MAY HAIL SOUTH. PAH IS, July 4. Tho Find French Squadron bus left Toulon In curry out firing practice Tho Kiimiilrnn has arranged to he In ronstiint wireless communication with the Eiffel -owcr. with ii view to tlic possible dcsimtrli of Hie vessels to Morocco. LONDON, July 5.
CAUCUS DIVIDED. SPLIT OVEU COXVERSIOX BILIi. MR. KIKLSK.V TALKS OF HESltiXlXG. In Sydney recently there was a conference of LONDON, July A lllimlreil fittr nf Mr Vrnnb employers and employees, wbo discussed how 8ome serious statements with regard to con- in mo iiouse or Lords last nuriit tue vvilsoii.
Premier of Western Austrnlbi, en LONDON, July 4. F. R. Foster, II. fstrudwlck, nnd J.
best to overcome tbe wickedness of a third duct of mines were made by tho members of illll'lm. Ilin I'nln w-iiu ii-iu) j.iii him nt farewell luncheon nt party waxing rat by fool as the nubile. th. th. Federated En Hobbs huvc uccepted the Invitation of tho III Comiullleo of Simply, Mr.
A. II. 1 further considered In committee Hie Troenilern yesterdny, muting those pre -unrylebone Cricket Club to Jolu the Eiig-L niposeQ o. men id tu.iginedrlver. and Firemen's Association oi aus ex-CTvll Lord of the Admiriilty, mill Lonlj 1 he of Liiiisdownu moved un (Hiiit being Sir Moore, Agcnt-One- Huh r.i.-lrft traiasia, waicn waited ou air.
auud nsu enuset team to tour Australia next Manufacturing j.w.iier.' i.n. season. i. I A crisis Is Imminent In State polllicat circles. There has been considerable exclte- mines itcrcsroru cmpiinsiscii iiiurnuiiiciK io clause 10 exempt ironi Western Australia Sir H.
(' the need for more cruisers. Hie operiillnn of the niensure nil bills nf- Kiisnn, cx-Agcnt-fiencral. and Messrs. John nr. T.
J. Miiciiuimiiii, Parliamentary! fcctlug Hie existence of Hie Oowu, tliuj Wuddliigtiin (1 Ihinlcrte mid II v. Mr. Barber alluded to what be termed jeweuery section ot tne Chamber of Commerce, xue toiiowing nro tue batting averages anu tne n.s.w. working Jewellers' Society.
dangerous practice indulged In by some mine ment tne ranks of tbe Ministerial Lab- Secretary to the Admiralty, In reply, Protestnnt Succession, Home Rule for ire- Facts of public importaace and interest were so far this season of those players who IIIIITISH ATTITUDE. managers." He Instanced a case where a party slnco the published statements Mvenson. ve been invited to visit Australia: to light during tbe conference, and ltimlne manager had acted contrary to law. by rrnm the country that Messrs. pointed out thnt Itriluln had nil iinrlvulled land, Scotland, Wales, or England, or any bill which ii joint committee regarded as flotilla of S4 iire-Dreaduoughts for the pro W.UISIIIPS SENT TO GIBRALTAR.
B. Fry, 4S; K. II. Spooner, 41; P. F.u Practically ccrtala tbat legislation will be ordering a winding englnodrivcr to leave his rjunn and Home, representing Mudgee and Warner, 41; W.
Rhodes, SO; and J. II. Ith0 post while a number of men were down the Liverpool Plains respectively, aro opposed Hobbs, 33. sl'crar, who represented tbe working shaft of a mlno. At the time a man was the repeal of the Conversion Bill, giving cer- tection of her trade routes, besides a number of Improved iinarnioured cruisers; moreover, cruisers were being constructed Viscount Gosclieu, who presided, proposed the health of Mr.
Wilson, who, he said, had performed great services for Australia, and had brought honour to his birthplace In the old country. Sir Edward Wittenoom, ex-Agent-Gono-ral, also paid a tribute to the guest. LONDON, July 4. The Premier. Mr.
Asqullh. speaking In -ji' conieronce mat the rromler, hanging in tne cuatt. Tne engineariver re- tain Crown tenants tne rignt to convert I nCfHOnnllv f.VmintH Id. Int.nln.K. I hi.
Un k.M Ill bowling F. It. Foster has obtained Dominions. He also the House of Commmis this evening, said for the overseas mixing an Issue of groin gravity upon wi.lcli the judgment of tho country had been insiilllclently expressed. He said that under the clause as It stood neither tho Crown, Hie Constitution, the Union of Britain nnd Ireland, the Church, nor political liberty was safe.
The wickets for an uverage of runs upiece. tlint Hie situation In Morocco was seri luuwiukuuil Ul OUlUIUS llllO 11 and that Mr. Carmkhacl, whom be had seen tbe danger, and becauso of his refusal ho Several other Labour members representing nlno times, bad promised to help tbem alt bo subsequently dismissed. Mr. Barber weat country constituencies side wltb Messrs.
Dunn could to put an end to the frauds being per- on to say tbat the engincdrlver In question and Home, and do not see eye to eye wltb. Th. "bbc. iiivniioocu in tae aoove Vinson, in renlv riu. dwelt on tho subvention 111 regnrd to utilising the Cunard liners as armed transports In war time.
Mr. A. J. Balfour, leader of the Opposition, urged the view that there was inn iiih messaces are those of the players who pctrated on the public. was uaahle, after his dismissal, to obtain work the Minister for Lands.
Mr. Nielsen, ras irnr huvb oeen invited bv th n.rv Lords fully admitted that some readjust land to all sections of the communM-v Australls. The last EnglUh as basts for It. dls-1 aonin v.a,es. aau ae wa.
neces. ty tor aoo. tue ment In regard to the two Houses was JUOVO veya tbe informal inn th- t. va ran uui wnico me lato Uoveromont had 8 -o wueeumuu. 'repealing me touvcisiuu ously occupying the attention of the Go.
vornment, nnd that diplomatic communications were piweoding. July 5. Private advices from Gibraltar stale that a division of the Mediterranean fleet bus been ordered lo Gibraltar forthwith Ju connection with Hie Moroccan crisis. steadily IiutphhIiik diui'cr from forvlKH c.wntinl, nnd thvy were willifiK to meet 1111 wiuit luuuur, lie Gunn. the gifted Notts ImtBrnun, was loading intondpd to Introduce, and which iZr.
Oakea A case was Instanced where on a certain has formed the Bubjeet for heated coniro- nations converting merchantmen into tech-jthe Government In a reasonable spirit, but spirit, hiltl ou 10 1111,1 us batting averages, his figiires being 71. 1Q. who wai; In charge of It, worked very hard at to Sunday some men were down a mino, another versy behind the closed dcors of the L.aoour iinii roloui-iibli' viirlilns. thoiich In lie Hip f.ovcriinH.iir to fullil ll 1 tuni-iop our groat territory, to, itaoues jj, ana to perfect. As a result of th 1 man was suspended In the shaft, repairing the Caucus, and the dissension has now reaen- reallty thtV woilUt he coinmerctf dtjrt-! pledge In reifiird to ruform of tbe Houho mIutnin the Em-j f.
R. Foster's most damrerous ball is this bl" wai aracded and I enlarged, and. In Its ca8- Tbo onginedriver was lowering and ed an acute stage, inasmuch as tHo Minister troyet-H. Our duty in n-snrd lo policing the! of LordH. 1 that iwrx acroau from th off to amended form, it will be taken along shortly raising the man In the cage as required.
He remains obdurate. He continues nrm in ni GERMAN CRUISER SAILED. BERLIN, July 4. The cruiser Berlin sailed from Kiel for Agudir on Saturday. trade routes during the critical early weeks Viscount Morley, Lord President of the woicoineii the Introduction of the Similar to 1WT3I.T.
10 lne uevernment, composed, iu of a war. he declared, had been Immensely Council. In strongly opposing the amend- of compulsory military service, Foster bowl, BrVer' and presented a the sag- hh 'h increasiHl. He hoped that tbe building pro- remarked that Lord Lausdowne was Tedlt to tbe present Labour Ad- n' was a taL LTcr the Mr.on.llr tn." gramnie would make special provision forlnot justlilcd In expecting the Government I Commonwealth for SV.M'eSi HS ToZlZT lJZ this new menace. at this stage lo help In constructing nnyl niuttei-.
which he be- ba very hiBh. and keen would- be Jewellery, but finally it was resolved to i. fused. Tho result was that be was dismls- Mr. R.
M'Kenna, First LoM of the Ad- particular uiachincry. He added that he; eolng to maintain Australia for mm'r WV-at 0UlMt the greater evU of adul! I cd' Tbe wa. stated, bad acted mlrulty. replying to Mr. Balfour, Mr.
A. could not linngine the House of Hardstrff. and J. Sharp have notrarreadUy been' Ko'd. Tbe present quoer state thc authority contained in an award by Burgoyne.
and others, said that tbe Ad-'passing a bill impairing the Crown or thei Continuing, lie snld be believed Hint Invited is rather aurprisina. for the two flrt- 'hlngs protects tho nuhiip Judeo Edmunds. age In the ranks of the followers of the Mlu-Istry, and Is prepared to resign from the Ministry unless he is allowed to carry out bis declared Intention to do away with the exUt-' lng right to convert Into freehold. Labour members representing city and suburban constituencies are even more concerned than Labour country members over th probable developments. One of the former, on being interviewed yesterday expressed him- i.u.d''1 Anglian form.
but allows it to be defended Mr. Edden: I do not think that it is lniralty would consider the nun-1 rnitestant Suet'essioii, and be contended "'o Australia was destined to make ter of the autl-destroyer Hint to Insist on preservliiK for the House:" mark In history ilurlnu the next few deal wltb. A RUSSIAN VIEW. ST. PETERSBURG, July 4.
The "Xovoo Vreinya" charges Germany Tim infringing llle lelter mid spirit of the Algccirns agreement and the Fruuco-Ger-nmu convention. tbe man was made to self resentfully over the conduct of country The Admiralty, he said, was of Lords the deeidiui; voice In reshaping J'ears, niiii that she would eventually be- be refused to break the mmbers to the party in taking up an alti ealth has. bv ih. "uue salislied tllat we had provided for salllelel.t Hie Koverilinelit of Ireland was maladroit one or tiio most illlpurlant of the be suited to Aust itralian coniitions.
tude that was likely to lead to a split in tha stringent measures, thronch ih Mr. Edden: Did this happen some time ago, party and resignation of Mr. Nielsen. One or shall1 "tMe Imported 1MUK I XIVKItSrrv MATCH. has been i uiMUBcnieQ 10 oe.
it a eommon thing to cut in two the Mr. Kcarsley: It happened about 12 months discuss tbe matter, and seemed anxlcus to BOY SCOUTS. eriiisers lor 1111 1 10 meet every source 111 view oi tue record or tnai iiouse 111 011111 lie reiliiirkctl tbat daiiKer to trade routes and to protect 'resard to Irish iHTnlrs duriiii; the lust i VcKK-rn Australia offered sound security trade. He added tllat more cruisers would dred years. The mischief of absentee for money invested there, be hoped be provided In WIS to meet the cruisers.
landlordism." he declared, "has been as-j'hat when next he returned to the moiher-Ihat would he bettiui by other Towers. juravatcd by the mischief of absentee he would meet people who had been Sir Gilhert Parker (Unionist) dwelt on liunient." Lord I.nnsdowne's proposed "Illiiit; to concede their Investments to 7.T ...1 "atch. or other valu- ago. avoid the topic. perfect im rf Kl.
Aj Mr. Edden: I certainly would have Instruct-: It seems highly probable that the rift 'a LONDON, July 4. TnK KING'S The Cambridge Innings was continued tholS3 have been built' up, nnd the result 'ed the Cblet to prosecute at once 'he party cannot bo patched up. on aceour.t the co-operallou of the overseas Iioniin- committee, which was intended to decide estern Aiistralia, and who had lieen to-day. and closed for 217.
Lo perfectly safe to buy the Im- had occurred recently. l. Mas anyone in v- iiu uwi It' nn hp.tilflt.nn In nn tha mnnri thif Ions in rcenrfl to It1111er1.ll ueicnce aim matters without would, be eon-, nun nan realised tbeir fil est secured three wickets for sn ana men now take UWWf IHKH 3tr. Barber: Yes; we went to the Chief In- his declared oollcv la not to n.u K.uunu in irylne to make vrv their eacerness to dcrend tlieir own corners i-imleil.
override and suiiersede the House exiiectaiions. LONDON, 4. The KIi.k Inspected boy scouts In Windsor l'nrk today. Queen Mary, the Prince of Wales. Lieu- rouuu innings or Oxford closed for article equally safe to hiii- prsn.
it 1. large the Ministerial following. He declared that the all-, 0f Coininoiis. I Mr.
Thonias Molloy. Mayor of rerth, important intluence of local units, as In Courtney of Pcnwlth (Liberal) sup-! proposed the toast of "The Cbalrninu the avcraEe man or woman does not know vlvo thls case- 1 EFFECT ON PARLIAMENT, what they are buvinc In lAu.iiaKn Mr. Edden: I think we nlll havn it 1 It tenant iieneral Sir 11. Ilndeti-rowell. Lord Australia, would foster a naval spirit ported the referendum elibth hi.s...
or Is the 11 a gold chain, for instance Is marked is nw eighth highest scored im nsi CnmhrMre In nni 1.... .1 18 I whn P.Fllamnnl na, vac. Holierts, and Lord Charles ISeresford were eould not he bred without thorn The debate was adjourned. "d' they date back It. In he bavr of IhrgruU'" extraordinary present.
HEAT WAVE IN AMERICA. Mr. a cua 11111 ra. In a sympathetic reply 7i. Kins Oeorae.
In 11 lelter to Lleutennnt- chain. Ignorance, in this case, 1. Mr' Edaen: You see the difficulty Is for Although tho Acting Premier, Mr. He believes he has got an article tho department to find out these things. Per- Holman, was explaining the provisions on en hui.
un arur more oemg scored In an Innings by both bliss. emphasised the further development and the fiir-renchlne; effects of the plans laid STRIKE OF PAUTEIiS. l. wni. could not be purchased elsewhere at I should not like to know that I was Important measure, thc Criminal Anneal Bill I should not like to know tbat General sir Hubert linden-Powell, stated imperial Confer- 1 V.
lfoe reiolclag. while a cage 3M or 4 feet of there were not ten members of the Labour the dishonest rideV he low n0t UD NEW YOKK. July 4. Scorching temperature still prevails in the eastern sections of Canada nnd tho United soae m. Lie LANCASHIRE v.
HAMPSHIRE. tinit be was greatly pleased lo see so ninny detachments of boy scouts from all parls of the I'nlted KliiKdom, and also from the once towards the consolidation of safety of the Empire. The vote was agreed to. fb. That Is tho crux of the whoir ine The noticeable, too.
that working Jeweller suspects tbat an employer I. bMn suggested, added the Minister. even Labourite, who were In tbe Cham- Twenty-seven deaths have occurred here masi.ig an Irregular profit, while he bas to tnnl wlnang engiaedrlvers should not be call- er Ior tno most "art took only a passing overseas Dominions. Lancashire. In 11 match against Hump- through the heat since Sunday, and 15 in shire, made for seven union 'hf fSy, 'ro He would give in the rhetorical period, cf the act- RIOTS IN MANCHESTER.
MILITARY CALLED OUT. LONDON. July 4. Twelve thousand cartel's In Mnnehoter who are on strike are endeavouring lo He welcomed tbe opimrlmiity of show lng leader of the Government, una I'hlluilclphla. iraocr an.
tne honest int -Mr. ifarber alluded to rnR LhArn VICTIMISING W03IEX. tho gaged In pair, aaxiously dlscuasit-g oome- uy an innings and 1..5 runs. It. II.
Spooner scored ISO for Lnnca- ing bis appreciation of the great voluntary work done by men and women of all classes In strivhiE 10 promote progress. each other. brakes on the machinery were defective A sovereign Is BRITISH CAPITAL OUTLETS. REMARKABLE EIGAMY CASE. sound training, and education, anions the Jewellery Is usually made up of nine -nty-fourihs and! ja the conveyance of nil produce to the retailers, nnd much inconvenience is BAXK NOTE CASES.
PAINFUL SCENES IN COURT. Linpires rising generation. He congratulated Sir Itnbert Baden- FLOOBS IN BULGARIA. LONDON, July 4. The "Economist-' states that during the iuiiis 01 particular Interest.
It transpired tbat about one-third of. the Ministerial pany were engaged holding a caucus on their account. These represented the recalcitrart country section cf the who ore determined not to follow Mr. Nielsen on the question of leasehold. The position they are confronted with wa.
serlouB, Inasmuch as least-hold as against freehold Is a plank cf the Ori'ENCK I-'01t I'LOGGINO. lelt. There was great disorder at the whole. tbereforo. contain, fifteen twenty-fourths Powell on the remarkable results the Imv and of alloy, usually copper her.
Thealloy Is necessary for hirde, GltHarV nf haeilii.i.. past, half-year the Issues of British capita! In the sale market In The strikers. scout movement had achieved. Ho said SOFIA, July 4. Devastating floods have occurred in BY LONDON.
July 4. 'Purpose. and IS carat is very high CONFLICTING EVIDENCE RELATIVES. assisted by women, threw Hie produce 1 he was sure Hie boys of the Umpire would George William Lucid, nllas Lake, was southern Bulgaria, where the inhnbita.i.s show, wharpwfltVean be made to" rrj The police used their inn i.i..,, are fleeing to the niouutalus. show Ibeir gratitude for the encouragement so generously given by Hie various organisations at home and abroad, and i-soour piatlorm.
Although this Is so general feeling amongst the Government taa s-jp- I. 1 i nnd Canada. I are' 15 earat. 15 carat a. 18 carat.
6 de-! at ns 9 ''arat' and so on. 1 1.I.7S4..-H1U), nATHirna-p tt nuiuirrs were nurrieci and lu rorclsfii eoiinii-icii II l.UtK). Unexpected and dramatic' developments 18 tuat JIr- Nielsen', attempt em in a doctrinaire plank intn warn in doctrinaire plank Into liracilcc "ih Crops and dwellings have been stroyed. the damage bekig estimated 4.Uuo.O0O. Provide, that a manufac turcr or at riiiiici.iii, wnere me nion got completely jeweller Khali nnn.
would endeavour lo become useful citizens. mark, which be 1..::. '-n me Jm-1 eglatered. He Docker out of hand. to seven years imprisonment, the f)ld Bailey today on 11 charge of bigamy.
In. bis lodgings letters were discovered, showing that ho hud been corresponding with 42 women simultaneously- He obtained 1S0O from one woman. I of the objections of a substantial nertinn then to place on the ar Icle of l.w.ii". has at the Qunrter Session. The rioters at number point overturned only his registered mirk bin th n.Zu,.
cn Bryant. Arthur Bryabt. -T tTom Ine Point of view gold. Tbil glve.heaau,h.!,V.rdl L', aI" Bryant were i Uc a lorry which was carrying reels of paper WARLIKE FREIGHT. EANK MANAGER'S SUICIDE.
for an evening newspaper. a nounie-cdged weapon. In tbe first olace wlth uerinB a forged bank note on uiat sonK-thlng of Import- tne jeweller or manufacturer of the fr.dulent the Bank or Australia for the payment of 5. 5 10 naPPen. several coaotry nisyn- rbe police mid soldiers eventually dls- AERONAUTICS.
a Boston airman. Is making a flight from New York to His Honor Judge Ilentotil when sentenc- r. VICTIM OF INSOMNIA. In ine second nlaco. Jir- Mauatncr.
assisted bv Mr i i lue -ministerial nauamcy, assisted by Mr 1 party, who wera lng the prisoner, expressed a hojie that the ovc' the counter Gon.alve. prosecuted, and vr ana Mr. operates as a warrsntrv 1. E. R.
Abigail tne expected ile- female suffragists when they got the vot saldto be. If be mark. 1 a chain pnorted 'he defCnCe' 01 whit th 10 PDter lnl details. But ORANGE, Wednesday. would change the law so ns to make flog THE NEAR EAST.
cwrai, una It turps out h. w.nm iJicaaea guilty. i aL uius aars.y rro- The body of Wlllicm Alexander Osborne, ging the punishment for such an offence. manager 01 tne urange nranch of the Com- 10 penalty, and his stock he saw Adln Bryant' ppen v.unin a week. Tho mo seizi kk in spaix.
MADRID. 5. Four S-ceiitlmetre Krupp gnus, with carriages and spare wheels, ltssj ordinary shells, and rounds of 1000 Mnnnliciinr rilles, and Hiki.ikw cartridges, have bceu seized In'goods waggons on the railway between llretise rontevedrn uicicim uuimiuK 01 syaney, wasi 13 g.yen to Inspectors April, when accused stated 1. rumour about the lobbic- how- found In the manager's 1 was the trouble with Mr. this mornlne.
shortly nflpp ft AVInlr n.itk nnv reffnnnbl hour una tn CIa Hie, nnbl hour -T k.i. n.s lite. Ellu- Ellu- 'THE GLORIOUS LAWN TENNI3. bullet wound In the top of the head. A re- goods uatll a warrant for their she 1, was ,1..
aM "ached such a pitch "lc irernoia had reached such a pi tbat Mr. Nielsen's resignation could bo AGREEMENT AMONG POWERS. A VALUABLE COMPACT. VIENNA. July 5.
The "Nene Frele Presse" states that volver, loaded ia Ave chambers, wltb thc sixtb zure Is obtained. a' Previde. that Mansell, who In tbe lower BANQUET IN LONDON. lying alor.nlde the body, "trr article "sterling must Identified Adln Bryant as the m'LJ1 to bi! in Speakers hand. LONDON.
July 4. otsrnargoJ. was An Inquest was or so. Ill tho fourth round of the chamnlon' coroner. U1 lne lJCpuiy: nMrZVlV-.
My MR. NIELSEN DETERMINED. nouoies. played at Wimbledon to-day. k.l It was discovered that deceased bad been 'rade measures proposed for the nrn'Uow that Adln th.
JL. complete agreement has been reached no- reuincu ne- LONDON. July 5. Premier of New South ROTAL VISIT TO IRELAND. Mr.
M'Gowen, A AI IOIR MTaora (ha wrrylng ever trivial matter), and bad been teotlon of the public and honest dealer, tween Anstrla-IIllllgary. Italy, and Hits- ufferlnx from Insomnia seriously. All hi. delegate from the conference been ferene. aomilteo I Nielsen Is described as beizg adamant the question, and declines to remain iu line party a dcy longer ence It Is mart.
Wales, Sir Joseph Wai-d, Prime Minister sl he mt yn'aMe pre books are in f-nplete order. His medical and secured the approval ot the ThomXrl a In I 11 1 of New Zenlund, ami Sir J. G. l'lniliay, servlni? nence months' jYiuiriiry-itciicrni M-iimuu, rrnnt nnv ltnlkon Ktnta which was rua ua to ren jluusi. i-u, --ti, leave to recuperate his health, similar measure Into the Queen.Und p.h, euscd he-fcT!',, lh fem'e Uu" he ls not ,0 bs "ed to pr- down, and deceased had pro- mcnt.
Victoria. It 1. 1 krt Si 3d of a cctl' no'" "ed an and logical conclusion JT" "vLX tende.1 the "Independence Day" luinquet lln B(ivantnBO frnm tnlsed blm to DUBLIN CORPORATION'S ATTITUDE. LONDON. July If.
The Corporation or Dublin hns by large majority decided not to present nn address of welcome to King George on the occasion of bis for 1 1 ling visit to was nothing at the Savoy last nteM, time to suggest ccntem-latod do thc same. It Is undeVatood th.t vV a The r.roJ3?-'.i.' to get a eornpronilse with morning he went about 'ales ls to take the le. Sth ttf.SfTJ?!' v'e of the money 1 "'e so far failed. Some of tha ranee nns necn Instrumental in destroy-' tructlon. and thl FIRE IN A DISTIIXERT.
lug the chances of the AuBtrsKana AnmnAti householri dmu. toougn nothing was fur- Stale, will follow. lraiBri mi woman and Arthur i memocrs In the party represented I Bryant. jin this year's championships. Heath's duff ther from bis mind.
serving a to we Minister that they were prepared fnr ne i I sentence of I by Decugls In the etnslcs being followed b' The Coroner found that deceased died from Sir Joseph Ward proposes! tho health of Pri'shU'nt Tuft, whit, he declaroil, wjir tho om.HKlimont of IUh nation's best traits vifjour, lmluxtrx, Hi'lf-rolluiico, ami livo of the union, of peace, and of the ItritlMi ieople. His Hiuiplidty of life; was ku promo, nnc. hs hart nliown hin con nectlon with th. in to men on the land havln two A STREAM OV FLAME. uuubi djt uecugis and cuea djt a Duuet wound, scli-lnQlct Mr.
Osborne had been teller th. i-owcil. wno were henten hv P.l.lav INDEX. iDoust. ran well forward in last year's doubles LONDON.
July 4. bank originally, but came here frcm In croas-examinatlon. Gay denied ho had race 0 but this proposal agent. i the note bu.ineas at Newcastle and I ls to declined by Mr. Nielsen t.n Adln Bryant wa.
involving tbe practical shelving of tbo enMfS FtiHher detnlls resurdine the Are which b' wilding and Ritchie. thc ulll- vuuwuuk, iwo years ago. summate skill in launching the world pro. nr occurred nt nalmor. rllsllllnrv "ne NEWS.
same name, they are not related. i-wtnt. a urst, nve beino- tven hv iin n-. repeal bill to have thc effect of re- CADET SOLDIERS STONED. SQUAW BROKEN UP.
KOWDYISM AT YARRAVILLE. MELBOURNE, Wednesday. Doublcday began to drill 50 cadou at V.rravlll. night young men arrlvea at the ground, and with much nolic proceeded to let off by the woman, both of storine the freehnM. I village on the shore of C'roinnrty Firth, Amiiinrnt A Uullpt Tape.
Mi.rftf.-can Siinaiin Nws of th Uav Un tin- UiMl-Tbr TirV GENERAL CABLE NEWS. -Mr Wliiteluw Held. Fulled States Am-Uvere awakened hv crv of lire hnssndor ill London, nfter resnondlinr c.r,.,.. he 0 STRIKERS PROSECUTED. ALLEGED BROKEN AGREEMENT.
BRISBANE, Wednesday. At the ChitiWn Pnii.a BrilM. DuU-ti Te lne stores- W1 also noticeable during tbe early SMS adivVnrdeTI n'sM'' Adln. because be wanted fair pla iaeulpating Mr. Holman.
who had the floor, tha The wife of Heni-v Sullivan i.i. I other Ministers were mostlv out of th towards h. "I'n'i CH 1 in mi HP ihr p.p. lt.1:,nlTimher I i in iiciiiiii, iirnposen tiutt of town. LONDON, July 4.
Jir. j. nays Ilnuiniond. Sneclnl Fnlteiii llnlt'-nnkcd men rushed to liberate the Hurtling, of Mount Vernon, rOW. KtataA V1" 7 luur Bccusea arrived I witn tne meeting 7 1 tho herd of polled cuttle, ami women 'Zealand, has purchased a Romnev' MarKh ritci I'xrlianirnlary cm ip Ing 63 men, including immigrants, in o.
ntrr momer BQowed hrr "ft. of Vresl-j huddled in groups lu the market 8.uure;rani, a prize-winner nt the Norwich Show 'or th crushing season at the c.S.R. engaged saying sne wanted her (witness' 1 to como to Bathurst and ni h.m tne cadet, were divided lato which were commanded by Juven- were divided i.j "I iiaminonrt, to evade the rush of the maddened iiiuiwiiii iir niiuu luu riiNii iir in niniiimtifvi nn roIitiVn in 111111 oiunr snnn s. ihp mmt mi nuns JJt declared that the PleHidtMlt' rlnnrnut 1 mtifa mill, who joined the strike camp, and were summoned by the general manager of tbe C.S.R. mill to answer a charge of unlawfully refusing to fulfil aa agre.moat under the uoD-commissioncd That appeared hope was to arrive at a solution nf tuJ ihtn.imH i.J -1 j.
a. nuuii'v iiiiiiiiiriott nrn noti. supreme prohlem of universal peace. nisKj nnrst ana na me names from the-mated nt 2S4.tKX. Master, and Servants' Act wa.
concluded on Tuesday after four days' hearing. Tbe case ot Jas. Bennett wa. taken a. a te.t case.
The ma nclprity Uiflc Shooiinir a Shi.pfnif. etc. Irt Siu-pentM in ft fportinf fLf Mhoop Siilea 1" Slrflte nf Carirn ft Sltirv burning spirit, which flowed Into the i.mty ncld only received Intelligence of ana raucously ad- ,0 tb "reept with practice, they began to hurl and lump, of mud at nine non-commissioned officers. Discipline lb' broke up disorder. Tbe disturber.
ivy m-oiiIf. H.itiV: Xotp I'itsrn fl ft itkirrnnn ft Coimirv Xrw 10 rnmtjllio 1ft Cmi-or Vimtion Ei.KlUIi rrick-l Frvr.ih finlf L'humiion Ml ft Fir In lHmUlrO1 liiwahr fl FIiwmU In Bntpuria ft Kr-'ihilcnt 9 Is Thfrc it Intcwtntf Wui, ft 11ml Win-f in Amrrica ft tnn TVnnN Ijlmiir Shorlafti 5 Gn cnitnt-nt Ijiw and rnlkf T.rnffrrs, fir Maufstiatf Htirl Mlritr MnnrUry mil rommpr- rial II Vini-e InlolligMiCf 1l Vr. M'fiowrn in linrt ft of the dissentient doien or .0 the rank and file of the Labour party wero holding an anxlou. conference at which the situation waa anxiously debated. It ls regarded as certain that Mr.
Nielsen's resignation will come, and there ls a section of the party who are anxious to stave off what they regard this evil day as long as possible. It 1. believed, however, that Mr. Nielsen has private reasons for bringing the matter to a head forthwith. In well-informed political circles it has been for some time past an open secret that, with the next automatic redistribution of seals, the Yass will be absorbed by those adjoining It.
which Irth i 8huted tbe womaa la the doc. The accused then went Into a hysterical lt, and had to be removed The witness also fainted, and was caught by a pollcemaa as she fell out of the box. The Court adjourned temporarily, and. on resumption. Mrs.
Sullivan continued thai un the party, return the same night from Bathurst she saw 50 or 60 in her mother's possession. Elizabeth Bryant said that one day she left her home in Corrlmal. and, on returning, found Gay and Arthur Bryant (who was llv- iler mother's dentil bv tbe mall thnt he. Sand wns thrown on the burnlm; just nrrivert fn "uu wnn tbe bathroom, which he said wa. In a filthy state when a.
FOOT-AND-MOUTH DISEASE. ANOTIIKR OLTItREAK. oni Australia. Tho magl.tratc also found ih.t our ine ennri wns ttltlle. Tltn l.tirnl,,..
II. Ex-lnsneotor Syme wns at Bow-street Inspected It. the agreement is Tra. timl Ulmiir TIia M.tU wa." noan agreement 7Zr xll IS "ti V' six 'Masters and Servants' Act. In that th.
mil at last took shelter In in un- i- iriii Court to-day sentenced to months' Imprisonment on charge of send-! bund, In the case nf as Immigrants at I ii? immigrant ni H7U' woicn LONDON'. July 5. the Hoiwo of ComnioiiH hiat nM.t qi- rrotn a senrciiiiKiit, nnd the Illumination was visible nt Dingwall, nine miles away. Tlir Fourth TIip Vito IliM Tl f. Xr.r Knti irtlmUlnir Womon was assailed th stoneB 5.
Ii minutes. Polioe were summoned hut lng 11 letter to Mr. ltiimsny months: but. on the other h.n.i .1.. before their arrival the "enemy" had Kdwnrd Strahoy, ritrllamentnm.
s.w. w. COUIO a mnsterlv retreat. VaHai- 1-1 be dismissed by the C.S.R. Company on wherein he threatened to make nn nttuck In mihllc nnnn tin.
msutn nt vr. Hrlll moment notice. yti-toriVn Oovrrnor ft "ps'eni Aintrali ft Warlike Frpifjht Walrr frr All Time The case wa. dismUaea EECIPEOCITT. Winston Churchill, hom*o Secretarv.
ot defendants. means that th'j present member will then have lo find a new seat. DcEplte Mr Nielsen's strongly expressed predilection Notice of rilESIDEXT TAFT'S DEFKNCE. musing to pass off notes at Ooulburn. She requested "Bryant to run no risks and he promised to abstain.
She resolved to follow her husband wherever ho went, and wa. thus brought to Bathurst Io cross-examination, accused denied her daughter, evidence; and alio that given by "n1 Adln "owng to db with the notes. Adln Henry Bryant (22) said he came to to stick close to Ms mother. He had nothlnr tn a .1 lary to tho Hoard of Affrlciiltnre. nn-nounced the ontbrenk of foot-and-mouth disease nt Hounslow, Middlesex.
He Hinted that heifer and 4a ph hnd been reported ntt hnvinjr heen nffecteil. To-dny's newspapers anticipate thnt Canada. Australia, and South AfHn for the leasehold. and his declared ADVERTIsem*nTS. lalcntlon of abolishing the freehold. m-uuiiik 11 lurciiiening to Kill Sun-divisional Inspector Reed, against wbotn be bad 11 11 old grievance. Miss Janet Flsber, sister of Mr. Andrew Fisher. Prime Minister of Australia, wag ALLEGED LIBEL. electorate has, strange as It may appear for ior ine evening.
AmnMmrnta country constituency. for years re INDIANAPOLIS. July S. President Tnft lias rmawered the Kepulv llcnn thnt reciprocity is not a good Republican doctrine. 'MpN Tcturon Wal N'nllres Found MacMnrrv renew the restrictive orders prevents tlie posed confidence in him.
hut, with thc disappearance of Tass as an electorate. It will be married to-day lo Constable George Halt, and had received no money. tuose nominionft of cattle Th. 1... FRKMANTLE, Tuesday, tl, I J.1" ncenl "ustoms sensation.
In which Boarding Officers Smith and Brvaat tbe come necessary for Mr. Nielsen, after tha he.h SI, 'a, thal E- Bcth and Adln Bryant wera nm in Speaking ut the Fourth of Julv thr I'lvprliool police. Mr. Fisher gave Hons here yestertlnv. ho .1,.
sister nwny. and accompanied the i.uvukui mpu prices at the rpneni- rirt.ii. rcdlstrlbutioa. to seek another seat. The abo 1.
1 ness. BUOWS. reciprocity bo proposed did not I newly-wedded cotiplo to Kilmarnock. Evidence was ai.en tn the object of preventing the overcrowding ot trams. If It succeed, it will earn th.
i. University College, Dublin, entertained that which hnd been pro nosed hv Illulnn hifrtiona 12 "iitunl hi-lrnnirntii 1, 4 Nayal nnd Military No. 1 5 Personal and Mlfn'rf es-ed libel agaln.t thiltude ot the public. thc oversen Parliamentarians at a ban lition ot freehold, Mr. Nielsen shrewdly recognises, would not be the best possible shibboleth to win cither a country or a city or suburban electorate, and It Is stated that for these reasons Mr.
Nielsen, since he regards his position In thc Ministry as Intolerable, will rjfnl.h?r',n IJ0 oi the night when the notes were passed Judge Docker said Jhere were painful circ*mstance. In the case. It wa, a female charged with an offence of the kind or by M'Kinley. He admitted that reciprocity would not reduce tho cost of living to any conslder-i iiaimerandXcaso,aor"d, In of of come on', 'i 11 to place before we. i quet last night, nnd to-day they attended luncheon of the Chamber of Commerce AMrtmnt, Board, nnd Tlfnirlfnc- 3 ArHnn 8on Mrin.
Marrlvrei, n11is 8 WrvclM snd Molor Cam 13 Anlltllnir MatrrlnlH nrinen Announce mfnt RiHnw for Bulo Wnntft Cmintrr 9 Wiirntiontl .1 Floritii Fnr Sjle 7, Fnnmli 7 rnmitiin. Mr i OftVfrnmrnt Tlfrm, nnd fllnoVi (I. 1.1 IiAtwn and Und for Fmtr, tfllid, etc. Wanted 5 VICTOEIA'S L4TE GOVERNOR. AN APPRECIATION'.
LONDON. Julv 4. The 'WesUiilnster Gazette" contain. mm rr 13 Poillln-. Dim.
ofr i Bine extent. Tradrs. tte he. i members her own ,11 family should give evldene. 1 ,0 chance of being re-elected in Helfast.
LONDON, July 5. h'ass than run the gauntlet of some stranmi her. Her daughter had C' 'or entln.el tnr Atjt. Mr. Robert M'NclU (Unionist) bas been electorate after the electoral boundaries are ihr v.
"me elected unopposed for East Kent, lnt she m.urai which. If practicable, will end the trouble, and abolish one of tho principal elements of danger In the present system of tram travelling. These regulations are: 1 Passenger, to be prohibited, in the of working, from riding on tha front platform where tbe driver 1. stationed. "That side bars be provided to prevent passengers entering or allahtin .1
shinning Annauncc. mrnl. sltiiilimi. Wintnl Slntlonii nnd F.rm. tor le K'J-k.
Hhwrs 'in'ii Monrv Tender. t.i ITho East Kent seat was rendered vacant for nn. In. altered throughout the State. Mr.
Nielsen's resignation Just now would, for the timo being, deprive the Government MR. M'GOWEN IN ENGLAND. LONDON. July 4. Mr.
J. K. T. M'Gowen. Premier nt nppreelatlve article on Sir Thomas Olhson-tnrmlehiiel.
the late Governor of Vlclorln entllleir "An Ideal Colon In I Governor," by aa Australian business mnn. The writer emphasises Nlr nit. "ri "na tnu. shielding owing to Mr. A.
Akers-Douglns (Unionist) IMMIGRANTS FOR QUEENSLAND. ncr motner. that she oaving oeen raiscn 10 ina peerage. South Wales, hnd lunch will, Mr t.ij Tho nr.l.V Lord Cnrson ia appealing for 100.000 with a view, to giving tho Royal Geo- wnweil In rutchaie 15 Side nf attack was ver- unfair and unfounded. The Jury retired for an hour, and then returned, and requested the reading of certo'n evidence, after which thev retired again eh.r a similar of its recognised majority of one.
a contingency which the majority of the parly aro anxlou. to avoid. The party, however, finds Itself between two Urea. In thnt, whllo Mr. Nielsen is definite on tbo point of not sue.
,1. in urlBl afternoon. thl. She brought 274 Immigrants work in visiting the Industrial and producing centres of Vic- George, Chancellor of the. Exchequer, to-dny, and nn Informal ehut on Australian griiplilcal Society new headquarters tbat for this city.
"In tho, Interests of tho safety of conduc. tors, no person shall be allowed to ride oa footboards. will be more mlciiiintc to Its needs. 1....11, iiuii mso insists 011 tbo value of I.adv ma tiers. Mr.
M'Gowen nflerwnnls had nn Inter An earthquake, extending over two worit in the sphere of rendering one lota on the question ot leasehold, the dissentient country section of tha iir passing on notes on the Coromerclal Bank. At 8 o'clock the Jury returned with verdict of guilty iZl hours, which occurred somewhere In Cen imiicii laiioiir. view witu nr. John nnrns. President of No car driven by power be worked by les.
than two men. When trailers are attached, not less than one man shall be provided for each trailer." of the female accused, but were unable hnve expre.sqd themselves ns prepared HORSE FOR KING GEORGE. It h. tue (iovernmcnt Hoard Arthur Bryant was ord a against tne conversion Bill it he ven tral Asia, hns been recorded by selsmo grnpbs In England. TARIS.
4. fn. luiiouuce 11, that th. hor.0 'V. nnra BDOUr on each Alter dinner the House was still r.tnnrv.hi.
chaA. tha called called Brisbane. King b. The Chamber of Deputies by a large THE LATEST A SPENT BULLET. MR.
TAFT'S ESCAPE. INDIANAPOLIS. JiHe A Gowen will lenvc for Shcfllcld on Thursday, nnd will afterwards spend three days In Manchester. He wm trilvpl Ihenco to Liverpool, Edinburgh, Glasgow and Belfast, and arrive In Dublin on the 1 Til for the number of Ministerial follower, who were ab.ent, the benches being, If anything. V.
tne sen tenc. he I. already serving, and to be con I ZTi sentenced to tw majority nns voted for the relntrodiietlnn nine moro man deserted than before. MOVEMENT AMONQ 8CHOOL TEACHERS. tiiV.he.i Gaol: and of the scrutln dc llste, with, representation of minorities.
Brrant t0 12 light labour atMp- "olman, designedly or othewlse. held thai While President Tnft wns entering t'ho A NOISY MEETING. In resnonse to an invlrntln. Before ie.vln. th.
HneV "00r hl" "at- "ad- THE ONLY PLACE. MINERS AND TRADES HALL. The A.M.A.. cncwiuK stunt! 111 rront of Mie soldiers' monument to-dny silent bullet hit WASHINGTON, July 5. It Is believed tiutt the deaths resulting from accidents In connection with the Fourth of July celebrations, which have Adln Bryant affjctlonstely.
and then went i 1 0. on eln Partleularlj, hy.terl. shouting "aood-bye IoS- voS I and' BolD oa have been good to me." I behind the It really did as It The Jury were tinaht. tn he were. .0 to wind, anal known quarter to tha Publlo school teachers to form a trade-union, Ihero waa a gathering of about 90 at 'the Trades Hall last night.
Assistant school teachers nnl war. woman close by. TO-TUY. fritfrioB Thrttre: "The flav Orlt, g. Tlrr Majnly'i Thritrei "llimlrl." Tlir.trr Rnil: "TI10 nnlkin PW "nrlvl" 0I" "wtruclion," P.l.r.
Thntrr Weit'f Plrtnrei, J. Titell Thratrr; V.udnlllr. 7.S0. AmrMthtnlrrt Vandpvlllr, Prlnr. Thntrni Writ'.
Pictures, f. J.c(.um Thcitre! Spencer'. ThMtrwerne, 'rrl' Thclre: Movln, i n. Jneliwlril O.rdrn. and Aquarium: O.Sn to torto.l.l 1 and Mevlng Plrturer, II Itlnit'.
The.trei Moving 11 to ailiamhr. Theatre: Moving IMrtnrc, in to to. Arnerlc.n llctnr. p.m, Moving l0 n. OI.ei.riam 1 1c.
Bkatlng, 10. Clliim Thratrt, North Sydnty, Moving Plfturc, g. "r.d.y Tbealret Moving 11 to II. Jlllar. 11.11: on "Mejleo." Ms.
Jt. J.nirV ll.lli sydnr.v M.ldrlg.1 Snclrtv, Kill? Mllkr'. Unmr Pirk R.cell fint, i n. FRENCH GOLF CHAMPIONSHIP. PARIS, 4.
A. Massy won the onen IWh ..11 The wound Inflicted wns slight. Tho President wns not told nhont tho it. In previous years been very heavy, have of Adin Bryant, and were dismissed. Bryant his follower, time to brluff matter, to) attend, but a number of headma.ter.
were present, and It wa. apparent from Jic outlet that opinion was divided a. to the slsdom of not mis year exceeded 30. Thc town of dent. UHUU hi woen called upon, a conclusion in tno caucus rooms, championship, defeating Vnrdon, James Princeton, 80 miles Jrom Kansas CItv.
has. Drum, ann j. H. Taylor. however, been half burnt down, as the re IN THE CAUCUS.
bonus 'St ualoal.t. b. requested tfTre ra froS, T. tending any KILLED BY A RUNAWAY. MISTAKEN PLEA OF GUILTY.
BATHUR8T. Wednesday. Willi. Loy annealed at lh Oit.rt.. Arnatid Ma.v.
ih.,. sult or the enreless handling of fireworks. It Is not known whether any lives have been lost there, POLITICS IN PERSIA. TEHERAN.
July 4. Numerous lelegrnnis liuvn been slnnol. I. evldentl. In A TURBULENT MEETING.
From Information that could be it. srh0.nrUone,'""l, 'n 'J10 ship one week, and to win tbe French onen championship specially meT" performance. This is not Mass', held beforo Judge Docker, to-day, against his conviction for having opium In hi. possession. HI.
Honor. In reviewing the facta, remarked cluttigeti between the Cnblnei nnd the He- OTTAWA, July B. The cathedra! at Kredertelon, Nc-Mrunswlck, wns yesterday struck hjr light- u.ue-uaion movement. Mr. Qr.nt, secretary ol the Political Labour League, wa.
voted to the chair. A heated debate took place, many of the member, ot the existing As.o-cla Ion apposing tho formation of another body. Tho chairman declined to accept formed," with the reault that too meeting became a very noisy one. -coimg declared tbe motion carried by 3S to A 'division wa. ml -a.
i Jh. object of the meeting 10 the room. Nearly irlw! 01 Uo" PTnM the lobble. ot the llouso last night wltn Kent, una ine lenders In the MeJIIss' Imv "eT 2 thit the' an amu.lng one. Loy had regard to the situation, tho persuaded Slimhdnh relurn rnmn: full caucsa nlng.
mill as ne won It In year also won ne interior or the edifice wss leeiiss Ihn Premiership which he resigned In llrlil.h open championshm si snd the chimes were ,,,1,, Inlght. died .1 on his own confession. As 11. matters was a particularly ortny one. Tm stormy one.
JMr' I 'LvXrS! ib" Professional atl building was regarded one of the "een A ItiS iTSL a proved to bo treacle, evidently some nI ",0 eountry members were found I heen mmmltted by some other person. I strongly arrayed against Mr. Nielsen nnestln Zn to the party that, In tha.