The Akron Beacon Journal from Akron, Ohio (2024)

Sunday, July 19, 1981 Akron Beacon Journal 1 1 READERS RESPOND Letters to the Beacon Journal sports department must have a signature, contain an address and telephone number and be as brief as possible. All letters are subject to editing. Responses are written by sports editor Tom Melody. the City limits proclaiming Stow as the home of the National AAU Jr. Olympic Volleyball Champs.

Ms. White should be reprimanded for her faux pas. I would suggest you forbid her to wear her sweat band and basketball sneakers to the office for at least one month. Dick D' Antonio Stow Carolyn says: "Take your sneaker oat of your month and put your sweatband on. Your 'we were going to in no way detract from the validity of my story there was in fact, no brass band and no commendations from the City Council at the time I wrote the article.

While the team thought something might be forthcoming, if they knew that honor would be forthcoming, the next day, they did not pass that Information on to me." TM fame was to come as a concert singer yet he was barred from the Glee Club because travel accomodations were not available to blacks at that time. After graduation from Rutgers Mr. Robeson attended Columbia Law School from which he received his Law degree in 1923. It was during this period that he played professional football and also met his wife, the first black female biochemist graduated in the United States, with whom he remained until his death. It was at this time that his great singing and acting talent became generally known and he appeared in both Broadway plays and Hollywood movies.

Being a highly principled person he refused to succumb to the black sterotypes of that time and elected to go to London where he became an acclaimed performer throughout Europe. A dedicated man, he made a point to learn the language of the countries he performed in and was acknowledged to speak some 20, many of them fluently. It is indeed a shame that the accomplishments of this great man have been lost as a here image to our young. E. J.

Reagen Akron Thank you for the enlightenment. TM iv7 -7" X'77 ''V I A Beacon Journal photo by Lew Stamp TONY DIROBERTO of Ellet looks perplexed as Reese Tournament at Davenport Park. Ellet he talks with his coach, Norm Fela (left) and won the game, 1-6, over the Manchester A's, but the umpire during the AABC State Pee Wee was eliminated later In the day. 'Coach Abuse' I read with interest, the letter you published in your Sunday, July 5th, edition of Reader's Respond in the sports section, entitled "Coach as I happened to be an umpire at first base, standing no more than 20 feet from the boy and the coach primarily involved when this allegedly inexcusable event occurred. I must 5 say that it takes the vivid imagination of an over-protective parent to get upset over the events that took place on the field at Oak Park the night of June 29th.

It is true that the children playing T-ball with the Falls YMCA are kindergarten, first and second graders, but the purpose of this program is to teach these children team play and the fundamentals of baseball and this is certainly the perfect age bracket to begin this training. Although I travel extensively, I have been fortunate to be home for all the games and practice sessions held by this coach, and have been able to observe him working with these young children and the care he took in trying to impress upon them the rules of play. This he did in a fatherly yet sportsmanlike manner. On the night in question there was yelling by this coach such as, "throw the "throw the ball to home "throw the ball to first base" and similar instructions. How else could he coach a team of little kids from the sidelines when they are on the field without yelling? Tell me, I'd like to know! By the way, the other team had the regular coach and two sideline coaches, and they were yelling too.

Badgering? Is asking the team in the fourth inning if they are tired and would like to quit, badgering? I don't think so. It is getting their attention back to the game. Body contact? Yes, the coach ran out on the field, knelt down in front of this boy with his hand on the boy's shoulder and said, in a very gentle manner, "Look, son, the next time you get the ball please don't just stand there but throw the ball either to first base or home plate." (This was after the third time this boy made the same mistake.) Paul Robeson I was surprised to see in your sports section recently a picture of Paul Robeson along with the commentary that he played professional football for the Akron team in 1921. I had thought Mr. Robeson had been expunged from American history for his position on human rights and outspoken criticism of segregation back before civil rights movement was acceptable.

I thought some of your readers might like to know more about this remarkable human being-who seems to have lived forty years too soon. He was raised by his father, a former slave, after his mother died when he was about eight. Although he was an outstanding athlete at Rutgers, winning over a dozen varsity letters in four major sports and being named to Walter Camp's Ail-American football team twice, he was primarily a scholar. Mr. Robeson was a member of the Skull and Cap Society, a key member of the debating team, won his Phi Beta Kappa key in his junior year and graduated valedictorian of his class.

Ironically his greatest doing a terrific job and had the confidence of the kids and their leader. The Falls YMCA for the unwarranted publicity, especially by the Beacon Journal. The athletic staff at the Falls YMCA, who had to assume the coaching duties. But mainly the children yours and mine. They lost a dedicated coach and instructor needlessly but most importantly they had it impressed on their minds once again that if they have a problem or even think they have a problem with anyone in authority, whether it be in sports, school, church, camp or law enforcement agencies all they have to do is run home to man andor dad and they'll get them out of it, whether in the right or wrong.

This is what is primarily wrong with our education system today the kids are fine until the parents step in. Dan Welsh Cuyahoga Falls Had the coach remained where he belonged, on the sidelines, and had he not raised his voice, none of this would have happened. TM cle, written by Carolyn White, regarding the Stow Volleyball Club's recent success in winning the National AAU Jr. Olympic Championship. While it was a pleasant surprise to see that the Beacon finally had the time to recognize the Volleyball Club's achievement better late than never Ms.

White also criticized the City of Stow for failing to commend the champs. Although Coach MacFarland informed Ms. White of the City's intention to issue a commendation to the team, she proceeded to write that "there was no brass band, no commendation from the City Council to applaud the national champs." I would like to inform your readers that I was aware of the team's success, thanks to an article that appeared one week before your story in the July 2 edition of the Record Courier. I then instructed our Clerk of Council to prepare a resolution of commendation for presentation at our next Council meeting. The commendation was presented on July 9th, the same day that the Beacon published its story.

In addition to the commendation, we have already honored the club by posting signs at Although, the coach probably should not have run onto the field of play, the instructions given were deserved, and are kids going to learn if no one bothers to tell them when they are wrong? Any child that. would become upset by basic instructions, such as this, does not belong in organized sports. The end result of all this hassle, not by the children but by intervening was that our fine coach resigned, like Tom Melody wanted without having the facts, and the team was left without a coach. Did the parents that started all the commotion in the first place volunteer to coach the last couple games? No! Coaching these teams is an all volunteer program and one would think that anyone who felt this coach was doing such a terrible job would believe that they could do better and, in my opinion, they should have assumed this responsibility. But that isn't how it works out in our system, whether it be athletics or education.

Who benefitted from this hassle? Maybe, as I said, one or two over-protective parents that can stand back on the sidelines and say, "See what I did that coach picked on my child and I showed him!" Who lost? The coach who was TIRE CEM7ER CUST0f4 POLYSTEEL SPECIAL 19575-14 $56.95 20575-15 $58.95 21575-15 $64.95 22575 15 IOVWST PRICtSIN tOWN TIEMPO ALLSEAS0N FIRST QUALITY 15580-12 BLACK $35 15580-13 BUCK 16575-13 BLACK; $41 BLACK $45 16580-15 BLACK 15580-13 WHITE $41 16575-13 WHITE $46 18580-13 WHITE (B). $48 18575-14 WHITE (D) $56 19575-14 WHITE (E) $58 20575-14 WHITE (F) $60 21575-14 WHITE (E) $63 22575-14 WHITE (H) $64 20575-15 WHITE (f) $63 21575-15 WHITE (G) $65 22575 15 WHITE (HU) $67 23575 15 WHITE (I) $69 VJfivCESOTA Stow volleyball On July 9th the Beacon's Sports Section contained an arti ponca STCEAK F13ST QUALITY PBOYS-GIRLS 1Q-18! AREA NOTES A78-13 WHITE $26 176-13 WHITE $29 RENT A FAMILY-SIZE ZEPHYR. $H5. C7S-14 WHITE $3 WEEK WEEKENDS E7SV14 WHITE $33 f7H4 WHITE $34 15 -under 129 leads Pindy Wagner event 678-14 WHITE $36 N7614 WHITE $37 C7615 WHITE $36 67615 WHITE $38 17615 WHITE BLEW $38 Learn basketball from the pros. Sign up now for the Cleveland CAVALIERS BASKETBALL RESIDENT CAMP Aug.

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i'ur must h)eriHurndtort ntit)K ttH A Rudtft-t MVftU-m liii tiMtfoOiT DOWNTOWN ........376.2 5 AttlAWN 5 TO 6 294 CANTON 1S13S40 ALSO COMPLETE STOCK OF ARRIVAS PHICKS MAY VARY AT AIM-OUT MM'ATION. 1640 SlAIf CUYAHOGA FAUS WEEKDAYS 9 TO 6 FREE NMHTMC Budget: 929-3186 SAT. 9 TO 2 VISA aUSTCRCAM AIM. i t. Approved by the Onto High School AMetfc Mitchell Scars I ViHif Sf i mill i arrt at a dt-intHih-n in i H'fiifi I ftfh I.

rrquirtmrnu ail i. come-from-behind 115-107 victory over Detroit Friday night in the BPI Pro Summer Basketball League at Cal State Dominguez Hills. The win gives the Cavs an 8-0 record and a tie with Molten for first place in the East Division. The two will meet for the title Wednesday. Detroit (5-2) led 101-93 but Cleveland paced by seven points from Johnson scored the next 16 points to take the lead.

Johnson, from East Texas State, made 14 of 14 free throws and had a game-high 13 rebounds and two blocked shots. Kenny Page added 20 points and Boo Bowers and Walter Jordan 17 each for Cleveland. i i a i :ioiLJLy.i: i vi -ef i Dave Barnes, Bob Heffelman, Rick Merrow and Terry O'Rourke combined for a 15-under-par 129 Saturday to take the first-round lead of the Akron District Golf Association's four-man, two-best balls Pindy Wagner Tournament at Big Springs Golf Club. The team of Kirk Dennis, Tom Atchison, Joel Wymer and Kevin Guchemand was second with 131. The 18 lowest scores advance to Alliance Country Club at 2 p.m.

Friday. Akron baseball stars meet Canton today The 27th annual all-star baseball game between the Greater Akron Class AA League and Canton Class A League will be at 2 p.m. today at Timken Recreation Park in Canton. The series is tied at 13 victories apiece. Canton won last year's game 6-5.

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The Akron Beacon Journal from Akron, Ohio (2024)


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FAQ. How much does an obituary in the Akron Beacon Journal cost? Placing an obituary in the Akron Beacon Journal starts at $70.15.

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Readers wishing to contact Beacon Journal customer service should call 330-996-3000 Sunday and Monday.

Why is Akron Ohio famous? ›

Between 1910 and 1920 the city's population tripled to more than 200,000, and Akron became known as the “rubber capital of the world” and the international or American headquarters of the far-flung giants of the rubber industry—Firestone, General Tire, Goodrich, and Goodyear; by the late 20th century, however, only ...

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*After 3 months, Tuesday-Sunday Print Delivery + Digital will be $35/month. The Sunday Only Print Delivery + Digital will be $19/month after 3 months. The Saturday & Sunday Print Delivery + Digital will be $30/Month after 3 months.

Why do newspapers charge so much for obituaries? ›

Why does it cost so much to post an obituary? Publishing an obituary in the newspaper is expensive because of the limited space papers have. Newspapers value every inch of each page, so they must charge to use that limited space for an obituary.

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Newspapers charge by the line and can average $450 for a complete obituary. The average obituary cost begins at $200.00 and increases due to the amount of content, including a photograph and the length of the obituary.

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Send email to Features Editor Lynne Sherwin at?, or mail to Good News, Features Department, Akron Beacon Journal, 44 E. Exchange St., P.O. Box 640, Akron, OH 44309. No phone calls, please, and keep your responses to 500 or fewer words so we can share as many as possible.

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Who owns Akron Beacon Journal? ›

The Akron Beacon Journal is a morning newspaper in Akron, Ohio, United States. Owned by Gannett, it is the sole daily newspaper in Akron and is distributed throughout Northeast Ohio. The paper's coverage focuses on local news.

What food is Akron, Ohio known for? ›

Sauerkraut balls are the official dish of Akron. Clambakes are very popular in Northeast Ohio.

What is the nickname of Akron? ›

Akron Zips

One of the more memorable nicknames in intercollegiate athletics — the Zips — belongs to The University of Akron.

How much do Akron Beacon Journal teachers get paid? ›

The average Akron teacher's salary is $69,726. Teacher salaries in school districts can vary based on years of experience, step increases and education.

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Most newspapers charge by line, so the higher the word count, the higher the price. However, families and loved ones can save money by looking into online options. Publishing an online obituary costs between $50 and $100 and allows for more opportunities to share it through email and social media.

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How much does an obituary in the New Haven Register cost? Placing an obituary in the New Haven Register starts at $144.00.

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Placing an obituary in the Dayton Daily News starts at $71.50.

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FAQ. How much does an obituary in the Rapid City Journal cost? Placing an obituary in the Rapid City Journal starts at $229.00.


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Name: Jamar Nader

Birthday: 1995-02-28

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Introduction: My name is Jamar Nader, I am a fine, shiny, colorful, bright, nice, perfect, curious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.