Your Unique Educational Journey - Durban Girls' …...2017/12/02  · Mexicanos, al grito de guerra El acero aprestad el bridon; retiemble en sus centros la tierra Al sonoro rugir - [PDF Document] (2024)

Your Unique Educational Journey

Senior Primary

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The Galleon | 2016 The Galleon | 2016

T he Galleon 2016 serves as a record of the year. It records the successes and achievements of

our school. It reflects on outings and relationships. The photographs are of happy, smiling girls who are relishing the opportunities they have been afforded on many fronts.

How we view success is indicative of our relationship with life. Whether it be parent or child, teacher or pupil, team or individual, it’s about what we do and when we do it, it’s how we do it and our attitudes when we do it. We have to connect not only with the opportunity but with those with whom we engage when afforded opportunities. All of this will contribute to our happiness.

Acting Head’s Report2016

Mahatma Gandhi defines happiness as ‘consistency between our values, thoughts and actions’”. This school magazine conveys happiness, and my prayer is that our values as a school will continue to underpin all we do to ensure ongoing happiness.

Our thoughts have an impact on our actions. Therefore, what we think, not only of ourselves, but also of others, influences the roles that others play in our lives, and subsequently effects the difference that we can make in theirs. Our actions must always contribute positively to our world - all needs to be in synergy if we are to experience true happiness.

Next year, Durban Girls’ College celebrates its 140th Birthday. What a privilege we have to be part of the fabric that makes our school. We will remain forever indebted to the forward thinking founders of this educational institution of excellence. They understood the value of educating young women, not only to uplift them, but to afford them their rightful place as contributors to the world at large.

Marianne Bailey

“Mahatma Gandhi defines happiness as consistency between our values, thoughts and actions.”

Acting Head’s Report

Senior Primary Grade 4 Grade 5 Grade 6 Grade 7 Prize Giving Library & Computer Monitresses Debating Music Groups Choir Sport Groups





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The Galleon | 2016 The Galleon | 2016


Galileo Galilei once said, ‘We cannot teach people anything; we can only help

them discover it within themselves’. If I had to sum up the Senior Primary at College, it would be with those words.

There’s a unique and intrinsic love for learning that emanates from girls in this phase; a natural curiosity about the world. Learning is so much more than a curriculum; it includes self-discovery, value systems, collaborative activities, reaching out beyond self, mindfulness, entrepreneurial pursuits, laughter, play…

Situated within the larger Durban Girls’ College framework, the Senior Primary seeks to foster an engender learning on all levels and is a life-long undertaking.

Critical thinking and problem-solving are considered ‘every-day’ and are the expected norm. On this stretch of their Unique Educational Journey, girls take a step closer in developing their ‘extraordinary’. Parents, teachers and girls together navigate the path. Walk this journey with us…

Lynne van DellenHead of Senior Primary

“Learning is so much more than a curriculum; it includes self-discovery, value systems, collaborative activities, reaching out beyond self, mindfulness, entrepreneurial pursuits, laughter, play…”

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The Galleon | 2016 The Galleon | 2016

Poem - Prize GivingGrade 4I still remember my first day of Grade 4 Starting a new journey of spreading our wings and beginning to soar.We felt like tiny fish in a humongous oceanQuickly learning to move in a fast pace motion.

A timetable to follow,different teachers for each lessonIt seemed as though this could be a horror session! Testing our organisational and responsibility skillsWas a new concept which gave us the chills.

In NaturalScience, Ms T taught us to make a plan, MAPAnd to always use our thinking capMathematics and puzzle maths really worked our brainAccording to Mrs Charter, when work is tough you have something to gain.

In art we got to be creativeMany artworks were drawn, coloured and painted.In SocialSciencewe did many interesting tasksWe learned so much about ancienthistory and the past.

The Olympic theme in English was over so fastThe actual day proved to be such a blast!

Because our anthems were so fineWe thought you should hear a snippetjust one last time.

“O Canada!Our home and native land!True patriot love in all thy sons command.

Mexicanos, al grito de guerra El acero aprestad el bridon; retiemble en sus centros la tierra Al sonoro rugir del canon.

Let us live and strive for freedom,In South Africa our land.”

Grade 4 C

Grade 4 T

Row 4: Bethel Mesele, Kate Wessels, Ntando Mhlongo, Nikiwe Magwaza, Roxanne Uys, Neo GabanakgosiRow 3: Mikha Maharaj, Emilia Beevor, Haseena Khan, Olwethu Mtshali

Row 2: Misbah Ismail, Isabella Mathysen, Sayana David, Ayesha Solwa, Kirsten Short, Avumile SibisiRow 1: Amelia Darby-Wade, Haniya Shahid, Netanya Dogan, Mrs Dale Charter, Sapna Singh, Noora Hassam, Johara Jeewa

Row 4: Siphiwokuhle Ngcobo, Inga Nxumalo, Iman Ally, Jia Patel, Rebecca Martin, Daniella BruwerRow 3: Adhya Dheyarm, Leah Droyman, Kimiera Jeewan, Ruhi Mudely

Row 2: Aaminah Vally, Danielle Bantjies, Payla Outar, Kadence Ribbink, Tyla Jones, Katelyn DhevpalRow 1: Tahlia Smith, Simran Pillay, Khanyanjalo Mkhwanazi, Ms Shirley Theron, Ruth Barkilign, Shriya Bhoora, Makayla Holmes

Shakaland was a truly remarkable experienceIn our thatch rondavels we were exposed to human coexistenceHesitantly, we tasted fresh Zulu beerPerformed Zulu dances and mastered how to throw a spear.

Dlinza Forest had plenty of plant and animal speciesFrom the tiny spiders spinning above our heads to the aerial walk through the trees.At the picnic site, if you were very stillOne could hear the calls of unique birds, including the ground hornbill.

Roman Day was one of our highlightsA huge thank you must go to our wonderful parents.

We built our own catapults, using marshmallows to fightWe devoured delicious food until there was no more in sight!

We have grown and matured throughout our Grade 4 yearAs we think back on the moments, it is hard not to shed a tear.

This wonderful year has almost come to an endWe’ve had wonderful teachers and gained new friends.

Thank youteachers,parents and friendsfor all the memories we have sharedWe will always appreciate your continuous support, love and care.

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The Galleon | 2016 The Galleon | 2016

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The Galleon | 2016 The Galleon | 2016

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The Galleon | 2016 The Galleon | 2016

Descriptive Writing

Water, Wind and Waves

The Confusion of the Currents

All that Shimmers can Change

Grade 5The surface of the sea was as clear as a crystal. A light breeze danced about. The waves slid over the sand.

Suddenly, a black blanket of swirling sea and sky bullied the sun and the bright sky. An enormous, brutal swell sneered at the little boat which was pummeled and tossed by the undefeatable power of the waves.

A deafening roar stopped everything. All was still and silent for a moment. The strong waves heaved onto the shore. One final, enormous roller lurched and a groan erupted from it. The roller crashed onto the seashore. The waves had finally admitted defeat.

The shimmering, sparkling, crystal-clear ocean had returned, sliding and lapping gently at the water’s edge.

Zahraa Ahmed

The sea can make you feel alive, scared. She can be friendly yet brutal, calm or roaring. At times, the sea is shy, with her waves lapping gently onto the shore, looking as clear as ever. You can spot every fish that swims past, and seaweed that floats gently by.

Sometimes the sea can be as angry as a raging bull, with its ears almost exploding with smoke. When the sea is angry, she rumbles, booms and roars, like there’s an enormous explosion, sucking away all the sunlight, making you feel like there’s none left in the world. When the sea is joyful, she dances like there was never a glum day in the world. Her waves shimmering beautifully in the sunlight, each and every one swishing onto the perfectly white sand of the shore.

The sea, a mystery, a confusion, an uplifting experience and sometimes even a comfort. She can be filled with happiness, but at the same time anger, but no matter what, she has her own and different type of beauty. You could say she’s like the thorn amongst the roses.

Kira Altshuler

I was calmly sitting on the beach, admiring the shimmering blue ocean playfully hitting the shoreline. A soft cool breeze came in from the ocean. I got up and walked to the water, enjoying the powdery white sand between my toes. I reached down to touch the water. Suddenly the sea opened its mouth and grabbed me in with one bite!

I didn’t know what to do. The brutal ocean, roaring, pulled me in. It tossed, turned and threw me around as if I was a rag doll. I tried screaming for help but all that did, was put water in my mouth. The water was no longer shimmering blue. It was greyish black. It was restless. Just then a massive wave curled and crashed on my face. Realization dawned on me; how would anyone ever find me? I was afraid and helpless. Then a flicker of hope. The sun peeped out from behind the clouds but the water started turning like a butter churn, foaming and frothing like a fanged wolf. It hadn’t ended. Just then I realized it was a HURRICANE and I had been in the eye of it. Again the waves crashed against my extremely fragile body. I was lifted into the air.

Even though I remember all the trauma that I had been through, it will never keep me from going to that shimmering blue ocean. I have not yet been conquered!

Husna Randeree

The Ocean’s Anger Far out from the ocean’s surface there was a ship with a white, clear sail. She looked down through the crystal clear water to the powdery white sand below. As she surfed through the calm, turquoise water she suddenly was surrounded by a black blanket of swirling sea and stormy sky. The booming breakers battered the shore as the clouds nudged the sun away.

The water below became grey, dark and cold. A massive wave roared as the wind howled and ripped the sail. The wave broke and looked like galloping white foam stallions. The ocean was restless. She started to fall as the waves crashed against her sides. Then a miracle happened. She found strength and lifted and pushed herself to the shore.

She lay on the shore for hours, as the brutal waves pounded over her. As the sun peered over the horizon, the blue sea shimmered like a diamond and the water became calm and smooth once more.

Stella d’Avice

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The Galleon | 2016 The Galleon | 2016

The Wreck

The Talking Ocean

The Wonders of Nature

When she left, the sea was smooth and calm. Although there was a gentle breeze, a sense of unease rippled through the crowd that had gathered to watch her leave. They knew that soon she would be surrounded by a blanket of swirling sea and a dark stormy sky.

All of a sudden, huge waves pounded the shore mercilessly. The sun disappeared and darkness descended upon the vast sea. She was pummeled and tossed by the brutal ocean. But she wasn’t about to throw in the towel just yet. She was trapped by the restless sea. Swirling white spray shot up into the air as she crashed against the rocks. She took one last breath before she was dragged down into the inky depths of the ocean.

Even in her watery grave, life surrounded her.

Anna Wesselink

It was early in the morning and I was getting ready to go on a cruise. Out of my window I saw my boat and underneath it was the vivid blue water that glittered like a million diamonds. The waves curved and lapped against the boat.

As we boarded, the blue surface of the sea sparkled like a rare jewel. We headed towards the island and as I looked at the ocean, the sea was crystal clear and smooth as silk. When we reached the island, the waves were lapping gently on the shore. The waves sent circles of water dancing around the rocks. As we relaxed on the island, the sea shimmered blue while silver streaks of light danced on the water. As I crept into the rock pool, I looked down through the crystal clear water to the powdery white sand below. Sadly, it was time to head back home. I watched as the waves rippled on the sand behind. It was the most beautiful and breathtaking cruise of my life. It was like a postcard of paradise.

Sarah Jeewa

As she walked along the beach, early in the morning, the sunrise blushed deep red as if it knew it was being admired.

She looked out to sea, watching the waves of sapphire calmly lap on the shore, shimmering in the sunlight, now and then covering the sand like a carpet of pure radiance. The clouds, ashen white, moved leisurely in the bright, sensational sunrise. Golden streaks of light danced across the water and a warm gentle breeze filled the air. Sleek dolphins leaped joyfully out of the crystal clear water. A smoothly painted brown and white, miniature boat sailed gradually into the harbour. The flaxen colour of the sun shone on everything making it look a beautiful contrast of gold, red and orange.

She sat down on the soft, golden sand and gazed out at the ocean, admiring the breath-taking surroundings. She was awestruck by the wonders of nature.

Zoë Pearson

Grade 5 D

Grade 5 T

Row 4: Georgie Stephenson, Jaime co*ckcroft, Rubeka Ahmed, Gabriella Benjamin, Madison Waller, Zoë PearsonRow 3: Georgi Denny, Lisa Janse van Rensburg, Megan Ambrose-Pillay, Anna Wesselink, Oyama Rabelemane, Antonia Beevor

Row 2: Ruby Puterman, Keira Williams, Yasti Subramoney, Hunter Cooper, Jessica Ramini, Sarah JeewaRow 1: Jordan Hanco*ck, Chanel de Jager, Emma Thornton, Mrs. Mercia De Welzen, Inam Hassan, Zareen Ahmed, Scarlett Lange

Row 4: Lutfiya Khan, Thanti Dwane, Marlise Pretorius, Aaliya MotalaRow 3: Kira Altshuler, Thando Mpanza, Ameerah Akoob, Miss Ripley Jones, Mrs Noreen Tweddell, Stella d’Avice, Zahraa Ahmed, Yusraa Moolla

Row 2: Ntokozo Khoza, Fatimah Ahmed, Zoë Grindrod, Milhan Maharaj, Arya Mehta, Milla di PaoloRow 1: Courtney Bell, Husna Randeree, Louisa Hanco*ck, Fatima-Zahra Amod, Genevieve Garreau, Tachiana Naicker, Alexandra Francois

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The Galleon | 2016 The Galleon | 2016

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The Galleon | 2016 The Galleon | 2016

Creative WritingGrade 6When you are a childFear ambushes your heartEats your happinessAnd burps out hatred

Rumaysa Wahab

My Special Place

I long to go to my special place. I long to go there and lose myself to a different world; a world of fantasy, where there is good and evil, heroes and villains, where the knights in shining armour rescue damsels in distress, where witches and wizards duel with magic.

I am welcomed into this fantasy world. I am sucked in and become part of it. The real world becomes distant, far away. It is no longer there. I am no longer me. I am someone. I am a princess, a warrior or even just a normal person. But sometimes my fantasy world isn’t so far from the real world, riddled with discrimination, slavery and war. It doesn’t matter though. We all need to learn about the horrors that happened long ago and are still happening. My mother calls me, but I cannot leave. Maybe I just don’t want to, but I have to.

I long to go to my special place. I long to go there and lose myself to a different world, to lose myself in a book, but I have to wait. The wait feels like eternity.

Tamara Sweetman

The Songs of My One-time Self

One little barefoot at a timetaking a step onto the warm, white . . . snow WARM SNOW?wait, wait, wait . . . it’s called SAND! Mauritius, with its beyond sky blue waveshuusssshh . . . sshh . . . huusssshh

Fruitsweet fruit scentsperfume the airmmmmmit’s light. It’s silky and sweetWhat a treatLays me back down again“Bye bye,” I sayBUT Mr Scent had run away

Clip, clip, clipWhat’s that?moving little orange crabsas if they were fireballsrunning across the warm snow – I mean SANDaaaaaaaah, I sayas the little fireballs run away

Sofi Wilson

When you are a childFear flutters in your bellyAnd blows out the light

Alyssia Mathysen

Anger steals your mindTakes away your breathThe hole in your heart is fresh

Charlotte Nicolson

Starry, Starry Night

Unperturbed and tranquil, serene and starry, the night was invigorated with the stars winking at me with impishness dancing in their eyes, and the wind ruffling my hair exuberantly. The air had a sense of safety with the stars guarding me like a sentinel, protecting me from any harm.

As I lay down on the luxuriously soft grass, I smelt crispness and freshly mown grass. Then slowly I felt my body relax and heard the rustle of the leaves as the wind jested with them, as if they were balls in a game of catch. I felt myself drifting off into my dreams when I noticed the pictures in the stars. There were cats and castles, birds and butterflies, flowers and fairies. I was lost in the world of the stars.

Soon I fell asleep with the stars wrapping their arms around me. I was snug and comfortable in the hands of these twinkling balls of light.

Hannah Hansa

Starry, Starry Night

The night, in the Midlands, was young. The moon rose full and proud, surrounded by a multitude of twinkling stars. As I lay on my plush, soft blanket, gazing up at the sky of silver stars, a gentle breeze kissed my face. The reflection of the dancing moon on the still dam, surrounded by a glittering reflection of stars was beautiful.

I lay captivated by their spectacular performance. I was drawn to look closer, each shining uniquely with its own seductive twinkle, to the music of the night. Cricket’s sang, frogs croaked, and a patter of buck’s hooves could be heard through the swaying trees. I lay still, overcome with peace, happiness and calm.

A leaf floated slowly, gently down from the nearby tree, tickling my nose on its way to land softly next to me. The stars continued to lure me with their beauty, comforting me as I slowly drifted off to a deep, peaceful sleep.

Hannah-Rose Massey-Hicks

My Special Place

On the path to my special place, tall tufts of grass tickle my feet as the roses let off their fragrant scent. The breeze begins to play with my hair, twisting and turning. I reach the giant, towering figure of my fig tree and soundlessly tiptoe towards my cosy corner.

Among the roots, speckled sunlight dances across my feet. The leaves move to and fro, swaying in the almost unnoticeable breeze, calmly hanging on to their branches. The shadows dance across a dancefloor made of grass as the sun unhurriedly begins its descent, making the sky blush a rosy tone.

I lie a bit longer until all I can see are the stars that are coming out to play, and then, I know I have to leave my special place.

Shannon Blades

Starry, Starry Night

‘Twas a cool winter’s night with not a cloud to be seen, and not a human to be heard. I sat on the step of my patio, gazing into a sea of stars, while the breeze tickled my back and the moon glistened in the night sky.

I slowly got up and lay down on the dew wet grass. All was calm and all was quiet. Faintly, the sound of water, flowing in a stream nearby, could be heard. Sunflowers were sleeping with their heads down. I shut my eyes and slowly dozed off, only to be awoken as the thunder grumbled and the lightning struck. My heart was pounding inside my chest as if I had just run a marathon. I opened my eyes. I was soaked with water. There were no more stars, just clouds instead. They swirled in a violent haze, as the rain gushed down on me.

I had never known the beauty of star gazing until then. I ran back inside to the warmth of the fire that was burning. To my amazement it was twelve thirty and way passed my bedtime.

Amy Sang

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The Galleon | 2016 The Galleon | 2016

The Songs of My One-Time Self

The joy of getting out of the yellow taxi Squeezing my mother’s hand Excitement crawling up my backI step into the park filled with the screeches of children I let go of my mother’s hand and run to the jungle gym Up I get onto the jungle gym Energy surging through my legsAs I see my favourite part of the parkThe monkey barsOne bar at a time Before I know it One drop of water splashes on my face Then my mother calls my name I run to her Squeeze her hand Take a glimpse at the sky Black clouds invading the blueBack in the yellow taxi again.

Amal Vaid

When I was a child

Saw lone stars at night and wondered why I could not, shine and glow that bright.

Johara Abdool-Samad

Wild Sea

The wild sea opens! Sucks me into its chamberSpits me out again

Alexandra Naidoo


Her gold, fearless lightand her rippling reflectionI love the sunshine

Sarah Sparks

Grade 6 J

Grade 6 MGrade 6 B

Row 4: Jessika Jiran, Luzé Vermaak, Nandi Magwaza, Monay MoutonRow 3: Thayuri Naidoo, Kelly Lewis, Elizabeth Modola, Hannah-Rose Massey-Hicks, Danni Wiseman

Row 2: Erin Donjeany, Hannah Hansa, Madison Bell, Amy Sang, Philasande Mkize, Aanya BholaRow 1: Faathima Solwa, Ariella Baitz, Pia Mehta, Ms Estelle Jordaan, Jenna Hampson, Sophie Bresler, Gemma Botha

Row 3: Sameeha Siddique, Sienna Campese, Prerna Narsai, Nomcebo Ngcobo, Sabrina Fivaz, Yasmin Perumal, Johara Abdool-Samad, Sarah Sparks

Row 2: Tazkia Abram, Annabelle Ireland, Shannon Blades, Alexandra Parry, Katia Economou, Ralitsa YumbaRow 1: Willow Eberle, Sibusisiwe Mazibuko, Caroline Chesire, Mrs Tessa McGee, Alice Saulez, Alexandra Naidoo, Amal Vaid

Row 3: Rumaysa Wahab, Nabeela Abdool, Serena Ramdhani, Alexia Geils, Kayleigh Batohi, Jenna Goedeke, Clea TurnerRow 2: Sonali Naidoo, Ella Macpherson, Sofi Wilson, Kathleen Javis, Julia Cropper, Cassidy Coombes, Kimayar Naidoo, Chiara PrinslooRow 1: Tamara Sweetman, Caylee Adams, Charlotte Nicolson, Ms Julianne Boonzaaier, Alyssia Mathysen, Maxine Baitz, Arya Baboolal

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The Galleon | 2016 The Galleon | 2016

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The Galleon | 2016 The Galleon | 2016

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The Galleon | 2016 The Galleon | 2016

Grade 7Creative Writing Grade 7 B

Creative Writing Grade 7 C

Dear Kitty

Jews.Us.We are the victims.Hated by all the Germans.All around innocent peoplebeing murdered and torturedall because the younghave been influenced by the wrong.A yellow star sewn onto our skinmarking us as outsiders.Different and unwanted.

In the distant night,a fire burns.Burning everything we’ve learnt from.Normal people who have been taught a terrible way.Too scared to speak against the perpetrator.Hitler.

Oh Kitty,Why are these people making awful mistakes?I wish they would learn and change.And make fair choices.To end this dreadful life-eating war.

I’m feeling mentally and physically alone.Doing nothing.Being silent.Escape seems impossible.Everything does,except death.

Jamie Rowe


The scorching sun leered from above, casing the sand in its intensified white heat.The shovels crashed into the sand, all serving their owners,and clashing with the specks of sand, swirling through the air.The blisters on my hand burned; breaking and bleeding,my jumpsuit hanging off my shoulders like sticky caramel.My shovel weighed me down, like the sky collapsing down onto me.I could almost feel my sanity leaving me, the bleakness of my time here at its strongest.Hauling my shovel up, I glanced at the others,all rubbing their sweaty, glistening brows.This torture would never end at this deathly prison.

Niwedita Bhata

My struggle

There is a vile smell in the airI have a coppery taste in my mouthmy ears are ringingsalt water wells in my eyes.

My legs can’t hold me any longer,I’ve been fighting for hoursmy heart is shatteredmy spirits are broken.

Blood has baptised the battlefieldbodies are scattered like dead fliesa scar of bright light hangs in the cauldron-black skythe war is over!

Layyah Timol

The Love of Power

The streets I once played in are now blazing with blinding flames of crimson, red and golden yellow

Streets full of shattered glassmy mind is full of furyas I watch the Gestapo angrilyrupture and fracture Jewish shops all because ofgreedall because of wanting powerit’s sickening!

The sky is a pitch black monsterit looks like it has swallowed the sun and we willneversee a ray of light again

One question plays on my mind and it’s slowly driving me insane “What makes me, a German, superior to a Jew?”Appearance? Hair colour? Eye colour?These are all skin deep qualities, If you try and list differences on the inside you can’t!

Our world will only know peace when the power of love is greaterthan the love of power.

Naila Essack

Man at War

I stood theremy back against the blazing sun,scattered among the ruins of everythingAn ancient yard of misery.

What was once a building,is now rubble.What was once hope,is now non-existent.Noises of gunfire pierce my eardrums,destroying and killing lives.

Troops are flooding the battlefieldawaiting the hated opponent.The nauseating odour of blood lingers through the air,the city is baptised in red.We are at war!

Zuhairaa Ally


Depression is grey.It tastes blandand it smells like a thick cloud of smoke in which you can barely breathe.Depression looks like the whole world is grey, with no joy.It sounds like all the judgement and harshwords everyone has said to you.It feels like a thousand knives stabbingat your heart and all that is good in the world has vanished.It feels like no one in the world cares about youand you don’t even care anymore.

Aimeé Ash

Heil Hitler

An incredible man,A powerful personality.Heil Hitler.

Our saviour,Our hero.Heil Hitler.

He grants us endless promises,He will make Germany’s problems disappear!Heil Hitler.

Our guiding hand.The light at the end of the tunnel.Heil Hitler.

Josephine Zietkiewicz


Tear and fear,Panic and pain,Shrapnel and shame,That is War

Captive and then captured,Maiming and then shaming,Breathing and then seething,That is War

Weeping and wailing,Clutching and clasping,Dealing and wheeling,That is War

Hoping and then coping,Mourning and then scorning,Violence and then silence,That is War

Laila Haniff

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The Galleon | 2016 The Galleon | 2016

Seeking Refuge

The war has changed my life, deprived me of my home and my family,Left me all alone.I seek refuge in other countries, but I am quickly turned away.I wonder aimlessly, like a sheep I follow the flock from one refugee camp to another.

Food is scare.My stomach is filled with a constant emptiness.The hunger makes my mind weary, my body weak.My vision becomes blurred as the world crumbles around me.Massive bombs hurtle towards the ground, obliterating everything in their path, Turning buildings into ashes, lives into deaths.Jews being executed daily, but the genocide doesn’t seem to be coming to an end.

The war is at its peak, but yet, I travel further.I don’t know how long I can keep going, each step is a painful struggle.Death is waiting patiently for me, all hope is slowly fading, but I must carry on because every step takes me closer to the war’s end.

Melissa Githinji

My Journey

I have a dream that we will be saved,The train taking us from the war zoneWill free us from our enemy

I have a dream we will surviveTo tell the world what is happening,to innocent people caught in this unfortunate situation

During the long sleepless nights, I think of all I’ve lostMy family, my country,Safe now, but so alone

But what about my mother?When will I see her again?I dream, one day we will be reunited

The fear, the heartache and separation,Will be healed by our meeting again.

I know that my mother’s dream was to ensure that her children were safeShe couldn’t have shown any greater loveAnd she achieved her ultimate dream

Mother, you gave us lifeAnd your dream saved our lives once again.

Saabira Amod

The Perpetrator

In frightening silence, hiding in wait.Hoping to strike, deciding our fate.Wearing your patience, and self-control.These overwhelming thoughts have taken their toll.Gassing each chamber, draining red crimson.Heart beating fast, shaking so hard.Nothing can stop it, no way to discard.Feeling lightheaded, stumbling around.Landing upon the cold concrete ground.Takes a last breath, time’s running thin.Life pours out from the veins from within.Lying and wondering when death will grab hold.With evil, dark hands and a piercing cold.

Kiara Jeewan

Creative Writing Grade 7 S


Imagine hearing something so often,You actually believe it’s true.Call it what you want.Brainwashing,Influenceor even Psychological warfare.But I only know one word for it,PROPAGANDA.It consumes you in what is like a warm hug.Making you believe that something good will happen.But once it spits you out and reveals its true self,There’s no going back to stop it.It is like Pinocchio.It lies to you,But its nose doesn’t grow.So what it says must be true.

Rebecca Winter

An empty playground after break

Echoes of children’s laughter left behind. Swings creaking, like old tattered rocking chairs, blowing in the wind. The tree’s shadow, alone, exposed, as it stands on its own having no one to swallow up and hold hostage from the sunshine. Memories imprinted as footprints scattered on the cold, parched sand. The grass shakes from the chill in the air; the wind gives no mercy. The desolate playground slumbers in sadness, waiting to awaken to the rise of the infants’ joy.

Rhea Ramlal

The Colour of Me

As the sun rises, happiness fills me. Suddenly I am bouncing on my head. I’m as energetic as a cheetah racing to catch its prey. I am like a yellow sunflower blooming in an open field, with its petals stretched at their widest. I am as sweet as a ripe yellow mango, hard on the outside, but soft and slushy on the inside. I am like the sun, shining my rays over everyone, lifting their spirits. The colour of me is yellow.

Talia Schneiderman

Out on the Barren Land

Out on the Barren LandThe scorching sunSuffocates meWith its intense heat.I can feel the beads of sweat,Trickling down my face.Slowly, I raise my shovelAnd stab it into the dehydrated ground.I try again,This time with more strength and confidence.My hands are swollen and rawBright, red blisters begin to form.

My throat is parched,Desperate for refreshing water.The hole mocks me, refusing to grow.The hole is like a never-ending Nightmare.Each time I dig, It becomes more difficult toPenetrate through the shifty, sandy surface.

I’m close to finishing this hole of torture.About to finish,I push my shovel into the coarse sand.I dig up the remaining dirt.It’s finished.I turn and spit.

Yusra Lombard

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The Galleon | 2016 The Galleon | 2016

Grade 7 B

Row 4: Jaishree Jaiswal, Henriette Winkelmann, Jamie Rowe, Margot van Rooyen, Upanwita Nath, Jordyn WakelingRow 3: Jenna Power-Wilson, Faatimah Vawda, Holly Piper, Mikhaela Odayan, Yaseera Jazbhay

Row 2: Jessica McCarthy, Sabiha Jooma , Rebecca Darby-Wade, Kasey Mafu, Zuhairaa Ally, Zamanguni MnguniRow 1: Sumayya Peer, Niwedita Bhatta, Layyah Timol, Mrs Julie Bresler, Yumna Mahomedy, Rosalie Brouckaert, Naila Essack

Grade 7 C

Row 3: Jenna Cole, Mishka Mallick, Tao Ellender, Josephine Zietkiewicz, Jamie Anderson, Melissa Githinji, Saabira AmodRow 2: Mishara Naidoo, Ayaka Poswa, Jenna Pearson, Jaimee Savic, Esihle Zondo, Aimeé Ash

Row 1: Kira Ribbink, Stella Oglesby, Sisanda Mabusela, Mrs Beverley Campbell, Kelly Forde, Kiara Jeewan, Laila Haniff

Grade 7 S

Row 3: Alyssa De Freitas, Georgia Schaefer, Tasmin Hastings, Mia Paton, Chloe Waller, Rhea Ramlal, Rebecca Winter, Georgia BruwerRow 2: Diyajal Baboolal, Lara-Leigh Jones, Yusra Lombard, Sophie Rebeck, Ciarla Scheepers, Aaryana Singh

Row 1: Talia Schneiderman, Claire Vryenhoek, Jordan Francois, Miss Kathryn Smith, Kasmir Pillay, Leah Kiratu, Jade Reddy

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The Galleon | 2016 The Galleon | 2016

Grade 7PhotographicCompetition Winners

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The Galleon | 2016 The Galleon | 2016

Prize GivingGrade 4

Merit Certificate for Academic Achievement:

Zaara Francis, Misbah Ismail, Haseena Khan, Mikha Maharaj, Rebecca Martin, Bethel Mesele, Khanya Mkhwanazi, Jia Patel, Sapna Singh, Ayesha Solwa and Aaminah Vally

Achievement Certificates:Perseverance: Adhya Dheyaram, Tyla Jones, Kirsten Short and Avumile Sibisi

Courtesy and Consideration: Mikha Maharaj 4C and Leah Droyman 4T

Special Prizes:

Jennifer Gaul Shield for Dedicated Service to the Orchestra: Kiara Jeewan

The Bach Bust for Excellence in Music:Tasmin Hastings

Jennings Trophy for Perseverance:Jessica McCarthy and Holly Piper

Bernice Gerber Trophy for English:Jenna Pearson

Excellence in English:Zuhairaa Ally, Saabira Amod, Niwedita Bhatta, Melissa Githinji, Jamie Rowe and Chloe Waller

Lia Edkins Trophy for EnglishNon-mother tongue: Upanwita Nath

Noreen Tweddell Trophy for Spoken English:Yumna Mahomedy, Jenna Pearson and Chloe Waller

Dianne Stewart Trophy for Creative Writing:Niwedita Bhatta and Jenna Pearson

Outstanding Contribution to Debating:Chloe Waller

Sue Martens Prize for Afrikaans:Jamie Rowe

Excellence in Afrikaans:Zuhairaa Ally, Naila Essack and Jenna Pearson

Estelle Jordaan Trophy for Creative Writing in Afrikaans:Yusra Lombard

IsiZulu Trophy: Esihle Zondo

Excellence in IsiZulu: Melissa Githinji

Jiara Rama Trophy for Zulu Non-mother tongue: Tasmin Hastings

Gwen Williams Mathematics Trophy and Prize: Jenna Pearson

Excellence in Mathematics:Saabira Amod, Niwedita Bhatta, Rosalie Brouckaert, Melissa Githinji, Kiara Jeewan, Mishara Naidoo, Upanwita Nath, Jamie Rowe, Claire Vryenhoek and Chloe Waller

Van Wyk Trophy and Prize for Natural Sciences: Mishara Naidoo

Excellence in Natural Sciences:Saabira Amod, Rosalie Brouckaert, Melissa Githinji, Tasmin Hastings, Kiara Jeewan, Upanwita Nath, Jenna Pearson, Jamie Rowe, Chloe Waller and Rebecca Winter

Taryn du Plessis Trophy for Social Sciences:Jenna Pearson

Excellence in Social Sciences:Saabira Amod, Rosalie Brouckaert, Melissa Githinji, Kiara Jeewan, Jamie Rowe and Chloe Waller

The Economic and Management Sciences Prize: Jamie Rowe

Excellence in Economic and Management Sciences: Zuhairaa Ally, Aimeé Ash, Melissa Githinji, Kiara Jeewan, Jenna Pearson, Layyah Timol, Josephine Zietkiewicz and Chloe Waller

Sandy Wingfield Visual Arts Trophy and Prize: Holly Piper

Grade 5

Merit Certificate for Academic Achievement:

Fatimah Ahmed, Zahraa Ahmed, Kira Altshuler, Zoë Grindrod, Jordan Hanco*ck, Louisa Hanco*ck, Lutfiyah Khan, Tachiana Naicker, Zoë Pearson, Husna Randeree, Georgina Stephenson, Anna Wesselink and Yasti Subramoney

Achievement Certificates:Consistent Good Work: Courtney Bell, Chanél De Jager, Alexandra Francois, Keira Williams and Lisa Janse Van Rensburg

Courtesy and Consideration: Kira Altshuler 5T and Georgina Stephenson 5D

Grade 6

Merit Certificate for Academic Achievement:

Johara Abdool-Samad, Tazkia Abram, Shannon Blades, Sabrina Fivaz, Hannah Hansa, Sonali Naidoo, Sameeha Siddique, Sarah Sparks, Faathima Solwa, Tamara Sweetman and Danni Wiseman

Achievement Certificates:Consistent Good Work: Nabeela Abdool, Caylee Adams, Amy Sang, Clea Turner and Rumaysa Wahab

Commitment and Progress: Erin Donjeany and Hannah-Rose Massey-Hicks

Diligence and Positive Attitude:Jessika Jiran and Serena Ramdhani

A very special award for someone who has shown both diligence and positive attitude, and perseverance and effort: Annabelle Ireland

Courtesy and Consideration: Julia Cropper 6B, Nandi Magwaza 6J and Katia Economou 6M

Grade 7

Merit Certificate for Academic Achievement:

Zuhairaa Ally, Saabira Amod, Niwedita Bhatta, Melissa Githinji, Kiara Jeewan, Mishara Naidoo, Upanwita Nath, Jenna Pearson, Jamie Rowe, Chloe Waller and Rebecca Winter

Achievement Certificates:

Consistent Good Work: Rosalie Brouckaert, Naila Essack, Tasmin Hastings, Leah Kiratu, Yumna Mahomedy, Sophie Rebeck, Georgia Schaefer, Layyah Timol, Claire Vryenhoek, and Josephine Zietkiewicz

Diligence and Positive Attitude: Laila Haniff, Mikhaela Odayan and Jenna Power-Wilson

Perseverance and Effort:Jamie Anderson, Jordan Francois, Jaishree Jaiswal, Mia Paton, Rhea Ramlal and Henriette Winkelmann

Courtesy and Consideration: Zamanguni Mnguni 7B, Mishara Naidoo 7C and Rebecca Winter 7S

Brenda Dey-van Heerden Trophy for Drama:Rosalie Brouckaert and Georgia Schaefer

Noreen Tweddell Trophy for Best Drama Performance in the Grade 7 Production, ‘The Tale of Three Towns’: Ayaka Poswa and Talia Schneideman

Certificates for Outstanding Performances in the Grade 7 Production, ‘The Tale of Three Towns’: Zuhairaa Ally, Tao Ellender, Naila Essack, Sisanda Mabusela, Rhea Ramlal, Chloe Waller, Rebecca Winter and Josephine ZietkiewiczPentecost Award for All-Round Involvement in the Junior School:Melissa Githinji and Chloe Waller

Heather Cross Trophy and Robin Coller Award for Good Fellowship:Saabira Amod

Glenda Macleod Trophy for Personal Growth and Concern for Others: Josephine Zietkiewicz

Latimer Trophy for Courtesy and Consideration: Rebecca Winter

Barbara Reeves Trophy for Runner up to Dux: Jamie Rowe

Lana Lapinsky Prize for Dux of the Junior School, Staff Trophy for Dux and Board of Governors’ Scholarship for Dux of the Junior School: Jenna Pearson

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The Galleon | 2016 The Galleon | 2016

Grade 8Scholarships

Ken Mackenzie Music Scholarship:Niwedita Bhatta, Julia Burnett, Tasmin Hastings and Luca Tarboton

Goss Boarding Scholarship:Alicia Chigwaja, Georgina Church,

DGC Boarding Scholarship:Courtney De Matteis and Keylah Groenewald

Frank Reynolds Scholarship:Keara Dunford and Isabella Hagemann

IP Mason Scholarship:Amanda Holmes,

Walter Greenacre Scholarship:Dhiya Maharaj

Margaret Christison Scholarship:Kylie Misdorp

CE James Scholarship:Jenna Pearson

Gladys Niven Scholarship:Mila Rezac

E Middleton Scholarship:Kira Ribbink

W F Churchill Scholarship:Olivia Shabbart

Madge Greenacre Scholarship:Jodie Smart

Edna Burford Scholarship:Margot van Rooyen

George Carter Scholarship:Chloe Waller

Heather Cross Memorial Bursary:Erin Watson

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Library &Computers

Computer Monitresses Library Monitresses

Row 2: Rosalie Brouckaert, Lara-Leigh Jones, Claire Vryenhoek, Niwedita BhattaRow 1: Josephine Zietkiewicz, Sophie Rebeck, Mrs Sally Goldman, Jamie Rowe, Jaishree Jaiswal

Row 2: Melissa Githinji, Georgia Schaefer, Georgia Bruwer, Holly PiperRow 1: Jenna Pearson, Tasmin Hastings, Mrs Angela White, Chloe Waller, Saabira Amod

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The Galleon | 2016 The Galleon | 2016


Debating Team

Row 3: Alexandra Parry, Sophie Bresler, Pia Mehta, Nomcebo Ngcobo, Sabrina Fivas, Prerna NarsaiRow 2: Arya Baboolal, Kathleen Jarvis, Katia Economou, Sarah Sparks, Ella Macpherson, Kimayar Naidoo

Row 1: Kasmir Pillay, Jaishree Jaiswal, Mia Paton, Mrs Julie Bresler, Chloe Waller, Jamie Anderson, Rebecca Darby-Wade

Music Groups


Row 4: Jenna Pearson, Nikiwe Magwaza, Nomcebo Ngcobo, Prerna Narsai, Serena Ramdhani, Thanti Dwane, Zoë GrindrodRow 3: Ntokozo Khoza, Megan Ambrose Pillay, Sonali Naidoo, Katia Economou, Madison Bell, Arya Baboolal

Row 2: Melissa Githinji, Niwedita Bhatta, Tasmin Hastings (Orchestra Leader), Ms Petra Conrads, Kiara Jeewan (Deputy Orchestra Leader), Claire Vryenhoek

Row 1: Rebecca Martin, Leah Droyman, Chanél De Jager, Keira Williams, Amelia Darby-Wade

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The Galleon | 2016 The Galleon | 2016

Grade 4 Marimba Band

Grade 6 Marimba Band

Grade 5 Marimba Band

Row 3: Emilia Beevor, Jia Patel, Nikwe Magwaza, Khanyanjalo Mkhwanazi, Iman Ally, Olwethu MtshaliRow 2: Kate Wessels, Daniella Bruwer, Master Calvin Human, Makayla Holmes, Ntando Mhlongo

Row 1: Kirsten Short, Kimiera Jeewan, Haseena Khan, Zaara Francis

Row 3: Ariella Baitz, Alexia Geils, Nomcebo Ngcobo, Elizabeth ModolaRow 2: Annabelle Ireland, Cassidy Coombes, Master Calvin Human, Danni Wiseman, Ralitsa Yumba

Row 1: Ariella Baitz, Philasande Mkize, Jenna Goedeke, Caroline Chesire, Nandi Magwaza

Row 3: Anna Wesselink, Megan Ambrose Pillay, Gabriella Benjamin, Jaime co*ckcroft, Georgina Stephenson, Fatimah AhmedRow 2: Jordan Hanco*ck, Zoë Grindrod, Master Calvin Human, Zoë Pearson, Louisa Hanco*ck

Row 1: Georgina Denny, Ruby Puterman, Jessica Ramini, Milla Di Paolo, Keira Williams

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Row 7: Aimeé Ash, Elizabeth Modola, Sophie Bresler, Sisanda Mabusela, Melissa Githinji, Pia Mehta, Yasmin Perumal, Nandi MagwazaRow 6: Sonali Naidoo, Ruth Barkilign, Ntando Mhlongo, Alice Saulez, Kiara Jeewan, Jenna Goedeke, Clea Turner,

Sarah Sparks, Shannon BladesRow 5: Annabelle Ireland, Caylee Adams, Caroline Cheshire, Monay Mouton, Nikiwe Magwaza, Madison Bell, Maxine Baitz,

Ralitsa Yumba, Cassidy Coombes, Sofi WilsonRow 4: Sibusisiwe Mazibuko, Milahn Maharaj, Erin Donjeany, Zoë Pearson, Jaime co*ckcroft, Ella Macpherson, Georgie Stephenson,

Khanyanjalo Mkhwanazi, Oyama Rabelemane, Row 3: Milla Di Paolo, Antonia Beevor, Aanya Bhola, Chanél De Jager, Yasti Subramoney, Iman Ally, Emilia Beevor, Jessi Ramini

Row 2: Jenna Pearson, Jamie Anderson, Jordan Francois (Deputy Choir Leader), Ms Petra Conrads, Josephine Zietkiewicz (Choir Leader), Rebecca Darby-Wade (Deputy Choir Leader), Lara-Leigh Jones

Row 1: Olwethu Mtshali, Gemma Botha, Courtney Bell, Charlotte Nicolson, Alexandra Francois, Leah Droyman, Amelia Darby-Wade, Tahlia Smith, Makayla Holmes

ChoirSenior Primary

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Sport GroupsAthletics

Row 4: Nikiwe Magwaza, Saabira Amod, Jenna Hampson, Sisanda Mabusela, Stella Oglesby, Jordan Francois, Marlise Pretorius, Jaime co*ckcraftRow 3: Kira Altshuler, Stella D’Avice, Danni Wiseman, Madison Waller, Anna Wesselink, Zoey Grindrod

Row 2: Katelyn Dhevpal, Haseena Khan, Jia Patel, Yasti Subramoney, Jessica Ramini, Kadence RibbinkRow 1: Milla Di Paolo, Kira Ribbink, (Coach) Bianca Von Bargen, Henriette Winkelmann (Coach) Wilma Van Niekerk,

Hunter Cooper, Louisa Hanco*ck

House Captains

Row 2: Josie Zietkiewicz, Jenna Cole, Jordan Francois, Jenna Power-Wilson, Stella Oglesby, Jamie RoweRow 1: Esihle Zondo, Mia Paton, Rosie Brouckaert, Kira Ribbink, Sophie Rebeck, Margot Van Rooyen

Netball & HockeyTour

Row 3: Elizabeth Modola, Jamie Rowe, Josephine Zietkiewicz, Chloe Waller, Mishka MallickRow 2: Amy Sang, Sienna Campese, Jaimee Savic, Stella Oglesby, Esihle Zondo, Danni Wiseman

Row 1: Kira Ribbink, Saabira Amod, Kelly Forde, Sophie Rebeck, Margot Van Rooyen, Mia Paton, Faatimah Vawda

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U13 Netball

Row 5: Rhea Ramlal, Mia Paton, Jamie Rowe, Chloe Waller, Sisanda Mabusela, Tao EllenderRow 4: Stella Oglesby, Yusra Lombard, Melissa Githinji, Jaishree Jaiswal, Georgia Bruwer

Row 3: Cairla Scheepers, Mikhaela Odayan, Ayaka Poswa, Jaimee Savic, Yaseera Jazbhay, Aimee AshRow 2: Kelly Forde, Saabira Amod (Captain), Mrs Tessa McGee, Margot Van Rooyen (Vice-Captain), Josie Zietkiewicz

Row 1: Kasmir, Pillay, Esihle Zondo, Faatimah Vawda, Sabiha Jooma, Jade Reddy.


Row 2: Jenna Power-Wilson, Georgia Schaefer, Stella Oglesby, Melissa GithinjiRow 1: Leah Kitaru, Sienna Campese, Kelly Forde, Charlotte Nicolson, Talia Schneiderman

Swimming Team A

Row 3: Marlise Pretorius, Emma Thornton, Alexia Geils, Sabrina Fivaz, Ariella Baitz, Gaby BenjaminRow 2: Alex Parry, Kadence Ribbink, Chanel De jager, Kira Altshuler, Anna Wesselink, Daniella Bruwer, Georgie Stephenson

Row 1: Mia Paton, Esihle Zondo, Kira Ribbink, Margot Van Rooyen, Holly Piper, Jenna Power-Wilson, Jaimee Savic

Row 4: Ralitsa Yumba, Danni Wiseman, Serena Ramdhani, Elizabeth Modola, Sabrina Fivaz, Georgia Bruwer, Sienna Campese, Alyssia Mathysen, Katia Economou

Row 3: Antonia Beevor, Erin Donjeany, Milahn Maharaj, Lutfiyah Khan, Kate Wessels, Jia Patel, Hunter Cooper, Jessi RaminiRow 2: Leah Droyman, Mikha Maharaj, Genevieve Garreau, Ruby Puterman, Rebecca Martin, Kirsten Short, Isabella Mathysen

Row 1: Mikhaela Odayan, Holly Piper, Georgia Schaefer, Kelly Forde, Mia Paton, Stella Oglesby, Jaimee Savic, Sofi Wilson

Swimming Team B

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Row 4: Gabriella Benjamin, Jenna Goedeke, Alex Parry, Sienna Campese, Elizabeth Modola, Jenna Hampson, Ariella Baitz, Marlise Pretorius, Alyssia, Mathysen, Erin Donjeany

Row 3: Kate Wessels, Ella Macphearson, Cassidy Coombes, Danni Wiseman, Charlotte Nicolson, Kelly Lewis, Alice Saulez, Caroline Cheshire, Ralitsa Yumba, Sofi Wilson

Row 2: Daniella Bruwer, Haseena Khan, Mikha Maharaj, Ntokoza Khoza , Tayla Allen, Georgie Stephenson, Georgie Stephenson, Hunter Cooper, Jess Ramini, Genevieve Garreau, Isabella Mathysen

Row 1: Kira Ribbink, Esihle Zondo, Kelly Forde, Stella Oglesby, Mia Paton, Margot Van Rooyen, Henriette Winkleman, Jordyn Wakeling, Jaimee Savic, Alexia Geils, Kadence Ribbink

Waterpolo Tour

Row 3: Alexia Geils, Elizabeth Modola, Jenna HampsonRow 2: Alex Parry, Danni Wiseman, Ariella Baitz, Kelly Forde, Stella Oglesby

Row 1: Esihle Zondo, Mia Paton, Margot Van Rooyen, Jordyn Wakeling, Jaimee Savic

Junior KZNRepresentatives

Row 2: Kira Ribbink, Claire Vryenhoek, Aaryana Singh, Danni WisemanRow 1: Sophie Rebeck, Margot Van Rooyen, Elizabeth Modola, Esihle Zondo

Cross Country

Row 3: Monay Mouton, Prerna Narsai, Sophie Rebeck, Stella Oglesby, Jenna Hampson, Charlotte Nicolson, Katia EconomouRow 2: Hunter Cooper, Stella D’Avice, Hannah-Rose Massey-Hicks, Rosalie Brouckaert, Shannon Blades, Zoe Grindrod

Row 1: Alex Francois, Jessi Ramini, Jordan Francois, Kira Ribbink, Danni Wiseman, Genevieve Garreau, Kadence Ribbink

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The Galleon | 2016 The Galleon | 2016


Row 7: Emma Thornton, Jenna Hampson, Jaimee Savic, Jamie Anderson, Pia Metha, Alexia Geils, Nomcebo Ngcobo, Elizabeth Modola, Mishka Mallick, Jordyn Wakeling, Jaishree Jaiswal, Ariella Baitz,

Row 6: Jenna Pearson, Nandi Magwaza, Alex Parry, Sienna Campese, Lara-leigh Jones, Rebecca Darby-Wade, Jenna Power-Wilson, Georgia Bruwer, Sophie Bresler, Inaam Hassan, Esihle Zondo, Serena Ramdhani, Yaseera Jazbhay

Row 5: Caylee Adams, Nthando Mhlongo, Zama Mnguni, Marlise Pretorius, Aimeé Ash, Zandile Mafu, Ciarla Scheepers, Charlotte Nicolson, Alyssia Mathysen, Anabelle Ireland, Clea Turner

Row 4: Thando Mpanza, Zoe Pearson, Hannah-Rose Massey-Hicks, Philasande Mkize, Katia Economou, Caroline Cheshire, Maxine Baitz, Danni Wiseman, Ralitsa Yumba, Rosie Brouckaert, Milahn Maharaj, Georgie Stephenson, Madison Waller

Row 3: Hunter Cooper, Tayla Allen, Jade Reddy, Zoe Grindrod, Anna Wesselink, Meghan Pillay, Kira Altshuler, Kate Wessels, Cassify Coombes, Sofi Wilson, Jia Patel, Erin Donjeany

Row 2: Haseena Khan, Olwethu Mtshali, Tamara Sweetman, Arya Baboolal, Kira Ribbink, Chanel De Jager, Natanya Dogan, Ntokoza Khoza, Ruby Puterman, Georgie Denny, Rebekah Martin, Sumayya Peer

Row 1: Avumile Sibisi, Talia Smith, Jordan Hanco*ck, Kirsten Short, Courtney Bell, Kelly Forde, Sophie Rebeck, Talia Schneiderman, Leah Droyman, Isabella Mathysen, Scarlet Lange, Kadence Ribbink, Daniella Bruwer

Floor: Georgia Schaefer, Sabrina Fivas, Mia Paton, Stella Oglesby, Chloe Waller, Jamie Rowe, Josie Zietkiewicz

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The Galleon | 2016 The Galleon | 2016

JourneyBrand ThemeDurban Girls’ College is a journey, in multiple senses of the word. It is a journey through academic, cultural and sporting endeavours. A journey of the world at large. A journey of the self.

Class of 2016

Your Unique Educational Journey - Durban Girls' …...2017/12/02  · Mexicanos, al grito de guerra El acero aprestad el bridon; retiemble en sus centros la tierra Al sonoro rugir - [PDF Document] (2024)


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Name: Jamar Nader

Birthday: 1995-02-28

Address: Apt. 536 6162 Reichel Greens, Port Zackaryside, CT 22682-9804

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Job: IT Representative

Hobby: Scrapbooking, Hiking, Hunting, Kite flying, Blacksmithing, Video gaming, Foraging

Introduction: My name is Jamar Nader, I am a fine, shiny, colorful, bright, nice, perfect, curious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.