722

FOffutt, Kelly, MD706 Ave GMarble Falls, TX78654(830) 201-8900810 W Highway 71Marble Falls, TX78654(325) 247-5040810 W Highway 71Marble Falls, TX78654(830) 201-8000

FThomas, Sandra, MD1009 Falls PkwyMarble Falls, TX78654(830) 693-3988<= 21 years/años



LOCKHARTFBenchekroune,Ghizlane300 S Colorado St SteALockhart, TX 78644(512) 376-9690

Russell, Terri, MD1105 S Medina StLockhart, TX 78644(512) 376-9700M W F 8:30A-12P TTH 1:30A-5P<= 21 years/años



LA GRANGEBanks, Crystal

726 S Jefferson StLa Grange, TX 78945(979) 206-2005<= 18 years/años

Storey, Lisa890 E Travis StLa Grange, TX 78945(979) 968-2000


40 E AveSchulenburg, TX 78956(979) 743-3520M-F 8A-4:30P


AUSTINFChapa, Ricardo, MD

7900 Fm 1826 Bldg 1Ste 220Austin, TX 78737(512) 288-9669<= 18 years/años

F#Jolet, Kelly, MD7900 Fm 1826 Bldg 1Ste 220Austin, TX 78737(512) 288-9669M-F 8A-5P S 9A-12P<= 18 years/años

FPatil, Vaishalee, MD7900 Fm 1826 Bldg 1Ste 220Austin, TX 78737(512) 288-9669M-F 8A-5P S 9A-12P<= 18 years/años

F#Rimer, Haydee, MD7900 Fm 1826 Bldg 1Ste 220Austin, TX 78737(512) 288-9669M-F 8A-5P S 9A-12P<= 18 years/años

F#Wagner, Nicholas,MD7900 Fm 1826 Bldg 1Ste 220Austin, TX 78737(512) 288-9669M-F 8A-5P S 9A-12P<= 18 years/años

FWhite, Amy7900 Fm 1826 Bldg 1Ste 220Austin, TX 78737(512) 288-9669<= 18 years/años

BUDALevcovitz, Henrique

1567 Main St Ste 100Buda, TX 78610(512) 351-4405<= 18 years/años

FLincoln, Anna, MD211 Railroad StBuda, TX 78610(512) 312-5312<= 18 years/años

F#Pediatric Junction PA211 Railroad StBuda, TX 78610(512) 312-5312


2440 E Highway 290Ste ADripping Springs, TX78620(512) 520-3465>= 18 years/años

Grant, Danielle2440 E Highway 290Ste ADripping Springs, TX78620(512) 520-3465>= 18 years/años

Heck, Courtney2440 E Highway 290Ste ADripping Springs, TX78620(512) 520-3465>= 18 years/años


Superior HealthPlan, August 2020 Member Services / Servicios para Miembros 1-800-783-5386

46 TR10-0820

F Texas Health Steps Provider/Proveedor de Pasos Sanos de TexasOffice hours are M-F, 8:00 am to 5:00 pm unless otherwise stated /Todos los proveedores atienden de lunes a viernes, de 8:00 am a 5:00 pm,amenos que se den otras horas« Language spoken other than English / Idioma que habla además delinglés

' Telemedicine provider, these providers can provide some services over thephone and/or by video conference / Los Servicios de Telefonía, Estos proveedores

pueden ofrecer algunos servicios a través del teléfono y / o por videoconferencia# Only current patients / Sólo atiende a pacientes actuales

AUGUST / AGOSTO 2020 Provider Directory Cover - Primary ...· • Tenga preguntas sobre los exmenes de Pasos Sanos de Tejas. Farmacia Superior proporciona medicinas de receta por - [PDF Document] (49)

Sarmiento, Joel2440 E Highway 290Ste ADripping Springs, TX78620(512) 520-3465>= 18 years/años

F#Stinson, Kathleen,MD331 Sportsplex Dr SteCDripping Springs, TX78620(512) 894-3737

Temple, Brian2440 E Highway 290Ste ADripping Springs, TX78620(512) 520-3465>= 18 years/años

KYLE#Blood, Julia

4100 Everett Dr Ste400Kyle, TX 78640(512) 295-1333

F#Edwards, Kimberly,MD4100 Everett Dr Ste400Kyle, TX 78640(512) 504-5186

F#Fournier, Jacqueline,MD4100 Everett Dr Ste400Kyle, TX 78640(512) 504-5186

F#Hagen, Conor, MD4100 Everett Dr Ste400Kyle, TX 78640(512) 504-5186

F#Kim, Rebecca, MD4100 Everett Dr Ste400Kyle, TX 78640(512) 295-1333

F#Linnell, Marjan4100 Everett Dr Ste400Kyle, TX 78640(512) 504-5186

F#Needham, David, MD4100 Everett Dr Ste400Kyle, TX 78640(512) 295-1333

#Shah, Arathi Apurva,MD4100 Everett Dr Ste400Kyle, TX 78640(512) 295-1333

SAN MARCOSFDupre, Meghan

601 Leah AveSan Marcos, TX 78666(512) 392-1700Limited to Females/SóloAtiende A Mujeres >=10 years/años

Hannemann Hart,Nicole601b Leah AveSan Marcos, TX 78666(512) 392-1700

Roeder, Kristen Renee1340 Wonder WorldDr Ste 4201San Marcos, TX 78666(512) 268-8900

F#Williams, Noelle601b Leah AveSan Marcos, TX 78666(512) 392-1700M 8A-7P T 8:30A-5PW F 8A-5P TH8:30A-7P S 8:30A-12P

WIMBERLEYFCollins, Karyn, MD

201 Stillwater Ste 6Wimberley, TX 78676(512) 268-8900<= 18 years/años


GIDDINGSStorey, Lisa

185 Decker DrGiddings, TX 78942(979) 542-6500


AUSTINAbdelhafez, Waleed

1101 Camino La CostaAustin, TX 78752(512) 478-4939

F#Albert, Kimberly Vail,MD5701 W Slaughter LnAustin, TX 78749(512) 334-2500

FAlmouie Pediatrics2110 W Slaughter LnAustin, TX 78748(210) 647-6049<= 21 years/años

#Anderson, James6835 Austin Ctr BlvdAustin, TX 78731(512) 346-6611

FAnnamalai,Valliammai, MD4900 Mueller BlvdAustin, TX 78723(512) 324-0000

FAppel, Louis, MD1101 Camino La CostaAustin, TX 78752(512) 478-4939<= 21 years/años

F#Austin, Geshia, MD1807 W Slaughter LnSte 490Austin, TX 78748(512) 282-8967

Avalos Mishaan, Ana,MD825 E Rundberg Ln SteB1Austin, TX 78753(512) 978-8870

F#Avashia, Swati, MD1313 Red River St Ste100Austin, TX 78701(512) 324-35401500 Red River StAustin, TX 78701(512) 324-7000

Azadi, Sohail, MD7112 Ed Bluestein BlvdSte 100Austin, TX 78723(512) 744-6000

FBarner, Lauren, CPNP2400 Cedar Bend DrAustin, TX 78758(512) 901-1111>= 18 years/años

FBarrera, Rodolfo, DO1009 E 40th St Ste 100Austin, TX 78751(512) 476-5437<= 18 years/años1015 E 32nd St Ste 203Austin, TX 78705(512) 476-5437<= 18 years/años12411 Hymeadow DrSte 3fAustin, TX 78750(512) 250-1997<= 18 years/años

Bernard, Nicole12120 Ranch Road 620NorthAustin, TX 78750(512) 833-7334

F#Brekken, Alissa, MD10401 Anderson MillRd Ste 110bAustin, TX 78750(512) 250-5571

FBrieno, Elsa, MD4201 Marathon BlvdSte 201Austin, TX 78756(512) 323-0276<= 18 years/años800 W 34th St Ste 208Austin, TX 78705(512) 323-0276<= 18 years/años8101 Cameron Rd Ste207Austin, TX 78754(512) 323-0276<= 18 years/años

F#Broberg, Scott, MD3816 S 1st StAustin, TX 78704(512) 443-1311

Brown, Emily, MD13917 W Highway 71Ste AAustin, TX 78738(512) 610-7030>= 18 years/años


Superior HealthPlan, August 2020 Member Services / Servicios para Miembros 1-800-783-5386

47 TR10-0820

F Texas Health Steps Provider/Proveedor de Pasos Sanos de TexasOffice hours are M-F, 8:00 am to 5:00 pm unless otherwise stated /Todos los proveedores atienden de lunes a viernes, de 8:00 am a 5:00 pm,amenos que se den otras horas« Language spoken other than English / Idioma que habla además delinglés

' Telemedicine provider, these providers can provide some services over thephone and/or by video conference / Los Servicios de Telefonía, Estos proveedores

pueden ofrecer algunos servicios a través del teléfono y / o por videoconferencia# Only current patients / Sólo atiende a pacientes actuales

AUGUST / AGOSTO 2020 Provider Directory Cover - Primary ...· • Tenga preguntas sobre los exmenes de Pasos Sanos de Tejas. Farmacia Superior proporciona medicinas de receta por - [PDF Document] (50)

F#Burnett, Melissa, MD6835 Austin Ctr BlvdAustin, TX 78731(512) 346-6611

F#Busceme, Heidi, MD1807 W Slaughter LnSte 490Austin, TX 78748(512) 282-8967

F#Camosy, Caroline1807 W Slaughter LnSte 490Austin, TX 78748(512) 282-8967

F#Carlson, Kyla, CPNP2400 Cedar Bend DrAustin, TX 78758(512) 901-1111

Cetl, Sandra8913 Collinfield DriveSte 1Austin, TX 78758(877) 800-5722

FChowdhury(Masu,Taskina1009 E 40th St Ste 100Austin, TX 78751(512) 476-5437<= 18 years/años12411 Hymeadow DrSte 3fAustin, TX 78750(512) 250-1997<= 18 years/años

F#Christensen, Jennifer3816 S 1st StAustin, TX 78704(512) 443-1311

FChristiansen, Brittany,CPNP5701 W Slaughter LnAustin, TX 78749(512) 901-4031

#Collmann, Gwen12120 Ranch Road 620NorthAustin, TX 78750(512) 833-7334

F#Colman, Kymberly,MD1807 W Slaughter LnSte 490Austin, TX 78748(512) 282-8967

Concepcion, Constancio,MD1210 W Braker LnAustin, TX 78758(512) 978-9300

F#Countie, Deborah,MD4515 Seton CenterPkwy Ste 220Austin, TX 78759(512) 338-8388

Cox, Ashley, MD13917 W Highway 71Ste AAustin, TX 78738(512) 610-7030>= 18 years/años

Crompton, Wiltse2237 E Riverside Dr Ste101cAustin, TX 78741(512) 744-6000

F#Dawson, Thomas,MD1111 W 34th St Ste 102Austin, TX 78705(512) 467-1600

F#Day, Avis, MD3816 S 1st StAustin, TX 78704(512) 443-1311

FDay, Barakah, MD5701 W Slaughter LnBldg CAustin, TX 78749(512) 334-2500

F#Deavers, Wren, NP2400 Cedar Bend DrAustin, TX 78758(512) 901-1111

FDiaz Deleon, Victor2110 W Slaughter LnAustin, TX 78748(210) 647-6049<= 21 years/años

Duc, Jennifer211 Comal StAustin, TX 78702(512) 804-3913M 8A-6:30P T-F 8A-5P4900 Mueller BlvdAustin, TX 78723(512) 324-0000

F#Duong, Mai, MD1807 W Slaughter LnSte 490Austin, TX 78748(512) 282-8967

FEdoka, Joanne Wise,MD2911 Medical Arts StSte 7Austin, TX 78705(512) 582-1201<= 18 years/años2911 Medical Arts Ste7Austin, TX 78705(512) 582-1201<= 18 years/años

FEssandoh, Yvonne, DO2237 E Riverside DrAustin, TX 78741(512) 744-60002621 Ridgepoint Dr Ste130Austin, TX 78754(512) 744-6000

F#Florer, Christine, MD730 W Stassney Ln Ste110Austin, TX 78745(512) 744-6000

FForbes, Marion, MD4900 Mueller BlvdAustin, TX 78723(512) 324-0000

FFrank, Allan, MD1100 W 39th 1/2 StAustin, TX 78756(512) 454-4545M-F 8A-9P S 8A-5P SU9A-12P<= 5 years/años

Frasser, Sandra, MD1101 Camino La CostaAustin, TX 78752(512) 478-4939

Gandhi, Pritesh1101 Camino La CostaAustin, TX 78752(512) 478-4939

F#Garza, Diane, MD5701 W Slaughter LnBldg CAustin, TX 78749(512) 334-2500

F#Gennrich, Michael,MD4515 Seton CenterPkwy Ste 220Austin, TX 78759(512) 338-8388

George, Michelle1210 W Braker LnAustin, TX 78758(512) 978-9300

F#Getman, William, MD6835 Austin Ctr BlvdAustin, TX 78731(512) 346-6611

F#Glenn Wood MD PA2237 E Riverside Dr Ste101cAustin, TX 78741(512) 744-60002621 Ridgepoint Dr Ste130Austin, TX 78754(512) 744-60006425 S Interstate 35 Ste100Austin, TX 78744(512) 744-6000M-F 7A-9P S 9A-9P7112 Ed Bluestein BlvdSte 100Austin, TX 78723(512) 744-6000730 W Stassney Ln Ste110Austin, TX 78745(512) 892-72009411 N Lamar Blvd Ste120Austin, TX 78753(512) 744-6000

F#Gonzalez, Helena,MD6835 Austin Ctr BlvdAustin, TX 78731(512) 346-6611

F#Goodman, James, MD1807 W Slaughter LnSte 490Austin, TX 78748(512) 282-8967

FGrady, Leigh, MD1600 W 38th St Ste 105Austin, TX 78731(512) 467-7334


Superior HealthPlan, August 2020 Member Services / Servicios para Miembros 1-800-783-5386

48 TR10-0820

F Texas Health Steps Provider/Proveedor de Pasos Sanos de TexasOffice hours are M-F, 8:00 am to 5:00 pm unless otherwise stated /Todos los proveedores atienden de lunes a viernes, de 8:00 am a 5:00 pm,amenos que se den otras horas« Language spoken other than English / Idioma que habla además delinglés

' Telemedicine provider, these providers can provide some services over thephone and/or by video conference / Los Servicios de Telefonía, Estos proveedores

pueden ofrecer algunos servicios a través del teléfono y / o por videoconferencia# Only current patients / Sólo atiende a pacientes actuales

AUGUST / AGOSTO 2020 Provider Directory Cover - Primary ...· • Tenga preguntas sobre los exmenes de Pasos Sanos de Tejas. Farmacia Superior proporciona medicinas de receta por - [PDF Document] (51)

Grant, Danielle13917 W Highway 71Ste AAustin, TX 78738(512) 610-7030>= 18 years/años

Greendyk, Tara, MD4900 Mueller BlvdAustin, TX 78723(512) 324-0000

FGuerrero, Juan, MD2400 Cedar Bend DrAustin, TX 78758(512) 901-4016<= 18 years/años

F#Gupta, Indu, MD1101 Camino La CostaAustin, TX 78752(512) 478-4939

FGupta, Madhurima,MD1110 W WilliamCannon Dr Ste 502Austin, TX 78745(512) 474-2660<= 18 years/años

Guzman, Darlene11111 Research BlvdSte 295Austin, TX 78759(877) 800-5722

Hamilton, Elaine701 S Capital Of TexasHwy Ste 900Austin, TX 78746(512) 324-6970

Harris, Julie Diane,CPNP6425 S Ih 35 Ste 100Austin, TX 78744(512) 744-6000

FHaslund, Karen, MD825 E Rundberg Ln SteB1Austin, TX 78758(512) 978-9300

F#Hebner, Claire, MD3816 S 1st StAustin, TX 78704(512) 443-1311

Heck, Courtney13917 W Highway 71Ste AAustin, TX 78738(512) 610-7030>= 18 years/años

F#Hine, Peter, MD4315 James Casey StSte 100Austin, TX 78745(512) 443-3883

F#Horton, Jack, MD1807 W Slaughter LnSte 490Austin, TX 78748(512) 282-8967

FHoward, Daniel, MD2400 Cedar Bend DrAustin, TX 78758(512) 901-1111<= 18 years/años

FHughes, Thomas, MD1100 W 39th 1/2 StAustin, TX 78756(512) 454-4545M-F 8A-9P S 8A-5P SU9A-12P<= 18 years/años

FIyer, Meena, MD4900 Mueller BlvdAustin, TX 78723(512) 324-0000

FJacomides, Jenny, MD12411 Hymeadow DrSte 3fAustin, TX 78750(512) 250-1997<= 18 years/años

F#Jain, Sangeeta, MD6835 Austin Ctr BlvdAustin, TX 78731(512) 346-6611801 W 34th St Ste 100Austin, TX 78705(512) 943-3000

#Johnson, Laura Anton,MD5701 W Slaughter LnAustin, TX 78749(512) 901-4031

#Juarez, Lauren2400 Cedar Bend DrAustin, TX 78758(512) 901-4031

FKatalenas, MartaMaria, MD1009 E 40th St Ste 100Austin, TX 78751(512) 476-5437<= 18 years/años

FKey, Stephanie, NP2400 Cedar Bend DrAustin, TX 78758(512) 901-1111<= 18 years/años

F#Knapp, Elizabeth, MD6835 Austin Ctr BlvdAustin, TX 78731(512) 346-6611

Lai, Evelyn2901 MontopolisAustin, TX 78741(512) 978-9901

Lakhani, Hina7112 Ed Bluestein BlvdSte 100Austin, TX 78723(512) 744-6000

F#Lakshmikanth,Anupama6835 Austin Ctr BlvdAustin, TX 78731(512) 346-6611

Leboeuf, Britni1111 W 34th St Ste 102Austin, TX 78705(512) 467-16005701 W Slaughter LnAustin, TX 78749(512) 901-4031

Legostaev, Anna2110 W Slaughter LnAustin, TX 78748(210) 647-6049<= 18 years/años2110 W Slaughter LnAustin, TX 78748(210) 647-6049<= 21 years/años

F#Leong, Sharon, MD4515 Seton CenterPkwy Ste 220Austin, TX 78759(512) 338-8388

Levcovitz, Henrique11521 N Ranch Road620 Ste 100Austin, TX 78726(512) 402-6830<= 18 years/años

FLopez, Linda, MD5701 W Slaughter LnAustin, TX 78749(512) 334-2500<= 18 years/años

F#Lowrey, Robert, MD6835 Austin Ctr BlvdAustin, TX 78731(512) 346-6611

FMa, Helen, DO1100 W 39th 1/2 StAustin, TX 78756(512) 454-4545M-F 8A-9P S 8A-5P SU9A-12P<= 5 years/años4100 Duval Rd Ste 100Austin, TX 78759(512) 250-0220<= 5 years/años

FMalik, Durdana, MD4207 James Casey StSte 111Austin, TX 78745(512) 444-9800M T TH F 8A-5P W8A-12P<= 14 years/años

FMani, Jayashree, MD1100 W 39th 1/2 StAustin, TX 78756(512) 454-4545M-F 8A-9P S 8A-5P SU9A-12P<= 5 years/años

F#Marroquin, Jaclyn,MD2400 Cedar Bend DrAustin, TX 78758(512) 901-4031

Massey, Catherine, MD3410 Far W Blvd Ste130Austin, TX 78731(512) 345-6758

McClary, Ashley8913 Collinfield DriveSte 1Austin, TX 78758(877) 800-5722

F#McElvain, Dawn,CPNP5301 Davis Ln Ste 200aAustin, TX 78749(512) 494-4000

FMcMains, Merrick,MD2911 Medical Arts StSte 20Austin, TX 78705(512) 236-9306M-F 8:30A-5P<= 18 years/años


Superior HealthPlan, August 2020 Member Services / Servicios para Miembros 1-800-783-5386

49 TR10-0820

F Texas Health Steps Provider/Proveedor de Pasos Sanos de TexasOffice hours are M-F, 8:00 am to 5:00 pm unless otherwise stated /Todos los proveedores atienden de lunes a viernes, de 8:00 am a 5:00 pm,amenos que se den otras horas« Language spoken other than English / Idioma que habla además delinglés

' Telemedicine provider, these providers can provide some services over thephone and/or by video conference / Los Servicios de Telefonía, Estos proveedores

pueden ofrecer algunos servicios a través del teléfono y / o por videoconferencia# Only current patients / Sólo atiende a pacientes actuales

AUGUST / AGOSTO 2020 Provider Directory Cover - Primary ...· • Tenga preguntas sobre los exmenes de Pasos Sanos de Tejas. Farmacia Superior proporciona medicinas de receta por - [PDF Document] (52)

2911 Medical Arts StSte 20Austin, TX 78705(512) 236-9306M-F 8:30A-5P<= 21 years/años

Miranda, Cynthia1210 W Braker LnAustin, TX 78758(512) 978-9300

F#Mitchell, Janet, MD4515 Seton CenterPkwy Ste 220Austin, TX 78759(512) 338-8388

F#Monteiro, Kellie Rice,DO10401 Anderson MillRdAustin, TX 78750(512) 250-5571

Moore, Rebecca7112 Ed Bluestein BlvdSte 100Austin, TX 78723(512) 744-6000

Mostajabian, Salina1101 Camino La CostaAustin, TX 78752(512) 478-4939<= 18 years/años

F#Mouser, Rebecca, MD1807 W Slaughter LnSte 490Austin, TX 78748(512) 282-8967

FMulcihy, Casey, MD5625 Eiger Rd Ste 225Austin, TX 78735(512) 447-5588M-W F 8:30A-4:30PTH 8:30A-12P<= 21 years/años

Murphy, Michelle13917 W Highway 71Ste AAustin, TX 78738(512) 610-7030>= 18 years/años

Muzaffar, Syema, MD1101 Camino La CostaAustin, TX 78752(512) 478-4939<= 21 years/años

FNakonechna, Olena,MD2811 E 2nd StAustin, TX 78702(512) 324-4930

Neill, Leighanne730 W Stassney Ln Ste110Austin, TX 78745(877) 800-5722

F#Nguyen, Ky, MD10401 Anderson MillRd Ste 110bAustin, TX 78750(512) 250-5571

FNichols, Jill, MD2400 Cedar Bend DrAustin, TX 78758(512) 901-1111<= 18 years/años

F#Nick, Brent11714 Wilson ParkeAve Ste 150Austin, TX 78726(737) 247-7200

FNieto, Kirsten, MD5339 N Ih 35 Ste 100Austin, TX 78723(512) 628-18985339 N Interstate 35Ste 100Austin, TX 78723(512) 628-1800

F#Oliver Ferrell,Angelle, MD10401 Anderson MillRd Ste 110bAustin, TX 78750(737) 247-7200

F#Oliveras-Johns, Edith,MD2237 E Riverside Dr Ste101cAustin, TX 78741(512) 744-6000

F#Pannell, Jennifer, MD1807 W Slaughter LnSte 490Austin, TX 78748(512) 282-8967

Patel, Stephanie2237 E Riverside Dr Ste101cAustin, TX 78741(512) 744-6000

FPediatrics of SouthAustin4315 James Casey StSte 100Austin, TX 78745(512) 443-3883<= 1 year/año

F#Prochnow, Ross, MD4515 Seton CenterPkwy Ste 220Austin, TX 78759(512) 338-8388

F#Ramirez, Jaime, MD1111 W 34th St Ste 102Austin, TX 78705(512) 467-1600

F#Rannefeld, Marcia,DO6425 S Ih 35 Ste 100Austin, TX 78744(512) 744-6000

FRawal, Vandana, MD2400 Cedar Bend DrAustin, TX 78758(512) 901-4016<= 18 years/años

FReidy, Elizabeth4201 Bee Caves Rd SteC100Austin, TX 78746(512) 327-1155<= 18 years/años

F#Rezaei-Bazaziz,Knema1807 W Slaughter LnSte 490Austin, TX 78748(512) 282-8967

FRichards, Daniel, MD4900 Mueller BlvdAustin, TX 78723(512) 324-0000

#Rodriguez, Roberto,MD1101 Camino La CostaAustin, TX 78752(512) 478-4939<= 18 years/años

Rusk, Natalie, MD1600 W 38th St Ste 105Austin, TX 78731(512) 467-7334<= 21 years/años

F#Sabri, Nadia, MD6835 Austin Ctr BlvdAustin, TX 78731(512) 346-6611

FSaenz, Christopher,MD5145 N Fm 620 RdAustin, TX 78732(512) 681-59005145 Ranch Road 620N Bldg 1Austin, TX 78732(512) 681-5902

FSampson, Kathryn5701 W Slaughter LnAustin, TX 78749(512) 334-2500

#Samuel, Shirlene3816 S 1st StAustin, TX 78704(512) 443-1311

F#Sarathy, Rama, MD9411 N Lamar Blvd Ste120Austin, TX 78753(512) 744-6000M-F 7:30A-9P

Sarmiento, Joel13917 W Highway 71Ste AAustin, TX 78738(512) 610-7030>= 18 years/años

Sear, Jennifer2400 Cedar Bend DrAustin, TX 78758(512) 901-4031

F#Shah, Sapna10401 Anderson MillRdAustin, TX 78750(512) 250-5571

F#Shieh, Sue, MD4515 Seton CenterPkwy Ste 220Austin, TX 78759(512) 338-8388

Slater, Stephanie9411 N Lamar Blvd Ste120Austin, TX 78753(512) 744-6000

#Soni, Nikita1807 W Slaughter LnSte 490Austin, TX 78748(512) 282-8967

Spence, Timothy, MD12221 N Mo Pac ExpyAustin, TX 78758(512) 901-1000


Superior HealthPlan, August 2020 Member Services / Servicios para Miembros 1-800-783-5386

50 TR10-0820

F Texas Health Steps Provider/Proveedor de Pasos Sanos de TexasOffice hours are M-F, 8:00 am to 5:00 pm unless otherwise stated /Todos los proveedores atienden de lunes a viernes, de 8:00 am a 5:00 pm,amenos que se den otras horas« Language spoken other than English / Idioma que habla además delinglés

' Telemedicine provider, these providers can provide some services over thephone and/or by video conference / Los Servicios de Telefonía, Estos proveedores

pueden ofrecer algunos servicios a través del teléfono y / o por videoconferencia# Only current patients / Sólo atiende a pacientes actuales

AUGUST / AGOSTO 2020 Provider Directory Cover - Primary ...· • Tenga preguntas sobre los exmenes de Pasos Sanos de Tejas. Farmacia Superior proporciona medicinas de receta por - [PDF Document] (53)

F#Spencer, Chris, MD10401 Anderson MillRdAustin, TX 78750(512) 250-5571

#Spencer, Michelle5701 W Slaughter LnAustin, TX 78749(512) 901-4031730 W Stassney Ln Ste110Austin, TX 78745(877) 800-5722

FStephens, Linda, NP1100 W 39 1/2 StAustin, TX 78756(512) 454-45451100 W 39th 1/2 StAustin, TX 78756(512) 454-4545

FSuffredini, Paige, MD2400 Cedar Bend DrAustin, TX 78758(512) 901-1111<= 18 years/años

FSule, Aditi J, MD2529 S First StAustin, TX 78704(512) 978-9500<= 18 years/años5920 W WilliamCannon Dr Ste 150Austin, TX 78749(512) 892-0030<= 18 years/años

FTache, Mara, MD2400 Cedar Bend DrAustin, TX 78758(512) 901-4016>= 18 years/años

Tarla, Kimberly9411 N Lamar Blvd Ste120Austin, TX 78753(512) 744-6000

Temple, Brian13917 W Highway 71Ste AAustin, TX 78738(512) 610-7030>= 18 years/años

F#Teoh, Raymond, MD1807 W Slaughter LnSte 490Austin, TX 78748(512) 282-8967

Terwelp, Daniel3410 Far W Blvd Ste130Austin, TX 78731(512) 345-6758

Thant, Le Wai, MD825 E Rundberg Ln SteB1Austin, TX 78758(512) 978-9300

Thoppil, Nimmi Teresa,MD1210 W Braker LnAustin, TX 78758(512) 978-9300

Thorstad, Kelly12120 Ranch Road 620NorthAustin, TX 78750(512) 833-7334

FTorres, Manuel, MD1110 W WilliamCannon Dr Ste 502Austin, TX 78745(512) 474-2660<= 10 years/años

F#Treybig, Sandra Kay,MD1100 W 39th 1/2 StAustin, TX 78756(512) 454-4545M-F 8A-9P S 8A-5P SU9A-12P4100 Duval Rd Ste 100Austin, TX 78759(512) 250-0220

FVillarreal-Lev,Christine, MD1101 Camino La CostaAustin, TX 78752(512) 478-4939

FWakefield, Toni, MD4900 Mueller BlvdAustin, TX 78723(512) 324-0000<= 21 years/años

F#Waldrop, Mylynda,MD2400 Cedar Bend DrAustin, TX 78758(512) 901-1111

Warzecki, Lori Ann1101 Camino La CostaAustin, TX 78752(512) 478-4939

Wheelock, Valerie G7004 Bee Caves RdBldg 1 Ste 210Austin, TX 78746(512) 327-0562<= 18 years/años

Winterroth, Elizabeth1101 Camino La CostaAustin, TX 78752(512) 478-4939<= 18 years/años

FWise, Laura Agnes1600 W 38th St Ste 105Austin, TX 78731(512) 467-7334<= 21 years/años

F#Wood, Glenn, MD7112 Ed Bluestein BlvdSte 100Austin, TX 78723(512) 744-6000M-F 7:30A-9P S 9A-6P

F#Woods, Sara, MD5701 W Slaughter LnBldg CAustin, TX 78749(512) 334-2500

FWorrel, John Richard,MD2400 Cedar Bend DrAustin, TX 78758(512) 901-4016<= 18 years/años

DEL VALLEF#Deavers, Wren, NP

5301 Ross Rd Ste HDel Valle, TX 78617(512) 386-3335

Edgar, Carly, NP5301 Ross Rd Ste HDel Valle, TX 78617(512) 386-3335

LEANDER#Dockray, Lee

901 Crystal Falls PkwySte 103Leander, TX 78641(512) 259-2198

FLi-Pelaez, JoanneRaquel, DO2006 S Bagdad Rd Ste150Leander, TX 78641(512) 528-6100<= 18 years/años

FQian, Baoping, MD2006 S Bagdad Rd Ste150Leander, TX 78641(512) 528-6100<= 18 years/años

MANORF#Benun, Jacques

11300 Us Highway 290East Ste 230Manor, TX 78653(512) 346-6611


103 12th St Ste 101Pflugerville, TX 78660(512) 989-3334M TH F 8:30A-5P T8:30A-6:30P<= 21 years/años

F#Enders, Judith, MD15803 Windermere DrSte 103Pflugerville, TX 78660(512) 989-2680

#Habib, Ramla, MD15803 Windermere DrSte 103Pflugerville, TX 78660(512) 989-2680

F#Holliman, Anna, MD15803 Windermere DrSte 103Pflugerville, TX 78660(512) 989-2680

Peterson, Ryan15803 Windermere DrSte 103Pflugerville, TX 78660(512) 989-2680

F#Singh, Shaili, MD15803 Windermere DrSte 103Pflugerville, TX 78660(512) 989-2680


20424 Haystack CoveSpicewood, TX 78669(512) 610-7030>= 18 years/años

Grant, Danielle20424 Haystack CoveSpicewood, TX 78669(512) 610-7030>= 18 years/años


Superior HealthPlan, August 2020 Member Services / Servicios para Miembros 1-800-783-5386

51 TR10-0820

F Texas Health Steps Provider/Proveedor de Pasos Sanos de TexasOffice hours are M-F, 8:00 am to 5:00 pm unless otherwise stated /Todos los proveedores atienden de lunes a viernes, de 8:00 am a 5:00 pm,amenos que se den otras horas« Language spoken other than English / Idioma que habla además delinglés

' Telemedicine provider, these providers can provide some services over thephone and/or by video conference / Los Servicios de Telefonía, Estos proveedores

pueden ofrecer algunos servicios a través del teléfono y / o por videoconferencia# Only current patients / Sólo atiende a pacientes actuales

AUGUST / AGOSTO 2020 Provider Directory Cover - Primary ...· • Tenga preguntas sobre los exmenes de Pasos Sanos de Tejas. Farmacia Superior proporciona medicinas de receta por - [PDF Document] (54)

Heck, Courtney20424 Haystack CoveSpicewood, TX 78669(512) 610-7030>= 18 years/años

Temple, Brian20424 Haystack CoveSpicewood, TX 78669(512) 610-7030>= 18 years/años



CEDAR PARKF#Cardwell, Brent, MD

345 Cypress Creek RdSte 104Cedar Park, TX 78613(512) 336-2777<= 18 years/años

F#Cardwell, Jennifer,MD345 Cypress Creek RdSte 104Cedar Park, TX 78613(512) 336-2777<= 18 years/años

F#Cheng, Arthur, MD801 E Whitestone BlvdSte BCedar Park, TX 78613(512) 259-3467

F#Cohen, Joseph, MD12171 W Parmer LnSte 201Cedar Park, TX 78613(512) 335-9600

FDonovan, Linda Susan,CPNP601 E Whitestone BlvdSte 308Cedar Park, TX 78613(512) 528-9996M-TH 9A-4:30P F9A-3P<= 18 years/años

FHenderson, Kathleen,DO12171 W Parmer LnSte 201Cedar Park, TX 78613(512) 335-9600<= 18 years/años

F#Hoang, Christine801 E Whitestone BlvdCedar Park, TX 78613(512) 259-3467

FHolmes, Michael1464 E WhitestoneBlvd Ste 2104Cedar Park, TX 78613(512) 260-8100

F#Hutchens, Lisa, MD13625 Ronald ReaganBlvd Bldg 6Cedar Park, TX 78613(512) 336-2777<= 18 years/años

F#Keegan, Lee, MD13625 Ronald ReaganBlvd Bldg 6Cedar Park, TX 78613(512) 336-2777<= 18 years/años

#Mansoor, Saba, MD801 E Whitestone BlvdCedar Park, TX 78613(512) 346-6611

F#Mathew, Betzi, MD345 Cypress Creek RdSte 104Cedar Park, TX 78613(512) 336-2777<= 18 years/años

F#Moore, LindseyNicole, MD13625 Ronald ReaganBlvd Bldg 6Cedar Park, TX 78613(512) 336-2777<= 18 years/años

F#Pandya, Charuben,MD715 Discovery Blvd Ste117Cedar Park, TX 78613(512) 528-2300

#Peterson, Keerti801 E Whitestone BlvdCedar Park, TX 78613(512) 259-3467

FScott, Tiffani1464 E WhitestoneBlvd Ste 2104Cedar Park, TX 78613(512) 260-8100

F#Spencer, Chris, MD715 Discovery Blvd Ste117Cedar Park, TX 78613(512) 528-2300

#Suhag, Sunaina801 E Whitestone BlvdCedar Park, TX 78613(512) 259-3467

Swann, Laura1464 E WhitestoneBlvd Ste 901Cedar Park, TX 78613(512) 260-8100<= 21 years/años

FTullier, Monica, PNP1464 E WhitestoneBlvd Ste 901Cedar Park, TX 78613(512) 260-8100<= 18 years/años

FWest, Deborah, MD1730 E WhitestoneBlvd Ste 101Cedar Park, TX 78613(877) 800-5722

#Wheeler, Kathryn801 E Whitestone BlvdCedar Park, TX 78613(512) 259-3467


205 E University AveGeorgetown, TX 78626(877) 800-5722

F#Gipson, Adana, MD1526 Leander RdGeorgetown, TX 78628(512) 863-7586<= 18 years/años

FHedges, Amanda, PNP2423 Williams Dr Ste103Georgetown, TX 78628(956) 831-8338

Levcovitz, Henrique1205 W University AveGeorgetown, TX 78628(512) 942-2535<= 18 years/años

FMahadevan, Menaka,MD2423 Williams DrGeorgetown, TX 78628(877) 800-5722

Matula, Rachel1526 Leander RdGeorgetown, TX 78628(512) 863-7586<= 18 years/años

Patel, Shivani1526 Leander RdGeorgetown, TX 78628(512) 863-7586

FPerez, Hector, PA2423 Williams Dr Ste103Georgetown, TX 78628(956) 831-8338

Perez, Karin1526 Leander RdGeorgetown, TX 78628(512) 863-7586

HUTTOFButler, Kathleen, MD

123 Ed Schmidt BlvdSte 140Hutto, TX 78634(877) 800-5722

Gonzales, Enrique123 Ed Schmidt BlvdSte 140Hutto, TX 78634(877) 800-5722

F#Griffin, Violeta, MD151 Exchange Blvd Ste500Hutto, TX 78634(877) 846-7844

F#Gritzka, Boris, MD151 Exchange Blvd Ste500Hutto, TX 78634(877) 846-7844

FHunt, Amy, DO151 Exchange Blvd Ste500Hutto, TX 78634(512) 846-1244

FLiang, Zhiyu123 Ed Schmidt BlvdSte 140Hutto, TX 78634(877) 800-5722

Nguyen, Vu2100 Muirfld Bend DrHutto, TX 78634(817) 573-9800


Superior HealthPlan, August 2020 Member Services / Servicios para Miembros 1-800-783-5386

52 TR10-0820

F Texas Health Steps Provider/Proveedor de Pasos Sanos de TexasOffice hours are M-F, 8:00 am to 5:00 pm unless otherwise stated /Todos los proveedores atienden de lunes a viernes, de 8:00 am a 5:00 pm,amenos que se den otras horas« Language spoken other than English / Idioma que habla además delinglés

' Telemedicine provider, these providers can provide some services over thephone and/or by video conference / Los Servicios de Telefonía, Estos proveedores

pueden ofrecer algunos servicios a través del teléfono y / o por videoconferencia# Only current patients / Sólo atiende a pacientes actuales

AUGUST / AGOSTO 2020 Provider Directory Cover - Primary ...· • Tenga preguntas sobre los exmenes de Pasos Sanos de Tejas. Farmacia Superior proporciona medicinas de receta por - [PDF Document] (55)

FSiddipeta, Rama Devi123 Ed Schmidt BlvdSte 140Hutto, TX 78634(877) 800-5722

FSmith, Kate, NP123 Ed Schmidt BlvdSte 140Hutto, TX 78634(877) 800-5722

FValmiki, Himabindu,MD123 Ed Schmidt BlvdSte 140Hutto, TX 78634(877) 800-5722

LIBERTY HILLSpence, Timothy, MD

101 Jonathan Dr Ste 4Liberty Hill, TX 78642(512) 260-8100

Swann, Laura101 Jonathan Dr Ste 4Liberty Hill, TX 78642(512) 778-5111<= 21 years/años

ROUND ROCKF#Addy, Debaroti M,MD1001 Little Oak WayRound Rock, TX78681(512) 255-8868<= 18 years/años

FAdeni, Shubha, MD425 University BlvdRound Rock, TX78665(512) 509-0200

FArnold, Danielle300 University BlvdRound Rock, TX78665(512) 509-0100

#Averitt, Grace940 Hesters CrossingRdRound Rock, TX78681(512) 244-9024

FAzuma, Lynn, MD425 University Blvd Ste130Round Rock, TX78665(512) 509-0200

FBacares, Edgar, MD2120 N Mays St Ste430Round Rock, TX78664(877) 800-57222120 N Mays Ste 430And 490Round Rock, TX78664(512) 341-8908

Badipe, Abiola1001 Little Oak WayRound Rock, TX78681(512) 255-8868<= 18 years/años

FBerg, Bradley302 University BlvdRound Rock, TX78665(512) 509-0200

FBhatti, Meenu, MD3950 N A W GrimesBlvd Ste N201Round Rock, TX78665(512) 524-9282

FBrown, Bernadette,MD1050 Meadows DrRound Rock, TX78681(512) 255-6033M-F 9A-5P S9A-10:30A1050 Meadows Dr Ste307Round Rock, TX78681(512) 255-6033M-F 9A-5P S9A-10:30A

F#Chan, Soi Yu, MD425 University BlvdRound Rock, TX78665(512) 509-0200

F#Chang, Ting Chuan,MD1001 Little Oak WayRound Rock, TX78681(512) 255-8868<= 18 years/años

FDe Haro, Rafael, MD7200 Wyoming SpgsSte 200Round Rock, TX78681(512) 244-5959<= 18 years/años

FDelario, Melissa, MD2120 N Mays St Ste430Round Rock, TX78664(877) 800-5722

FDieterich, Samantha,MD302 University BlvdRound Rock, TX78665(512) 509-0200425 University BlvdRound Rock, TX78665(512) 509-0200

FDossul, Amena3950 N A W GrimesBlvdRound Rock, TX78665(877) 800-5722

Efuribe, Chinwe3950 N A W GrimesBlvdRound Rock, TX78665(877) 800-5722<= 18 years/años

F#Glenn Wood MD PA1201 S Interstate 35 Ste303Round Rock, TX78664(512) 744-60001201 S Interstate 35 Ste303Round Rock, TX78664(512) 744-6000

F#Gritzka, Boris, MD940 Hesters CrossingRdRound Rock, TX78681(512) 244-9024

Gross, Lenae3950 N A W GrimesBlvdRound Rock, TX78665(877) 800-5722

F#Harvey, Kristi, MD940 Hesters CrossingRdRound Rock, TX78681(512) 244-9024

Hawkins, Helen1201 S Ih 35 Ste 303Round Rock, TX78664(512) 744-6000

FHelmcamp, Jennifer,MD425 University BlvdRound Rock, TX78665(512) 509-0200

FKatalenas, MartaMaria, MD7700 Cat Hollow DrSte 104Round Rock, TX78681(512) 733-5437M-F 8:30A-5:30P<= 18 years/años

F#Kuhl, Walter, MD940 Hesters CrossingRdRound Rock, TX78681(512) 244-9024

Kurz, Karl1001 Little Oak WayRound Rock, TX78681(512) 255-8868<= 18 years/años

FLal, Arti, MD425 University BlvdRound Rock, TX78665(512) 509-0200

FMarshall, Erin, MD7200 Wyoming SpgsSte 200Round Rock, TX78681(512) 244-5959<= 18 years/años


Superior HealthPlan, August 2020 Member Services / Servicios para Miembros 1-800-783-5386

53 TR10-0820

F Texas Health Steps Provider/Proveedor de Pasos Sanos de TexasOffice hours are M-F, 8:00 am to 5:00 pm unless otherwise stated /Todos los proveedores atienden de lunes a viernes, de 8:00 am a 5:00 pm,amenos que se den otras horas« Language spoken other than English / Idioma que habla además delinglés

' Telemedicine provider, these providers can provide some services over thephone and/or by video conference / Los Servicios de Telefonía, Estos proveedores

pueden ofrecer algunos servicios a través del teléfono y / o por videoconferencia# Only current patients / Sólo atiende a pacientes actuales

AUGUST / AGOSTO 2020 Provider Directory Cover - Primary ...· • Tenga preguntas sobre los exmenes de Pasos Sanos de Tejas. Farmacia Superior proporciona medicinas de receta por - [PDF Document] (56)

Moellenberg, Kara1001 Little Oak WayRound Rock, TX78681(512) 255-8868<= 18 years/años

F#Mooney, Shannon L,MD1001 Little Oak WayRound Rock, TX78681(512) 255-8868<= 18 years/años

F#Nguyen, Ky, MD940 Hesters CrossingRdRound Rock, TX78681(512) 244-9024

F#Owens, Nancy, MD940 Hesters CrossingRdRound Rock, TX78681(512) 244-9024

FPautler, Denise, MD3950 N A W GrimesBlvdRound Rock, TX78665(512) 524-9281M-F 8A-8P S 9A-1P

F#Rashid, Alan940 Hesters CrossingRdRound Rock, TX78681(512) 244-9024

F#Salinas, Crystal M,MD7700 Cat Hollow DrSte 104Round Rock, TX78681(512) 733-5437M-F 8:30A-5:30P

F#Scranton, Maria, MD940 Hesters CrossingRdRound Rock, TX78681(512) 244-9024

FSypniewski, Stephanie,MD4112 Links Ln Ste 201Round Rock, TX78664(512) 672-8933

7200 Wyoming SpgsRound Rock, TX78681(512) 672-8933

FTallapureddy, Praveena300 University BlvdRound Rock, TX78665(512) 509-0100

F#Tomkins, Amy, DO940 Hesters CrossingRdRound Rock, TX78681(512) 244-9024

FTran, Kim2120 N Mays StRound Rock, TX78664(877) 800-5722

F#Travis, Wade Robert,MD1001 Little Oak WayRound Rock, TX78681(512) 255-8868<= 18 years/años

F#Treehouse Pediatrics1001 Little Oak WayRound Rock, TX78681(512) 255-886815930 S Great Oaks DrBldg BRound Rock, TX78681(512) 255-8868M-F 8A-5P S 8A-10A

F#Unite, Anselmo G,MD1001 Little Oak WayRound Rock, TX78681(512) 255-8868<= 18 years/años

F#White, Alan, MD940 Hesters CrossingRdRound Rock, TX78681(512) 244-9024

Wilson, Kristie1001 Little Oak WayRound Rock, TX78681(512) 255-8868<= 18 years/años

FWyoming SpringsPediatrics7200 Wyoming SpgsSte 200Round Rock, TX78681(512) 244-5959M-F 8A-5P S 9A-12P<= 18 years/años

York, Julia1001 Little Oak WayRound Rock, TX78681(512) 255-8868<= 18 years/años

F#Zibdeh-Lough, Hana940 Hesters CrossingRdRound Rock, TX78681(512) 244-9024

TAYLORFCorpuz, Goddy

305 Mallard LnTaylor, TX 76574(512) 352-7611


Superior HealthPlan, August 2020 Member Services / Servicios para Miembros 1-800-783-5386

54 TR10-0820

F Texas Health Steps Provider/Proveedor de Pasos Sanos de TexasOffice hours are M-F, 8:00 am to 5:00 pm unless otherwise stated /Todos los proveedores atienden de lunes a viernes, de 8:00 am a 5:00 pm,amenos que se den otras horas« Language spoken other than English / Idioma que habla además delinglés

' Telemedicine provider, these providers can provide some services over thephone and/or by video conference / Los Servicios de Telefonía, Estos proveedores

pueden ofrecer algunos servicios a través del teléfono y / o por videoconferencia# Only current patients / Sólo atiende a pacientes actuales

AUGUST / AGOSTO 2020 Provider Directory Cover - Primary ...· • Tenga preguntas sobre los exmenes de Pasos Sanos de Tejas. Farmacia Superior proporciona medicinas de receta por - [PDF Document] (57)

Certified NurseMidwife/ Comadrona

Certificada deEnfermera



Darnall, Emily12221 Renfert Way Ste330Austin, TX 78758(512) 425-3825

Giltrap, Allison1500 Red River StAustin, TX 78701(512) 324-7000

Godwin, Caitlin Nicole12221 Renfert Way Ste330Austin, TX 78758(512) 425-3825

Hughes, Michelle12221 Renfert Way Ste330Austin, TX 78758(512) 425-3825

Kenny, Bridget12221 Renfert Way Ste330Austin, TX 78758(512) 425-3825>= 12 years/años

Little, Cristina1500 Red River StAustin, TX 78701(512) 324-7000601 E 15th StAustin, TX 78701(512) 324-3540

Misenheimer, Gabrielle901 W Ben White BlvdAustin, TX 78704(512) 447-2211

Mulcihy, Elizabeth1201 W 38th StAustin, TX 78705(512) 324-1027

Sherman, Katrina1201 W 38th StAustin, TX 78705(512) 324-1000

Smith, Joan4204 Cliffwood CoveAustin, TX 78759(512) 968-0749>= 12 years/años

#Sunden, Lisa, APN1500 Red River StAustin, TX 78701(512) 324-7000

Nurse Midwife/Comadrona de




Darnall, Emily12221 Renfert Way Ste330Austin, TX 78758(512) 425-3825

Godwin, Caitlin Nicole12221 Renfert Way Ste330Austin, TX 78758(512) 425-3825

Hensley, Jennifer Gaye12201 Renfert Way Ste225Austin, TX 78758(512) 339-6626>= 10 years/años

Hughes, Michelle12221 Renfert Way Ste330Austin, TX 78758(512) 425-3825

Kenny, Bridget12221 Renfert Way Ste330Austin, TX 78758(512) 425-3825Limited to Females/SóloAtiende A Mujeres >=12 years/años

Loomis, Nancy Ellen1305 W 34th St Ste 308Austin, TX 78705(512) 459-8082

Miksic, Erin Crystal12221 Renfert Way Ste330Austin, TX 78758(512) 425-3825

Narumanchi, Varshna13803 Ann PlAustin, TX 78728(512) 736-4591

Smith, Joan4204 Cliffwood CoveAustin, TX 78759(512) 968-0749>= 12 years/años

SPECIALISTS / ESPECIALISTASObstetrics & Gynecology (Pregnancy & Women's Health) - Obstetricia y Ginecología (Embrazo y Salud de la


Superior HealthPlan, August 2020 Member Services / Servicios para Miembros 1-800-783-5386

55 TR10-0820

F Texas Health Steps Provider/Proveedor de Pasos Sanos de TexasOffice hours are M-F, 8:00 am to 5:00 pm unless otherwise stated /Todos los proveedores atienden de lunes a viernes, de 8:00 am a 5:00 pm,amenos que se den otras horas« Language spoken other than English / Idioma que habla además delinglés

' Telemedicine provider, these providers can provide some services over thephone and/or by video conference / Los Servicios de Telefonía, Estos proveedores

pueden ofrecer algunos servicios a través del teléfono y / o por videoconferencia# Only current patients / Sólo atiende a pacientes actuales


AUGUST / AGOSTO 2020 Provider Directory Cover - Primary ...· • Tenga preguntas sobre los exmenes de Pasos Sanos de Tejas. Farmacia Superior proporciona medicinas de receta por - [PDF Document] (58)

'O''Neill', James .......19Abdelhafez, Waleed ..47Abraham, Merlin .....26Adams, Anne ............19Addy, Debaroti M, MD

................................53Adeni, Shubha, MD .53Adusumalli, Jasvant MD

................................38Agarwal, Akhil .........19Agueros, Horacio, MD

................................19Aguiar, Rudxandra ..32Akande, Aminatu .....38Akin, Angela, DO ....26Akinyemi, Elizabeth .26Akkanti, Yamini, MD

................................16Al Nouri, Zayd ........35Al-Ahmad, Amin 32, 33,36

Alberda, Kelly, MD ..19Albert, Kimberly Vail,MD ........................47

Alemi, Wais ..............26Ali, Nazis .................30Ali, Salima ................33Allen, Gregory, MD .19Allen, Ryan ..............16Allport-Altill, Brandon

................................19Almouie Pediatrics ...47Alsaedi, Muhaned 19,30

Alward, Ian ..............19Amadi, Fedelis, MD .18Ambler, Mark, MD ..19Andaya, Maro ..........19Anderson, Allison MD

................................38Anderson, James ......47Andreas, Allison .......19Anger, Kathryn MD .44Angulo, Freddy, MD 32Annamalai, ValliammaiMD ........................30

Annamalai, Valliammai,MD ........................47

Appel, Louis, MD ....47Arce, Jennifer ...........30Armond, AmandaNicole .....................37

Arnecilla, Jennifer, MD................................19

Arnold, Danielle .......53Ascension Seton BastropHealth Center ...14, 15

Ashton, Candace, FNP..........................19, 33

Austin Childrens Shelter................................13

Austin Obgyn Bastrop................................15

Austin Regional Clinic................................13

Austin UrogynecologyPLLC ......................38

Austin, Geshia, MD .47Avalos Mishaan, Ana,MD ........................47

Avashia, Swati, MD 19,33, 47

Averitt, Grace ...........53Averitt, Travis ..........26Azadi, Sohail, MD ....47Azuma, Lynn, MD ...53Baade, Howard, FNP 19Babaran, Krystel ......44Bacares, Edgar, MD .53Badipe, Abiola .........53Baker, Elizabeth .......19Balbastro, Jeeathbell,MD ........................33

Balderas, Dagoberto .19Bandi, Sindura .........38Banks, Crystal ..........46Baricuatro, Marica ...31Barner, Lauren, CPNP..........................19, 47

Barr, Fredricka .........19Barrera, Rodolfo, DO................................47

Barry, Shanna, NP ...19Barta, Adam, MD ....19Bastrop CommunityHealth Center .........10

Bastrop County MedicalAssoc PA ................13

Basu, Nabanita, MD 36Batey, Kristy ............17Bayliss, Lawrence,APRN .....................20

Bayona, Jose, MD ....20Beardslee, Jenna .......20Becker, Rehana, MD 33Bedgood, Alysia Mae 18Belt, Melanie MD ....38Ben White Health Clinic..........................10, 12

Benchekroune, Ghizlane................................46

Benedict, Richard .....44Benold, Terrell, MD .20Benun, Jacques .........51

Berdofe, Lynne ...37, 38Berent, Craig ............33Berg, Bradley ...........53Bernard, Nicole ........47Berry Roberts, Crystal................................38

Bettes, Jeanette, PA ..33Bhatti, Meenu, MD ..53Bhs Physicians NetworkInc ..........................13

Bibb, Laura ..............16Bilolikar, Varsha Suresh................................20

Birdwell, Larry, DO .20Black, Ann, MD .......20Black, Candice .........16Blackstock FamilyHealth Center ...10, 12

Blair, Stephen Don, MD................................20

Blankenship, Olivia,FNP ........................16

Blood, Julia ..............47Blumhagen, Guy MD 38Bodapati, Rajeswari,MD ........................28

Bohmfalk, Thomas, MD................................27

Bollineni, Mamatha .33Bolton, Kim, MD .....20Bond, Alexandra ......27Borger, Bonita ..........20Bosco, Jason MD .....37Boswell, Kathleen .....44Bowman, Rachel ......38Boya, Gushyalatha, MD................................33

Bradford, Jason MD 38Branvold, Devon ......33Brasher Giles, SharylMD ........................38

Braunstein, Mary Jane EMD ........................38

Breedlove, Rachel MD................................38

Breen, Michael MD ..38Brekken, Alissa, MD 47Bresett, Georgia .......20Brieno, Elsa, MD .....47Brinkman, Diane MD................................38

Briskey, Enzie NatashaMD ........................38

Broberg, Scott, MD ..47Brode, Donald, MD .20Brooke, William, MD................................20

Brooks Heinzma, AlisonMD ..................38, 39

Brooks, Taylor .........16Brooks, Tera 18, 20, 30Broomhall, Denise ....20Brown, Bernadette, MD................................53

Brown, Dawn ...........31Brown, Emily, MD 46,47

Brown, Ingrid Waag .44Brown, James ...........28Brown, Jessica ..........20Browne, Catherine DO................................39

Browning, Stewart, MD................................20

Bukowski, Radek MD................................39

Burge, Erin ...............18Burke, Joanna MD ...39Burkhart, Kristi, DO 16Burnett, Melissa, MD..........................47, 48

Burns, Evelyn ...........20Burri, Sarat ..............28Burugu, Sukanya, MD................................33

Busceme, Heidi, MD 48Bushart, Paul MD ....39Butler, Harrel, MD 20,26

Butler, Kathleen, MD 52Buttermann, KarlMichael MD ...........39

Cahill, Alison ...........39Calderon-Meza, Clarissa................................20

Calkins, Richard, FNP................................27

Callaway, Susan MD 30Calnan, Kristen ..37, 38Camosy, Caroline .....48Campaigne, Andrea MD................................39

Cantu, Jessica A .......39Capet, Christy MD ...39Capital Area PrimaryCare .......................14

Cardenas, Veronica ..17Cardwell, Brent, MD 52Cardwell, Jennifer, MD................................52

Caring Center forWomen ...................38

Carlson, John, MD ...35Carlson, Kyla, CPNP 48

Primary Care Providers shown in bold Proveedores de Cuidado Primario see mirar en negrita

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56 TR10-0820


AUGUST / AGOSTO 2020 Provider Directory Cover - Primary ...· • Tenga preguntas sobre los exmenes de Pasos Sanos de Tejas. Farmacia Superior proporciona medicinas de receta por - [PDF Document] (59)

Carothers, Paul ........20Carrera-Leal, Benito .39Carter, Kimberly MD 39Casas, Cheyanne ......18Castillo, Cathy, MD .28Castillo, Marcela ......39Cauvin, Paul, MD ....20Cedar Park Pediatrics 14Cedar Park Pediatrics &Family Medicine .....14

Central River HealthcareGroup PLLC ...........14

Central TexasCommunity HealthCenter ..............10, 13

Cetl, Sandra .......48, 52Chalasani, Renu MD 39Chamnongvongse,Pirahatai .................20

Champlain, Jacqueline................................25

Chan, Gretchen ........28Chan, Soi Yu, MD ...53Chanda-Kim, Mousumi,MD ........................32

Chang, Christopher ..20Chang, Franklin, MD 29Chang, Ting Chuan,MD ........................53

Chao, Brenda Ru-Lan................................44

Chapa, Ricardo, MD 46Chaparro Krueg,Cynthia ............43, 44

Chapman, Amy MD .44Chatterjee, June ........33Chaudhry, Kiran ......33Chaudhury, Saswati,MD ........................28

Chavez, Pompeyo, MD................................16

Chen, Anthony, MD 20Chen, Spenser ...........35Cheng, Arthur, MD ..52Cherry, Tara MD .....39Childers, Jacob, MD 20Chipman, Zachary MD

................................39Chouteau, Ruth MD 39Chowdhury(Masu,Taskina ..................48

Chrane, Selina, PA ...16Christensen, Jennifer 48Christiansen, Brittany,CPNP .....................48

Chudleigh Jr, James,MD ........................17

Chuo, Litai ...............27Cioletti, Anne ...........33City of Austin ...........14Clark, Jennifer, MD .35Clearfork Health Center................................15

Clemons, Lisa, MD ..20Clinica Del NortePediatrics PLLC ......20

Clor, Casey ..............20Coats, Teresa, MD ...33Cobb, Gudrun, NP ...51co*ckrell, Suzanne .....16Cohen, Dinna, MD ..28Cohen, Joseph, MD ..52Cohen, Nathan, MD 36Cole, Donald (Trey),MD ........................20

Cole, Jean Paicurich MD................................44

Coleman, KimberleeMD ........................44

Coley, Mary .............20Collins, Karyn, MD ..47Collins, Sabrina Lee .44Collmann, Gwen ......48Colman, Kymberly, MD................................48

Communicare HealthCenter ....................10

Communicare HealthCenters ...................10

Communitycare ........10Communitycare Arch..........................10, 12

Communitycare DavidPowell ....................10

Communitycare EastAustin .....................10

Communitycare Manor................................12

CommunitycareMontopolis ...10, 11,12

Communitycare NorthLamar .....................11

Communitycare OakHill .........................11

CommunitycarePflugerville .............12

Communitycare RedRiver ......................11

CommunitycareRiverside ................11

CommunitycareRosewood Zaragosa 11

CommunitycareRundberg ...............11

CommunitycareSouthbrook ............11

CommunitycareSpringdale ..............11

Communitycare WilliamCannon ..................11

Communitycare-NorthCentral ...................11

Communitycare-SouthAustin .....................11

Concepcion,Constancio, MD .....48

Constable, Shane ......18Cook, Diana .......27, 28Copeland, Curtis, MD................................16

Cornerstone OB GYNPA ..........................44

Corpuz, Goddy ........54Cosentino, Robert MD................................39

Coughlin, Sean, MD .33Countie, Deborah, MD................................48

Cowan, Robert MD .39Cox, Alinda MD ......39Cox, Ashley, MD 48, 51Cox, Jacqueline ........20Coyne, Cynthia ..37, 39Coyner Such, Caroline................................39

Craig, Christine ........39Craig, Clark, MD .....16Crane, Camey ....16, 17Crompton, Wiltse .....48Cross Timbers HealthClinic ......................12

Crow, Steven, MD ...20Crumb, Robert S MD..........................37, 39

Crump, Todd, MD ...20Cruse, Julie ...............28Csaki, Wendy ...........20Ct Medical Group - TX................................14

Curtis, Risa ..............38Cutler, Wendy MD ..39Daghestani, Anas, MD................................33

Dandekar, Meghana,MD ........................26

Dang, Tony, MD .....20Danielson, Michelle ..39Dao, Yen, DO ..........35Dar, Khola, MD .......20

Darnall, Emily ..........55Dasgupta, Nilanjana,MD ........................36

Dasso, Nancy ...........20Date, Swati, MD ......33Davila, Juan .............17Dawson, Thomas, MD................................48

Day, Avis, MD .........48Day, Barakah, MD ...48Day, John, MD ........20De Haro, Rafael, MD..........................36, 53

De Lota, Michael 18, 25De Stefano, KimberlyMD ........................39

Deavers, Wren, NP 48,51

Decastro, Vincenz ....20Dehipitiya, Chandima................................33

Delario, Melissa, MD 53Delatorre, Miguel, MD................................20

Deleon, Delia MD 37,39

Deliberato, Megan ...26Deliberato, Samuel ...26Dell Childrens Circle ofCare Ped Hutto .12, 13

Dell Childrens Circle ofCare Ped Whiteststone................................12

Deng, Yue, MD ..32, 35Denningotn, Jacob ...20Denton, Carolyn, DO................................20

Dermish, Amna ..39, 40Desai, Nina ..............20Devine, Allison MD .40Dewitt, Ronald .........20Diaz Deleon, Victor ..48Diaz, Lindsey 20, 21, 33Dieterich, Samantha,MD ........................53

Dillard, Sarah ...........21Disarro, Amanda ......40Divin, Christine, FNP 21Dluzniewski, Holly, MD................................36

Dmello, Anita Maria,MD ........................35

Dockray, Lee ............51Dolan, Donna ..........32Dollar, Debra, MD ...33Donovan, Linda Susan,CPNP .....................52

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Dossul, Amena .........53Dougherty, Robert, MD

................................16Douglas, Helen .........26Downs, Sherrel ...17, 32Drummond, Lisa 27, 29Drummond, Virginie 44Duc, Jennifer ............48Duncan, Blanca MD 44Dungog, Paula ..........29Duong, Mai, MD .....48Dupre, Meghan ........47Durairaj, Sonia .........33Eapen, Prakash, MD 33Eastep, Laura Kate ...40Eaton, Jeffrey, MD ...33Ebneshahidi, Alireza .21Edgar, Carly, NP ......51Edoka, Emmanuel, MD

................................33Edoka, Joanne Wise,MD ........................48

Eduardo, Ana MD ...40Edwards, Kimberly, MD

................................47Efuribe, Chinwe .......53Egelsee, Luis, MD ....25Eisen, Nancy, DO ....21Elber, Donata ...........38Elledge, Dianne ........28Elmore, Ellen, MD ...21Enders, Judith, MD ..51Enloe, Robert ...........33Eom, Youkyoung .....17Ericson, Stephanie ....33Escarzaga, Bailey ......40Esfandiari, Fiona ......40Esfandiari, Vida .......40Essandoh, Yvonne, DO

................................48Evans, Jayme ............44Ezekoye, Olufunke, MD

................................21fa*gerberg, Kristyn ....21fa*gerberg, Marcia, MD

................................33Family & ChildrensClinic Clear Crk .....12

Family & ChildrensClinic Harker Hts ...12

Family Health Center atElgin .......................10

Family Wellness CenterPA ..........................13

Fardal, John .......21, 28Farmer, Jennifer FNP 30Fay, Kari MD ...........38

Featherstone-U, Amber................................21

Fehlis, Kimberly .......46Fernandez, Joseph MD................................44

Fernando, Chaminda,DO .........................32

Ferrero, Sarah ..........26Ferriss, James Stuart .40Fiedler, Benjamin Paul,MD ........................21

Fields, Dara CNM ....40Fincken, Gerald, DO 21Fisher, Loren ............25Fishman-Carrol, Sherry,FNP ........................21

Fite, Kevin ................21Fitzpatrick, Michael MD................................44

Florer, Christine, MD................................48

Flores, Victoria .........21Folarin, Hope, MD ..33Foley, Kristin ......21, 28Footsteps andHandprints Pedi Ther................................14

Forbes, Marion, MD 48Foster, Jennifer .........21Foster, Steven Kirk, MD................................26

Fournier, Jacqueline,MD ........................47

Frank, Allan, MD .....48Frank, Jill, NP ..........21Franz, Charles, DO ..16Frasser, Sandra, MD 48Frazier, Jenny Michelle,MD ........................21

Frazier, Viviana, MD 21Frederick, John, MD 21Freeman, Carol, FNP 18Fung, Frederick, MD 33Gajjar, Kavita ...........46Gamble, Maryann, MD................................18

Gandhi, Pritesh ..33, 48Ganta, Neelima, MD 21Garcia Jr, Ricardo ....17Garcia, Alyson .........40Garcia, Dana ............21Garcia, Derrick, MD 21Garcia, Julian ...........21Garcia-Beach, Sylvia 21Gardner, Angela, MD................................35

Garza, Devin MD .....40

Garza, Diane, MD ....48Gasal, Mary .............40Gaur, Sunita, MD ....33Gembol, Peter, FNP .21Gennrich, Michael, MD................................48

George, Aneesh, MD 36George, Michelle ......48George, Saramma, MD................................27

George, Vimal ..........21Gerdelman, Brenna, MD................................21

Gerez-Martinez, Cesar,MD ........................21

Getman, William, MD................................48

Ghartey, Jeny ...........40Ghartey, Kobina .38, 40Ghosh, Romy ...........40Gibson, Angela, DO .18Gibson, Georgia, FNP................................21

Gibson, Sara .............46Gilmore, Margaret ...18Giltrap, Allison ........55Gipson, Adana, MD .52Gitu, Susana .............44Glenn Wood MD PA....................14, 48, 53

Goble, Cara ..............28Goble, Emily ............21Godfrey, Cody .........21Godwin, Caitlin Nicole................................55

Gogulski, David, MD 26Goman, Elizabeth, MD................................32

Gonzales, Enrique ....52Gonzales, Eric ..........21Gonzales, Gabrielle ..21Gonzales, Migdalia,FNP ..................17, 21

Gonzalez Jr, Filomeno,MD ........................19

Gonzalez, Carrie ......21Gonzalez, Celsio .......32Gonzalez, Ernesto, MD................................21

Gonzalez, Helena, MD................................48

Gonzalez, Sonia ..16, 21Gooch, Jason Lee MD................................40

Gooch, Michelle MD 40Goode, Joel, MD ......28

Goodman, James, MD................................48

Goodwin, Victoria ...31Goodwin, Victoria ...21Gordon, Katrina .......18Goss, Jennifer MD ...38Gowrigari, Neelima,MD ........................36

Grady, Leigh, MD ....48Graham, Gillian .......40Grant, Danielle 46, 48,49, 51

Graves, Robert, DO 16,32

Gray, David, MD .....36Green, Karyn ............16Greendyk, Tara, MD 49Griffin, Emily ...........21Griffin, Violeta, MD 52Grimes, Julie MD .....40Gritzka, Boris, MD 52,53

Grogono, Sally MD ..40Gross, Lenae ............53Guajardo, Richard, MD..........................26, 28

Guerrero, Juan, MD .49Guerrero, Victor .......18Gunter, Patricia ........40Gupta, Ajay ..............21Gupta, Indu, MD .....49Gupta, Madhurima, MD................................49

Gutierrez Lope, Karina................................18

Gutierrez Maci,Rodolfo, MD ..........25

Gutierrez, Clarissa MD................................40

Gutierrez, Michael, MD................................21

Guy, Jacqueline ........37Guzman, Darlene .....49Gynics Associates 37, 40Habib, Ramla, MD ..51Haeri, Sina MD ........40Hagen, Conor, MD ..47Hagen, Jeff MD 37, 40,43

Hahn, Amy ........26, 30Hahn, James .......21, 22Haji, Amina, MD 22, 26Hamilton, Elaine ......49Hamilton, Kaleb, MD................................18

Hamilton, Zachary ...44Handco*ck, Tyler MD 44

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Handco*ck, Tyler, MD................................28

Hannemann Hart,Nicole .....................47

Hansen, Rebecca ......28Harkins, John MD ...40Harris, Joy NP .........37Harris, Joy, NP ........16Harris, Julie Diane,CPNP .....................49

Harrison, MaryElizabeth MD ...44, 45

Harstad, Timothy MD................................40

Hart, Chris MD .......40Hart, Steven, MD 26, 28Harvey, Kristi, MD ..53Haslund, Karen, MD 49Hawkins, Helen .......53Hay, Georgia ............16Hearne, Christopher,MD ........................35

Hebner, Claire, MD .49Heck, Courtney 46, 49,51, 52

Hedges, Amanda, PNP................................52

Heflin, Jearald Duane,MD ........................27

Helmcamp, Jennifer,MD ........................53

Hemkumar, Sasika MD................................40

Henderson, Kathleen,DO .........................52

Hensley, Jennifer Gaye................................55

Hermann, Lauren .....38Hermsdorfer, LindsayRae .........................22

Hernandez, Amy M ..19Hernandez, Leah ......26Hernandez, MarkSteven, MD ............33

Herrera, Ana, NP .....22Herrera, Sandra ..40, 41Hicks, Emily .............22Higgs, Carson, MD ..22Higgs, Lisa Marie .....17High, Rachel ............37Hillbrick Jr, TimothyJoe ..........................26

Hiltenbrand, Jena FNP..........................41, 45

Hine, Ken, MD ........33Hine, Peter, MD .......49Ho, Anh Thu ...........27

Hoang, Christine ......52Holliman, Anna, MD 51Holmes, Michael ......52Hon, Serena .............22Honles, Grace, MD ..22Hooda, Madhu, MD 22Horton, Amanda Lauren..............37, 38, 41, 44

Horton, Jack, MD ....49Hoverman, Claire 38,41

Howard, Barbara .....41Howard, Daniel, MD 49Howerton, Lena .......36Hughes, Eric, MD ....26Hughes, Michelle .....55Hughes, Robert MD .41Hughes, Thomas, MD................................49

Hull, Felix MD .........41Hull, James, MD ......33Hunt, Amy, DO .......52Hunt, Farron, MD ...25Hunt, Matthew ........22Huntsman, Marissa ..22Hurlburt, JamesBrandon .................26

Hutchens, Lisa, MD .52Ikbal, Natasya Ann MD................................41

In, Kwang, MD ........27Ince, Sharon .............22Irvin, Bryan, MD .....28Isaac, Dominique, MD................................22

Isaac, Julie, NP .........22Iyer, Meena, MD ......49Jackson, Elizabeth ....22Jackson, Philip Clay,MD ..................33, 36

Jacobs, Elizabeth ......33Jacomides, Jenny, MD................................49

Jadhav, Swati, MD ...28Jaffer, Urooj .............28Jain, Sangeeta, MD ..49James, Michele, MD .46Jameson, Brian Edward................................16

Jayachandran, Archana................................36

Jayasundera, Chandrini,MD ........................33

Jehangir, Saima MD .41Jere, Sujata, MD .......22Jewell, Janet, MD .....22Jhawar, Nupur .........35

John, Mary ...............22Johnson, Laura Anton,MD ........................49

Johnston, Robert 37, 41,44

Jolet, Kelly, MD .......46Jones, Anita Allene, FNP................................22

Jones, Christa, NP ....22Jones, Jamie .......17, 27Jones, Patsy, MD ......22Jones, Robert MD ....37Jones, Theresa, FNP .25Joseph, David, MD ..22Joseph, Reena ...........31Juarez, Lauren ..........49Juno, Shannon MD 37,41

Just, Bryan ...............22Just, Elizabeth ....22, 26Just, Robert Joseph, MD................................36

Justiss, Abigail ..........43Kalamarides, JeremyDO .........................41

Kalyanaswamy,Narmadha, MD 33, 36

Kanaparthi, Kusuma,MD ........................33

Kapadia, Deepti, MD 22Kasturi, Mythili ........26Katalenas, Marta Maria,MD ............46, 49, 53

Kathpalia, Suruchii ...35Kaufman, Caroline MD................................44

Kaur, Amandeep ......22Keegan, Lee, MD .....52Kellen, Sarah ............18Kelly, Daniel ............28Kennedy, Heather,ACNP .....................17

Kenny, Bridget .........55Kerr, Jacqueline, MD 22Key, Stephanie, NP 22,49

Khambati, Munira ...17Khan, Sanober, MD 33,36

Khatri, Nudrat ...27, 35Kheradpour, Rabin ..33Khunti, Anuja ..........22Kieffer, Hilary ..........17Kielhorn, Cameron ...18Kim, Rebecca, MD ...47King, Susan Caroline 26,27

Kini, Margaret, MD .22Kirkland, StephanieAnn, FNP ...............22

Kirtley, Randall, MD 17Klem, Theodore .......32Klubak, Teresa ...22, 28Knapp, Elizabeth, MD................................49

Kocurek & James ClinicPLLC ......................13

Kocurek, Donald MD................................30

Kocurek, Donald, MD................................18

Kohli, Sharad ...........22Kondur, Bharathi, MD................................33

Kravitz, Larry, MD ..22Krienke, Russell, MD 22Kromann, Laura .......28Kuang, Audrey ...33, 34Kueck, Angela ..........41Kuhl, Walter, MD ....53Kuhlmann, TerrenceMD ........................37

Kumar, Paraag .........22Kunda, Koteswara MD................................38

Kurz, Karl ................53LSCC Family CareCenter At Marble Falls....................10, 11, 12

LSCC Family CareCenter at Northwest 11

Lacey, Ouida, FNP ...18Lai, Evelyn ...............49Laird, Chiquitha NP .41Lake Aire MedicalCenter ....................12

Lakhani, Hina ..........49Lakshmikanth,Anupama ................49

Lal, Arti, MD ...........53Landherr, KathrynMarie MD ..............41

Landwermeyer,Margaret MD .........41

Lane, Mariela ...........34Lankford, Wendy, MD................................34

Laster, Jessica ...........28Latta, Tamika, MD ..27Lavie, Isaac MD .......41Lawlis, Richard, MD 35Leath, Brooke MD 44,45

Leblanc, Laura L ......17

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Leboeuf, Britni .........49Lee, Alan, MD .........18Lee, Emily, FNP .......22Lee, Emmanuel, MD 22Lee, Ernestine ...........22Lee, Jonathan ...........22Legostaev, Anna .......49Leija, Graciela, MD ..34Lejeune, Derek .........34Leong, Sharon, MD ..49Lerma Iii, Sammy, MD

................................16Leschber, Tiffany Ann

................................29Levcovitz, Henrique 46,49, 52

Lewis, Christophe, MD................................28

Lewis, Harold Davis,DO .........................22

Lewis, Kevin, DO .....18Li-Pelaez, JoanneRaquel, DO ............51

Liang, Zhiyu ............52Liggett, Scott, MD 16,17

Lincoln, Anna, MD ..46Lindo, Amanda ..17, 27Linnell, Marjan ........47Little, Cristina ..........55Liu, Sharon, DO .......34Liu, Yu Mei, MD .....22Locke, Catherine, MD

................................19Lockhart FamilyPractice Center .......10

Lone Star Circ of CareCenter at Taylor 12, 13

Lone Star Circle Of CareBastrop ...................10

Lone Star Circle of Care..............10, 11, 12, 13

Lone Star Circle of CareRd Rock OB GYN 11,12, 13

Lone Star Circle of Careat Texas A&M 11, 12,13

Long, Karen, NP ......27Loomis, Nancy Ellen 55Lopez, Linda, MD ....49Love, Mikeal MD .....41Lowrey, Robert, MD 49Lozovyy, Violetta .....41Lubars, Martha ........22Lucero, Melia Marie 45

Luling CommunityHealth Center .........10

Luna, Lane ...............16Luttrell, Brady, MD .27Lytle, Misty ........22, 23Ma, Helen, DO ..23, 49Macclements, Jonathan,MD ........................23

Macik, Jenna ............28Macones, George 41, 44Madrid, Carissa .......23Magdamo, Willie, MD................................28

Mahadevan, Menaka,MD ........................52

Mahaffey, Andrew MD................................44

Mahale, Radha, MD 28Mahdjoubi, MarinaFNP ........................41

Mahdjoubi, Marina,FNP ........................23

Male, Richard, DO ..27Malik, Durdana, MD 49Malik, Sofia Tufail ...17Mangalick, Vip ........18Mani, Jayashree, MD 49Manjrekar, Kirti .34, 35Mann, Micah ...........34Mansoor, Saba, MD .52Mansour, Ibrahim ....34Manthena, Swapna, MD................................25

Maradani, Sarita MD 41Marcello, Kelly .........17March, Donna ..........25Marcus, Howard, MD................................34

Markley, Michelle, MD................................23

Marroquin, Jaclyn, MD................................49

Marroquin, Robbin ..23Marshall, Erin, MD ..53Martin, Michael .34, 35Martinez, Enrique, MD................................23

Martinez-Colon, Laura................................30

Mason, Elise Klose ...27Mason, Nona .....17, 23Massey, Catherine, MD................................49

Mathew, Betzi, MD .52Mathew, Nancy .......34Matthews-Jacks, Shayla................................41

Matula, Rachel .........52Maunder, Mark MD 45McCauley, Robert ....28McClary, Ashley ......49McCoin, Megan .......41McCormack, Melissa 45McCray, SarahMargaret, FNP .......23

McCreary-Field, Rachel....................16, 26, 27

McDonald, Jara .......17McDonald, Tara ......27McDonnold, Mollie MD................................41

McElvain, Dawn CPNP................................31

McElvain, Dawn, CPNP................................49

McGaugh, Ronald, MD................................26

McGinnis, Rachel 18,19

McGraw, Jennifer ....23McMahon, Shannon,FNP ........................23

McMains, Merrick, MD................................49

McMullen, James, PA................................34

McNelis, Stephanie MD................................41

Mead, Catrina ACNP................................31

Mead, Catrina, ACNP..........................19, 23

Mechineni, KiranmayiMD ........................41

Medina, Maria NP ...41Medina, Maria, NP ..23Medrano, William, MD................................26

Melendez Murph,Edwin ...............23, 30

Mello, Leah ..............41Mendez-Vargas, Cathia................................34

Mercer, Timothy ......34Merkel, Karen ....18, 23Meshew, Catherine, MD................................26

Meyer, Angela DO ...41Meyer, Bethany ........23Mian, Tahir, MD .....36Michel, Stephanie MD................................45

Miksic, Erin Crystal .55Mileur, Christie MD 41

Miller, Grady, DO ...17Miller, Gwendolyn, MD................................34

Miller, Hillary, MD ..23Miller, Lysbeth, MD 34Mills, Tara MD ........41Miranda, Cynthia .....50Mirto, Mary DO 41, 43Misenheimer, Gabrielle................................55

Misra, Meen, MD ....34Mitchell, Janet, MD .50Mitchum, Stacey ......19Mittal, Deepa, MD ...34Moellenberg, Kara 53,54

Mohandas, Arjun, MD................................32

Mohandas, Renu MD................................37

Mohandas, Renu, MD................................32

Molina-Batlle, Claudia,MD ........................23

Momin, Zahir, MD ..36Monks, Brian MD ....37Monteiro Jr, AnthonyDO .........................44

Monteiro, Kellie Rice,DO .........................50

Mooney, Shannon L,MD ........................54

Moore, Lindsey NicoleMD ........................44

Moore, Lindsey Nicole,MD ........................52

Moore, Rebecca .......50Moreno, Rosa MD 41,42

Moreno, Rosa, MD ..23Moretti, Nicole ........42Morgan, Jasmine ......27Morrison, Bryan, MD................................27

Morrison, Robert, MD................................34

Mortenson, Christina 19Mostajabian, Salina ..50Mota, Estela .............16Mouser, Rebecca, MD................................50

Mueller, Jessica ..37, 38Mueller, Lynda Lea 25,26

Mukkamala, Pallavi .23Mulcihy, Casey, MD 50Mulcihy, Elizabeth ...55

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Mulherin, Megan .....19Mullins, Laurelin ......23Mumfrey II, PaulDouglas MD ...........42

Munoz, Silvia, FNP ..23Murphree, Paul MD .45Murphy, Krystal .......37Murphy, Michelle ....50Murray, Jorah, NP 17,18

Mushtaler, Jennifer MD................................42

Muzaffar, Syema, MD................................50

Nacol, Michael ...35, 36Nagavarapu,Shantisony, MD .....34

Naglieri, Lori, MD ...23Naik, Manish, MD ...35Nakonechna, Olena,MD ........................50

Naron, Alberta .........28Narumanchi, Varshna

................................55Nasri, Christine ........28Needham, David, MD

................................47Neill, Leighanne .......50Neitsch, Deborah, MD

................................28Nelson, Elizabeth, MD

................................34Nelson, Jeremy Loren

................................31Nepustil, Ivan, MD ..32Newton, Tarnia .......26Nextcare Urgent Care

..........................13, 14Ngo, Brigitte ......28, 29Nguyen, Joe, MD .....29Nguyen, Kevin ...23, 27Nguyen, Ky, MD 50, 54Nguyen, Phommalone

................................23Nguyen, Vu ..............52Nichols, Jill, MD ......50Nick, Brent ..............50Nieto, Kirsten, MD ..50Nix, Michael MD .....42Norris, Robert, MD .23Norwood, Amanda ..27Nugent, Mark, MD ..23Nunnelly, Patrick MD

................................42Nyman, Emily ..........23Odom, Raynell, FNP 23Offutt, Kelly, MD ....46

Oglesby, Kelli ...........23Okiomah, Mary .......29Okpaku, Amy ..........23Okunade, Adeyoyin,MD ........................27

Oliver Ferrell, Angelle,MD ........................50

Oliver, Donell BairdMD ........................42

Oliver, Paul, MD ......29Oliveras-Johns, Edith,MD ........................50

Onuma, Grace ..........16Ortega, Juan, MD ....16Orth, Susan MD .......45Ortiz, Lucy ...............35Osborn, Clinton .......23Ostler, Heidi ............23Oviedo, Jose, MD ....46Owens, Nancy, MD .54Padilla, Adrian ...32, 36Padilla, Samantha .....23Page, Bruce, MD ......23Pagette, Melanie MD 45Painter, Mia .............19Palla, Swapna ...........26Palmer, Gretchen ......42Pandya, Charuben, MD................................52

Pannell, Jennifer, MD................................50

Parmar, Tulja ...........23Parthasarathy, Urmila,DO .........................23

Patel, Shivani ............52Patel, Stephanie ........50Patel, Vikash ............26Patil, Vaishalee, MD 46Paulson, Qiwei .........32Pautler, Denise, MD .54Paxton, Raymond, MD................................34

Pearce, Marcellus MD................................42

Pease, Dawn, NP ......23Pediatric Center ofRound Rock ...........14

Pediatric Junction PA..........................13, 46

Pediatrics of SouthAustin ...............14, 50

Pegany, Mohinder, MD................................35

Pena, Jacobo, MD ....28Pena-Delgado, Myra 26Pendleton, Solomon,MD ........................17

Peoples CommunityClinic ......................11

Peoples CommunityClinic Inc ................11

Perera, Chrishanthi, MD................................34

Perez Vazquez, Shannon................................23

Perez, Antonia ..........23Perez, Hector, PA 27, 52Perez, Karin ..............52Perez, Kenneth, DO 23,24

Perez, Maria, MD ....34Perez, Sara ................36Peterman, KristenHansen MD ............42

Peterson, Keerti ........52Peterson, MaryElizabeth ................31

Peterson, Ryan .........51Phuo Tran, Ngoc DO................................30

Phuo Tran, Ngoc, DO................................24

Pinto, Mauricio ........24Pintor, Catherine, FNP................................27

Piparia, Maansi ........42Pittman, Bradley, MD................................24

Poage, Cameron .34, 35Polon, Clive MD ......42Porter, Brent, MD ....32Posey, Jonathan ........32Potluri, Satish, MD ..34Pratt, Adriana ..........24Prete, Michael, MD ..34Preuss, Cory .............19Price, Tiphany, NP ...19Priya Naidu, ShirinMary, MD ..............24

Prochnow, Ross, MD 50Pruitt, Enas, MD ......24Qian, Baoping, MD .51Queng, John, MD ....24Quinn, Melissa ...30, 42Rabsatt, Latasha ......44Rainey Jr, Lacy, FNP 18Ramirez, Erika .........24Ramirez, Jahanett .....24Ramirez, Jaime, MD 50Ramirez, Kathy ........27Ramirez, Raul, MD ..32Ramirez, Steve, MD .29Ramon, Kerry ..........18

Ramos, Alina, MD 34,35

Ramos, Jenelyn ........24Rana, Cydney ...........24Rane, Poonam, MD .24Rangarajan, Anuradha,MD ........................29

Rannefeld, Marcia, DO................................50

Ransom, Sandra .......42Rao, Jalaja, MD .......34Rao, Sharon, MD .....36Rashid, Alan ............54Rathod, Hetal ..........27Rawal, Vandana, MD................................50

Reddy, Prashant, DO 24Reddy, Rajesh ..........18Reddy, Shobha .........34Regan, Katherine ......24Reich, Stephanie MD 42Reid, Beth MD .........38Reidy, Elizabeth .24, 50Reue, David MD ......42Rezaei-Bazaziz, Knema................................50

Rhodes, Roxana .......34Riar, Jasneet .............34Rice, Lee MD ...........37Richards, Daniel, MD................................50

Richards, Roberta ....24Richardson, Stephen .19Rimer, Haydee, MD .46Riojas, Nicole Ann 19,30

Rodgers, April ..........46Rodriguez, Amanda .24Rodriguez, Gilbert ....18Rodriguez, Roberto,MD ........................50

Roeder, Kristen Renee................................47

Rogers, James, DO ...28Rogers, Rebecca .42, 45Romain, Michael, MD................................34

Romanek, Barton, MD................................17

Romberg, Matthew MD................................42

Romero, Karen .........24Romero, Leigh, MD .24Roper, Kellye ...........29Rosales, Celia, FNP ..24Rouf, Emran, MD ....34

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Round Rock HealthClinic ................12, 13

Roy, Kausik, MD .....36Ruiz-Stock, Claudia,MD ........................24

Rusk, Natalie, MD ...50Russell, Kimberly, MD

................................17Russell, Terri, MD ...46Rutter, Kimberly MD 38Sabri, Nadia, MD .....50Sabu, Merin .............29Sadiq, Adetoun ...24, 27Sadler, Holli, MD .....34Saenz, Christopher, MD

................................50Salazar, Christina .....42Salazar, Rene ............34Salib, Sherine, MD ...34Salinas, Crystal M, MD

................................54Salinas, Kristi ...........19Salman, Ghassan, MD

................................34Samaan, Michael ......24Sampson, Kathryn ....50Samuel, Shirlene .......50Sanchez Ellig, Marina,MD ........................24

Sanchez, Hector Manuel................................35

Sanders, Amanda .....16Sanders, Jessica, FNP

..........................16, 24Sanders, Judith Lynn 24Sandhu, Anita MD ...44Sandra Frasser ..........14Santiago, Jose, MD ..24Sarathy, Rama, MD .50Sarmiento, Joel 46, 47,50

Sathianathan, Kumar,MD ........................36

Scanlan, Lynn, DO ...25Schieffer, Yvette MD 42Schmitz, Martha MD 42Schneider, Lisa MD ..42Schoening, JessicaNicole .....................24

Schumann, Brittney ..38Scott & White ClinicPflugerville .............14

Scott, Tiffani ......27, 52Scranton, Maria, MD 54Sear, Jennifer ............50Seeker, Christophe MD


Segel, Jodi MD .........37Segel, Jodi, MD ........32Sellers, Kayla ......24, 29Seton BertramHealthcare TX ........15

Seton Burnet HealthcareTX .........................15

Seton Family ofHospitals ................15

Seton Lockhart FamilyHealth Center .........15

Seton Luling HealthcareCenter ....................15

Seton Marble FallsHealthcare TX ........15

Seton SmithvilleHealthcare Center ...15

Shah, Arathi Apurva,MD ........................47

Shah, Rita, MD ........34Shah, Sapna ..............50Shallin, Anthony, MD................................36

Shapiro, Samantha ...34Sharan, Anita, FNP ..17Sharma, Anuj, MD ...29Shashoua, George MD................................42

Shea, Richard MD 30,45

Sheff, Gregory, MD ..24Shekarchi, Azim, MD 35Shelden, Jennifer ......29Shepherd, RachelRebecca ..................42

Sheppard, Joy MD ...42Sherman, Katrina .....55Shieh, Sue, MD ........50Shipe, Angela ...........24Shulman, Edie ..........35Siddipeta, Rama Devi..........................52, 53

Siegel, Amy ..............35Singh, Jasbir MD 37,38, 42, 44

Singh, Krishna ..........42Singh, Shaili, MD .....51Sizenbach, Dorothy May....................18, 24, 26

Slater, Stephanie .......50Slaton, Pamela ..........18Smalley, Franklin, MD................................29

Smith, Benjamin, MD................................25

Smith, Grayson Keith 32Smith, Joan ..............55

Smith, Kaila .............24Smith, Karen Venkata,MD ........................29

Smith, Kate, NP .......53Smith, Theodore, DO................................18

Smith, Trisha ...........27Sneed, Viviana ..........31Sneed, Viviana ..........18Snook, Ashley Post, NP................................24

Solis, Thuy PA .........42Solnek, Barbara ........24Soni, Nikita ..............50Sorin, Robert MD ....42Spann, Joseph ...........35Spellings, Veronica, MD..........................35, 36

Spence, Timothy, MD..........................50, 53

Spencer, Chris, MD 50,51, 52

Spencer, Michelle 30, 51Spitler, Florence, DO 27Sprute, Dana, MD ....24St Joseph Region HealthCenter ....................13

Stavinoha, Susan BrownPA ....................42, 43

Stavinoha, William 18,29

Steffy, Daniel ............26Steimer, Kaitlin ........30Stephens, Linda, NP 24,51

Stewart, Christophe,MD ........................27

Stinson, Kathleen, MD................................47

Stoeckel, Mark David,MD ........................27

Stone, Diana, DO 17,24, 25

Stone, Mark, MD .....26Stonecipher, Robert MD................................30

Stonecipher, Robert,MD ........................25

Storey, Lisa ........46, 47Stout, Diana, FNP ....25Straus, Audrey ..........25Strawser, Richard, MD................................29

Suffredini, Paige, MD 51Suffridge, Candida ...29Suhag, Sunaina .........52Sule, Aditi J, MD ......51

Summers, Jennifer ....43Sun, Li ......................36Sundance Family HealthCenter ....................29

Sunden, Lisa APN ....43Sunden, Lisa, APN ...55Swann, Laura .....52, 53Swenson, Karen MD 43Swift, Brittaney ........43Syema Muzaffar .......14Symphony HealthcarePA ..........................25

Sypniewski, Stephanie,MD ........................54

Ta, Anvi ...................25Tabor, Kristin ..........43Tache, Mara, MD ....51Tallapureddy, Praveena................................54

Tannous, Rawah, MD................................35

Tarla, Kimberly ........51Tatum, Leah ......43, 45Taylor, Gregory .......32Tejas Health Care ....10Tellez, Javier, DO ....25Temple, Brian 47, 51,52

Teng, Rebecca Lynn .43Teoh, Raymond, MD 51Terwelp, Daniel .......51Tew, Monty, MD .....35Texas A&M Physicians................................14

Thacker, Todd .........25Thadani, Anita, MD 35Thadareddy, Venkat,MD ........................36

Thai, Beth MD .........44Thant, Le Wai, MD .51Thaxton, Lauren ......43Thomas, Sandra, MD................................46

Thompson, Christine 19Thompson, Tanna, MD................................46

Thoppil, John MD ...43Thoppil, Nimmi Teresa,MD ........................51

Thorstad, Kelly ........51Thrower, Rebecca ....25Thurman, Kaela .......28Timberland MedicalGroup .....................14

Tokur Sridhar,Charitha, MD .........35

Tomkins, Amy, DO .54

Primary Care Providers shown in bold Proveedores de Cuidado Primario see mirar en negrita

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Torres, Manuel, MD 51Tran, Jennifer Lan ....35Tran, Kim ................54Travis, Wade Robert,MD ........................54

Treadwell, Leah, MD 25Treehouse Pediatrics 54Trevino, Christine, DO

................................46Trevino, Rogelio, MD

................................29Treybig, Sandra Kay,MD ........................51

Trinh, Loann, DO ....35Tristan, Sigrid ..........43Truong, Kimphuong,MD ........................25

Tsai, Rita MD ..........43Tullier, Monica, PNP 52Turner, Jackie NP ....31Turner, Jackie, NP ...25Turner, Trevor, MD 29,36

Tyler, Heidi ..............29Ueltschey, Shanna ....18Umanzor, Jennifer ....25Unite, Anselmo G, MD

................................54Uribe, Marco MD ....43Uriegas, Rodolfo MD

................................30Uriegas, Rodolfo, MD

................................29Urrutia, Allison MD 37,43

Uxer, Jennifer Beth ..45Valla, Noreen .....18, 26Vallabhaneni, Suneel 36Valmiki, Himabindu,MD ........................53

Vandel, Jerry ............35Varasteh Kasha,Maryam .................25

Varley, Elizabeth, APN................................19

Vaz, Sharon ..............43Velur, Prasuna, MD .32Ven Huizen, Vanessa,DO .........................26

Verrier, Louanne ......31Verrier, Louanne ......25Via, Lara, MD ..........26Vice, Lauren .............25Vierus, Heather ........17Vilela, Gaddiel .........31Vilela, Gaddiel .........25

Villarreal-Lev, Christine,MD ........................51

Virani, Anisha ..........29Vire, Judy NP ...........31Vire, Judy, NP ..........18Vocal, Laurier, MD ..16Vohra, Sameera, MD 36Vokes, Alyson ..........43Voss, Daniel Stephen,MD ........................27

Waddell, Kristie .19, 30Wagner, Nicholas, MD................................46

Wakefield, Toni MD 30Wakefield, Toni, MD 51Waldrop, Mylynda, MD................................51

Walker, Harry CliffordPA ..........................43

Waller, Karla ............44Walters, Amanda .....45Walters, Andrew ......25Wang, Diana Yun-GuanMD ........................43

Wang, James ............18Warzecki, Lori Ann ..51Watson, Hailey ..27, 28Weary, Andrew ........17Weeks, David, MD ...35Weidaw, Blake MD ..43Welch, Karen ...........25Weng, Gladys, DO ...35Wenzel, Marc, MD ..32West, Deborah, MD .52Weston, Koren, MD .35Wheeler, Kathryn .....52Wheeler, Kimberly, MD................................17

Wheelock, Valerie G 51White, Alan, MD .....54White, Amanda MD .43White, Amy ..............46Whitney, Margaret ...43Wiener, Courtney E 37,43

Wilcox, Cherilyn ......43Wilkins, Steven, DO .29Williams, James, MD 25Williams, Laura, MD 36Williams, Noelle .......47Williams-Brown,Marian MD ............43

Willingham, David Ryan................................27

Willis, John, MD 27, 28Wilson, Kristie .........54Wilson, Laura ..........17

Winterroth, Elizabeth 51Wise, Laura Agnes ...51Wolf, Lydia, MD ......35Wong, Albert, MD ...25Wood, Daniel, PA 16,25

Wood, Glenn, MD ...51Woods, Sara, MD ....51Wooldridge, Alicia, MD................................27

Worley, Paula ...........19Worrel, John Richard,MD ........................51

Worrell, Sandra, MD 18Wright, David, MD ..25Wright, Kaelin ..........19Wu, Jennifer, MD ....35Wyndham Gray,Nadeen, MD ..........25

Wyoming SpringsPediatrics ..........14, 54

Yacoub, Hayan ........35Yagoda, Nicholas .....25Ybarra, Jocelyn ..18, 25Yee, Bing ..................26Yium, Vanessa MD ..43Yoo, Sonja DO .........43York, Julia ...............54Young, Amy .............43Young, Blake ...........28Yun, Olivia ..............29Z Community Care 11,12

Zachariah, Ajay .......29Zacharian, Arsen, MD................................32

Zachary, Kimberly ...25Zachrison, Jamie MD..........................37, 38

Zakiullah, Nida, MD 25Zander, Alicia ..........25Zapata, Helio ...........43Zarndt, Darla .....25, 26Zdunek, Jay .............25Zegarra, Nancy, MD 35Zenon, Nicole ..........27Zibdeh-Lough, Hana 54Zuniga, Angela .........25

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¡Bienvenido a Superior HealthPlan! Los miembros de Superior reciben importantes beneficios tales como:

Acceso a la línea de consejos de enfermeras de Superior. Pueden contestar sus preguntas de salud las 24 horas al día, 7 días a la semana.

Un boletín informativo para miembros con consejos para mantenerlo saludable a usted y su familia.

Acceso a una lista de proveedores y lainformación del plan de salud en

Servicios de valor agregado para usted/su hijo, como por ejemplo: una provisión de 150 dólares para anteojos recetados y 25 dólares por trimestre para artículos de venta libre (OTC) comúnmente-utilizados.

Personal bilingüe de Servicios para el miembro para contestar sus preguntas y ayudarle a encontrar a un médico.

Welcome to Superior HealthPlan! Superior members receive important benefits such as:

Access to Superior’s nurse advice line. They can answer your health questions 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

A member newsletter with tips on keeping you and your family healthy.

Access to a list of providers and health plan information at

Value-added Services for you/your child such as a $150 allowance for prescription eyewear and $25 per quarter for commonly-used over the counter (OTC) items.

A bilingual Member Services team to answer your questions and help you find a doctor.


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¿Qué son los Pasos Sanos de Texas? ›

Pasos Sanos de Texas es un programa de atención médica para los niños, a partir de su nacimiento hasta los 20 años de edad, que son beneficiarios de Medicaid.

¿Qué cubre el Medicaid de embarazo en Texas? ›

Medicaid ofrece cobertura médica a las mujeres embarazadas con bajos ingresos durante el embarazo y hasta por 12 meses durante el periodo de posparto.

¿Cuánto cuesta una consulta médica en Estados Unidos? ›

¿Cuánto cuesta una visita al médico en USA? Una visita al médico en EEUU puede costar entre 50 y 200 dólares, según el tipo de médico y los servicios prestados. Por ejemplo, una visita de atención primaria puede costar entre 50 y 100 dólares, mientras que un especialista puede cobrar entre 100 y 200 dólares o más.

¿Qué es un proveedor de Pasos Sanos de Texas? ›

Pasos Sanos de Texas brinda servicios de atención médica preventiva a niños y adolescentes de 20 años o menos . Pasos Sanos de Texas ayuda a los clientes con: Servicios y chequeos médicos de atención preventiva. Servicios de revisiones y tratamientos dentales.

¿Cuánto debo ganar para calificar para Medicaid en Texas? ›

¿Quién es elegible para Texas Medicaid?
Personas en el hogar*Ingresos máximos (anuales)
4 more rows

¿Cuánto dura el Medicaid para el embarazo en Texas? ›

Medicaid brinda cobertura de salud a mujeres embarazadas de bajos ingresos durante el embarazo y hasta 12 meses después del posparto .

¿Qué cubre el seguro de mujeres sanas de Texas? ›

Healthy Texas Women ofrece servicios de salud para la mujer y de planificación familiar sin costo alguno a las mujeres de bajos ingresos que califican, incluido, exámenes médicos, pruebas de detección y métodos anticonceptivos.

¿Qué es el CCP en Medicaid de Texas? ›

Programa de atención integral (CCP): un paquete de servicios de Medicaid disponibles para personas según la necesidad médica que va más allá de los servicios regulares de Medicaid para todas las edades y es parte del beneficio de Pasos Sanos de Texas para personas menores de 21 años.

¿Medicaid de Texas cubre la atención preventiva? ›

El servicio de Detección, Diagnóstico y Tratamiento Temprano y Periódico (EPSDT) es el beneficio de atención integral y preventiva de Medicaid para personas desde el nacimiento hasta los 20 años de edad . En Texas, EPSDT se conoce como Pasos Sanos de Texas.

¿Qué incluye un chequeo de rutina? ›

Estos chequeos incluyen exámenes físicos y atención preventiva. La atención preventiva puede incluir: Pruebas de detección: Exámenes médicos para detectar enfermedades en etapas tempranas, cuando pueden ser más fáciles de tratar.

¿Que se ve en un chequeo médico? ›

Los análisis “deben revisar, al menos, las cifras de glucosa, colesterol, creatinina (para evaluar la función renal), las defensas (leucocitos o glóbulos blancos) y descartar una posible anemia (cifras de hemoglobina).


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Author: Sen. Emmett Berge

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Name: Sen. Emmett Berge

Birthday: 1993-06-17

Address: 787 Elvis Divide, Port Brice, OH 24507-6802

Phone: +9779049645255

Job: Senior Healthcare Specialist

Hobby: Cycling, Model building, Kitesurfing, Origami, Lapidary, Dance, Basketball

Introduction: My name is Sen. Emmett Berge, I am a funny, vast, charming, courageous, enthusiastic, jolly, famous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.